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Ten Chinese traditional virtuesFirst, love filial pietyThis is the virtue of the Chinese nation in the most characteristic part. "Benevolence" is a symbol of the Chinese nation's moral and spiritual, a variety of basic morality is the highest virtues, but also in secular moral life is the most common virtues standards. Core "benevolence" Germany is love, that "benevolent"; the basic content of the virtue of filial piety is Fucizixiao, Xiongyoudigong, it forms a strong sense of family, of the family relationship, and thus also for China social stability played an extremely important role, is the cornerstone of national unity, when feelings of filial piety extended "Forbearance" basic requirements "Forbearance" Morality is based on Sincerity, benefit the people, that is, "All men are brothers", " Its not just the pro-pro, not only son of his son, "the social climate. Thereby forming a Chinese family strong humane social life and zest for life. Love, filial piety, loyalty and forgiveness are the basic content of Rende, also embodies the traditional Chinese , modest mannersChina is the world-famous ceremonies, "ceremony" is the highlight of the spirit of Chinese culture, manners, courtesy, propriety is important to pay attention to the virtues of the Chinese people conduct themselves in society. "Ceremony" is one of the German mother of the Chinese nation, she is rooted in people's heart respectful, politely refuse the heart, in the pair of long, respectful of ethics and politely refuse the love of brothers and friends. "Benefit him, full of hurts," This is the Chinese people since ancient times to understand the truth, Kentoku also rooted in the heart of Rende politely refuse, which is embodied in the face of honor, humility indisputable benefits, as well as relationships of mutual respect. "And the German" reflected in the attitude of the "gas" in the relationships as "harmony" in the value orientation of "harmony", but as a virtue to "neutral", "Manners" and "modest" , "and" better reflects the sentiment of the Chinese , the integrity of knowledge report"Honesty" That's no jump, its basic meaning is sincere to ourselves, honest in their nature. "Sincerity" as the basis, the Chinese people formed a number of related ethics, such as the man's honest, sincere others, loyalty to the cause. "Trust" is the word, talk about faith, the basic requirement is consistent with her words and deeds, "true to its word, line must be fruit." "Newspaper" that famous, "drip grace, the smallest favor." These are also composed of Chinese people's moral conscience and moral conscience of an important component, it is China's important moral simplicity of , sakeDeep patriotic feelings for the motherland is the most simple emotion and character, she as a kind of "thousands of years to consolidate up to their country a deep affection" is the love family love family emotional sublimation, which also the formation of a defense of national dignity, and safeguard the interests of the motherland and noble character. Sake of defending the country's spirit of the Chinese nation great cohesion, but also to promote national development of great spiritual . austerityBecause the Chinese social structure and culture of the traditional family-based ethics, and foster a spirit of holism, and the virtues of austerity is formed on this basis. Is a spirit of order "ritual" of the spirit of nature, the highlight is the overall significance of the individual order, requiring the individual to obey and serve the whole. Therefore it is necessary dedication and self-denial, play its private is public, that is justice, "self-denial" that go beyond the private self-restraint has, subject to the overall. After the private spiritual nature is Xiangong austerity on personal interests to obey the spirit of the public interest of society. This "public" is to strengthen the spirit of nurturing the community, the nation's sense of responsibility and sense of , Xiuji CautiousnessGoodness of faith and goodness of a tradition, so that Chinese ethics, and the whole Chinese culture, are built on to emphasize human dignity and expectations. This epitomizes characterized in cultivating self-discipline and moral cultivation theory emphasizes independent discipline, self-transcendence in order to safeguard human relations and the overall order and establish moral self, its basic spirit is "His", "Maintenance" is when the self alone to discipline, avoiding fear, "immersive abyss, treading on thin ice," the cultivation of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation Xiuji Cautiousness Pursuits moral consciousness in the initiative, creating a gentleman's personality has many noble qualities and strong festival , see Leith justiceOf righteousness and benefit processing relationship epitomizes the value orientation of Chinese Ethics. After the first justice to the justice system benefit is the traditional concept of justice and benefit basic contents and its rational core, it is also very important to the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. The fundamental characteristics and values justice of man, is the essence of Chinese moral spirit, she sublimated as "born to upload justice," "righteousness to Lisheng 'outlook on life, the sublimation of the Chinese nation" Shashenchengren, justice, "the lofty moral realm . This morality is inspired by high ideals hesitate to sacrifice for the national cause important spiritual force, but also the glorious nation of high moral character , thrift IndependentChinese people traditionally regard to thrift, integrity and integrity known to the world. They work self-reliance, forming a labor of love, hard-working, honest and hardworking high quality. "Frugal and Germany to support" it is to ask "indifferent Ming, quiet Zhiyuan," for the government to say it is mainly Morality. Lim is both for the government's requirements, but also ordinary people should have character, because there is no "cheap" is not "clean", no "cheap" is not "out." "Inexpensive" are intended to be trade-offs between, take moral, homes Evil, strict self-discipline. With "clean" it may be "positive." "N" is to follow the public welfare and morality. Against both thrifty nation common values, but also the Chinese people there are , Atsuzane generousChinese traditional moral advocate simple, plain spirit. Chinese people in dealing with others, to "real" as the standard against hypocrisy false. In the long-term moral practice, the Chinese nation has formed many with "real" as the value of the standard norms and virtues. As honest, honest, realistic, pragmatic, really like, advocating the formation of hard work, pragmatism and opposition talk of spiritual practice. On the interpersonal, the Chinese nation has always been generous to the United States, self-discipline, and lenient towards others. In interpersonal relationships, the Chinese people, "Care", "heart to heart." In real life, through generous moral personality to impress others, to achieve any purpose of my communication. Moral Evaluation everyday life tolerant, generous, honest and elderly, are generous character embodies the Chinese , dauntless exerciseThis is a nation in moral Pursuits has the virtue and virtue, or moral will is reflected in terms of virtue. "Courage" have the courage of blood with strength, there are emotional courage with will, justifiably, and abide by a firm moral convictions "courage." "Yi" is to persevere in hardship in perseverance, and perseverance in the ethical norms of. Chinese people attach great importance to "exercise" virtues. Chinese culture believes perfect personality, social progress, the focus is not Zhiyu words, but action. "Gentleman satisfied in words, and sensitive to the line," It is this dauntless exercise of virtue, so that the Chinese people in a variety of dangerous environments can be saved the day, self-improvement, constant progress.

