专业名词偶已悉数检查过,如需WORD版 请百度联系偶。With the mature of market-oriented economy and advancement of knowledge-based society, human resources (HR) plays a more pivotal role in enterprise management.随着市场经济的日趋成熟和知识经济的渐入佳境,人力资源在企业发展中的作用日益扩大,人力资源管理在企业的管理中越来越占据重要的地位,And recruitment of employees is a fundamental and crucial work in human resources.而员工招聘又是人力资源管理中一项重要的基础性工作,Its quality has a considerable impact on later arrangement.其质量的高低对后续的人力资源管理工作有很大的影响。In practice, the recruit result of several enterprises’ are under their expectation.在实际招聘过程中有不少企业招聘结果不尽如人意:Some of them cannot hire the right person suitable for the position. Others cannot retain a satisfied retention rate. 有的未能如愿以偿地招得到合适的人才,有的不能留住人才, These both constrain enterprises’ further development.这些都制约了企业的长远发展。Therefore, how to optimize the recruit process has become a vital problem enterprises encounter.因此,如何进行员工招聘的优化已经成为企业所面临的重要问题。廊坊红星木业Co ., Ltd. and other private enterprises also face these grim challenges.廊坊红星木业有限公司和其他民营企业同样面临着员工招聘的严峻挑战,The paper adopts theories related to recruitment to analyze廊坊红星木业Co.,Ltd.‘s recruit process.本文运用招聘相关理论对红星木业公司的员工招聘进行了具体的分析,Conduct specific survey and collect adequate data about the current condition of recruitment, through a series of questionnaires.并通过问卷调查的方式对员工招聘现状进行了详细的调查与数据的搜集,Hence present the problems related to the recruitment in accordance with actuality and theories, . the lack of relative human resource planning (HPR), the imperfect of selection step and the monotonous selective method.从而根据实际情况与相关理论提出了公司员工招聘存在的问题即缺乏与员工招聘相关的人力资源规划、员工甄选环节不健全、方法单一等。Besides, the paper refers to various documents and combines theories with actual condition to examine the problems existing in廊坊红星木业Co ., Ltd.’s recruit process.本文还运用文献调查、理论与实践相结合等方法对红星木业公司的员工招聘存在的问题进行具体的分析,Thus draw up an optimized recruit strategy. 从而对公司制定了员工招聘的优化方案,The author also anticipates the research can achieve exemplary effect on other enterprises in similar situations. 笔者也希望通过对本论文的研究,对其他与红星木业公司情况相类似的企业有借鉴作用。Keywords: recruitment; human resources; employee selection关键词:员工招聘;人力资源;员工甄选May you achieve a splendid success in your magnificent college years!祝你在最后的大学时光中取得辉煌的成果! Yours, kyon