A large number of studies show that weight control important MC4R gene coding region and regulatory region of variants that exist with individual control of appetite, weight, fat deposition and regulation of energy balance a strong correlation. Based on the yak blood DNA extraction, and then on the MC4R gene 3 'end sequence was amplified and measured their DNA sequences. By and between yak and ordinary cattle MC4R gene to the 3 'end sequence comparison and found that MC4R gene on the 1st Yak 3' 638bp yak on the 3rd and the MC4R gene 3 'end of the 709bp mutation occurred, the general cattle MC4R gene 3 'end of 1069 and 1122bp and the yak with ethnic differences.
Large amount of point and individual studying the data indicates important gene MC4R code area , weight controls and regulating and controlling the dissociation place that area there exists in middle controls appetite , weight , fat deposition and energy balance adjustment display strong correlativity. Drawing the main body of a book is passed to Poeephagus grunniens blood DNA, 3' holds array go along then to MC4R gene expand increase , measure out and whose DNA fragment array. Compare by the fact that 3' holds an array's to the gene carrying out MC4R between Poeephagus grunniens as well as composing in reply an average cattle , discover 1 number Poeephagus grunniens MC4R gene 3' holds 638 bp 3' holds 709 bp places place with 3 numbers Poeephagus grunniens MC4R gene dissociation happened, average cattle MC4R gene 3' holds 1069 and 1122 bp place and Poeephagus grunniens having had race difference.
(按年度)发表论文(70余篇,其中被SCI收录的30篇,国际会议论文8篇)⒈ 苏少晨,祁涛,丁艳平,张静,赵善廷,王建林,赵望泓. 牙齿缺失对小鼠空间学习记忆能力的影响. 牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志(Chin J Conserv Dent),2009,Vol. 19⑵:77-80.⒉ Zhao W,Dai F,Bonafede A,Schäfer S,Jung M,Yusuf F,Gamel AJ,Wang J,Brand-Saberi B. Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor,Trichostatin A,Affects Gene Expression Patterns during Morphogenesis of Chicken Limb Buds in vivo. Cells Tissues Organs. 2009 Jan 16. [Epub ahead of print]. (SCI收录)⒊ 王丽英,朱磊,王建林. 大鼠肾近曲小管、远曲小管和集合管璧厚的性别差异. 四川动物,Vol. 28,2009,118-119.⒋ Yuan G,Ma J,Ye W,Bai Z,Wang J. Macroanatomy of coronary arteries in Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),Vet Res Commun. 2009,. (SCI收录)⒌ Chengjuan Gao,Baoping Shao,Jinghong Ma,Shiyuan Yu and Jianlin Wang. Anatomical and histochemical characteristics of the lacrimal glands in bactrian camels(Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 2:162-167,2008. (SCI收录)⒍ Xiaoyan Peng,Wenling Ye,Guoqiang Yuan,Huifang Zhang and Jianlin Wang. Morphology of the lingual papillae of bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 2:173-180,2008. (SCI收录)⒎ Chen J,Bai Z,Gao C,Wang J. Morphology of Rhinencephalon and Hippocampal formation of the Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus) with their adaptive features. Vet Res Commun. 