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2023-12-08 09:54 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知


1、作物节木代料香菇与纯木屑代料香菇蛋白质营养比较研究,菌物学报,2005(3);2、节木代料香菇的生产性状研究,湖北农业科学, 2005(1);3、香菇棉秆粉代料栽培规模化生产试验,中国食用菌,2003(3);4、香菇代料春栽中存在的问题与对策,中国食用菌,2003(6);5、香菇玉米秸秆代料栽培规模化生产试验,南阳师院学报,2003(6);6、粗糙集理论在昆虫分类学上的应用,动物分类学报,2005(3);7、玉米秸秆木屑混合生料地栽香菇技术研究,安徽农业科学,2008,36(6);8、河南南阳不同生境土壤重金属含量及其对拟水狼蛛生物学特性的影响,昆虫学报,2009,52(9);


杨星科. 2005. 秦岭西段及甘南地区昆虫. 科学出版社. 1055pp.杨星科, 杨集昆, 李文柱. 2005. 中国动物志:脉翅目:草蛉科. 科学出版社. 398pp.杨星科. 2004. 广西十万大山昆虫. 中国林业出版社. 668pp.杨星科. 2004. 西藏雅鲁藏布大峡谷昆虫. 中国科学技术出版社. 339pp.杨星科, 赵建铭. 2000. 中国昆虫分类研究五十年. 昆虫知识 37: 1-11.杨星科, 王书永, 高明媛. 1999. 中国高山萤叶甲区系研究. 动物分类学报24: 402-415.杨星科. 1997. 长江三峡库区昆虫. 重庆出版社. 1847pp.Ming Bai, You-Wei Zhang and Xing-Ke Yang*. 2007. A key to species of the genus Caccobius Thomson (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from China, with description of a new species. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 109: 131-135.Si-Qin Ge, Rolf G. Beutel, Xing-Ke Yang*. 2007. Phylogeny on thoracic morphology of Derodontidae and Nosodendridae, with its phylogenetic implications. Systematic Entomology 32:635-667.Yong Zhang, Si-qin Ge and Xing-Ke Yang*. 2007. Study of the morphology of Altica fragariae (Nakane) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae), with first descriptions of the larvae and pupae. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 109: 661-683.Huai-Jun Xue and Xing-Ke Yang*. 2007. Host plant use in sympatric closely related flea beetles. Environmental Entomology 36: 468-474.Huai-Jun Xue, Egas M. and Xing-ke Yang*. 2007. Development of a positive preference-performance relationship in an oligophagous beetle: adaptive learning? Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 125: 119-124.Ming Bai, Xing-Ke Yang* and You-Wei Zhang. 2006. A key to species of the genus Onitis Fabricius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from China, with the description of a new species and a new record for China. Proceedings of Entomological Society of Washington 108: 388-394.Li-Jie Zhang, Xing-Ke Yang*, Jun-Zhi Cui and Wen-Zhu Li. 2006. A key to the genus Mimastra Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) from China, with the description of a new species. Entomological news 117: 203-210.Yong Zhang and Xing-Ke Yang*. 2006. A study of the flea beetle genus Euphitrea Baly from China, with the description of five new species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae). Proceedings of Entomological Society of Washington 108: 842-859.Xia Wan, Xin-Li Wang and Xing-Ke Yang*. 2006. Study on the genus Layahima Navás (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) from China. Proceedings of Entomological Society of Washington 108: 35-44.Mei-Ying Lin, Wen-Zhu Li and Xing-Ke Yang*. 2006. Male description of Eutetrapha velutinofasciata Pic, with a new synonym (Coleoptera:Cerambycidae:Saperdini). Zootaxa 1371: 65-68.Li-Jie Zhang, Xing-Ke Yang*. 2005. A new species of the genus Cneoranidea Chen, 1942 from China with a key to the known species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae). Pan-pacific Entomologist 81: 47-51.Si-Qin Ge Wen-Zhu Li, Xing-Ke Yang*. 2005. Two new species of Phratora Chevrolat from Qingling Mountains, China (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 81: 1-5.Li-Jie Zhang, Xing-Ke Yang*, 2005. A new species of genus Agetocera Hope (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae). Proceedings of Entomological Society of Washington 107(1): 119-122.


