1. 无线能源获取通信网络干扰攻击性能分析analysis of delay-constrained wireless harvesting communication. 无线充电网络的建模分析game theoretic modeling of jamming attack in wireless powered networks. 通过发送方的TCP增强高速延期网络的启动性能A Sender-Side TCP Enhancement for Startup performance. 环境射频能量收集性能分析Performance Analysis of Ambient RF Energy harvesting. 设备间通信分层博弈Hierarchical Cooperation for Operator-Controlled device-to-device communications. 智能电网环境中无线基站的自适应能量控制ADAPTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT FOR WIRELESS BASE STATIONS. 无线中继网络——分层合作博弈框架 A Layered Coalitional Game Framework of wireless relay network. 无线能量传输和无限能量收集Performance Analysis of SWIPT with Ambient RF Harvesting. 无线充电和能量收集Performance Analysis of Ambient RF Energy Harvesting 中文摘要见网页,希望可以帮到你。这人就是做无线充电的,他发表的论文应该都可以作为参考借鉴。