
> 学术发表知识库

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(1)Nature Cell Biology 19.122

(2)Nature Immunology 27.586

(3)Nature Medicine 30.550(03年创刊)

(4)Nature Genetics 26.494(03年创刊)

(5)Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 12.000(Nature Structural Biology)

(6)Nature Materials 13.531

(7)Nature Biotechnology 22.4

(8)Nature Chemical Biology 16.058 (05年创刊)

(9)Nature Physics (05年创刊)

(10)Nature Neuroscience 16.98

(11)Nature Methods (04年创刊)


(1)Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine

(2)Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology & Metabolism

(3)Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology & Hepatology

(4)Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology

(5)Nature Clinical Practice Neurology

(6)Nature Clinical Practice Oncology

(7)Nature Clinical Practice Rheumatology

(8)Nature Clinical Practice Urology


(1)Science Advances

(2)Science Translational Medicine

(3)Science Signaling

(4)Science Immunology

(5)Science Robotics


(1)Molecular Cell:1997年创刊。细胞生物学、分子生物学。

(2)Developmental Cell:2001年创刊。发育生物学。

(3)Cancer Cell:2002年创刊。癌症领域。

(4)Cell Metabolism:2005年创刊。代谢领域。

(5)Cell Host & Microbe:2007年创刊。感染症领域、微生物学。

(6)Cell Stem Cell:2007年创刊。干细胞领域、再生医学。



1880年,纽约新闻记者约翰·迈克尔斯(英语:John Michaels)创立了《科学》,这份期刊先后得到了托马斯·爱迪生以及亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔的资助。但由于从未拥有足够的用户而难以为继,《科学》于1882年3月停刊。

一年后,昆虫学家Samuel Hubbard Scudder使其复活并取得了一定的成功。然而到了1894年,《科学》重新陷入财政危机,随后被以500美元的价格转让给心理学家James McKeen Cattell。

1900年,Cattell与美国科学促进会秘书Leland Ossian Howard达成协议,《科学》成为美国科学促进会的期刊。



百度百科-CELL (《细胞》期刊)

百度百科-科学 (美国科学促进会官方刊物)

nature communications是英国nature集团旗下的子刊,Nature Communications 是一个仅在网上出版的多学科杂志,专门发表生物学、物理学和化学等各领域的高质量研究论文。


《Nature》网站涵盖的内容相当丰富,不仅提供1997年6月到最新出版的《Nature》杂志的全部内容,其姊妹刊物《Nature》出版集团(The Nature Publishing Group)出版的8种研究月刊,6种评论杂志,2种工具书。


Nature子刊包括:Nature Biotechnology、Nature Cell Biology、Nature Chemical Biology、Nature Chemistry、Nature Climate Change、Nature Communications、Nature Genetics、Nature Geoscience、Nature Immunology。

Nature Materials、Nature Medicine、Nature Methods、Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Neuroscience、Nature Photonics、Nature Physics、Nature Structural and Molecular Biology。


自然杂志的介绍,这个杂志外行人不易读懂。 the journalWelcome to Nature, the weekly, international, interdisciplinary journal of science.Citations and Impact FactorIn 2005 Nature generated nearly 10,000 more citations than in 2004, and 26,000 more citations than its closest competitor, making it the world's most highly citated multidisciplinary science journal. Nature's impact factor for 2005 was 29.273 (Source: Journal Citaton Reports, 2006, Thomson Scientific). The fall of nearly three points on 2004 was primarily due to the increased numbers of published articles.Aims and scopeNature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions. Nature also provides rapid, authoritative, insightful and arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting science, scientists and the wider public.Nature's mission statementFirst, to serve scientists through prompt publication of significant advances in any branch of science, and to provide a forum for the reporting and discussion of news and issues concerning science. Second, to ensure that the results of science are rapidly disseminated to the public throughout the world, in a fashion that conveys their significance for knowledge, culture and daily life.Nature's original mission statement was published for the first time on 11 November 1869.Nature's first issueRead the full text of the first ever issue of Nature, published on 4 November 1869.Sample issueFree online access to the 3 March 2005 issue of Nature.Contact the journalProvides contact details for editorial, subscription, librarian and advertising departments.About the editorsLike the other Nature titles, Nature has no external editorial board. Instead, all editorial decisions are made by a team of full-time professional editors. Information about the scientific background of the editors may be found here.A full list of journal staff appears on the masthead.Nature family of journalsIn addition to Nature itself, there are three main families of Nature journals.For advertisersInformation on display advertisements in Nature in print and online, or click here for information on classified advertisements.For librariansInformation for institutions purchasing site licences, other online resources and print subscriptions. 科学杂志 in 1880 on $10,000 of seed money from the American inventor Thomas Edison, Science has grown to become the world's leading outlet for scientific news, commentary, and cutting-edge research, with the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general-science journal. Through its print and online incarnations, Science reaches an estimated worldwide readership of more than one million. In content, too, the journal is truly international in scope; some 35 to 40 percent of the corresponding authors on its papers are based outside the United States. Its articles consistently rank among world's most cited research. Science's leading position stems from many factors: the journal's strong tradition of editorial independence; its high standards of peer review and editorial quality (of the more than 12,000 top-notch scientific manuscripts that the journal sees each year, less than 8% are accepted for publication); its Board of Reviewing Editors, consisting of more than 100 of the world's top scientists; its strong connections with the scientific community, which ensures a stream of lively, up-to-date, and authoritative news and commentary in its pages; the dedication of its professional staff in the U.S., the U.K., and other countries, including 26 Ph.D. editors, a creative production and art group, and a team of science writers, reporters, and journalists second to none; the support of its publisher, AAAS, the world's largest general-science society. Today, a century and a quarter after its founding, Science continues to publish the very best in scientific research, news, and opinion. Whether you're concerned with AIDS, SARS, genomic medicine, Mars, or global warming, or just want to keep abreast of where the scientific world is and where it's going, you will find something worthwhile in Science.