2008 Jul 5. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI收录)⒏ 高承娟,马景红,俞诗源,王建林. 双峰驼泪腺的解剖学与组织化学特点,解剖学杂志(Chinese Journal of Anatomy)2008,⑹: 795-798⒐ 赵望泓,张静,Beate Brand-Saberi,王建林,不同浓度Trichostatin A对鸡胚肢芽发育的影响,解剖学报,2008,39⑸,728-733⒑ Wenling YE,Xiaoyan PENG,Zhongtian BAI,Guoqiang YUAN,and Jianlin WANG,Gross anatomical studies on the tongue of Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 1:95-101,2008. (SCI收录)⒒ Lei ZHU,Chun YANG,Xie Zhao-Hui and Jianlin WANG. MORPHOLOGY AND MORPHOMETRY OF OVARIAN FOLLICLES OF THE ADULT BACTRIAN CAMEL (Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 1:103-108,2008. (SCI收录)⒓ Jingchen Chen,Chengjuan Gao,Zhongtian Bai and Jianlin Wang. Morphology of the brain of the Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus) foetus,Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 1:109-111,2008. (SCI收录)⒔ Zhao-Hui Xie and Jianlin Wang. Magnetic resonance of the brain of the Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 1:111-116,2008. (SCI收录)⒕ Shao BP,Ding YP,Yu SY,Wang JL,The arterial supply of the eye of the yak (Bos Grunniens). Res Vet Sci. 2008 Apr;84⑵:174-7.. (SCI收录)⒖ Qiu-Sheng SHE,Hai-Yan LI,Jian-Lin WANG and Zhong-Tian BAI. Topographic anatomy and morphometry of the metacarpus and phalanges in adult Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 2:143-149,2007. (SCI收录)⒗ Jingchen Chen,Chengjuan Gao,Zhongtian Bai and Jianlin Wang. Morphological comparisons of the brain of the Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus) between a near term foetus and the adult,Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 2:139-142,2007. (SCI收录)⒘ 赵望泓,戴方平,Beate Brand-Saberi,王建林. Trichostatin A在体内对鸡胚翅芽发生中基因表达模式的作用,中国科学C辑,2007,⑹:641-651. (SCI收录)⒙ Wen WD,Yuan F,Wang JL,Hou YP. Botulinum toxin therapy in the ovalbumin-sensitized rat. Neuroimmunomodulation. 14⑵:78-83. 2007.. (SCI收录)⒚ Yanping Ding,Baoping Shao and Jianlin Wang,The arterial supply to the brain of the yak (Bos grunniens),Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger,Volume 1891⑴,1 February 2007,31-38. (SCI收录)⒛ Baoping Shao,Yanping Ding,Zhaohui Xie and Jian-Lin Wang:The Cranial Cervical Ganglion and its Branches in the Yak (Bos Grunniens). The Veterinary Journal,⑴:176-179,2007. (SCI收录)21. Zhao-Hui Xie,Hai-Yan Li and Jian-Lin Wang,Morphological study on the cerebrum of Bactrian camel(Camelus bactrianus) with particular reference to sulci. Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 1:61-66,2006. (SCI收录)22. Zhang X,Dai F,Weise C,Yusuf F,Bonafede A,Morosan-Puopolo G,Rehimi R,Wang J,Brand-Saberi B. Expression of the avian gene cNOC2 encoding nucleolar complex associated protein 2 during embryonic development. Anat Embryol (Berl). 2006 Nov;211⑹:649-57. (SCI收录)23. 杜晓华; 刘霞; 刘英; 王建林;双峰驼胸膜下肺微血管构筑的扫描电镜观察,解剖学报,2006,⑴: . 王建林,欧洲解剖学会第101届年会,国际学术动态,2006,4 (CJFD收录刊)23. 俞诗源; 严峰; 王建林; 王子仁; 游蛇和沙蜥肺微血管铸型的比较观察,四川大学学报(自然科学版),2006年 02期 中文核心期刊要目总览 ASPT来源刊 中国期刊方阵 CJFD收录刊.24. 俞诗源; 龚大洁; 刘忠虎; 王建林; 王子仁;游蛇和烙铁头肺微血管铸型的扫描电镜观察,四川大学学报(自然科学版),⑵: 465-467,. 俞诗源,王建林,王子仁. 肺微血管研究进展,西北师范大学学报(自然科学版),⑷:96-101,. 谢朝晖; 佘秋生; 邵宝平; 丁艳平; 刘重斌; 王建林. 哺乳动物生物钟昼夜节律同步机制的研究进展,西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版),⑼:46-52,. 杨思忠,李岩,崔雅雄,赵建友,卿建其,于景文,王建林*,圈养野生双峰驼行为及活动节律的观察,中国科技论文在线,2005年2月24日.28. 杨思忠,李岩,崔雅雄,赵建友,卿建其,于景文,王建林*,圈养野生双峰驼采食行为的初步研究,中国科技论文在线,2005年2月5日.29. 杨思忠,李岩,崔雅雄,赵建友,卿建其,于景文,王建林*,圈养野生双峰驼发情行为,中国科技论文在线,2005年2月24日.30. Wang-Hong Zhao,et al. and :Architecture of pulmonary interstitial microvessels in bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus). Journal. of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 1:13-16,2005(SCI收录)31. 邵宝平,丁艳平,俞红贤,王建林*:牦牛脑的动脉供应,解剖学报,2005,36⑸:573-. 邵宝平,丁艳平,俞红贤,王建林*:牦牛眼的动脉分布,动物学杂志,2005,40⑶:104-. 邵保平,王建林等,牦牛大脑的解剖,中国科技论文在线,2005年2月24日34. Cui,S; Wang,JL; Xie,ZM. The nerve supply to the orbit of the Bactrian camel. VETERINARY RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS,28 ⑴: 7-15 JAN 2004. (SCI收录)35. 俞诗源; 司克媛; 刘忠虎; 王子仁; 王建林,蓝马鸡冠状动脉的铸型观察,四川大学学报(自然科学版),⑹: 1254-1258,. 佘秋生; 郭蔼光; 王建林; 邵建宁; 晁开; 刘海森; 果胶酶G5512菌株深层液体发酵中试及提取工艺研究,西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版),⑸:85-87,200437. 俞诗源; 司克媛; 刘忠虎; 王子仁; 王建林; 麻蜥和蟾蜍肺微血管铸型的比较观察,西北师范大学学报(自然科学版),⑵:55-58,. 王建林,嗜铬细胞生物学越来越受重视,国际学术动态,⑵:42,. 俞诗源,司克媛,刘忠虎,王子仁,王建林,蓝马鸡冠状动脉的铸型观察,四川大学学报(自然科学版),⑹: 1254-1258,. 杨思忠; 李海燕; 陈秀萍; 王建林. 浅议武威绿洲农业困境和出路,中国农业科技导报,第6卷,4期,2004年.41. Shi-Yuan Yu,Jianlin Wang,et al :Architecture of subpleural microvessel in lung in bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus). Journal. of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 1:27-34,2004(SCI收录).42. 俞诗源; 司克媛; 刘忠虎; 王建林; 王子仁;肺的组织发生与调控,西北师范大学学报(自然科学版),⑴:95-103,. 俞诗源; 杨红; 尚志锋; 王建林; 王子仁;灰鹤冠状动脉的铸型观察,兰州大学学报(自然科学版),Journal of Lanzhou University(Natural Science Edition),⑸: 66-70,. Jianlin Wang:The arterial supply to the eye of the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),The Veterinary Research Communications,⑺:445-453,. 