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2023-12-08 01:33 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知



Reading is a happy thing. For those who love reading, once they read it, they can't stop, they can't give up reading, they want to read to the ends of the world. Some people say: "the deepest and most peaceful happiness Calm down, open the book, the deposition of ink a little bit over the space, those dusty happiness a little bit open. Reading is really fun.


Goethe once said, "to read a good book is to talk to a noble man." Yes, reading good books is like making good teachers and friends, which benefits me a lot; Reading good books is like bathing in the warm spring breeze, Reading good books is like finding the source of happiness, which makes me understand the true meaning of happiness.



Life is picturesque, there are thick ink splashing, there are light pen light description; Life is like a song, there are light chanting and shallow singing, there are also Huang zhongdalu. You don't see the life of Li Taibai and Du Gongbu. They have created the greatness of life; Pei Duofei, Shelley's life, light pen light description, finally write the true meaning of life.


You can't see Tao Yuanming's "picking chrysanthemums under the East fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan" and Tan Sitong's "I smile from the horizontal knife to the sky, leaving my liver and gall in Kunlun".



Spirit is a monument, a cornerstone, a beacon on the way forward, and a yardstick for a brilliant life. With modesty, rich and talented, Confucius slowly chanted that "if three people walk, there must be a teacher." he was not ashamed to ask questions, and eventually became a generation of Confucian masters.


With tolerance, ambition and high spirited, Duke Huan of Qi abandoned his personal feud, appointed people on the basis of merit, achieved great achievements for thousands of years, and finally never threw away the Han envoys' festival in his hand. He cared for his motherland and eventually became a patriotic model for thousands of years.


Spirit, through the tunnel of history, across the long river of history, will forever support the towering and spectacular building of life.



Night, like ink drops on the canvas of the sky, permeates and faints. With a few strokes of the brush, there are stars. With a few strokes, the soft moonlight will shoot into your heart.


The firefly's light is as warm as the stars. The cricket took out his violin and played a beautiful waltz with the breeze.


The stream is flowing slowly, like the conveyor belt of time, passing by a little bit. Flowers even at night will also send out fragrance, the fish in the pool spit bubbles, bubbles are curtain after curtain of dreams. The sky began to rain, one by one, bright to the extreme, beautiful and sad, as if that is the sky tears.


Gently pull the curtain, is afraid to disturb that quiet; Lie down gently for fear of waking the sleeping stars; Gently cover the quilt, is afraid to break the sweet country autumn dream.



Human life is a chain. There will always be children younger than you and old people older than you. Each of us has his own position. It is a financial report that no one can take away.


Don't worry about when you are young or old. As long as we live a day, the wealth of youth glitters. There is only one dark night that can cover its light, that is, you think you are old.



Man's youth is a wonderful thing: it is so full of anguish and of magic and he never comes to know it as it is, until it has gone from him forever.It is the thing he cannot bear to lose, it is the thing whose passing he watches with infinite sorrow and regret, it is the thing whose loss with a sad and secret joy,the thing he would never willingly relive again, could it be restored to him by any magic.

青春奇妙无穷,充满魅力,充满痛楚。青春年少的时候根本不知青春为何物,直到青春一去不复返了才对青春有了真正的认识。谁都想让青春永驻,不忍青春离去; 眼睁睁地看着青春流逝,心中会涌起无穷的忧伤和惋惜;青春的失去是人们永远感到悲哀的事;青春的失去是人们真正觉得悲喜交集的事;即便奇迹出现青春复苏, 谁都不会心甘情愿重度青春的岁月。

It was a beautiful letter, but there was no way, except for the name Michael, to identify the owner.Maybe if I called information, the operator could find a phone listing for the address on the envelope.The operator suggested I speak with her supervisor, who hesitated for a moment, then said, "Well, there is a phone listing at that address, but I can't give you the number." She said as a courtesy, she would call that number, explain my story and ask whoever answered if the person wanted her to connect me.


