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2023-02-20 23:14 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知






《经济学人》精读41:Data and medicine

A revolution in healthcare is coming

Welcome to Doctor You

Feb 1st 2018

NO WONDER they are called “patients”.When people enter the health-care systems of rich countries today, they know what they will get: prodding doctors, endless tests, baffling jargon, rising costs and, above all, long waits. Some stoicism will always be needed, because health care is complex and diligence matters. But frustration is boiling over.This week three of the biggest names in American business—Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase—announced a new venture to provide better, cheaper health care for their employees. A fundamental problem with today’s system is that patients lack knowledge and control. Access to data can bestow both.

The internet already enables patients to seek online consultations when and where it suits them. You can take over-the-counter tests to analyse your blood, sequence your genome and check on the bacteria in your gut. Yet radical change demands a shift in emphasis, from providers to patients and from doctors to data. That shift is happening. Technologies such as the smartphone allow people to monitor their own health. The possibilities multiply when you add the crucial missing ingredients—access to your own medical records and the ability easily to share information with those you trust. That allows you to reduce inefficiencies in your own treatment and also to provide data to help train medical algorithms. You can enhance your own care and everyone else’s, too.

jargon: the language used for a particular activity or by a particular group of people

stoicism: the quality or behavior of a person who accepts what happens without complaining or showing emotion

现在病人走进一家医院,都能预料到会是什么样的:仓促的医生,数不清的检测,看不懂的病例,涨不停的费用和无尽的等待... 病人的问题就是他们不清楚状况和缺乏对自己病情的控制

所以亚马逊和JPMorgan还有Berkshire Hathaway 成立了一个新的公司,为他们的员工提供更好更廉价的医疗

The doctor will be you now

Medical data may not seem like the type of kindling to spark a revolution. But the flow of information is likely to bear fruit in several ways. One is better diagnosis. Someone worried about their heart can now buy a watch strap containing a medical-grade monitor that will detect arrhythmias. Apps are vying to see if they can diagnose everything from skin cancer and concussion to Parkinson’s disease. Research is under way to see whether sweat can be analysed for molecular biomarkers without the need for an invasive blood test. Some think that changes in how quickly a person swipes a phone’s touchscreen might signal the onset of cognitive problems.

A second benefit lies in the management of complex diseases. Diabetes apps can change the way patients cope, by monitoring blood-glucose levels and food intake, potentially reducing long-run harm such as blindness and gangrene. Akili Interactive, a startup, plans to seek regulatory approval for a video game designed to stimulate an area of the brain implicated in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (see article).




Patients can also improve the efficiency of their care. Although health records are increasingly electronic, they are often still trapped in silos. Many contain data that machines cannot read. This can lead to delays in treatment, or worse. Many of the 250,000 deaths in America attributable to medical error each year can be traced to poorly co-ordinated care. With data at their fingertips, common standards to enable sharing and a strong incentive to get things right, patients are more likely to spot errors. On January 24th Apple laid out its plans to ask organisations to let patients use their smartphones to download their own medical records (see article).

A final benefit of putting patients in charge stems from the generation and aggregation of their data. Artificial intelligence (AI) is already being trained by a unit of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, to identify cancerous tissues and retinal damage. As patients’data stream from smartphones and “wearables”, they will teach AIs to do ever more. Future AIs could, for instance, provide automated medical diagnosis from a description of your symptoms, spot behavioural traits that suggest you are depressed or identify if you are at special risk of cardiac disease. The aggregation of data will also make it easier for you to find other people with similar diseases and to see how they responded to various treatments.




An Apple a day

As with all new technologies, pitfalls accompany the promise. Hucksters will launch apps that do not work. But with regulators demanding oversight of apps that present risks to patients, users will harm only their wallets. Not everyone will want to take active control of their own health care; plenty will want the professionals to manage everything.Fine. Data can be pored over by those who are interested, while those who are not can opt to share data automatically with trusted providers.

The benefits of new technologies often flow disproportionately to the rich. Those fears are mitigated by the incentives that employers, governments and insurers have to invest in cost-efficient preventive care for all. Alphabet has recently launched a firm called Cityblock Health, for example, which plans to trawl through patients’ data to provide better care for low-income city dwellers, many of them covered by Medicaid, an insurance programme for poorer Americans.

pitfall: a danger or problem that is hidden or not obvious at first

pore over: to read or study something very carefully

trawl: to search through something in order to find someone or something


Google在这方面有做出了努力,成立了一各公司Cityblock Health,为低收入人群提供更好的医疗!(真心觉得googlers 是为了人类进步而发展的公司...)

Other risks are harder to deal with.Greater transparency may encourage the hale and hearty not to take out health insurance. They may even make it harder for the unwell to find cover. Regulations can slow that process—by requiring insurers to ignore genetic data, for example—but not stop it. Security is another worry. The more patient data are analysed in the cloud or shared with different firms, the greater the potential threat of hacking or misuse. Almost a quarter of all data breaches in America happen in health care. Health firms should face stringent penalties if they are slapdash about security, but it is naive to expect that breaches will never happen.

