phd dissertation博士学位论文双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 博士学位论文例句: had remained in north carolina where he was working to completea phd dissertation. 当时他留在北卡罗莱纳州正准备完成博士论文。
General coping strategies In fact, the so-called non-local translation is not entirely impossible to translate, some special linguistic phenomena can not be transplanted to the target despite being, at least in the language of their role is to communicate. Translation for cultural factors can not be processed by means of compensation. Literal Translation The so-called literal translation, that is, while maintaining the original beauty while maintaining the original style and form of translation method. Such as "dollar policy" can be translated as "dollar diplomacy", "paper tiger" can be translated as "paper tiger", "from head to food" can be translated as "head to toe." Again, "she beauties of the content, Biyuexiuhua of appearance" can be literally translated as "Her beauty makes the fish sink, the goose fall down and the moon hide herself and put the flowers to shame." As the sentence is in English and Chinese culture of the nuclear area, the literal translation of English to communicate not only will not lead to cultural barriers, but also retains the original information of the image and vitality. Transliteration When a language or cultural terms there is the concept of another language without the corresponding components, they will appear blank or cultural vacuum semantics. In this case, the original language and translation between languages the most, especially in between English and Chinese, the translator is difficult to form or directly from the semantic angle. At this point, the sounds or the semi-transliteration is a better and convenient way. For example, radar --- radar, morphine --- morphine, humour --- humor, copy --- copy, kung fu --- Kungfu. Paraphrase The so-called free translation is not only to maintain the original content to keep the original style and form of translation method. Such as "white elephant" can be translated as "useless and redundant stuff", "a skeleton in cupboard" can be translated as "family shame should not be," "philandering," can be translated as "look for trouble". Another example is the "--- lanterns photo nephew uncle (old)" can be translated as "act according to the old ways", this makes clear, if this phrase literally translated as non-"the nephew carrying a lantern --- showing the way for his uncle doing things in the old fashion "on the bewildering. Borrow Borrowing is used to borrow another term approach to the original language word translation directly into the language to. In our everyday communication, there are many words borrowed from English, such as "Hi" "Hello" "Ok" "powerPoint" "Bye-Bye" and "CEO" and so on. Substitute Alternative that is translated, alternative, including creative and elaborate vocabulary of translation. Innovation is the word utilization phonetic, semantic and other means to create new terms such as, "Champaign" "beer" "swallow tail". Many special Words in Chinese culture through cultural substitute is often the method can be achieved. Again, "This is called 'Accidents will happen', she's a man who is strong, who knows ruin a young age on the typhoid (Lu Xun's" blessing ")." Can be translated as "It was really a bolt from the blue. Her husband was so strong nobody could have guessed that a young fellow like that would die of typhoid fever." 6 literal notation This method can preserve the cultural characteristics of the original, simple to the reader to understand. Such as: "Kung is standing drinking and the only one who wore gown ...... Although he wore a gown, but dirty and broken, does not seem to make up not wash ......"" kung was the only long-growned customer to drink his own standing. Although he was a Long gown, it was dirty and tattered, and looked as if it had not been washed or mended for over ten years. (Yang Xianyi Gladys translation) "" gown "in the feudal era of the wealthy upper-class dress, is the cultural symbol of class scholars. English "long gown" and "short coat" for English readers, but different clothes, not a sign of status and knowledge, it is difficult to "long gown" and the scrubby bookish character Kung link. John Day with a literal translation (long gown) + footnote (long gowns were usually worn by the gentry) method, to a certain extent, reveal implicit in the "gown" cultural significance of the term, so that readers can also target language, such as Like Chinese readers deep insight into the original theme.