1. Whenever I go out these days I always take my raincoat. 2. When they were on holiday, someone broke out into their house and stole some valuable paintings. 3. Having fought for three hours, the firemen finally managed to put out the fire. 4. We all have some faults, since nobody in this world is quite perfect. 5. The train to Shanghai leaves at 21:35. 6. Though it began to rain, the children went on playing outdoors. 7. He was able to finish all his exercises before the class was over in spit or the interruption. 8. Strangely, he avoided mentioning her name. B. 1. One of her greatest joys in life is eating desserts, such as pudding, cake and ice cream. 2. Because he had drunk too much, he had to leave the party early. His stomach was like a volcano that was ready to erupt. 3. While sitting in the office, she realized she had lost her valuable ring. But she happily found it in the women’s room after work. 4. My favorite teacher, our volleyball coach, who is a native of Indian, is moving to another city next year. 5. After sitting for a long time in his office, I was asked by the doctor finally into the examining room. 6. Wedging his way out of the dining hall, he discovered a terrible hall beyond imagination. 7. The spreading of educational and cultural norm may affect the attitudes and sense of a nation. 8. Nearly everyone knows the truth after our leader mentioned it at the conference. C. 1. In 1934, an eight-minute Mickey Mouse movie was produced, so Walt Disney became a star. 2. The worst time to be in the street in Cairo was after the midnight when the night-clubs were closing and everybody went home. 3. When there was a power cut in the hospital, the surgeon had to cancel the operation because it was very dangerous to operate in dim light. 4. George is an amicable person, who gets on well with everyone in the company. 5. When Tom wanted to come back home, the telephone in the office began to ring. 6. The energy radiated by sun goes into every direction, but only a small part of falls on the earth. 7. When I slid my aching bones into the hot tub water, I realized that there was no soap, but I did not want to get out again. 8. Because Bob’s furniture store, where I worked as a shop assistant, just went out of business, I have to look for another job. 9. Since you are sent damaged goods, the store must replace the items and issue a full refund. 10. I’m not going to eat in the school cafeteria any more because of the unbearable service, high price and monotonous food.

