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复杂的范围的一种现时上下文的检索原由: 对差错的一种分析复杂的工作记忆范围任务已被显示预言有关包括流动的能力的较高的秩序认识的一些措施的性能。 然而,确切地为什么有关这些任务的性能与较高的秩序认识有关仍然不是被知道。 现在的研究检查在两种普通复杂的范围任务上被做的差错的模式。 结果建议在这些任务上被做的差错的模式是为性能构成基础并且指向现时的上下文的提示的重要性的过程的一个重要的指示器。 进而,单独的区别数据那么向下建议得分参与者不更加做每一类型的在所有连续的位置的差错,但是可变性相当为了每一差错类型被定位到一些在理论上有意义的位置。 结果那么向下建议得分参与者有导致记忆的一低效能的搜索的不较精确的现时上下文的提示。关键词是 复杂的范围; 差错; 单独的区别;

论文题目是 时空跨度的复杂背景检索到:一个错误的分析 摘要是 复杂的工作记忆广度的任务已被证明对预测的高阶认知能力,其中包括多项措施,流体性能。然而,究竟为什么这些任务性能与高阶认知还不得而知。目前考察了两种常见的复杂的任务,失误跨度的模式。结果表明,在这些任务中出现的错误的模式是一个过程的重要指标,性能的基础和指出了时间的上下文线索的重要性。此外,个体差异的数据显示,得分低者不作出所有串行阵地每种类型的错误更多,而是局限于变异数理论上有意义的每个错误类型的立场。结果表明,低得分参与者不太精确的时间上下文线索而导致的内存低效搜索。 关键词是 复合跨度;错误,个体差异;


Abstract: college students are in the outlook on life, values formation and establishment stage, this stage is their exploration of self and to establish his important period. Many psychologists believe, adolescent ego identity development failure, may herald the future development in the various psychological problems. Cultivation of College Students' moral choice ability is not only the value of the diverse background to enhance the effectiveness of moral education the inevitable choice, should become the main consciousness increases with each passing day college students on their new requirements, they are properly solve the moral contradictions, ceaseless and perfect personality, the formation and establishment of self-identity, finally realize the free and comprehensive development important paper uses literature analysis method, the text method, comparative method, comprehensive analysis, from the angle of value pluralism of values on the college students' ego identity formation and establish the influence, to explore how to help college students in the new situation to establish the correct value judgment system, to overcome the crisis of identity, maintain mental health, promotion of College Students' self consciousness development. The students in the university stage better complete the self-identity construction task, for the college students' life-long development to create the good psychological condition.


毕业论文: 毕业生在教师的指导下运用所学得的知识分析和解决本门学科某一问题而写成的学术性论文. 设计任务书: 指建设单位根据国家有关部门的规定和管理要求以及本身的需要将设防目的和技术要求以文字、图表形式写出的文件.设计任务书可作为单独文件也可作为招标书中技术部分是合同书中必须执行的附件 摘要: 国际标准化组织(ISO)对“摘要”的定义为:“对文献内容的准确扼要而不加注释或评论的简单陈述”.通俗地讲摘要是含有科研论文主要内容的信息浓缩块.现代读者在阅读文章时大多一看标题二看摘要然后才决定是否读正文 标题: 论文的题目就是论文的名称也称为标题.阅读一篇论文时读者首先接触到的就是题目.题目既要有利于读者直接了解论文的内容也要有利于文献的编目工作 关键词: 指从文献中提炼出来的能表达文献主题内容的词或词组.它既能反映文献的重要信息又起着检索作用是文献的主题精华 注释: 是指作者对论文中的某一特定内容的进一步解释或补充说明,序号用带圆圈的阿拉伯数字标注(如),放在该页地脚或文末 文章层次: 指文章中各部分内容的地位和次序是文章的结构单位.一篇文章总是由大大小小的许多个意思组成的这些意思既有上下几层的包容关系又有并列关系在并列关系中又有前后的决第关系这些关系就是文章的层次 说明: 同注释