Conventional strategiesIn fact, so-called translation is not impossible, some special linguistic phenomenon, though not transplanted into the target language, but at least they in the role of language can convey. According to the cultural factors can be processed by means of translationSo-called literal text, which not only keep the original style and beauty and maintain translation methods of form. For example "selling" for "policy", "foreign financial idea can be translated as" tiger ", "a paper tiger", "your head under the preserved as" from head to foot. And if she has the capacity of ChenYuLaYan BiYueXiuHua, "to" beauty country can sink fish, providing the goose fell down and hide the moon to herself and any 6 "because of the shame belongs to the scope of Chinese culture and English for nuclear not only won't cause of cultural communication obstacles, and retain the original informedness, vivid and vivid.。When a language exist in vocabulary or cultural concept in another language without corresponding ingredients, can appear the semantic gap or cultural vacuum. In this case, the original language and language differences between maximum, especially in English, the translator is directly from the perspective of semantic form or. At this time, transliteration or half is a more convenient, the method. For example, clear - radar, morphine - - humour morphine, humor, copy, copy - - free, just keep text content and not keep original style and form of translation methods. Such as "white" can be looked as "useless and burdensome thing", "a 62 cupboard is" in "tolajon malpuran lavu en la domo" and "philandering" for "look for" as to happen, "nephew lanterns - according to their old" for "act more exactly," let it be clear at a glance, if the person is this sentence literal translation is a lantern nephew "advertising - showing his uncle rationally for doing it for the strong" let people borrowing is another word to the original language input to the language vocabulary directly. In our daily communication has many words are borrowed from the English, such as "Hi" Hello "" Ok" powerPoint " " and CEO, ", the alternative is translated, mainly including vocabulary and expounds the innovation of translation. Innovation is the comprehensive utilization of vocabulary, translation, create new vocabulary means, for example, "do" Champaign "swallow tail." many special Chinese culture-loaded words often need water through the method can realize the substitute. Another example, "this is called" unforeseen circumstances, she