已在学术刊物上发表研究论文57篇,其中第一作者35篇,第二作者14篇,第三作者8篇。目录如下:1.杨茂发,廖启荣,汪廉敏. 桃瘤头蚜Tuberocephallus momonis(Matsumura)发生规律及防治. 贵州农学院学报,1996,15(2):46-50 .2.杨茂发,李子忠. 海南大叶蝉科三新种. 动物学研究,1998,19(4):318-322.3.杨茂发,李子忠. 云南斑大叶蝉属一新种. 山地农业生物学报,1999,18(1):15-16,20.4.杨茂发,李子忠,蒋书楠. 中国南无僧叶蝉属的研究. 昆虫分类学报,1999,21(1):29-32.5.杨茂发,李子忠. 中国大叶蝉科一新记录属及一新种一新组合. 昆虫分类学报,1999,21(3):205-208.6.杨茂发,李子忠. 中国窗翅叶蝉属三新种和一新记录种. 动物分类学报,1999,24(3):315-319.7.杨茂发,李子忠. 贵州窗翅叶蝉属三新种. 昆虫学报,1999,42(4):406-410.8.杨茂发,李子忠. 条大叶蝉属二新种记述. 华东昆虫学报,1999,8(2):1-3.9.杨茂发,李子忠. 窗翅叶蝉族中国一新记录属及一新种.《昆虫学研究进展》(吴孔明,陈晓峰主编),北京:中国科学技术出版社,2000,23-25.10.汪廉敏,廖启荣,杨茂发. 贵阳地区桃一点叶蝉发生规律及防治 . 贵州农业科学,1997,25(6):24-27.11.廖启荣,杨茂发,陈恒阳. 贵阳地区稻秆蝇发生规律及防治 . 贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版),1998,16(增刊):161-162.12.廖启荣,汪廉敏,杨茂发. 桃粉蚜发生规律及防治 . 贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版),1999,17(2):67-70.13.杨茂发. 梨瘿华蛾的发生与防治 . 山地农业生物学报,2000,19(3):182-184.14.杨茂发,李子忠. 窗翅叶蝉属二新种记述. 《昆虫分类区系研究》(张雅林主编),北京:中国农业出版社,2000,52-55.15.杨茂发,张雅林. 中国大叶蝉亚科三新种.昆虫分类学报,2000,22(3):185-190.16.杨茂发,李子忠. 福建武夷山条大叶蝉属一新种. 动物分类学报,2000,25(4):410-412.17.杨茂发,李子忠. 中国边大叶蝉属的分类研究. 昆虫学报,2000,43(4):403-412.18.杨茂发,李子忠.贵州斑大叶蝉属三新种. 动物分类学报,2001,26(1):46-50.19.杨茂发,杜艳丽,李子忠. 中国斑大叶蝉属三新种一新记录. 动物学研究,2001,22(2):142-145.20.杨茂发,廖启荣等. 毕节地区玉米害虫种群变动规律的研究 .《玉米高产集成技术应用与持续发展理论及技术研究》——玉米100万亩高产技术应用与研究论文集(赵致,张荣达主编),贵阳:贵州科技出版社,2001,156-163.21.杨茂发,廖启荣,廖华刚. 粗背狭肋鳃金龟的发生规律及防治研究 .《玉米高产集成技术应用与持续发展理论及技术研究》——玉米100万亩高产技术应用与研究论文集(赵致,张荣达主编),贵阳:贵州科技出版社,2001,203-204.22.杨茂发,张雅林. 云南大叶蝉亚科二新属二新种记述. 昆虫分类学报,2001,23(3):169-174.23.杨茂发,李子忠. 四川条大叶蝉属二新种 . 昆虫学报,2002,45(Suppl.):40-42.24.杨茂发,李子忠. 云南条大叶蝉三新种. 动物分类学报,2002,27(3):556-561.25.杨茂发,李子忠. 同翅目:叶蝉科:大叶蝉亚科.《茂兰景观昆虫》(李子忠,金道超主编),贵阳:贵州科技出版社,2002,171-183.26.杨茂发. 甲螨目:缝甲螨科,短缝甲螨科,广缝甲螨科,短甲螨科,上罗甲螨科,矮汉甲螨科,礼服甲螨科,蛛甲螨科.《茂兰景观昆虫》(李子忠,金道超主编),贵阳:贵州科技出版社,2002,544-547.27.张燕,金道超,杨茂发,王慧芙. 甲螨的研究进展及展望. 贵州大学学报(农业与生物科学版),2002,21(5):368-374.28.杨茂发,李子忠. 云南窗翅叶蝉属一新种. 中南林学院学报,2002,22(4):102-103.29.陈颖,陈文龙,杨茂发,但汉斌. 南美斑潜蝇室内饲养及生物学特性. 天津农业科学,2002,8(4):15-17.30.刘高峰,杨茂发. 梵净山自然保护区土壤甲螨群落结构与多样性. 山地农业生物学报,2003,22(1):27-33.31.孙桂华,杨春旺,杨茂发. 天津自然博物馆馆藏大叶蝉亚科昆虫名录. 山地农业生物学报,2003,22(6):505-508.32.杨茂发,徐芳玲,汪廉敏,李子忠,戴仁怀,宋琼章,徐翩. 宽阔水自然保护区昆虫初步调查.《宽阔水自然保护区综合科学考察集》(喻理飞,谢双喜,吴太伦主编),贵阳:贵州科技出版社,2004,340-379.33.徐芳玲,杨茂发,汪廉敏,李子忠,戴仁怀,宋琼章,徐翩. 宽阔水自然保护区昆虫名录.《宽阔水自然保护区综合科学考察集》(喻理飞,谢双喜,吴太伦主编),贵阳:贵州科技出版社,2004,380-391.34.杨茂发,李子忠. 台湾窗翅叶蝉属四新种记述. 动物分类学报,2004,29(3):491-496.35.杨茂发,李子忠. 西藏条大叶蝉属三新种. 动物分类学报,2004,29(4):756-760.36.刘细群,杨茂发. 贵州食蚜瘿蚊生物学特性的初步研究. 贵州农业科学,2005,33(1):8-10.37.杨茂发,李子忠. 斑大叶蝉属一新种. 昆虫分类学报,2005,27(1):14-16.38.杨茂发,骆军科,金道超. 黄柏瘦筒天牛生物学特性及其防治. 中国森林病虫,2005,24(2):11-13.39.曹玲珍,杨茂发. 贵州蜻蜓目昆虫区系分析. 