问题一:毕业论文 用英语怎么说? Graduation thesis 问题二:论文题目中的“以...为例”怎么翻译? illustrated by the case of Chengdu illustrated by the exampl俯 of Chengdu 也可以。 然后其实很多英文教材书名都会说: An Asia Perspective,你觉得你这里用A Chengdu Perspective如何呢。就是从成都的角度来分析。 问题三:论文题目英文翻译 Cultivation of Senior Students' Ability in Solving Chemistry Problems --- Examples with Chemical Flow Diagrams 问题四:写论文时,要英文题目。那么 论 字如何翻译? 一般不翻译,若翻译可用 On \ talk about \ A report about \ A report on 恭 sth. report 也可换成talk 建议用On 希望有帮助 问题五:论文题目的英语翻译 Analytical research report on the particularities of major traffic accidents(或 incidents) in our country recently. 我国近年来重大交通事故的特征分析 问题六:论文标题翻译成英语 1、Research on Process Reengineering of Corporate Payment Based on Bank-pany Direct Linkage 2、Research on Process Reengineering of Corporate Payment Based on Bank-pany Direct Linkage-A Case of pany A 问题七:在学士论文英文题目翻译中以…为例英文和汉语格式是怎样的? take A for example 问题八:英语论文一级标题二级标题怎么表示 A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Idioms (题目:二号,黑体,加粗,居中,除了英语小词外,其他单词首字母都要大写;另外:除了题目外,论文中所有英文的字体均采用“Times New Roman”) (学院、专业、学号、作者姓名、指导教师姓名(小四号宋体字,加粗),依次排印在论文题目下,上空二行,居中) 【Abstract】 This paper centers on the different expressions of …… (英文摘要:上空二行;题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用其他任何标点符号;采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗;单倍行距。) 【Key Words】 idiom; parison; English; Chinese (英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他标点符号,采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗,除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后空一格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何标点符号;单倍行距。) 1. Introduction (顶格,除了第一个单词及专有名词外,其他单词首字母都不要大写;标题最后不用任何标点符号,上空两行) In both English and Chinese, …. So, this essay is trying to focus on the differences between Chinese and English idoms in terms of their essential meaning, customary usage and typical expression (Chang Liang, 1993:44; Li Guangling, 1999). (段落第一行缩进4个英文字符;夹注的标注法:出现在夹注中的作者必须与文后的参考文献形成一一对应关系;注意一个或多个作者间的标点符号,时间、页码等的标注法;另外,汉语参考文献的作者要以拼音形式出现,不能出现汉语姓氏;夹注出现在标点符号之前) 2. The similarities between English idioms and Chinese idioms In English, …. And it can be clearly seen in the below examples: (1) I don’t know。我不知道。 (2) I am not a poet. 我不是诗人。 (正文中的例子以(1),(2)…为序号排列,直至最后一个例子;而①, ②…则为脚注或尾注的上标序号) 3. The differences between English idioms and Chinese idioms The characteristics of English idioms (正文章节序号编制:章的编号:1. ,2., 3.,…;节的编号:…,…;小节的编号为:, …。小节以下层次,采用希腊数字加括号为序,如(i),(ii)…;之后再采用字母加括号,如(a),......>> 问题九:论文题目英语怎么说 the title of the dissertation 论文题目 the title of the dissertation 论文题目 问题十:论文题目英文翻译 Cultivation of Senior Students' Ability in Solving Chemistry Problems --- Examples with Chemical Flow Diagrams



Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text.


This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures.


Our text achieved the possibility above.



On problems left over after the abolishment of the system of reeducation through labor and the solving measures"

In this paper, ordinary differential equations courses, to explore how to realize "high-early binding", and mathematics in secondary schools in the basis of ordinary differential equations, as well as ordinary differential equations of the guiding role of mathematics in secondary schools to do some discussion, for systems of ordinary differential equations of high under the mathematical point of view to provide some secondary words, Ordinary Differential Equations; School Mathematics; combination of high early