is the man who knows solid muir is ruining in lu xun's blessing on typhoid () ". Is It a blue bolt save the country was strong, husband having guessed that nobody would like, a common site of typhoid fever die."6 literalThis method can save the ethnic culture characteristics, and easy to understand. Such as: "bore b f is standing in the wine and alluring man... wear although gown, but dirty and break up, seems to have no washing..." "Kung growned - was how to please his standing its customer with a salt was dirty and gown, was tattered, as if it had not which has washed or mended operations (campaigns for over yan xianyi socio-semiotic)" in Chinese feudal gown "is rich in the upper class society, culture is the symbol of class. English "mutually gown" and "short coat" for English readers different clothes, not only the knowledge, and that will be "mutually with the gown" kong yiji any link of character. Pedantic John and adopts the literal (mutually gown) + footnote gowns worn / (mutually in the headline gentry) method in a certain extent, reveals the implicit in the "obligatory" is a word of cultural significance, so readers can also like Chinese readers comprehend the deep theme text. O(∩_∩)O~
语言测试在英语学习中的重要性 比较中西课堂教学及其对学生能力培养的影响 游戏在儿童英语教学中的运用 小学英语情趣教学漫谈 论中学英语教学中跨文化意识的培养 课堂气氛对高中英语教学效果的影响 记忆在语篇理解过程中的作用 记忆在词汇习得中的作用 谈英语阅读的制约因素及对策 跨文化交际中的体态语和中学英语教学 分析具有中国特色的双语教学 非智力因素在大学生英语学习中的影响 英语教学中的情感因素 论外语自主学习中师生的角色 让我们的思绪飞扬---浅谈在英语课堂教学中影响学生发言主动性的因素 C2C贸易中的写作技巧 大学生英语写作问题研究 文化词及其在外语教学中的功能 英语学习策略的成功案例 文化差异对阅读理解的影响 浅谈多媒体辅助英语教学及教师角色的改变 论母语文化在英语教学中的地位 英语教学中的文化导入
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FeO-Fe2O3-CaO-SiO2体系铁磁微晶玻璃的磁性及生物活性. 功能材料,2004年(增刊),35: 2282-2286[4] 杨家宽,张杜杜,肖波. 高掺量赤泥-粉煤灰微晶玻璃研究. 玻璃与搪瓷,2004⑸: 9-11[5] 朱新锋,杨家宽,肖波,王秀萍. 负载型TiO2催化剂的制备及性能研究. 材料与工程学报,2004⑹: 863-866[6] 朱新锋,杨家宽,肖波,王秀萍. 强化TiO2光催化技术研究进展. 化工环保,2004⑹: 421-425[7] 王梅,杨家宽,齐建召. 工业废渣生产免烧免蒸砖的应用与开发. 新型建筑材料,2004⑿: 18-21[8] 朱新锋,杨家宽,肖波. 燃烧法合成二氧化钛的初步研究. 功能材料,2004年(增刊):2019-2021[9] 朱新锋,杨家宽, 肖波. 大颗粒纳米晶TiO2催化剂的制备及光催化性能研究. 功能材料,2004年(增刊): 1986-1989[10] 朱新锋,杨家宽,肖波. 强吸附性负载TiO2光催化剂及其性能研究. 功能材料,2004年(增刊): 1951-19532003年[1] 杨家宽,李劲,肖波,张建峰,马志云. 太阳能烟囱发电新技术. 太阳能学报,2003⑷: 565-570[2] 杨家宽,肖波,姚鼎文,王秀萍. 钢渣铸造成型资源化技术研究. 有色金属,2003(增刊):68-70[3] 杨家宽,肖波,唐东羚,王秀萍. 钢渣基微晶玻璃制备与显微结构分析. 材料科学与工程学报,2003,21⑴: 34-36[4] 杨家宽,肖波,王秀萍. 利用钢铁炉渣制备微晶玻璃技术. 有色金属,2003⑶: 130-133[5] 杨家宽,肖波,姚鼎文,王秀萍. 黄磷渣热态直接成型资源化. 化工环保,2003⑴: 38-42[6] 杨家宽,肖波,姚鼎文,王秀萍. 黄磷渣微晶玻璃制备及显微结构分析. 矿产综合利用,2003⑵: 40-43[7] 张建锋,杨家宽,肖波,王秀萍. 太阳能烟囱发电技术及展望. 可再生能源,2003⑴: 5-7[8] 杨家宽,李进军,张建锋,肖波. 太阳能烟囱发电装置温度场和流场的数值模拟研究. 2003年中国太阳能学会学术年会论文集. 