问题:我不知道。 答:论文提纲与定稿后的论文目录联系紧密,或者说,论文目录脱胎于开始阶段的论文提纲。以下是系里发的论文规范的论文目录部分,我加上了解释。 Contents内容摘要 在完成整个论文之后再写…………………………………………………………………………….. iAbstract ……………………………………………………………………………. iiIntroduction引言部分, 内容主要是介绍对作者、作品作非常概括的介绍,重点介绍本论文的研究主题………………………………………………………………………… 1Chapter One XXXX XXX XXX 第一章标题(以下相同)………………………………………………… 6Chapter Two XXX XXXX XXXXX …………………………………………… 12Chapter Three XXXX XXXX XXXX ………………………………………….. 20Conclusion 结论部分:通过本论文的研究,得出结论为………………………………………………………………………... 28Works Cited 本论文援引的资料出处………………………………………………………………………. 30Acknowledgement 鸣谢………………………………………………………………... 32 论文提纲主要是从引言部分开始,比较详细的各章节的结构、内容的介绍,然后是结论。论文提纲越详细越好,这样老师才能看清你的论文结构,何处可能存在什么逻辑方面、结构方面等问题,整个论文的“骨架”清楚了,合理了,把各个部分填充进具体内容就容易了。如果提纲不详细,整篇论文写出来后发现大问题,就得动“大手术”,所费时间、精力更多。范例:以下是一篇评论D H 劳伦斯的《恋爱中的女人》的生态主义思想的论文提纲,The Outline of the Paper◆Introduction : State the research thesis (论文研究主题的具体内容————D H 劳伦斯的《恋爱中的女人》的生态主义思想Chapter One: State the introduction and history of Eco-critismChapter Two: General Introduction of D.H.Lawrence and his great works. I. About his life and the factors impacted on his works.II. Brief introduction to his main worksIII. Brief introduction to Woman in loveA. summary of the storyB Characteristics of the writing C. Connection with ecology Chapter Three: Analysis on woman in love with the Eco-criticism view I. The relation between the nature(environment) and the charactersA. How the environment/nature has impacts on the certain characters1. The use of the nature beauty to describe the beauty of the characters in a metaphor way.2. The consolation from the nature when the characters are hurt.B. What is the reflect from the characters to nature?II. The comparison between the natured man and the mechanized man in the industrial societyA. Different attitudes toward the material lifeB To what extend their spirit life diverse?◆Conclusion* State an overall conclusion over the point of view about D.H.Lawrence’s ecological literature* Significance of the conclusions to the research improvement. 如果只是对书中某人物进行分析,有名著导读资料作指引,以上内容不难完成。当然,本文把传统的经典文学与当今较新的文学热点问题——生态问题结合起来,属于老井新掘,老树新花——富于挑战性,难度较大的论文,可以不必要选这样难的。