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お客様【おきゃくさま】:客人,顾客。o kya ku sa ma 殆ど【ほとんど】:大体上,大部分;大致

kyaku sama(きゃくさま) 客样 客人,客户等意思きほんてきに

论文【ろんぶん】:论文ronbunお客様【おきゃくさま】:客人,顾客。o kya ku sa ma 殆ど【ほとんど】:大体上,大部分;大致


present situation

Second, status quo The trademark name for people like commodities as important. For commodities, trade mark is not only a title, but also a symbol of quality, enterprises, trademarks do not have to open more of a salesman. Trademarks competition as a special language symbols, have their differences, and the protection of advertising, we in the process of translation needs more stringent carefully and seriously weighed. In recent years, many scholars from a variety of different angles on the translation of the word in English and Chinese trademark conducted an in-depth study and research, and put forward some of the theoretical basis for the translation of strategy. Cultural perspective In international trade, a well-known brand names faithful translation of the language allows a potential entry point for consumers from knowing the product. "Literal translation" of the trademark is the original meaning of the surface of the converter. However, the special case of trademarks, and sometimes literal not a good expression of the cultural trademarks of the original flavor, but also because of cultural differences may be unable to target markets and customer acceptance of its products. Dai-rong (2004) from the start with cultural factors, on the trademark translation notable commercial purposes in the Western culture and the great differences in the translation, the traditional "true" and "equivalent" translation standards have been unable to adapt trademark translation flexibility not without losing the "letter" or "letter." I should be the desired goal at the top of translation. Trademark Translation is a cross-language, cross-cultural communication, and made in the translation of Chinese and Western cultures should focus on the exchange of information (Yuan Zhifa, 2007). Wang 1 (2007) in its "trademark trademark translation and cultural translation of the" trademarks in the text of a translation should be allowed to trademark product information disclosed; trademark advertising language translation must be consistent with the cultural identity; trademark translation market with the goal of social and political concern to close problems associated. An aesthetic point of view There are also many scholars believe that attention should be paid to trademark translation trademark aesthetic values. Trademarks to trigger a potential users better Lenovo. "Translation" is based on such purposes is in the majority. Mei Li (2007) from an aesthetic point of view, in its "aesthetic perspective from the translation of brand names in an article entitled" on the sale of trademarks in products plays an important role in advertising, the name of the goods it is necessary to use a translation, easily overwhelming majority consumers understand the ordinary people but also the aesthetic needs and aesthetic capacities, and for them to accept and appreciate, but also in line with the national, political, economic, cultural and religious beliefs and customs. Trademarks can be aesthetic features of the sound from the United States, form the United States, the United States intended to explore three areas, the translator should have the courage to innovation, with the sound translated the United States, Italy and the United States market effect of translation. (Cuijinqi, 2006) Function on the angles The same information, use two different languages, different recipients, but it has to have the same effect, which is equivalent translation of the main principles (Liu Chang-e, 2007). Li Ying (2003), Xiao Hui (2000), and other people think that the trademark should not rigidly adhere to the original translation, but should be flexible. The trademark translation and text to produce the same or similar functions. Li Ying in its "equivalent English translation of the word trademark" trademark in the translation should be avoided because of cultural differences in the use of a different understanding of the term as far as possible Baoyi or neutral color word, as brief as possible accessibility, innovative and good mind Word. And the lack of regret China's trademark translation After several decades of development and through the diligence of many research scholars have made notable achievements. But research in the field there are still some deficiencies and shortcomings. Translation Studies trademark line with the actual use. Traditional methods of translation, linguistics approach because too much emphasis on "faithful" and ignored cultural factors, resulting in the one-sidedness and on the actual operation of blindness. For example, the trademark is intended to arouse customers better purchasing desire to mark commercial function. Translation sector more than talking about is a trademark translation Alto, shape, the name of the right and so on, and ignored the trademark been accepted by the target market of consumers. Therefore, in the process of translation trademarks often be asked trademarks and translated language culture does not conform with trademark violation in the target language: the customary usage, and so on.

