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2023-02-10 12:39 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知


国际会计协调化的必要性: 1.跨国公司的出现所引起的对内和对外的会计问题。加入WTO以后,我国的企业将走出国门、走向世界,世界其他国家的企业也会涌入我国。这种错综复杂的贸易关系,必然会带来一系列会计问题。对内的会计问题包括结转价格、外汇风险管理和预算等,对外的会计问题包括合并报表、外币折算和通货膨胀会计等。跨国公司会计核算所涉及到的国家之间的差异,需要多国公司会计报告的协调。  2.国际贸易的发展。我国加入WTO后,将推动国际贸易的发展。在国际贸易交往中,购销双方都需要利用财务信息了解对方的财务状况,如果双方提供会计信息所依赖的会计准则不能相互协调,必然会给双方的相互了解与沟通带来障碍。  3.金融全球化的要求。如今的国际金融市场大有“牵一发而动全身”之势,“巴林银行倒闭案”殃及整个欧洲,东南亚金融危机震荡了整个世界。各国需要联手抵御金融风险,沟通和协调各国的会计准则就是其中的一个必要环节。 国际会计协调化进行过程中的障碍: 可以归纳为:(1)会计本身作为判断和社会的学科,反映特定企业环境的客观需要;(2)不同国家对会计和企业经营存在不同的态度和传统;(3)国家之间在法律和经济制度上存在着差别;(4)国家主权方面的影响;(5)发达国家和发展中国家之间有经济差距。


Summary:Is multifarious day by day along with the international economic exchanges and the cooperation, the accountancy is an in general use nations business language, it the international coordination is subjected to people day by day extensive concern.The article announced to public necessity and its main obstacle that the international accountancy moderates in discussing that the international accountancy moderates the foundation of concept.
Keyword:The international accountancy moderates, necessity, form and obstacle
A.the international accountancy moderate of connotation
For what is an international accountancy to moderate, the standpoint that hasn't reached a consensus, had a representative of expert scholar from accounting in all countries mainly has currently:
1, the promise compares Si(Nobes) to teach with Pa gram(Parker)2 at 《more international accountancy 》in think:International accountancy's coordination means"pass the difference of defining the accounting practice, strengthen accounting practice can compare sexual process".
2, Joe(Choi) and rice gram(Meek) at 《international accountancy 》in think:International accountancy's coordination means"the standard of accountancies in all countries at logical not in response to the conflict".
3, Pan(Arpan) with pull virtuous wave man(Radeaugh) to think:"Though completely standardize is impossible,reduce selectivity is realistic, the coordination turns of process substantially is the degree that the difference of the standard and actual situation narrow to accept".
4, the our country accounting domestic life Xun the professor think:International accountancy's coordination means"include folks and government both side establishment or approbation through some international organizations or specialized organization, adopt some united accountancy's standards or other to standardize a document, promote unifying of certain region or accounting practice in all countries inside the world scope and finance information and can compare of activity".
Although the concept that the academic circles moderates to the international accountancy hasn't formed united understanding.The international accountancy can define for:Limit the difference degree of accountancy's norm in all countries and accountancy's information, thus increase an accountancy's information in the international scope of can compare sex.But international accountancy's coordination mean born accountancy of accountancy's information and instruction accountancy's information of all countries the standard not request to promote a set of to direction effort of"consistency" strict of, the whole world unify of, don't choose the rule of leeway.The international accountancy's coordination is mainly the coordination of finance accountancy's information, making finance accountancy's information had more can compare sex with apprehensible.
Two.the international accountancy moderate of necessity
1.along with international trade, international investment and step over the development of company, request to promote an international finance information of can compare sexual pressure to strengthen day by day.Generally think, if if there are united accountancy's technical term and accountancy's procedure within the scope of world and there is 1 set, majority of accountancy's standards with generally accepted nations are in the world, have each the finance information that the company can compare mutually, will be advantageous to the everyone in the international management activity the noodles participant's management decision;Be advantageous to the management efficiency and economic efficiency that raises a company;The international financial market will also have the clarity higher and more accurate finance information.
2.the accountancy's international coordination to all countries are in the international capital on the market carry on the business enterprise that raises funds an activity also will very beneficial, can economize the money raising expenses of these business enterprises.Because a business enterprise raises funds on the market in the capital of different nation and all wants to draw up a set of financial report according to accountancy's standard of the region currently, will draw up a few financial reports in a few national money raisings, this will make the business enterprise like this increased an a big pen expenditure.
3.the multinational company generally support an accountancy of international harmonious of, and the multinational company will also be subjected to a benefit from it.If accountancy's standard attains the coordination of certain degree to unify, the multinational company will reduce the difficulty of adjusting subsidiary accounting system in all countries, the accountant will have more united foundation at drawing up the process lieutenant general of merging the statement.
4.international accountancy's company or international accounting firm is carrying on multinational audit or be engaged in an other international accountancy business in, also pretty much hope the difference of accounting practice in all countries can gradually narrow, so that it can raise the unity of auditing the basis and raise audit quality and other business to work level.
Three.the international accountancy moderate of main form
Although method and form that the international accountancy moderates are a lot of, the international community adopts of the coordination method isn't and same alike also each and induce and mostly have following few formses:
1.the international standard moderate.The international accountancy standard committee(IASC) is the organization of folks to establish international accountancy's standard, then develops influence in the global scope according to authority and help concerning international organization of depending on oneself the technique.
2.government the organization moderate.International or local government the organization of after the coordination establishes to unify an accountancy rule, with the agreement of the government or the form responsibility of the lawmaking become each member country obey.
3.accountancy's teaching moderate.The accountancy educates a think factory push the accountancy of the national moderate.



[关键词]会计准则 国际协调 前景 建议






三. 会计准则国际协调的方式



会计准则国际协调与国际会计准则协调两者间既有区别,又有联系。国际会计准则协调是指以国际会计准则(IAS)作为统一标准,衡量并消除各国会计准则与国际会计准则的差异,促使它们向国际会计准则靠拢的过程。而这个协调过程就是国际会计准则的过程。因此,国际会计准则协调化是各国会计准则实现标准化、规范化的途径之 一 。 而各国会计准则要在各方认可的基点上达成一致的过程,必然要向国际化靠拢,从而达到一定的标准及规范的程度。





1. 结合我国国情参与国际会计协调。根据中国实际情况引进和吸收国外会计的先进思想与技术方法,结合我国制定的会计法律、法规,寻求最佳切入点,并以此来制定或实施我国的会计准则。

2. 积极参与全球或地区性会计专业团体和政府有关会计协调组织,注重国外会计的新发展和新领域,注重引进和吸收国外政府与非营利组织会计等方面的做法,注重案例分析等。

3. 设立专门机构,改进和提高会计教育水平。要使会计体系的务实性研究与超前性研究相辅相成,并围绕具有国际化精神的会计准则和体系展开配套的改革

4. 加大我国会计界与外界的交流与合作,借鉴和吸收西方国家先进的经验与理论。

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