论文格式 当我们对一个问题研究之后,如何将其展现于众人面前是一个重要的工作。在这里我们结合具体的事例,给大家介绍科研的一个重要部分枣论文的一般格式及其注意事项。当然,要写出一篇好的论文,绝不是单单这么一个简要的介绍就够了,还需自己多写、多练。 随着科学技术的发展,越来越多的学者涉及到学术论文的写作领域,那么怎样写学术论文、学术论文写作是怎样要求的、格式如何,下面就介绍一下学术论文的写作,希望能对您论文写作有所帮助。 (一)题名(Title,Topic)1、论文格式的论文题目:(下附署名)要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。 论文题目是一篇论文给出的涉及论文范围与水平的第一个重要信息,也是必须考虑到有助于选定关键词不达意和编制题录、索引等二次文献可以提供检索的特定实用信息。 论文题目十分重要,必须用心斟酌选定。有人描述其重要性,用了下面的一句话:论文题目是文章的一半。 对论文题目的要求是:准确得体;简短精炼;外延和内涵恰如其分;醒目。对这四方面的要求分述如下。1.准确得体要求论文题目能准确表达论文内容,恰当反映所研究的范围和深度。 常见毛病是:过于笼统,题不扣文。关键问题在于题目要紧扣论文内容,或论文内容民论文题目要互相匹配、紧扣,即题要扣文,文也要扣题。这是撰写论文的基本准则。2.简短精炼力求题目的字数要少,用词需要精选。至于多少字算是合乎要求,并无统一的硬性规定,一般希望一篇论文题目不要超出20个字,不过,不能由于一味追求字数少而影响题目对内容的恰当反映,在遇到两者确有矛盾时,宁可多用几个字也要力求表达明确。 若简短题名不足以显示论文内容或反映出属于系列研究的性质,则可利用正、副标题的方法解决,以加副标题来补充说明特定的实验材料,方法及内容等信息使标题成为既充实准确又不流于笼统和一般化。3.外延和内涵要恰如其分外延和内涵属于形式逻辑中的概念。所谓外延,是指一个概念所反映的每一个对象;而所谓内涵,则是指对每一个概念对象特有属性的反映。 命题时,若不考虑逻辑上有关外延和内涵的恰当运用,则有可能出现谬误,至少是不当。4.醒目论文题目虽然居于首先映入读者眼帘的醒目位置,但仍然存在题目是否醒目的问题,因为题目所用字句及其所表现的内容是否醒目,其产生的效果是相距甚远的。 有人对36种公开发行的医学科持期刊1987年发表的论文的部分标题,作过统计分析,从中筛选100条有错误的标题。在100条有错误的标题中,属于省略不当错误的占20%;属于介词使用不当错误的占12%)。在使用介词时产生的错误主要有:①省略主语枣第一人称代词不达意后,没有使用介词结构,使辅助成分误为主语;②需要使用介词时又没有使用;③不需要使用介词结构时使用。属主事的错误的占11%;属于并列关系使用不当错误的占9%;属于用词不当、句子混乱错误的各占9%,其它类型的错误,如标题冗长、文题不符、重复、歧意等亦时有发生。(二)作者姓名和单位(Author and department)这一项属于论文署名问题。署名一是为了表明文责自负,二是记录作用的劳动成果,三是便于读者与作者的联系及文献检索(作者索引)。大致分为二种情形,即:单个作者论文和多作者论文。后者按署名顺序列为第一作者、第二作者厖。重要的是坚持实事求是的态度,对研究工作与论文撰写实际贡献最大的列为第一作者,贡献次之的,列为第二作者,余类推。注明作者所在单位同样是为了便于读者与作者的联系。(三)摘要(Abstract)论文一般应有摘要,有些为了国际交流,还有外文(多用英文)摘要。它是论文内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述。其他用是不阅读论文全文即能获得必要的信息。摘要应包含以下内容:①从事这一研究的目的和重要性;②研究的主要内容,指明完成了哪些工作;③获得的基本结论和研究成果,突出论文的新见解;④结论或结果的意义。论文摘要虽然要反映以上内容,但文字必须十分简炼,内容亦需充分概括,篇幅大小一般限制其字数不超过论文字数的5%。例如,对于6000字的一篇论文,其摘要一般不超出300字。论文摘要不要列举例证,不讲研究过程,不用图表,不给化学结构式,也不要作自我评价。 撰写论文摘要的常见毛病,一是照搬论文正文中的小标题(目录)或论文结论部分的文字;二是内容不浓缩、不概括,文字篇幅过长。(四)关键词(Key words)关键词属于主题词中的一类。主题词除关键词外,还包含有单元词、标题词的叙词。主题词是用来描述文献资料主题和给出检索文献资料的一种新型的情报检索语言词汇,正是由于它的出现和发展,才使得情报检索计算机化(计算机检索)成为可能。 主题词是指以概念的特性关系来区分事物,用自然语言来表达,并且具有组配功能,用以准确显示词与词之间的语义概念关系的动态性的词或词组。关键词是标示文献关建主题内容,但未经规范处理的主题词。关键词是为了文献标引工作,从论文中选取出来,用以表示全文主要内容信息款目的单词或术语。一篇论文可选取3~8个词作为关键词。关键词或主题词的一般选择方法是:由作者在完成论文写作后,纵观全文,先出能表示论文主要内容的信息或词汇,这些住处或词江,可以从论文标题中去找和选,也可以从论文内容中去找和选。例如上例,关键词选用了6个,其中前三个就是从论文标题中选出的,而后三个却是从论文内容中选取出来的。后三个关键词的选取,补充了论文标题所未能表示出的主要内容信息,也提高了所涉及的概念深度。需要选出,与从标题中选出的关键词一道,组成该论文的关键词组。关键词与主题词的运用,主要是为了适应计算机检索的需要,以及适应国际计算机联机检索的需要。一个刊物增加关键词这一项,就为该刊物提高引用率、增加知名度开辟了一个新的途径。(五)引言(Intorduction)引言又称前言,属于整篇论文的引论部分。其写作内容包括:研究的理由、目的、背景、前人的工作和知识空白,理论依据和实验基础,预期的结果及其在相关领域里的地位、作用和意义。引言的文字不可冗长,内容选择不必过于分散、琐碎,措词要精炼,要吸引读者读下去。引言的篇幅大小,并无硬性的统一规定,需视整篇论文篇幅的大小及论文内容的需要来确定,长的可达700~800字或1000字左右,短的可不到100字。(六)正文(Main body)正文是一篇论文的本论,属于论文的主体,它占据论文的最大篇幅。论文所体现的创造性成果或新的研究结果,都将在这一部分得到充分的反映。因此,要求这一部分内容充实,论据充分、可靠,论证有力,主题明确。为了满足这一系列要求,同时也为了做到层次分明、脉络清晰,常常将正文部分人成几个大的段落。这些段落即所谓逻辑段,一个逻辑段可包含几个自然段。每一逻辑段落可冠以适当标题(分标题或小标题)。段落和划分,应视论文性质与内容而定。(七)参考文献[序号]. 编著者. 书名[M],出版地:出版社,年代,起止页码 [序号]. 作者. 论文名称[J],期刊名称,年度,卷(期),起止页码电子文献的载体类型及其标识随着我国信息化进程的加快,电子文献的采用量逐渐加大,其标注方式的规范化已经提到议事日程上来了。