Free spirit, simple lifeOn December 3rd, 2004, I was late, suddenly saw "online ChenShengShen" from ShuRan eyes flash through the interview two years I while looking for M, the centre of the In the wall behind me and Chen, is a round of quartz, flow clearly shows that instant, 2002 at 13 April 5 13 points and four The rain that day from sleep, and went down to the noon next kept still in Whiteness between, streets, vehicles, trees, road construction, the surgeon, all wet umbrella, apparently to a lot of noise and blundering in the market, and also the lift blundering flocculant From the west to tianjin nankai university about twenty or thirty minutes to go, the taxi driver is a bold look lively face the middle-aged, throat, very high enthusiasm, bulky along with his native tianjin cavity speaking to We told him about M Chen, he immediately took the words, ChenShengShen? K Great mathematicians, outrageous! Tianjin people know something of the who does not know! You say that, but what ChenShengShen Drivers side to side with pride, smile, where there is a busy road, to facilitate us to the florist Chen bought At home, M Chen is a sit down, quite some surprise said, you should ask me congratulate We have seen, Chen paused to explain, with vein thrombosis, clipped-out still live on two to the This morning, and to just one look, thrombosis We understand it, said that after a wedding, the good M Chen, such as children usually said repeatedly, news, and 二英译汉, 当运动型饮料 这么多年来,我们一直听说水合作用的重要性,以避免中暑在炎热的天气里进行锻炼。现在,它变成了过多饮水会杀了你。 一项发表在《新英格兰医学杂志》上的人——重新思考要quaffing大量的智慧、水和运动型饮料同时锻炼vigorously-at至少如果他们从事诸如马拉松之类的耐力。研究发现,参加马拉松赛时过量稀释血液和液体、昏迷甚至死亡。这个问题也被发现在漫长的军事演习,远距离骑自行车和沙漠远足。 纽约时报的一篇文章描述了缓慢而承认这个问题。南非一名专家,他已经警告危险,二十多年来表示他并没有发现任何病例在缺水的死亡在比赛,但是这几个人生病,死于喝太多。 很多时候,朋友、教练或紧急救援人员认为是脱水和管理更多的水,从而使问题变得更糟。最好的治疗是少量的静脉注射少量浓缩盐溶液,以增加血液中钠的含量。运动型饮料含有电解质不会有像他们大部分是水。 在2006年的问题补充波士顿马拉松比赛,例如,一个28-old女跑了5个小时之后,全身运动饮料。误以为她脱水,便咕噜咕噜喝下一瓶饮料。她迅速坍塌了,后来被宣布。女婴她身体血液里的盐浓度太低了。 体育当局已经发出警告,以避免过量饮酒。解决的办法是让时间耐力跑去忘记,徒步旅行者,他们应该drink-drink-drink咒语。太多的液体可能是致命的。