法国汉语教学在欧洲起步最早。2000年以来,随着汉语热在国际上不断升温,法国人学习汉语的人数有了空前发展。最近,法国教育部又正式任命了“汉语总督学”一职,以推广法国中小学校的汉语教学。但是,法国汉语教师的教学方法远非与时俱进。究其痼疾,概乎对汉语特色与规律缺乏应有的理解和研究。尤其沿用几个世纪的“喻汉语为难解怪谜”的古老法语成语仍令人谈虎色变。笔者愿与法国同仁及国内同仁就汉语特色和法国汉语教学存在问题交流意见。【作者单位】:吉林华桥外国语学院法语系【关键词】:汉语特色;法国汉语教学【分类号】:H195【DOI】:cnki:SUN:005.0.2006-01-005【正文快照】:中国汉字有5000年的历史,被历史学家认为,它确保了世界独一无二的中国文明。令人惊叹的是中国将象形文字一直保持到今天,其他民族或早或晚都已经改用了字母,而中国却没有发生这种变化。因此,中国保存了浩瀚的古代文献,大量古籍记录了5000年的历史。历史学家认为,中国对历史事件 CAJViewer7.0阅读器支持所有CNKI文件格式,AdobeReader仅支持PDF格式 A Personal Appraisal of the Characteristics of the Chinese Language and the Methods of Teaching Chinese in France Zhang Fang France was the first country in Europe to teach the Chinese language. Since 2000, the study of the Chinese language has become popular world-wide. Chinese language learners have been increasing steadily in France. The French Ministry of Education has created a position: General Inspector of Chinese Study,the purpose of which is to introduce the Chinese language to primary and secondary school students in France. However, the teaching method of instruction is backward. The reason is their understanding of the Chinese language characteristics is insufficient. They are also influenced by the age-old French saying“the Chinese language is inscrutable.”The author wishes to work with his counterparts in France to thresh out the problems of teaching the Chinese language.【Keyword】:characteristics of the Chinese language;Chinese language education in France 【参考文献】 共(1)篇 中国期刊全文数据库 找到 1 条 1 李秀琴; 从中西文字体系看汉字文化与中国人的思维方式 [J];中国哲学史; 1998年04期