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2023-03-06 23:00 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知


  Academic dishonest has become one of the most serious problems in educational circles. The world grows better and better, while academic dishonest also become more and more common. What is academic dishonest. According to my understanding, it includes plagiarism, fabrication, deception, cheating, sabotage and academic fraud. Many outstanding educators and scientists may cheat in their academic words. In my opinion, there are three main reasons.


  Firstly, vanity plays an important part. No matter common people or outstanding people, they have the same psychology that is vanity. Some famous scholars will choose to use academic dishonest to get a better fame. Secondly, academic achievement becomes the main standard to get promotion or salary rise. Some people may have the fluke mind, so they choose to cheat everyone, especially their boss will give what they want. Thirdly, the punishment for academic dishonest is still too tolerant. Academic dishonest is rare to be found, unless it has brought serious consequence. Some people want to success at any cost will choose this way.


  In a word, the outstanding people are the example for us. They should use their special position to set a good example for us. In my view, small progress is better than the fake breakthrough. Although they may get what they want for the time being through academic dishonest, they will be notorious once discover cheating. So I hope everyone should look before they leap.


求英语作文一篇 学术造假现象

Academic fraud
Academic fraud
There is a heated discussion about a kind of social phenomenon. That is academic fraud,which is widespread and be a thought-provoking social problem.
Someone copying papers and be able to get promotion.Someone offered by the govermental research fund because of academic misconducts.Absolutely,these fund is extrmely disgraceful to eventualy.
If take its course, academic research became jokes, the development of science and technology were delayed, state-owned property is disapear and the consequences is very serious.
As far as I am conserned ,to put an end of this phenomenon , The United States can be used for referanc It established a national science foundation, consists of an inspector general office; Put health and public service sector, also establish a regulatory place, it is scientific research integrity office. Every year, constantly announced a copycat and misconduct penalties,



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