上海: 上海交通大学出版社,2003: 471-474[9] 杨家宽,张建锋,李进军,肖波.. 太阳能烟囱发电装置建造和试验研究. 2003年中国太阳能学会学术年会论文集. 上海: 上海交通大学出版社,475-4782002年[1] 杨家宽,肖波,姚鼎文,王秀萍. 钢渣直接熔制高档陶瓷产品. 环境工程,2002⑸: 41-42[2] 杨家宽,肖波,王秀萍. 黄磷渣资源化进展与前景. 矿产综合利用,2002⑸: 37-40[3] 杨家宽,肖波,王秀萍. 工业废渣制备矿渣微晶玻璃进展. 玻璃与搪瓷,2002⑹: 47-52[4] 杨家宽,朱新锋,肖波,王秀萍. 磁性悬浮负载型TiO2光催化剂制备及其性能研究. 2002年全国太阳能光化学与光催化学术会议,北京:238-239[5] 刘兴立、肖波、杨家宽. 焦炉煤气的余热利用. 能源工程,2002⑵: 37-39[7] 孙萍、肖波、杨家宽、王秀萍. 微波在环境保护中的应用化工环保,2002⑵: 71-752001年[1] 杨家宽,姚鼎文,肖波,王秀萍. 废石膏与氯化钾焙烧法制硫酸钾新工艺. 化工环保,2001⑹: 365-366[2] 吴启兵,杨家宽,肖波,郭晓丹. 钢渣热态资源化利用新技术. 工业安全与环保,2001⑼: 11-12[3] 冷成保,肖波,杨家宽,柳小荣,孙萍. 暗河式生活垃圾干发酵处理研究. 环境工程,2001⑷: 45-472000年及以前[1] 杨家宽,黄乃瑜,李焰. 消失模废气净化设备研制. 热加工工艺,2000⑷: 41-42[2] 杨家宽,黄乃瑜,李焰. 负压消失模工艺中EPS热解产物的研究. 特种铸造及有色合金,2000⑷: 22-24[3] 杨家宽,黄乃瑜,李焰,杨应凯. 消失模铸造工艺回用旧砂性能的研究. 铸造技术,2000⑹: 3-5[4] 杨家宽,黄乃瑜,李焰. 消失模车间废气净化处理中工艺参数的研究. 特种铸造及有色合金,1999⑶: 5-8[5] 杨家宽,李焰,孔令文,黄乃瑜. 消失模车间废气净化处理中催化剂的选择. 铸造,1999⑺: 9-12[6] 杨家宽,李焰,唐东羚,黄乃瑜. 裂解气相色谱法分析铸造用聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料热分解产物. 色谱,1998,16⑶: 241-243[7] 杨家宽,樊自田,黄乃瑜. 从“夕阳工业”到先进制造技术. 自然辩证法研究,1998,14⑷: 59-62[8] 杨家宽,李焰,黄乃瑜. 气化模车间卫生状况及废气净化方法. 铸造,1998⑶: 44-46[9] 杨家宽,李焰,宋象军,黄乃瑜. 气化模材料热分解特性研究现状及展望. 特种铸造及有色合金,1997⑸: 31-34[10] Yang Jiakuan,Li Yan,Huang Naiyu. Behavior of Thermal Decomposition of EPS in the Lost Foam Casting Process. Proceedings of the International Conference on EPC Technology,Beijing,1998
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现在几乎所有的高校都有外语专业。对于这些外语专业的毕业生来说,最后阶段的专业毕业论文也需要外语形式。写外语论文或查重都很难。英语专业毕业论文查重率多少一下?paperfree小编给大家讲解。 英语专业本科毕业论文也有查重率标准,高校制定的查重率标准必须在20%以下,英语专业毕业论文查重率也是高校的统一标准。申请英语专业优秀毕业论文需要查重率低于10%,所以英语专业毕业生需要记住20%的分界点。 虽然大多数语言专业论文都是英语措辞,但对于许多具有研究性质的英语论文,研究数据也是不可避免的,这些研究数据非常容易重复,因此也有必要降低论文查重率。 而且英语论文也有措辞,所以对于论文用户来说,可以通过同义词替换关键词,主动语态改为被动语态,修改论文中的连续重复措辞。
检测系统对英文也是检测的,为以防万一最好先检测一下然后在修改。 知网检测,就是用一定的算法将你的论文和知网数据库中已收录的论文进行对比,从而得出你论文中哪些部分涉嫌抄袭。目前的对比库有:中国学术期刊网络出版总库中国博士学位论文全文数据库/中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库中国重要会议论文全文数据库中国重要报纸全文数据库中国专利全文数据库互联网资源英文数据库(涵盖期刊、博硕、会议的英文数据以及德国Springer、英国Taylor&Francis期刊数据库等)港澳台学术文献库优先出版文献库互联网文档资源关于学校查重率、相似率、抄袭率: 各个学校不一样,全文重复率在30%一下(而有的学校,本科是20%)。每章重复率应该没有要求,这个每个学校会出细则的,并且学校也出给出他们查重复率的地方——基本都是中国知网。具体打电话问老师,每界每个学校要求都不一样相关查重系统名词的具体作用: 查重率的具体概念就是抄袭率,引用率,要用专业软件来测试你的文章与别人论文的相似度,杜绝抄袭。基本就这意思。 一个是自写率就是自己写的一个是复写率就是你抄袭的还有一个引用率就是那些被画上引用符号的是合理的引用别人的资料关于知网相关抽查规定:有规定的,可以进行第一次修改,修改之后通过就可以答辩,如果第二次不通过就算结业,在之后4个月内还要交论文或者设计的。这个是在抄袭30%的基础上的。 如果抄袭50%以上的话,直接结业 在之后4个月内还要交论文或者设计的。1.被认定为抄袭的本科毕业设计(论文),包括与他人已有论文、著作重复总字数比例在30%至50%(含50%)之间的,需经本人修改。修改后经过再次检测合格后,方可参加学院答辩。再次检测后仍不合格的,按结业处理。须在3 个月后提交改写完成的毕业设计(论文),检测合格后再参加答辩。2.被认定为抄袭的本科毕业设计(论文),且与他人已有论文、著作重复总字数比例超过50%的,直接按结业处理。