Will the benefits of making data more widely available outweigh such risks? The signs are that they will. Plenty of countries are now opening up their medical records, but few have gone as far as Sweden. It aims to give all its citizens electronic access to their medical records by 2020; over a third of Swedes have already set up accounts. Studies show that patients with such access have a better understanding of their illnesses, and that their treatment is more successful. Trials in America and Canada have produced not just happier patients but lower costs, as clinicians fielded fewer inquiries. That should be no surprise. No one has a greater interest in your health than you do. Trust in Doctor You.

hale: healthy and strong, usually used in the phrase hale and hearty 


stringent: very strict or severe

slapdash: quick and careless

那分享这些医疗数据到底是不是利大于弊还是弊大于利?种种迹象标明是 利大于弊的!




Lexile®Measure: 1100L - 1200L

Mean Sentence Length: 16.04

Mean Log Word Frequency: 3.16

Word Count: 1030

这篇文章的蓝思值是在1100-1200L, 适合英语专业大二的水平学习,是经济学人里比较简单的

使用kindle断断续续地读《经济学人》三年,发现从一开始磕磕碰碰到现在比较顺畅地读完,进步很大,推荐购买! 点击这里可以去亚马逊官网购买~



0 cover封面会给出四篇文章的标题,通常前三篇来自leaders社论

1.The world this week,一般包括三部分politics, business, Cal's cartion(Kal是经济学人漫画家的名字),这部分属于全球要闻速读。

阅读建议: 注意《经济学人》是怎样用 简洁的语言,精准的用词,生动的细节 来概括新闻事件的。


阅读建议:注意读者是怎样展开、论证或反驳一个观点的。可以 体会论证方法,收集论证句式。

4. Briefing:说是briefing实际算是深度报道,往往从leaders5篇文章中选一篇做深度分析。这部分是《经济学人》里单篇篇幅最长的内容,一般2-3页。

阅读建议: 学习《经济学人》怎样 充分展开一个论点 。推荐和leaders版块同主题文章一起阅读。注意 词汇,句式的灵活替换。

5.Asia; China; United States; The Americas; Middle East and Africa; Europe; Britain


①只有三个国家有自己的版块: 英国,美国,中国。

这三版块的专栏分别叫 Bagehot (Britain)— 白芝浩(Walter Bagehot),英国最著名的经济学家、政治社会学家和公法学家之一。后人认为,白芝浩是《经济学人》历史上最伟大的主编,“或许是《经济学人》的编辑们永远试图接近但无法超越的楷模”。为纪念他的卓越贡献,后来闻名于全世界的《经济学人》将其有关英国政治的专栏命名为“白芝浩专栏”。英国政治研究协会(Political Studies Association)每年给政治与公共行政领域的优秀论文颁发“白芝浩奖” )

Lexington (United States)—莱克星顿(列克星顿),美国马萨诸塞州一小镇,因美国独立战争在此打响而著名。

Analects (China)— 这个比较好理解,就是来自中国古代四书之一的《论语》。


③除了中国版块,The world this week, Leaders, Letters, Business等其他版块往往也会有关于中国的文章。



Baobab (Africa & Middle East)— 这个词同样是一种树--猴面包树 (很有意思的名字),这种树在非洲很普遍,树名的由来,在非洲有两种说法。一种说,这是黑非洲土著人的称谓,意为"瓶状树"。另一种说法,认为这是从一个阿拉伯语词汇演变而来。这样,中东和非洲都包括进去了。这个专栏貌似已经没有了。

Banyan (Asia)—是TE于2009年4月新推出的亚洲事务专栏,选择菩提(Banyan)作为专栏名,是因为TE认为菩提最能代表泛亚形象。一则菩提树与佛教渊源颇深,佛祖释迦牟尼在菩提树下静坐7个日夜后,大彻大悟;再则由于印度西部古吉拉特商人往往在菩提树树荫下买卖交易,菩提树也因此而得名,所以TE认为菩提树是亚洲精神文明和物质文明的双重象征。在亚洲,菩提还与公共事务有着千丝万缕的联系,也是他们选择的理由之一。

Charlemagne (Europe)— 查理曼大帝(公元742---814年),或称为查理,卡尔大帝,法兰克王国加洛林王朝国王,神圣罗马帝国的奠基人。他建立了那囊括西欧大部分地区的庞大帝国。公元800年,由罗马教皇加冕神圣罗马帝国开国皇帝,号为罗马人皇帝。他在行政、司法、军事制度及经济生产等方面都有杰出的建树,并大力发展文化教育事业。是他引入了欧洲文明,他被后世尊称为“欧洲之父”。欧洲板块因此就选用了这个名字。

阅读建议:聚焦自己感兴趣的区域或话题; 偶尔看看陌生的区域和话题; 中国版块。

8.Technology Quarterly*(*表示不是每期都有的内容)。


阅读建议:按兴趣阅读; 适合挑战用较短时间深入理解一个陌生的科技话题。

9.International 一般2-3页,1-2篇文章,主题是各国读者能产生共鸣的话题。

阅读建议: 探索阅读兴趣,注意在讨论不同国家地区情况时的 同意替换表达 。很多话题可以作为和外国朋友做 深度交流的绝佳素材 。

10 Business 一般7-8篇文章




Schumpeter (Business) — 约瑟夫·熊彼特(Joseph Alois Schumpeter),或译为熊彼德是一位有深远影响的政治经济学家,因主张自由主义资本经济制度,与凯恩斯理论间相互对立,虽然他的经济学说并不如凯因斯在生前就获得很大的回响,但研究者咸认为他对于经济学科的思想史有着很大的贡献,于哈佛任教期间引介计量经济理论的研究,竖立该校于经济研究的重镇地位。


11.Finance and economics

12.Science and technology

14.Economic and financial indicators









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