Many people put off until tomorrow what they can do today.Theyalways look for excuses to postpone(拖延)doing something .In the end,it never gets done.If we leave things undone,we willeventually worry.This will then cause unnecessary stress(压力).Therefore,if you have this bad habit,it’s best to get rid of itand do things as soon as possible.

Learning English is like building a house.Laying a strongfoundation is the first and most important step.In otherwords,you should read and speak English every day.Memorizing newwords and phrases is also helpful.Like building a house,learningEnglish takes some time.So don’t be impatient。Remember,“Rome wasn’t built in a day”.

Manypeople are fond of showing off.They always insist on footing thebill when they are out with friends.They always think ofimpressing people with their wealth.They seem to think that moneycan buy friends.In fact,it can’t.Instead of trying to show off,they should be themselves.

Some people eat to live,but there are others who live to eat.To live a long and healthy life,we must learn to have a balanceddiet.A balanced diet simply means a bit of everything.A dietwhich includes meat,fish,vegetables and fruit is,of course,ideal.If you watch your diet,then you won’t have to suffer thepain of going on a diet.

Look into your own life.If you scrub away the make-up of illusion and impurities of jealousy — can you see the clarity of grace? Can you understand how treasuring what's right in front of you is worth your time?


I was for all intensive purposes addicted to the game I was playing.This addiction nearly ruined me mood wise,I was miserable to be around when I was even able to force myself to go to class or go out and socialize.


I have an ideal,that is a colorful dream,in my dream I once became a scientist,an artist,a writer...In this dream,I think too much and have gone through too much.It is only for one purpose to be a person who serves the people and is useful to the country.And today,I will open the treasure of the dream with a mantra,and take you in the country of my dream...

Everyone should be polite.Polite people show good manners.Moreover,they are popular.On the other hand,rude people arelooked down upon.Rudeness shows poor education.Therefore,why notbe polite? A simple “Please,” “Thank you,” or “You are welcome,”can make a big difference.

Society is changingrapidly.As a result,more and more people are suffering fromstress.Those who are stressed out are often nervous ,angry or ill.People must,therefore learn to deal with this “new” kind ofproblem.Regular exercise is one way.The best way,however,is tokeep a good sense of humor.

I'm hoping that this post will convince someone who is in the same boat that I was in that moving out of unhealthy habits is easier than you think.The body and mind is extremely resilient and wants to be active,so get out there and live life!


Always insisting.Use iron scoop is too cold; Use porcelain scoop is too weak; A wood scoop,engraved veins safely,engraved sky’s wasteland and glebe’s old.Just as happiness born in the years,not insolent,the every act and move blooms quietly

一直坚持着。用铁勺太冰冷;用瓷勺又太脆弱; 一只只木勺,刻出了纹理安然,刻出了天荒地老。 一如岁月中隐忍着的幸福,不张狂,举手投足间悄然绽放。

I look out of the window stupidly,the heart that has long been grind through the score,should have been numb long ago.But,still very painful,very heavy.Achievements,day and night,I fight for it,work hard,in the end is still better than others.My heart is cold and cold,like the weather in front of the eyes,chaotic and noisy.

Years can erase everything,but it will never wear away my deep love for you.For a year,you have taught me how to use words to record parents.And now,I exclaimed,for so long,I never wrote down your back in a little world with the words of shame,and write down everything and everything about you.

In fact,it is a delicious candy,the fragrance taste our inexhaustible aftertaste reverie.But if we don't control it,we can't taste the first sweet,and the substitute must be a lot of pain.So I grow up to learn to troubleshoot and protect our "teeth".Only in this way will we taste more sweet and happy!

God puts dreams in our hearts.So,we must dream.We lose our sorrows and heartaches in dreams.And we live our fantasies in dreams.Some dreams are aborted while some come true.