现根据国家新闻出版署印发的《中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范》的有关规定,对来稿提出如下要求:一、对于数据库、计算机程序及电子公告等电子文献类型的参考文献,以下列双字母作为标示:电子文献类型数据库计算机程序电子公告电子文献类型标识DBCPEB二、电子文献的载体类型及其标识对于非纸张类型载体的电子文献,当被引用为参考文献时需在参考文献类型中同时标明其载体类型。《规范》采用双字母表示电子文献载体类型:磁带(magnetic tape)MT,磁盘(disk)DK,光盘(CD-ROM) CD,联机网络(online)OL,并以下列格式表示包括了文献载体类型的参考文献类型标识:[文献类型标识/载体类型标识]如:[DB/OL]——联机网上数据库(database online)[ DB/MT]——磁带数据库(database on magnetic tape)[M/CD]——光盘图书(monograph on CD-ROM)[CP/DK]——磁盘软件(computer program on disk)[J/OL]——网上期刊(serial online)[EB/OL]——网上电子公告(electronic pulletin board online)如:[1]王明亮.关于中国学术期刊标准数据库系统工程的进展[DB/OL].文献网址, 1998-08-16/1998-10-04. 以纸张为载体的传统文献在引作参考文献时不必注明其载体类型。编写要求 页面要求:毕业论文须用A4(210×297)标准、70克以上白纸,一律采用单面打印;毕业论文页边距按以下标准设置:上边距为30mm,下边距为25mm,左边距和右边距为25mm;装订线为10mm,页眉16mm,页脚15mm。 页眉:页眉从摘要页开始到论文最后一页,均需设置。页眉内容:浙江广播电视大学汉语言文学类本科毕业论文,居中,打印字号为5号宋体,页眉之下有一条下划线。 页脚:从论文主体部分(引言或绪论)开始,用阿拉伯数字连续编页,页码编写方法为:第×页共×页,居中,打印字号为小五号宋体。 前置部分从中文题名页起单独编页。 字体与间距:毕业论文字体为小四号宋体,字间距设置为标准字间距,行间距设置为固定值20磅。

The great and good




新华书店网站搜索英语论文,最新出版的相关书:英语专业本科毕业论文写作实用手册作者:杜平,陈正伦 主编出版:哈尔滨工程大学出版 出版日期:2010年02月本书是针对英语专业本科毕业论文写作而编写的,本书的主要内容包括:毕业论文写作概要、本科毕业论文常用格式、毕业论文的选题、资料的收集和整理、毕业论文各部分的写作、毕业论文APA和MLA格式模板示例、毕业论文示例等。 本书可作为英语专业本科毕业论文写作的指导用书,也可作为英语学术论文写作的参考用书。英语专业毕业论文写作教程作者:张秀国出版:清华大学 出版日期:2010年02月英语论文写作是高校英语专业的一门必修课程,目的是使学生了解英语论文写作的一般过程和英语研究论文的写作格式,并掌握其写作规范。本书从切实培养和提高英语专业学生运用英语进行论文写作能力的目的出发而编写。本书分为9章:第1章为序言,简要介绍研究与研究论文的定义;第2章介绍论文写作的一般过程与步骤;第3章介绍论文包含的各个主要部分及其结构;第4章介绍论文的语言特点和文体风格;第5章介绍英语写作的技巧,涉及英语论文写作者常常忽略和经常感到困惑、容易出错的地方;第6章专论标点符号,讨论常用标点符号在各种情况英语专业毕业论文写作教程作者:张纪英等出版:华中科技 出版日期:2010年02月本书是在我们多年指导论文写作的经验基础上,研习英语学术论文写作理论,反复征求教师和学生的意见,通过开座谈会,作问卷调查,并归纳总结而写成的,力求全面、详细地介绍和阐述毕业论文撰写的全过程。内容包括撰写毕业论文的意义,毕业论文的类型及写作的基本要求和原则,论文的选题,资料的查阅和利用,论文的格式和写作的程序,论文的答辩及成绩评定。在第七章“专题毕业论文的写作与评析”里,我们分别介绍了“英美文学”、“翻译理论与实践”、“英语语言”、“英语教学法”和“语言与文化”五个专题的一些基本的专业知识及相关论文如何撰写英语文学研究论文(英文写作教材)作者:凡博出版:四川大学 出版日期:2010年02月毕业论文是高等教育的重要环节,是对大学生(研究生)在校期间学习成绩的综合检验。毕业论文也是学术论文的类型之一,与科学研究工作密切相关:它记录并再现科学研究的过程和方法,描述研究成果;在学理上对研究对象做“尽可能的探讨和研究”,在背景上做“详尽无遗的调查”,从而达到内容创新,“全面订正和给确定结论的目的”。阅读本书,有助于全面了解撰写毕业论文的知识和方法,尽快进入写作状态,写出优秀的毕业论文。本书也可供撰写学位论文和其他学术论文者参考。



你好的! ① 中国知网也好、万方数据也好都有例子! ② 并且大部分的院校都有免费的接口! ③ 如果真没有免费的接口,那就百度知道悬赏求助下载吧! ④ 要是要外文的论文准备翻译的话,最好的办法就是【谷歌学术】 ⑤ 需要什么语言的论文直接就用相应的语言搜索!100% 能找到类似的! ⑥ 至于翻译,可以直接谷歌翻一下,弄完在自己缕缕就可以了! ⑦ 要是计算机类的代码什么的到CSDN或者51CTO下载!【友情提示】==================论文写作方法=========================== {首先就不要有马上毕业,最后一次花点钱就得了的想法} ① 其实,原创的论文网上没有免费为你代谢的!谁愿意花时间给你写这个呢?难道你在空闲的时间原以为别人提供这种毫无意义的服务么?所以:还不如自己写。主要是网上的不可靠因素太多,万一碰到人的,就不上算了。 ② 写作论文的简单方法,首先大概确定自己的选题【这个很可能老师已经给你确定了】,然后在网上查找几份类似的文章。 ③ 通读一些相关资料,对这方面的内容有个大概的了解!看看别人都从哪些方面写这个东西! ④ 参照你们学校的论文的格式,列出提纲,接着要将提纲给你们老师看看,再修改。等老师同意你这个提纲之后,你就可以补充内容! ⑤ 也可以把这几份论文综合一下,从每篇论文上复制一部分,组成一篇新的文章!然后把按自己的语言把每一部分换下句式或词,经过换词不换意的办法处理后,网上就查不到了! ⑥ 最后,到万方等数据库进行检测【这里便宜啊,每一万字才1块钱】,将扫红部分进行再次修改! ⑦ 祝你顺利完成论文!【WARNING】========================================================= [Ⅰ] 如果确认找人代笔,交押金的要慎重考虑! [Ⅱ] 淘宝交易的话,一定看好他的打款时间,有的设定为【3天】,到期之后人家自然收到钱! [Ⅲ] 希望用我的回答能让童鞋们多个心眼!

