Discuss how to promote the enterprise quality improvementIn the modern enterprise, continuous quality improvement and not simply pursuit of product properties "flawless. "No defect" is traditionally the quality requirements. From market sense, quality is "with a product or service to meet customer needs and characteristics of various characteristics about the sum. Product or service to meet customer needs, make customer satisfaction, elucidation of good quality, Conversely, explain quality is bad. Enterprises should make oneself of the product (or service), constantly meet or exceed customer expectations, that is the real meaning of quality improvement, also the modern enterprise gain long-term strategic competition must pass investigation and analysis of the quality of the product carefully the characteristics of different types, and the quality of the product (or service) improved quality. Enterprise to provide customers "quality" and "the dollar to avoid" quality, "quality" and "irrelevant" and rebellious as possible offer "charm" products or services. In product homogeneity of increasingly improve market environment, only can provide the customers can charm quality satisfaction is one kind of psychological evaluation process, and its influence factors of subjective, customer needs and expectations as the objective conditions, especially the social economy and culture development and change. For product (or service) of the same quality, customer satisfaction, customer the who does not satisfied, Customer satisfaction, but not now past. So to the enterprise, make products meet more customer as the target market demand, consumer trends and eventually consumer preferences, the customer is the enterprise continuous quality improvement quality continuous improvement measures(a) study of customer demand, and constantly update quality objectivesCustomer loyalty is not caused by the product itself, it attracts the formation and customer is closely related to their feelings. Only in its customers fully understand and demand hind, can satisfaction and loyalty. Enterprises should fully understand their customers and competitors customer requirements and expectations, then right product positioning, strengthen the quality of products and services to identify specific characteristics and the relative importance of customer group. And because the variability of the customer satisfaction, only once or short time collect customer's request or expectations, is not high customer satisfaction. Enterprise must continue to study the customer demand of time with the changes and timely into product (or service) quality characteristics and requirement, to determine the quality system, quality management system in the new level. In the development process of customer loyalty, the enterprise should spend more time and energy to analyze and study, so customers will reach the twice the result with half the effort.(2) build customer-focused, quality culture system of quality improvement strategyThe essential characteristic of customer's enterprise establish people-oriented and loyal service values and the management idea, from the foundation of the management job offer customers, continuously improve the service quality, customer satisfaction, and the thoughts, ideas and norms to truly implement managers, employees of thought and action, regard customer as the center, in order to support the quality culture continuous quality improvement. In addition to the quality improvement strategy formulation system, it is the lack of many enterprises, but also can be the key to continuous quality improvement. Corporate leaders must rise to the strategic height of quality improvement, and regards it as part of the business. Quality workers should conduct quality cost accounting, with the high cost of inferior to lead a "self" realize quality in the strategic significance competition, let him have the quality improvement, and strong willingness to take an active part in the quality improvement activities. The quality improvement should be the responsibilities of the content and become part of the daily routine.(3) establish enterprise quality improvement and customer interaction mechanismThe effective implementation of the quality improvement, an effective method is to establish enterprise quality improvement and customer interaction mechanism. The enterprise quality improvement and customer interaction mechanism is built on the customer oriented concept of enterprise in quality improvement over the whole organization, with the customer interaction and mutual communication, mutual cooperation mechanism (figure 5). This mechanism can help the enterprises established by the quality improvement and effective interaction with customers, satisfy customer demand, even guide (including the implicit requirements and potential demand), promote the customers' satisfaction, in order to realize the common progress of enterprises and customers.