英语学习讥构优秀的很多,但不能说每个都会适合你~和同学现在上课的ABC天丅英语中心,我觉得还是蛮好的,亲自去体验下吧;My name is ** I'm 0 years I can speak Japanese and Korean,but not very But i will try my best to continue to Firstly, i treasure ts chance very And i wish to chanllenge myself through I am open, I have a lot of good friends and get on well with people around I can view tngs objectively and stay calm when i meet I believe that i can take ts i promise i will work hard and make Hope teacher can give me ts chance to prove 有些内容给你适当的改了一下,感觉还是 没有什么实质性的内容,最好是你自己的经历加进去一点,别说自己的缺点,或者点到为止,感觉你的第一关最后有点求人的感觉,而且会让老师感觉你说的确实部怎么样,建议还是多说有点,亮点。