舞蹈作为一种艺术,它主要是通过形态和肢体的表演,塑造出可被人感知的生动的舞蹈形象,来展示主题和演绎情节,表达人们内在的精神世界,表达舞蹈创作者的审美意识、审美理想。 道具的应用在舞蹈创作中不仅仅是角色身份的标志,也是特殊环境的说明,舞蹈创作者的巧妙安排和演员使用道具的娴熟技巧,可能完成单一人体达不到的艺术效果,古今中外的编舞者都广泛运用道具来表达单一肢体语言表达不了的情绪和思想。 在舞蹈创作中要巧妙恰当的使用道具,充分发挥道具寓情于物与借物抒情这两层艺术效果,使道具避免沦为游离于主题思想以外的“物品”,使其在作品中起到丰富表现手法、营造舞台氛围、突出表现主题的作用“手之,舞之,足之,蹈之。”显然,舞蹈作为一种艺术,它主要是通过形态和肢体的表演,塑造出可被人感知的生动的舞蹈形象,来展示主题和演绎情节,表达人们内在的精神世界,表达舞蹈编导的审美意识、审美理想。然而,舞蹈创作者在舞蹈的不断发展和总结中,日渐意识到当某种情感单凭肢体难以完全表达的时候,有时必须借助道具的功效才能帮助舞者增强舞蹈的表现力,使舞蹈作品塑造的形象更丰富、更生动。 我在学习过程中,也不时发现:如果不借助道具,会觉得舞蹈会略显单薄,难以拓展表演的空间。 因此,我们需要借助道具。道具的应用在舞蹈创作中不仅仅是角色身份的标志,也是一种特殊环境的说明。舞蹈创作者的巧妙安排,加上演员使用道具的娴熟技巧,就可能完成单一人体达不到的艺术效果。我们也可以看到,古今中外的编舞者们,都广泛运用道具来表达单一肢体语言表达不了的情绪和思想。 然而,道具的使用也是具有两面性的,恰当的使用会使作品更充实、丰满,但如果使用不当则会弄巧成拙,反而变成累赘破坏舞蹈美感。我对此产生浓厚的兴趣,因而浅谈一些自己的认识和观点。所谓道具,就是表演中所借助的工具和物品。在不同的艺术表现形式中,它有着不同的特点。舞蹈道具不同于其他戏剧、舞台道具,不能单纯地作为舞台摆设,舞蹈这种艺术表演形式的特点决定它只能是小型、多样、轻巧、灵活的,是肢体与物体相配合的物品,是需要与肢体产生舞蹈关系的,也就是说一切都是应该为“舞”这个字而服务的舞蹈道具作为人体以外的部分,使得舞蹈艺术语言更为丰富,因此也被越来越多的舞蹈创作者重视与运用。道具如果运用得当,它可以最大程度地反映舞蹈创作作品所处的特定时代、地域和特点,并且增强了艺术表现力及感染力,使舞蹈创作所要揭示的主题与内容更加集中、形象。正因为这样,无论是舞蹈的创作者还是舞蹈表演者,要想塑造好舞蹈形象、充分体现作品的主题,在道具的使用上一定要根据舞蹈和剧情的需要,注意因人、因时、因地而异,一切都要围绕主题的需要与剧情的需要。例如,首届CCTV电视舞蹈大赛中《一个扭秧歌的人》中的红绸带,鲜明地表述了老艺人的身份。绸带成为联系美好记忆的纽带,绸带帖附老艺人的脸颊,轻抖、甩动,就是这样一条红绸带,细腻地再现了一个深爱舞蹈的艺人形象。 再如林怀民很久以前的经典舞剧《薪传》。该舞剧是以台湾历史为背景,讲述开台先民渡海拓荒建设自己家园的开拓史。之中有一出精彩的段落,叫做“渡海”,在这个片断里,林怀民设计使用了一块大绸子,四边有人用力地抖动,形成大海波涛汹涌的视觉效果,非常逼真。这个舞蹈场面在中国舞剧艺术的创作历史上是经典性的,它最成功之处是用简单的道具,却极大地改变了舞台空间。编者正是以这样的场景设置,突出而集中的展现了人与海、人与命运的搏斗,极好表现出了舞剧剧情的重要部分。我们不得不感慨,这块大绸的使用成为了该舞剧的点睛之笔舞蹈道具在舞蹈中不仅仅标志出角色的身份、对典型环境加以说明,同时还包含了高超的技艺性,体现出了舞蹈与技艺的高度统一。这就要求舞蹈道具的使用要做到收放自如,既不能喧宾夺主,又要做到人与舞蹈是人们在自然活动的基础上对人类活动、生产劳动、娱乐等动作的加工提炼,是通过人体的动作姿态、造型来表达人们的思想感情,是反映现实、再现生活的艺术。所以,舞蹈道具作为舞蹈的辅助手段,也就成为了舞蹈表演者身体的一部分,是情绪倾泄的需要。需要注意的是,舞蹈道具的使用必须与所要渲染的环境、塑造的人物以及舞者的角色和身份相协调,不管是道具的大小还是色彩等,在选择上都应与舞蹈作品的主题和剧情相协调。除此之外,我们在舞蹈创作进行过程中还应该注意不同舞种中道具的协调性与人们的欣赏习惯不能相悖离。道具的和谐统一,这样才能通过道具的准确运用表达内在的精神、情感舞蹈创作者要准确而形象地创作其舞蹈作品,有时必须借助道具才能完成角色的定位与环境的提示,但舞蹈道具在舞蹈创作中的使用并不是原物自然形态的照搬,必须经过符合编导塑造艺术形象的夸张与艺术改造。 道具的象征性和寓意性决定了它在舞蹈中具有高度的抽象性和虚拟的手法。艺术创作来源于生活,从劳动产生了舞蹈的那一刻起 ,道具也就和舞蹈联系在了一起,于是 ,舞蹈中就有了道具的运用,正如人们用石器或木器击节而舞,所以,我们在舞蹈创作时选择的道具也往往是生活中客观存在的自然物、器具。这样,舞蹈的编排者需要就道具的作用的要求将其物化与虚拟化,围绕作品的主题需要,合理地、有效地运用道具。