Submission of manuscripts to the BMJ is done via a completely online manuscript processing system called 宾齐出版系统(BenchPress) (史丹佛大学海威出版部(HighWire Press)提供的一种服务) Several authors have welcomed this all-online system, as it removes several cumbersome procedures employed by several other general medical journals while submitting a The BMJ has an open 同行评审 system, wherein the authors will be informed who reviewed their About 60 to 65% of all the submissions to the journals are rejected without a peer- The acceptance rate is less than 7% for original research Articles chosen for peer-review are first '裁判'(refereed) to experts, who comment on their importance and suitability for 出版 before they are sent for external Decisions for those manuscripts sent for external review are usually reached within eight If not, the decisions are usually reached within two