俞诗源; 司克媛; 王子仁; 王建林;红腹锦鸡和小白鼠肾小球微血管铸型的扫描电镜观察,动物学杂志,Chinese Journal of Zoology,⑹:17-20,2002年 06期46. 俞诗源; 杨水月; 王建林; 王子仁; 刘宗智;川金丝猴和人子宫动脉的铸型观察,兰州大学学报(自然科学版),Journal of Lanzhou University(Natural Science Edition),⑹:77-82,2001年 06期47. Jianlin Wang,et al:Anatomical subarea and denomination of the stomach of the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),6th International congress of Vertebrate Morphology (Journal of Morphology),July 20-26,2001,Jena,. Jianlin Wang,et al:The arterial supply of the carpal joint in the bactrian camel(Camelus bactrianus),The Veterinary Research Communications,⑵:75-84,2000(SCI收录)49. Jianlin Wang,et al:The arterial supply of the cubital joint in the bactrian camel,The Veterinary Research Communications, ⑴:1-9,2000(SCI收录)50. Jianlin Wang,et al:The arterial supply to the digits of the forelimb in the bactrian camel(Camelus bactrianus),J. of Anatomy,⑵:193-202; Februbry,2000(SCI收录).51. Jianlin Wang,et al:Anatomical subarea and denomination of the stomach of the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),J. of Morphology,:349;March,2000(SCI收录).52. 王建林等. 双峰驼前肢深静脉解剖,兰州大学学报,2000,653. 王建林. 双峰驼肘关节动脉分布,畜牧兽医学报,1999,. 王建林等. 双峰驼前肢浅静脉解剖,兰州大学学报,1999,. Jianlin Wang,et al:The arterial supply of the metacarpo-phalangeal joint in the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),The Veterinary Research Communications,:365-371,1998 (SCI收录).56. Cui Sheng,Jianlin Wang and Zhenming Xie:Gross anatomy of the cranial cervical ganlion and its branches in the bactrian camel. 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牦牛奶的优势具体表现为以下几个方面: 营养价值高。牦牛乳比普通的牛乳更富含营养,其固性物、蛋白质、有机钙的含量均远远超过普通牛乳,干物质,乳脂肪,乳糖,乳蛋白质,比黑白花奶牛乳分别高53%、、和23%。牦牛乳中钙的含量为。比普通牛乳高。除维生素B5外,维生素A、C、B 1、B 2、B6 和B12、D、尼可酸、类胡萝卜素都高于普通牛乳。;必需氨基酸约比黑白花牛奶高15%并且含有人体所需要的18种氨基酸,其中有8种是人体内不能合成的必须氨基酸。所含的铁是一般牛奶的倍,锌是3倍,钙是 倍,也就是说您喝了一杯牦牛奶就等于喝了4杯普通牛奶,宝宝成长过程中最需要的就是提高对疾病的抵抗力,而长喝牦牛奶是能够提高人体免疫力的。
但那是爱;老师要求你很严格,那也是爱. 总之,爱就在我们的生活中,就看你能不能发现! “生活中不是缺少美,而是缺少发现,高中议论文作文题目.”这是法国著名画家罗丹的名言.美和爱,时时刻刻都在我们的生活中.但是,有的人能发现,有的人却视而不见,这是怎么回事呢? 原来,人们看世界的角度不同,方法不同,结果也就不一样.只有怀着爱的情感、用爱的眼光看世界,高中议论文作文题目,才会发现美,感受美. 有个藏族的小姑娘叫意娜,家住四川康定县,周围都是大草原.她从小爱写诗、画画.一天,爸爸带她去草原玩儿.她留心观察草原上的一切,高中议论文作文题目,被大草原的美丽打动了,回来就画了一幅图画,画面是一个可爱的小姑娘赶着牦牛高高兴兴地走在草原上.她还配了一首小诗: 我和牦牛去草原,那里有青青的小草,那里有蓝蓝的天,那里没有人捉小鸟,那里太阳的脸上没有黑烟. 多么美的画,多么美的诗!后来这幅配了诗的画在国际上获了大奖. 另一个孩子从草原回来,我问他草原好不好,他说简直糟透了,那里蚊子、小虫太多了! 同样是去草原,一个觉得“太好了”,另一个觉得“太糟了”,这是因为心情不一样,所以感受也就不一样. 一个人要想获得成功,活得幸福,首先要有一颗爱心,热爱生活,热爱大自然中的一山一水一草一木和每一种小动物. 有了爱的感情,你会发现周围有许多人都在爱你、关心你!你不仅能从父母、老师的赞美中发现爱,也能从他们的批评中感受到爱.在课堂上,你会从老师的目光中发现爱,从每一天的作业中感受到爱. 有了爱的情感,你会发现妈妈每天为你起早做饭,虽然很平常,但那是爱;你爸爸监督你学习很严厉
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