编导从选择某一物品作为舞蹈道具开始,这个物品就已经不再是原有意义上的物品,经过舞蹈编导的巧妙编排,舞蹈创作已经将其用途改变,它已超越生活原型 例如,第二届CCTV电视舞蹈大赛中的舞蹈《咱爸咱妈》就以一条扁担为道具,塑造了一对饱经生活沧桑依旧能相互鼓励相互依存的夫妻的形象,这里所运用的扁担已不再是生活中普通工具那样简单,而是由其引申出的象征着夫妻肩上所背负的重担以及两人之间情感的纽带。寄情于物,借物抒情让人久久不能忘怀舞蹈是以舞蹈动作作为主要艺术表现手段,创造出可被人感知的生动的舞蹈形象,表达人们内在的精神世界,表达舞蹈编导的审美意识、审美理想。道具如果运用得当,它可以最大程度地反映舞蹈创作作品所处的特定时代、地域和特点,并且增强了艺术表现力及感染力,使舞蹈创作所要揭示的主题与内容更加集中、形象。舞蹈道具和舞蹈主题的关系十分密切 舞蹈作为一门综合性艺术,虽然有音乐、服装、灯光、等手段的辅助,但是创作者和舞者如果要准确而形象地表现其舞蹈作品,有时必须借助道具才能准确地完成角色的定位与环境的提示。一个斗笠、一把扇子、一条丝巾等等都反映了编创者增强作品效果的意图,也提示了舞蹈者的角色身份以及所处的时代和环境,显示了此时此刻舞者所要表现的意境和心情,烘托出编者所要表现的主题。 例如在舞蹈《咱爸咱妈》中,编者巧妙灵活地运用了一条普通的扁担,通过扁担的举、扛、立、牵等动作贯穿于整个舞蹈作品当中,成为一种情感的概括。细腻地再现这对夫妻相互扶持、不畏艰辛的生活经历,舞蹈中的扁担承载着两人风雨同舟、荣辱与共的命运重担。这种既抽象又具象的运用为主题的烘托起到了画龙点睛之神韵在强调舞蹈动作是舞蹈创作基础的同时,道具则是舞蹈动作辐射面的扩展,是舞蹈作品思想内涵的暗示,是舞蹈形象的强化,舞蹈常常需要借助道具来表现作品丰富的内涵。舞蹈中道具往往作为身体的一部分延长了人体的线条,加强运动人体的动态、拓展身体的动态表现内心世界以完成感情的表达。在道具的辅助作用下,舞者以自己的形体为基础来表现对作品的理解,塑造美的形象,进而完成艺术的创造。编者在创作过程中善于结合情节需要充分利用道具是十分重要的,因为在创作中,如果将塑造舞蹈形象的代表性动作与舞蹈道具相结合,通过主题动作的发展变化出新的动作,挖掘出新鲜的舞蹈动作,为舞蹈动作的产生创造条件,能大大丰富舞蹈的艺术语汇。

1、题目:题目应简洁、明确、有概括性,字数不宜超过20个字(不同院校可能要求不同)。本专科毕业论文一般无需单独的题目页,硕博士毕业论文一般需要单独的题目页,展示院校、指导教师、答辩时间等信息。英文部分一般需要使用Times NewRoman字体。2、版权声明:一般而言,硕士与博士研究生毕业论文内均需在正文前附版权声明,独立成页。个别本科毕业论文也有此项。3、摘要:要有高度的概括力,语言精练、明确,中文摘要约100—200字(不同院校可能要求不同)。4、关键词:从论文标题或正文中挑选3~5个(不同院校可能要求不同)最能表达主要内容的词作为关键词。关键词之间需要用分号或逗号分开。5、目录:写出目录,标明页码。正文各一级二级标题(根据实际情况,也可以标注更低级标题)、参考文献、附录、致谢等。6、正文:专科毕业论文正文字数一般应在3000字以上,本科文学学士毕业论文通常要求8000字以上,硕士论文可能要求在3万字以上(不同院校可能要求不同)。毕业论文正文:包括前言、本论、结论三个部分。前言(引言)是论文的开头部分,主要说明论文写作的目的、现实意义、对所研究问题的认识,并提出论文的中心论点等。前言要写得简明扼要,篇幅不要太长。本论是毕业论文的主体,包括研究内容与方法、实验材料、实验结果与分析(讨论)等。在本部分要运用各方面的研究方法和实验结果,分析问题,论证观点,尽量反映出自己的科研能力和学术水平。结论是毕业论文的收尾部分,是围绕本论所作的结束语。其基本的要点就是总结全文,加深题意。7、致谢:简述自己通过做毕业论文的体会,并应对指导教师和协助完成论文的有关人员表示谢意。8、参考文献:在毕业论文末尾要列出在论文中参考过的所有专著、论文及其他资料,所列参考文献可以按文中参考或引证的先后顺序排列,也可以按照音序排列(正文中则采用相应的哈佛式参考文献标注而不出现序号)。9、注释:在论文写作过程中,有些问题需要在正文之外加以阐述和说明。10、附录:对于一些不宜放在正文中,但有参考价值的内容,可编入附录中。有时也常将个人简介附于文后。






要把你的论文论述范围限定在一个较小的范围内。 你应该就某一问题形成一个十分具体的观点,这样你的论点才可更好地辉映文章主题。用一个问题开始你的论点。 不管你选择论述的对象是如何的复杂,几乎所有的论文可以通过回答问题的形式来展开论述。