贵州农业科学,2005,33(2):7-10.40.杨茂发,宋冬梅. 中国西藏大叶蝉亚科二新种. 昆虫分类学报,2005,27(2):97-102.41.Maofa Yang, Lewis L. Deitz and Zizhong Li. A New Genus and Two New Species of Cicadellinae from China (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), with a key to the Chinese genera of Cicadellinae. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 2005, 113(1-2): 77-83.(SCI收录)42.杨茂发,李子忠. 同翅目:叶蝉科:大叶蝉亚科.《习水景观昆虫》(金道超,李子忠主编),贵阳:贵州科技出版社,2005,159-169.43.张燕,金道超,杨茂发. 甲螨目:直卷甲螨科,真卷甲螨科,缝甲螨科,短缝甲螨科,上罗甲螨科,矮汉甲螨科,剑甲螨科,耳头甲螨科,盖头甲螨科,沙甲螨科,沙足甲螨科,滑珠甲螨科,奥甲螨科.《习水景观昆虫》(金道超,李子忠主编),贵阳:贵州科技出版社,2005,552-558.44.孙立军,杨茂发,熊继文,曾令祥. 贵州地道中药材艾纳香害虫名录初报. 贵州农业科学,2005,33(5):65.45.杨茂发,宋冬梅,李子忠. 同翅目:叶蝉科:大叶蝉亚科.《贵州大沙河昆虫》(杨茂发,金道超主编),贵阳:贵州人民出版社,2005,133-142.46.金道超,杨茂发. 大沙河自然保护区景观昆虫区系多样性特点及演化的分析. 《贵州大沙河昆虫》(杨茂发,金道超主编),贵阳:贵州人民出版社,2005,14-34.47.宋冬梅,杨茂发. 贵州大沙河昆虫新阶元和中国新记录阶元. 《贵州大沙河昆虫》(杨茂发,金道超主编),贵阳:贵州人民出版社,2005,35-39.48.曹玲珍,杨茂发,周文豹. 蜻蜓目:蜓科,蜻科,色璁科,综璁科,山璁科,扇璁科. 《贵州大沙河昆虫》(杨茂发,金道超主编),贵阳:贵州人民出版社,2005,40-44.49.唐毅,杨茂发. 鞘翅目:虎甲科. 《贵州大沙河昆虫》(杨茂发,金道超主编),贵阳:贵州人民出版社,2005,201-202.50.周忠会,杨茂发. 鞘翅目:龙虱科,水龟虫科,锹甲科. 《贵州大沙河昆虫》(杨茂发,金道超主编),贵阳:贵州人民出版社,2005,209-212.51.杨再华,杨茂发. 膜翅目:胡蜂科,马蜂科,异腹胡蜂科,蜾赢科,蜜蜂科,切叶蜂科,隧蜂科,泥蜂科. 《贵州大沙河昆虫》(杨茂发,金道超主编),贵阳:贵州人民出版社,2005,483-489.52.向玉勇,杨茂发. 昆虫性信息素研究应用进展. 湖北农业科学,2006,45(2):250-256.53.练启仙,桑维钧,杨茂发,李小霞,任春光,杨汝. 贵州皇竹草纹枯病的发生特点与防治建议. 山地农业生物学报,2006,25(2):177-178.54.杨茂发,李子忠. 同翅目:叶蝉科:大叶蝉亚科.《赤水桫椤景观昆虫》(金道超,李子忠主编),贵阳:贵州科技出版社,2006,129-133.55.张燕,金道超,杨茂发. 甲螨目:真卷甲螨科,卷甲螨科,缝甲螨科,类缝甲螨科,矮汉甲螨科,阿斯甲螨科,温奥甲螨科,剑甲螨科,盖头甲螨科,沙甲螨科,沙足甲螨科,滑珠甲螨科,小棱甲螨科,角翼甲螨科.《赤水桫椤景观昆虫》(金道超,李子忠主编),贵阳:贵州科技出版社,2006,364-369.56.杨茂发,李子忠. 同翅目:叶蝉科:大叶蝉亚科.《梵净山景观昆虫》(李子忠,金道超主编),贵阳:贵州科技出版社,2006,153-162.57.刘高峰,杨茂发. 甲螨目:真卷甲螨科,卷甲螨科,真卷甲螨科,缝甲螨科,类缝甲螨科,罗甲螨科,上罗甲螨科,懒甲螨科,洼甲螨科,矮汉甲螨科,小赫甲螨科,裂板鳃甲螨科,珠甲螨科,沙甲螨科,沙足甲螨科,美甲螨科,泥甲螨科,阿斯甲螨科,剑甲螨科,步甲螨科,盖头甲螨科,奥甲螨科,单翼甲螨科.《梵净山景观昆虫》(李子忠,金道超主编),贵阳:贵州科技出版社,2006,691-701.


1. Liang, A.-P. & Wang, R.-R. 2008. The Asian planthopper genus Sogana Matsumura (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Tropiduchidae) with descriptions of three new species. Zootaxa 1732: 29-44.2. Wang, R.-R., Liang, A.-P. & Webb, M.D. 2008. Description of a new planthopper genus and species from China (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Tropiduchidae), with morphological observations on a preserved copulatory pair. Systematic Entomology (in press).3. Chen, X.-S. & Liang, A.-P. 2007. Revision of the Oriental genus Bambusiphaga Huang and Ding (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae). Zoological Studies 46(4): 503-519.4. Liang, A.-P., Jiang, G.