nature自然双语对照词典结果:nature[英][ˈneɪtʃə(r)][美][ˈnetʃɚ]n.自然; 天性; 天理; 类型; 复数:natures以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.In panama nature and indigenous culture are abundant. 巴拿马的自然风景和土著文化非常丰富。2.The research is published in nature. 这项研究已发表在《自然》杂志上。3.Nature will welcome you with open arms. 大自然一定会张开双臂欢迎你。


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 我在网上找了很久都没有找到关于这两本杂志的英文简介和起源, 现在急需,请各位大虾帮帮忙!!! 解析: 自然杂志的介绍,这个杂志外行人不易读懂。 nature/nature/index About the journalWele to Nature, the weekly, international, interdisciplinary journal of science. Citations and Impact Factor In 2005 Nature generated nearly 10,000 more citations than in 2004, and 26,000 more citations than its closest petitor, making it the world's most highly citated multidisciplinary science journal. Nature's impact factor for 2005 was 29.273 (Source: Journal Citaton Reports, 2006, Thomson Scientific). The fall of nearly three points on 2004 was primarily due to the increased numbers of published articles. Aims and scope Nature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions. Nature also provides rapid, authoritative, insightful and arresting news and interpretation of topical and ing trends affecting science, scientists and the wider public. Nature's mission statement First, to serve scientists through prompt publication of significant advances in any branch of science, and to provide a forum for the reporting and discussion of news and issues concerning science. Second, to ensure that the results of science are rapidly disseminated to the public throughout the world, in a fashion that conveys their significance for knowledge, culture and daily life. Nature's original mission statement was published for the first time on 11 November 1869. Nature's first issue Read the full text of the first ever issue of Nature, published on 4 November 1869. Sample issue Free online access to the 3 March 2005 issue of Nature. Contact the journal Provides contact details for editorial, subscription, librarian and advertising departments. About the editors Like the other Nature titles, Nature has no external editorial board. Instead, all editorial decisions are made by a team of full-time professional editors. Information about the scientific background of the editors may be found here. A full list of journal staff appears on the masthead. Nature family of journals In addition to Nature itself, there are three main families of Nature journals. For advertisers Information on display advertisements in Nature in print and online, or click here for information on classified advertisements. For librarians Information for institutions purchasing site licences, other online resources and print subscriptions. 科学杂志 sciencemag/magazine.dtl Founded in 1880 on $10,000 of seed money from the American inventor Thomas Edison, Science has grown to bee the world's leading outlet for scientific news, mentary, and cutting-edge research, with the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general-science journal. Through its print and online incarnations, Science reaches an estimated worldwide readership of more than one million. In content, too, the journal is truly international in scope; some 35 to 40 percent of the corresponding authors on its papers are based outside the United States. Its articles consistently rank among world's most cited research. Science's leading position stems from many factors: the journal's strong tradition of editorial independence; its high standards of peer review and editorial quality (of the more than 12,000 top-notch scientific manuscripts that the journal sees each year, less than 8% are accepted for publication); its Board of Reviewing Editors, consisting of more than 100 of the world's top scientists; its strong connections with the scientific munity, which ensures a stream of lively, up-to-date, and authoritative news and mentary in its pages; the dedication of its professional staff in the U.S., the U.K., and other countries, including 26 Ph.D. editors, a creative production and art group, and a team of science writers, reporters, and journalists second to none; the support of its publisher, AAAS, the world's largest general-science society. Today, a century and a quarter after its founding, Science continues to publish the very best in scientific research, news, and opinion. Whether you're concerned with AIDS, SARS, genomic medicine, Mars, or global warming, or just want to keep abreast of where the scientific world is and where it's going, you will find something worthwhile in Science.