BookModule参考答案及部分解析参考答案’.短文改错:1....,ourclasshavea...have→had....celebrationstowelcoming...welcoming→welcome....→and....anwonderfulopportunity...an→a....meetnewfriends...new→old....photosfortheschool,...for→of....putthemup...去掉them....atthephoto...photo→photos....wouldpopular...popular前加be0....thedayswhen...when→that或去掉whenOnepossibleversion:Taiyuan,thecapitalofShanxiProvinceinNorthCna,'.部分解析单项填空:。developingcountries在题中表泛指,故第一空不用冠词;poverty是不可数名词,故其前不用冠词。题意:目前,许多发展中国家的人们仍然生活在贫困中。.C。根据题意可知是为“不幸的(unfortunate)”人捐。.D。agreetodosth.同意答应做某事。题意:父亲答应给我买辆新自行车作为生日礼物,这使我很高兴。.B。根据“你将会考试不及”可知,“你必须尽一切努力(makeeveryeffort)提高你的英语”。progress进步;acevement成就;goal目标。.C。上句“汤姆,我恐怕不能和你一起去看电影了”与下句“你答应过的”之间语意转折,故用But。.D。among意为“系……中之一,在……的一类中”,相当于oneof。witn强调在一个地域内或一段时间内。.A。空后是解释喜欢旅游的原因,故用because引导表语从句。.B。根据对方询问“起居室的宽度”及答语中的“不知道”可知,应答者将要去测量(measure)一下。examine检查;describe描述;figure计算。.D。在itis+adj.+that句型中,如果形容词在意义上与情态或意愿有关,如essential,important,necessary,desirable等时,that从句的谓语动词用(should+)动词原形。it'sonlyrightthat...……是很合理的。。althoughthough都可引导让步状语从句。但在以形容词等开头的倒装结构中,只能用though。。everycld与educate之间是被动关系,因此用被动语态。根据Atpresent可知用现在进行时。.B。根据句中的but可知,应答者认为自己还是最好去确定一下(makesure)。makesense讲得通;lookaround四下观望;lookout小心。.D。当表示地点的介词词组位于句首时,句子用全部倒装语序。.B。morethan意为“不止是,不仅仅是”,符合语境。.D。Howdoyoufind...?意为“你认为……怎么样?”,故D项正确。完形填空:话题:家庭本文是记叙文。文章讲述了作者父亲打高尔夫球的故事。.A。.D。由第一段描述的时间和下文描述“我”父亲拥有多家餐馆可知,父亲在三十五年期间“工作(worked)”得很“辛苦(hard)”。.C。能拥有多家餐馆,父亲对自己所取得的成就感到“自豪(proudof)”。.D。由下文的providedforallofyou可知,努力工作的父亲“供养(provide)”了全家。。由下文父亲准备退休可知,父亲决定“卖掉(sell)”餐馆。。孩子毕业了,父亲的“工作(job)”也就完成了。.C。由上文的Ifyouaregraduating可知,此处是说让孩子们“受教育(educated)”。.A。由上文的Dadtoldmehedecidedto...therestaurantsandretire可知。.B。由下文的Ican'timagineyoudoinganytngelse可知,“我”“只(only)”知道父亲会做饭。.D。父亲“回应(replied)”了“我”提出的疑问“...,butwhatwillyoudo?”。.C。“我”从未听说过父亲会打高尔夫球,因此当“我”听父亲说他即将要打高尔夫球时,感到很“震惊(shocked)”。.B。由下文父亲通过打高尔夫球给我们讲人生道理可知,父亲“开始(began)”打球了。.B。父亲教“我”和哥哥的正是打高尔夫球这项“运动(game)”。.D。由下文父亲时常提醒我们的事情可知,如果我们像打高尔夫一样地生活,我们就会活得“很好(fine)”。。由上文的stayfocused可知,父亲告诫我们打球要集中精力,不要“思考(tnkabout)”其他的事情。。由上文的justwhereyouwanttoputtheball可知,集中精力进球,这样你才能“实现(reach)”目标。.B。.C。由上文父亲时常告诫我们的话可知,他希望我们拥有“目标(goals)”,集中精力去获得“成功(success)”。.C。由下文的tohavefunwithfriendsandfamily可知,父亲同时也希望我们享受生活,有时间与朋友和家人共度美好时光。enjoyourselves与havefun相呼应。.B。父亲所做的一切,让他成为了我们心中“伟大的(great)”偶像。阅读理解:A篇(兴趣)本文是记叙文。文章介绍了尼日利亚女洗车工Aliyu自食其力的故事。.A。细节理解题。