Even beyond redemption, even if the lovesickness,I also be your eyebrow eye again, the same time。

Remember you said:

If only at the beginning of the life such as see, what things autumn wind sad painting fan。 So it has become such as idle hearts and minds, but the heart way so it is easy to change。


I wanted to stop,and one day I did,just like that.Told myself I would focus on building and improving myself.I began to take pride in hygiene,exercising,and building hobbies (mainly playing the piano) It's been almost exactly a month since that day and I'd just like to share where I've gotten since then.

I've been as active as I can,landing a job that promotes activity,hiking whenever possible,and going on runs around parks.I can honestly say it's the happiest I've been in a while,if not ever,and to think that it's only been a month makes me even happier.Who knows what the next few years will bring.

I'm hoping that this post will convince someone who is in the same boat that I was in that moving out of unhealthy habits is easier than you think.The body and mind is extremely resilient and wants to be active,so get out there and live life!

Gratitude grounds plentitude in the now.When you honor who you are,what you do,and what you have,your energy will change.You will start to glow.People will be drawn to you because that gratitude glow is rare in our current culture.I'm hoping to bring it back.

Death.old age.are words without a meaning.that pass by us like the idea air which we regard not.Others may have undergone,or may still be liable to them-we "bear a charmed life“,which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies.As in setting out on delightful journey,we strain our eager gaze forward-


Eliminate Internal Negative Chatter

The first step is one of awareness. It will be hard to make a change to positive thinking without being acutely intimate with the thoughts that run through your mind. Recently, I was amazed to discover deep buried emotions from negative thoughts that I had for fewer than 10 minutes. Without awareness, I would have carried the hurt and anger inside. Awareness helped me to bring them out to the open for me to deal with.

Undoubtedly it will not be easy to make a switch if you have a long history or negative self talk. Your talk became negative over the years due to various factors. For instance, if your first grade teacher repeatedly told you that you were stupid, you might believe it to be truly the case. You would find that your inner chatter would often be filled with talk of I am so slow and it is so hard to learn. If you constantly tell yourself such negative stories, your actions are going to reflect your low self esteem. It will be difficult to get very far if you are always putting yourself down.

A common negative talk involves telling yourself I can’t. When you say to yourself I can’t or it is too difficult, you are creating a resistance. Having such a mental block will prevent you from achieving a task you could otherwise succeed at.

Anytime you catch yourself saying I can’t, turn around and challenge your own claim with, Why can’t I? Research shows that most geniuses became the people they are also because of the hard work they put in. So if you would like to be successful, you need to start saying I can a lot more.

A great method that I have also found useful is to say Cancel Cancel each time I find myself saying something negative, whether in the mind or verbally. The method works if you sincerely have the intent of becoming a positive thinker.

英语文章摘抄 (二)

positive Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements of a desired outcome or goal. They are usually short, believable and focused. By repeating them over and over again, you build inroads into your subconscious mind, opening up the possibility of a new state of thoughts.

An important step when repeating affirmations is that you need to read your affirmations aloud with feeling. The mere reading of the words bears no consequence unless you put some emotions behind them. Of significant fact is that your subconscious mind takes any orders given in complete faith and after repeated self talk. So the daily practice of repeating affirmations is important.

Initially you may be skepticism toward the statement of your positive affirmation. However, if you follow this simple set of instructions your skepticism will soon give way to a new set of beliefs and then crystallized into absolute faith.

英语文章摘抄 (三)

positive Scripts

One thing that you may observe is on how easy it is for your mind to build negative thought upon negative thought. The chatter not only does not stop but it spins a drama that traps and limits you.

From now on, regularly do this exercise instead. Spin an uplifting story that runs like a movie script. Some visualization will be helpful. You build on a story with a positive outline. The longer you can tell this story to yourself the better. It is also best if you can make this story one about having all your goals achieved. When you do this, you start to internalize your goals and dreams, as if they are something that you have already achieved.

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