-M. & Webb, M.D. 2006. Revision of the Oriental spittlebug genera Baibarana Matsumura and Telogmometopius Jacobi (Hemiptera: Cercopidae: Rhinaulacini). Journal of Natural History 40(35-37): 2071-2099.5. Liang, A.-P. & Song, Z.-S. 2006. Revision of the Oriental and eastern Palaearctic planthopper genus Saigona Matsumura, 1910 (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Dictyopharidae), with descriptions of five new species. Zootaxa 1333: 25-54.6. Liang, A.-P., Song, Z.-S. & Jiang, G.-M. 2006. Sphenocratus xinjiangensis Liang, sp. nov., the first authentic record of the dictyopharid subfamily Orgeriinae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Dictyopharidae) in China. Zootaxa 1296: 55-61.7. Liang, A.-P. & Song, Z.-S. 2006. First record of the genus Dictyopharina Melichar, 1903 (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Dictyopharidae) from China, with descriptions of two new species. Zootaxa 1166: 21-33.8. Xu, C.-Q., Liang, A.-P. & Jiang, G.-M. 2006. The genus Euricania Melichar (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) from China. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54(1): 1-10.9. Wu, H.-X., Liang, A.-P. & Jiang, G.-M. 2005. The tribe Otiocerini in China with descriptions of five new species (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Derbidae). Oriental Insects 39: 281-294.10. Liang, A.-P. 2005. A new structure on the subantennal process of Borysthenes and Euryphelpsia species (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Cixiidae: Borystheninae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 118(4): 809-814.11. Liang, A.-P. 2005. Occurrence of the latero-subapical labial sensillum in Borysthenes maculata and Andes marmorata (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Cixiidae). Journal of Entomological Science 40(4): 426-435.12. Liang, A.-P., Fletcher, M.J. & Jiang, G.-M. 2005. The endemic Australian spittlebug genus Anyllis Kirkaldy (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) with description of a new species from Tasmania. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 78(4): 301-307.13. Liang, A.-P. 2003. A new tibial gland in male spittlebugs with descriptions of two new species of Augustohahnia Schmidt (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) from New Guinea. Journal of Zoology, London 261(2): 173-180.14. Liang, A.-P. 2003. A new genus of Tropiduchidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) from China and Vietnam, with description of eggs. 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