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目的 方法 结果 结论

问题一:论文摘要及关键词的英语翻译 Abstract: At present, real estate is one of the most indispensible industries. Land Appreciation Tax, being as a taxation lever of state macro-control upon real estate industry, plays an import role in regulating the appreciation ine of real estate enterprises and restraining investment impulse. Land Appreciation Tax is powerful in guaranteeing the equitable distribution of ine and improving the sound development of real estate. Tax authorities at any level are demanded to implement the State Council’s notice and essence, attach great importance to the collection and management of Land Appreciation Tax, reinforce the tax liquidation and enhance tax regulation, meanwhile, bining pre-requisition system and enterprise system. Key Words: Land Appreciation Tax, Land Appreciation Tax Liquidation, Land Appreciation Tax pre-requisition. 问题二:毕业论文 关键词怎么写 什么意思 首先对文献进行主题分析,弄清该文的主题概念和中心内容; 尽可能从题名、摘要、层次标题和正文的重要段落中抽出与主题概念一致的词和词组; 对所选出的词进行排序,对照叙词 表找出哪些词可以直接作为叙词标引,哪些词可以通过规范化变为叙词,哪些叙词可以组配成专指主题概念的词组; 还有相当数量无法规范为叙词的词,只要是表达主题概念所必需的 ,都可作为自由词标引并列入关键词。 问题三:论文中的关键词和英文摘要题目格式怎么会一致 日.区里面的李叔叔,张阿姨都来看望亮亮,并 且拿了一个蛋糕和好好心人捐助的钱.虽然不怎么多,但是毕竟是人们的一份心意啊!亮亮看到他妈妈来 便用央求的语气问他妈妈:“妈妈,我到底得了什么病?我真的好想去学校上学,和同学们一起玩.”妈 妈也说:“你的病马上就要好了,马上就可以读书了.”亮亮对着生日蛋糕许了一个愿,张阿姨问他许了 什么愿,他笑着说:“我希望这里的小朋友都能摆脱病魔,








In this paper, ordinary differential equations courses, to explore how to realize "high-early binding", and mathematics in secondary schools in the basis of ordinary differential equations, as well as ordinary differential equations of the guiding role of mathematics in secondary schools to do some discussion, for systems of ordinary differential equations of high under the mathematical point of view to provide some secondary words, Ordinary Differential Equations; School Mathematics; combination of high early






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With the rapid development of the Internet, more and more of the network to infiltrate into the life of the people. With suitable and is closely related to people's lives, things have gradually begun to achieve network, a very important part of the network is the currency, virtual currency. The birth of virtual currency, to facilitate the lives of people at the same time, there are also some shortcomings. This paper on the overview of virtual currency, the virtual currency on the origin, development and characteristics of such areas have done on. Then leads from the virtual currency with the financial network of relations and the development of virtual currency on the financial impact of the network carried out a detailed note to the existing problems. Finally, on the solutions to these problems some of the recommendations, and the virtual currency in prospect.

Abstract With the rapid development of the Internet, more and more of the network to infiltrate into the life of the people. With suitable and is closely related to people's lives, things have gradually begun to achieve network, a very important part of the network is the currency, virtual currency. The birth of virtual currency, to facilitate the lives of people at the same time, there are also some shortcomings. This paper on the overview of virtual currency, the virtual currency on the origin, development and characteristics of such areas have done on. Then leads from the virtual currency with the financial network of relations and the development of virtual currency on the financial impact of the network carried out a detailed note to the existing problems. Finally, on the solutions to these problems some of the recommendations, and the virtual currency in prospect. Key words: virtual currency; financial networks; development impact




中文摘要一般无主语,一般的语言范式如介绍….、分析….、得出….,一个动词代表一个事件,选用他this paper为摘要的载体是,翻译方便,容易翻译成英文的焦点句,焦点在动词上,this paper 统领这个事件。

而用被动语态范式时,就变成了被介绍…、被分析…、被得出…,这样的缺点是,句子零散,多套主谓关系,而用this paper做主语时,只有一套主谓关系,科技英语的语用特点是,主语少,这样的表达客观、简洁、一目了然,动作的发出者最少得付出,得到最大的结果。

确定this paper 为主语后,选用一个动词能够体现所要表答的焦点,将介绍、分析和得出等动词转变成相应的动作名词,由所选定的动词统领这些抽象动作名词,实现一套主谓关系。

当以paper为主语时,谓语动词可以选用:deal with,be concerned with,highlight, investigate, stress, feature等,具体使用哪个动词取决于摘要所要表达的内容。