须在4 个月后提交改写的毕业设计(论文),检测合格后再参加答辩。 修改重复率或抄袭率论文的经验: CNKI是连续的字数相同不能超过13个字,万方是连续的字数相同不能超过15个字。否则就会标注出来,算进重复率。我们学校规定是CNKI检测重复率不能超过30%.两种数据库检测重复率会有结果上的误差,一般CNKI会更严格一点,先在用万方检测一下,然后对照重复段落,句子反复修改一下,最后用CNKI检测一下,就放心了。现在是学生写作毕业论文的关键时期,许多学生在论文写作中要利用一些文献资料,这样就涉及到一个问题,如何应用别人的文献资料,如何形成一个良好的学术规范,避免抄袭。这在现在是一个非常迫切的问题,但是我们许多同学缺乏严格的训练,也不知道什么情况下是抄袭,什么情况下是引用别人的文章。在这里我想对这个问题作出一个简单的讨论。这仅仅只能算是个抛砖引玉而已,目的是想和大家一起讨论这个话题。什么是抄袭行为?简单地说就是使用了别人的文字或观点而不注明就是抄袭。“照抄别人的字句而没有注明出处且用引号表示是别人的话,都构成抄袭。美国现代语言联合会《论文作者手册》对剽窃(或抄袭)的定义是:‘剽窃是指在你的写作中使用他人的观点或表述而没有恰当地注明出处。……这包括逐字复述、复制他人的写作,或使用不属于你自己的观点而没有给出恰当的引用。’可见,对论文而言,剽窃有两种:一种是剽窃观点,用了他人的观点而不注明,让人误以为是你自己的观点;一种是剽窃文字,照抄别人的文字表述而没有注明出处且用引号,让人误以为是你自己的表述。当然,由于论文注重观点的原创性,前者要比后者严重。至于普及性的文章却有所不同,因为并不注重观点的原创性,所以并不要求对来自别人的观点一一注明,因此只看重文字表述是否剽窃。”那么如何使用别人的文献资料呢?美国哈佛大学在其相关的学生手册中指出,“如果你的句子与原始资料在观点和句子结构上都非常相似,并且结论与引语相近而非用自己的话重述,即使你注明出处,这也是抄袭。你不能仅仅简单改变原始资料中的几个词语或者对其进行摘要总结,你必须用你自己的语言和句子结构彻底地重塑你的总结,要不就直接引用。”(引自哈佛大学的相关规定,该原文是我1年前看到的,现在找不到出处了)。可见,对别人的内容的使用必须进行全面的重写,否则就有抄袭的嫌疑。但这里要避免胡乱拼凑和揉合。总之来说,我们必须尊重别人的智力成果,在文章中反映出哪些是你做的哪些是别人做的。当然现在做到这些还很难,但我想我们至少要有这个意识,因为在剽窃的概念里,除过强调未注明这点外,还强调不是成心的。我们许多人写东西,正是因为不知道什么是抄袭,如何避免抄袭才犯了错误,所以明确什么是抄袭非常重要。从现实来看,我们的同学要写一篇10000字左右的没有任何抄袭嫌疑的毕业论文是很困难的,但是我们至少应该从主观上尽可能的避免出现严重抄袭行为,逐步形成好的习惯。在国内就是知网/paperpass/万方这三大系统,这里面的资源是不断更新的,每一年毕业生的论文除有保密要求外的基本上都是收这三大系统收录作为比对资源库,所以你就可不能大意啊!!国内就是三大系统,知网/paperpass/万方知网不对个人开放,paperpass及万方对个人开放万方不检测互联网及英文,知网及paperpass都检测互联网及英文。现在,所有学校对于硕士、博士毕业论文,必须通过论文检测查重才能算合格过关。本科毕业生,大部分211工程重点大学,采取抽检的方式对本科毕业论文进行检测查重。抄袭或引用率过高,一经检测查重查出超过百分之三十,后果相当严重。相似百分之五十以下,延期毕业,超过百分之五十者,取消学位。辛辛苦苦读个大学,花了好几万,加上几年时间,又面临找工作,学位拿不到多伤心。但是,所有检测系统都是机器,都有内在的检测原理,我们只要了解了其中内在的检测原理、系统算法、规律,通过检测报告反复修改,还是能成功通过检测,轻松毕业的。大概当今所有的研究生毕业论文都会经过中国知网的“学术不端检测”,即便最后不被盲审。这个系统的初衷其实是很好的,在一定程度上能够对即将踏入中国科研界的硕士研究生们一个警示作用:杜绝抄袭,踏实学问。但正所谓“世界万物,有矛就有盾”的哲学观,中国知网的这个“学术不端检测系统”并不是完善的。原因有二,其一是目前的图文识别技术还不够先进;其二是目前的机器识别还达不到在含义识别上的智能化。求索阁一贯的观点就是“战略上蔑视,战术上重视”和“知己知彼百战百胜”。要破敌,必先知敌;要过学术检测这一关,当然必先了解这一关的玄机。一、查重原理 1、知网学位论文检测为整篇上传,格式对检测结果可能会造成影响,需要将最终交稿格式提交检测,将影响降到最小,此影响为几十字的小段可能检测不出。对于3万字符以上文字较多的论文是可以忽略的。对比数据库为:中国学术期刊网络出版总库,中国博士学位论文全文数据库/中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库,国重要会议论文全文数据库,中国重要报纸全文数据库,中国专利全文数据库,个人比对库,其他比对库。部分书籍不在知网库,检测不到。 2、上传论文后,系统会自动检测该论文的章节信息,如果有自动生成的目录信息,那么系统会将论文按章节分段检测,否则会自动分段检测。 3、有部分同学反映说自己在段落中明明引用或者抄袭了其他文献的段落或句子,为什么没有检测出来,这是正常的。中国知网对该套检测系统的灵敏度设置了一个阀值,该阀值为5%,以段落计,低于5%的抄袭或引用是检测不出来的,这种情况常见于大段落中的小句或者小概念。举个例子:假如检测段落1有10000字,那么引用单篇文献500字以下,是不会被检测出来的。实际上这里也告诉同学们一个修改的方法,就是对段落抄袭千万不要选一篇文章来引用,尽可能多的选择多篇文献,一篇截取几句,这样是不会被检测出来的。 4、一篇论文的抄袭怎么才会被检测出来?知网论文检测的条件是连续13个字相似或抄袭都会被红字标注,但是必须满足3里面的前提条件:即你所引用或抄袭的A文献文字总和在你的各个检测段落中要达到5%。