Second, status quo The trademark name for people like commodities as important. For commodities, trade mark is not only a title, but also a symbol of quality, enterprises, trademarks do not have to open more of a salesman. Trademarks competition as a special language symbols, have their differences, and the protection of advertising, we in the process of translation needs more stringent carefully and seriously weighed. In recent years, many scholars from a variety of different angles on the translation of the word in English and Chinese trademark conducted an in-depth study and research, and put forward some of the theoretical basis for the translation of strategy. Cultural perspective In international trade, a well-known brand names faithful translation of the language allows a potential entry point for consumers from knowing the product. "Literal translation" of the trademark is the original meaning of the surface of the converter. However, the special case of trademarks, and sometimes literal not a good expression of the cultural trademarks of the original flavor, but also because of cultural differences may be unable to target markets and customer acceptance of its products. Dai-rong (2004) from the start with cultural factors, on the trademark translation notable commercial purposes in the Western culture and the great differences in the translation, the traditional "true" and "equivalent" translation standards have been unable to adapt trademark translation flexibility not without losing the "letter" or "letter." I should be the desired goal at the top of translation. Trademark Translation is a cross-language, cross-cultural communication, and made in the translation of Chinese and Western cultures should focus on the exchange of information (Yuan Zhifa, 2007). Wang 1 (2007) in its "trademark trademark translation and cultural translation of the" trademarks in the text of a translation should be allowed to trademark product information disclosed; trademark advertising language translation must be consistent with the cultural identity; trademark translation market with the goal of social and political concern to close problems associated. An aesthetic point of view There are also many scholars believe that attention should be paid to trademark translation trademark aesthetic values. Trademarks to trigger a potential users better Lenovo. "Translation" is based on such purposes is in the majority. Mei Li (2007) from an aesthetic point of view, in its "aesthetic perspective from the translation of brand names in an article entitled" on the sale of trademarks in products plays an important role in advertising, the name of the goods it is necessary to use a translation, easily overwhelming majority consumers understand the ordinary people but also the aesthetic needs and aesthetic capacities, and for them to accept and appreciate, but also in line with the national, political, economic, cultural and religious beliefs and customs. Trademarks can be aesthetic features of the sound from the United States, form the United States, the United States intended to explore three areas, the translator should have the courage to innovation, with the sound translated the United States, Italy and the United States market effect of translation. (Cuijinqi, 2006) Function on the angles The same information, use two different languages, different recipients, but it has to have the same effect, which is equivalent translation of the main principles (Liu Chang-e, 2007). Li Ying (2003), Xiao Hui (2000), and other people think that the trademark should not rigidly adhere to the original translation, but should be flexible. The trademark translation and text to produce the same or similar functions. Li Ying in its "equivalent English translation of the word trademark" trademark in the translation should be avoided because of cultural differences in the use of a different understanding of the term as far as possible Baoyi or neutral color word, as brief as possible accessibility, innovative and good mind Word. And the lack of regret China's trademark translation After several decades of development and through the diligence of many research scholars have made notable achievements. But research in the field there are still some deficiencies and shortcomings. Translation Studies trademark line with the actual use. Traditional methods of translation, linguistics approach because too much emphasis on "faithful" and ignored cultural factors, resulting in the one-sidedness and on the actual operation of blindness. For example, the trademark is intended to arouse customers better purchasing desire to mark commercial function. Translation sector more than talking about is a trademark translation Alto, shape, the name of the right and so on, and ignored the trademark been accepted by the target market of consumers. Therefore, in the process of translation trademarks often be asked trademarks and translated language culture does not conform with trademark violation in the target language: the customary usage, and so on. 阿拉伯文到英语朝鲜语到英语德语到法语德语到英语俄语到英语法语到德语法语到英语荷兰语到英语葡萄牙语到英语日语到英语西班牙语到英语希腊语到英语意大利语到英语英语到阿拉伯文英语到朝鲜语英语到德语英语到俄语英语到法语英语到荷兰语英语到葡萄牙语英语到日语英语到西班牙语英语到希腊语英语到意大利语英语到中文(繁体)英语到中文(简体)中文到英语中文(繁体到简体)中文(简体到繁体)






















大学生毕业论文 应该是本科毕业论文 Undergraduate Thesis; 研究生毕业论文分为 硕士研究生毕业论文 和博士研究生论文 分别为Master's Thesis和Ph.D. Thesis。有总称为Graduate Thesis。

论文(Paper)或:dissertation(论文)或:thesis(论文)经常说的:)~English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)


啊哈(这个“啊哈”乃证据助词,)希望一品 优刊  帮到伱了(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ






Une soutenance exprime de manière concise et synthétique le contexte, les raisons d'une recherche, puis ses méthodes, ses résultats et ses conclusion principales puis les discute, en imagine les prolongements. Elle culmine souvent avec une mise en perspective du projet entier : ce qu'on a pu tirer comme enseignements de ce projet.


Un exemple de plan d'exposé possible, à adapter selon les travaux :


Introduction简介概括 :

Les raisons de votre choix et la construction de la problématique. Montrez l'évolution de votre projet. On aboutit à la question de recherche.


Méthodes方法 :

Comment vous avez procédé et les raisons des choix principaux. Les principales définitions qui cadrent votre travail et les grandes lignes de son plan.


Résultats remarquables主要结果 :

Sélectionnez quelques résultats les plus intéressants (présentés sous forme synthétique : tableau synthétique, graphique soigneusement choisi, etc)


Synthèse, discussion et conclusion 概括,讨论,结论 :

Ce que ces résultats vous ont permis de déduire / comprendre sur votre sujet.

Mettez ces réflexions en perspective et apportez votre opinion personnelle.



Bilan et perspectives 总结,前景 :

Comment pourrait-on poursuivre cette étude ?

Prenez un peu de recul par rapport à votre travail :

Comment referiez-vous ce travail ?

Qu'avez-vous appris avec ce TM ?





La parole et l'exposé :


Commencez par donner le plan de votre exposé :"Je vais vous parler de ...1°, 2°, 3°"


Ne vous perdez pas dans les détails.


N'utilisez des termes techniques qu'après les avoir définis et évitez-le au maximum. (Il ne s'agit pas de faire étalage de votre matrise du jargon nouvellement acquis, mais de faire passer un message...)


On peut volontiers introduire une ou deux anecdotes plus personnelles pour rendre l'exposé plus vivant (en prenant garde de ne pas s'éparpiller).


Parlez en regardant le public.


Pour les travaux de groupe : organisez bien le passage de parole et la coordination dans la présentation des supports.




















摘 要 作为硕士专业教学计划的重要组成部分,法语专业毕业论文是专业中的最终一环。但是在论文撰写过程中存在诸多问题,主要表现为缺乏创新、选题仓促、语言表达能力薄弱等;其原因是多方面的,既有学生学习素质上的因素,也有教师教学中存在的问题。本文主要介绍出现的问题及应对策略。

关键词 法语 毕业论文 问题 对策



















向你保证是 le mémoire.

法国的大学是LMD制,L阶段是没有论文的,到了M阶段,有个论文,叫mémoire. thèse是D阶段,算是博士论文了。 论文答辩是 la soutenance du mémoire


