有better,perfect,enhance,ameliorate,progress,develop等等。better 更好的,较好的。[例句]I like your interpretation better than the one I was 你的解释比我以前学过的更让我喜欢。perfect 完美的,完全的。[例句]He spoke perfect E他英语说得棒极了。enhance 提高,增加,加强。[例句]They'll be keen to enhance their reputation 他们会非常渴望提高他们在国外的声誉。ameliorate 使改善,使变好。[例句]Nothing can be done to ameliorate the 做什么也无法使情况好转。progress 进步,发展,前进。[例句]The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against 医学界在抗癌的斗争中不断取得进步。develop 发展,发育,开发。[例句]As children develop, some of the most important things they learn have to do with their sense of 在成长过程中,孩子学到的一些最重要的东西与他们的自我意识有关。