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《传奇故事》汇集中外,贯穿古今。民间小故事,诙谐幽默;伟人大传奇,浪漫风雅。堪叹才子佳人的聚散离合,且看一代天骄在指点江山。这里有:社会记实,开心沙龙,侠影萍踪,惊险一刻。让本刊带您走进海市蜃楼,去寻找梦中的乐园!邮发代号36-8 《今古传奇·故事版》是今古传奇报刊集团主管的系列子刊之一,是一份以“传奇品质、百姓情怀、大众趣味”为办刊理念,以“传奇特色的新故事读本”为个性的故事刊物。邮发代号:38-349 《民间故事选刊 秘闻》探索未知世界,揭示事件真相,了解自然奥秘,解读千古之谜。一本男人必读、充满悬念的期刊。邮发代号18-29 山海经·故事奇闻 本刊主要刊登民间流传的故事、传说以及反映现实生活的新故事、新传说,是一本老少咸宜、雅俗共赏的民间文学杂志,主要栏目,既有“民间奇案”、“茶馆趣闻录”、“皇宫里的故事”、“妙联巧对故事”、等民间故事,又有反映现实生活的“城乡奇闻”、“伤心女子故事”、“家庭悲喜剧”、 “讽刺幽默故事”等新故事,还有“海外奇闻”、等反映域外风情的故事。邮发代号32-98 最推理杂志内容以推理小说为主,内容涵盖惊悚、悬疑、侦探、武侠等,一切以推理为出发点,挑战思维极限,考验缜密的逻辑。风格:先锋、酷炫、丰富多彩、可读性强。杂志力推原创,名家新秀携手亮相,联手打造包罗万象,令人耳目一新、心驰神往的异度空间。邮发代号14-86 《今古传奇》创刊于一九八一年,被评为历届湖北省优秀期刊,入选全国百刊工程,连续四届蝉联全国百种重点社科期刊。始终坚守“中国气派、民族风格、大众意识、时代精神”的办刊宗旨,坚持“传奇而不离奇,通俗而不庸俗”的办刊格调,曾刊发《玉娇龙》《春雪瓶》《亮剑》等 无数佳作,影响深远,以其独树一帜的传奇特色,赢得了海内外读者的广泛喜爱 邮发代号38-83 《中华传奇》是绝对的平民文学,大俗大雅,揭开伟人神秘面纱;凄情奇缘,走进红颜真实故事。从呼风唤雨指点江山的帝王到名不见经传的普通百姓,浪漫的故事,曲折的情节,令人叹为观止。本刊专题:人生况味,备感凄凉;当代记实,惊世骇俗。邮发代号42-101 后面的邮发代号在邮局均可订阅到

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1、Nature Astronomy

2、Nature Biomedical Engineering

3、Nature Biotechnology

4、Nature Catalysis

5、Nature Cell Biology

6、 Nature Chemical Biology

7、 Nature Chemistry

8、 Nature Climate Change

9、 Nature Communications

10、Nature Digest

11、 Nature Ecology & Evolution

12、 Nature Electronics

13、Nature Energy

14、Nature Genetics

15、 Nature Geoscience

16、 Nature Human Behaviour

17、 Nature Immunology

18、 Nature Machine Intelligence

19、Nature Materials

20、 Nature Medicine

21、Nature Metabolism

22、 Nature Methods

23、 Nature Microbiology

24、Nature Milestones

25、 Nature Nanotechnology

26、 Nature Neuroscience

27、 Nature Photonics

28、 Nature Physics

29、Nature Plants

30、 Nature Protocols

31、 Nature Reviews Cancer

32、 Nature Reviews Cardiology

33、Nature Reviews Chemistry

34、Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology

35、 Nature Reviews Disease Primers

36、Nature Reviews Drug Discovery

37、Nature Reviews Endocrinology

38、 Nature Reviews Gastroenterology &Hepatology

39、Nature Reviews Genetics

40、 Nature Reviews Immunology

41、 Nature Reviews Materials

42、 Nature Reviews Microbiology

43、 Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology

44、Nature Reviews Nephrology

45、 Nature Reviews Neurology

46、Nature Reviews Neuroscience

47、Nature Reviews Physics

48、Nature Reviews Rheumatology

49、Nature Reviews Urology

50、Nature Structural & MolecularBiology

51、 Nature Sustainability




《Nature》网站涵盖的内容相当丰富,不仅提供1997年6月到最新出版的《Nature》杂志的全部内容,其姊妹刊物《Nature》出版集团(The Nature Publishing Group)出版的8种研究月刊,6种评论杂志,2种工具书。



Nature Biotechnology,Nature Cell Biology,Nature Chemical Biology,Nature Chemistry,Nature Climate Change,Nature Communications,Nature Genetics,Nature Geoscience,Nature Immunology,Nature Materials,Nature Medicine,Nature Methods,Nature Nanotechnology,Nature Neuroscience,Nature Photonics,Nature Physics,Nature Structural and Molecular Biology.


《Nature》网站涵盖的内容相当丰富,不仅提供1997年6月到最新出版的《Nature》杂志的全部内容,其姊妹刊物《Nature》出版集团(The Nature Publishing Group)出版的8种研究月刊,6种评论杂志,2种工具书。










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这个不清楚。。。 但是如果对自然科学感兴趣可以看 啊 美国国家地理。