根据第三段可知,Aliyu的母亲曾经是家里唯一的经济支柱,自从母亲去世后,她就承担起供养妹妹和弟弟上学的重任,故Aliyu洗车的目的是为了养家糊口。.A。推理判断题。根据第五段Mohammed说的话可知答案。.D。推理判断题。Aliyu是尼日利亚北部唯一的一位女性洗车工,最近有妇女向她寻求开洗车行的建议,由此可知,Aliyu为尼日利亚的女性树立了榜样。.B。推理判断题。根据第四段的Ihatelazinessordependingonsomebodyelse可知Aliyu很独立;根据最后一段的IseemendoingsometngandItnkIcandoittoo可知Aliyu很自信。B篇(节假日活动)本文是应用文。文章是关于一项活动的广告。。细节理解题。根据文章的When:urday,可知,无论天气状况如何,该活动都会如期举行。。细节理解题。根据文中对苹果派竞赛的描述Justbringyourpietothepietableonthemorningofthefair可知。.D。细节理解题。根据文中的Ticketsareonly$each可知。C篇(饮食健康)本文是说明文。一项最新研究表明,早餐对一个人的心脏健康具有重要意义。.D。主旨大意题。从文中多次提及的breakfast和heartproblems可知,本文主要探讨早餐对于心脏健康的重要性。.D。细节理解题。根据第三段中的Thetake-homemessageistoeatinthemorningwhenyouwakeup,preferablywitnanhour可知,DrLeahCall认为最好在醒来一小时之内吃早餐。.A。词义猜测题。由文章第一段的breakfasthelpedpeopleresistsugarysnacks以及本段tempting之前的less一词可知,吃早餐可以减少临近中午时饼干对自己的诱惑。故此处tempting有“有诱惑力的”之意。.D。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Theseresearchersonlylookedatmenagedover,sowewouldneedtoseefurtherresearchtoprovethatbreakfasthasthesameeffectonthehearthealthofothergroupsofpeople可以推出,VictoriaTaylor认为,为了进一步确切证实早餐对人们心脏健康的重要性,研究者在该项研究中应该对其他年龄群体展开调查。D篇(社会)本文是新闻道。文章道了美国摄影师LiaBarrett拍摄的模拟人类在水中生活场景的作品。.C。细节理解题。由第三段的tocreateafantasticunderwaterworldinwchhumansgoabouteverydaytasks和第四段的todophotoshootsIhadonlydreamedofbefore可知,岁的美国摄影师LiaBarrett梦想在水下拍摄人类进行日常活动的愿望实现了。.D。推理判断题。由第三段的bravediverscompetingattheCaribbeanCup和第四段的Itookadvantageoftheirbreath-holdingskills可推知,在洪都拉举办的该项比赛主要展示了潜水选手的憋气能力。.A。细节理解题。Barrett时常被问到她的这张照片是否是用Photoshop处理过的,由此可知,很多人认为这张照片不真实。。细节理解题。根据最后两段可知,在返回海面时,为了预防可以导致致命性眩晕的减压病的发生,潜水模特缓慢上升,并在中途停留了11分钟。选做题参考答案及解析参考答案A1-BDDACB-10CBACA解析A篇(文学)本文是议论文。文章介绍了英国著名诗人威廉·布莱克的一首代表作《扫烟囱的孩子》。。推理判断题。由第二段的Theywereoftencoveredinsoot,可知,扫烟囱的工作又脏又危险。.D。细节理解题。由第三段的Thephysicaldangersandwidespreadunfairness...called“TheCmneySweeper”可知,布莱克对让儿童扫烟囱的现象深恶痛绝,因此写下两首诗予以抨击。.D。推理判断题。由第四段的Itdoesn'texist,because...cmney-sweeping,death,poverty,etc可知,布莱克认为,儿童的天真并不存在,因为它总是被现实世界破坏。由此可推断,布莱克对现实世界持否定态度。.A。段落大意题。Whatdoesafive-year--oldcmneysweeperin1th-centuryEnglandhavetodowithyou?这句话引出了《扫烟囱的孩子》的现实意义:当今世界仍有很多童工在艰苦的环境下工作。.C。写作目的题。本文介绍了英国著名诗人威廉·布莱克(1-1)的一首代表作《扫烟囱的孩子》,重点介绍了该诗的创作背景和主题。B篇(世界与环境)本文是说明文。文章介绍了《自然资本宣言》。.C。细节理解题。根据第一、二段的描述可知,naturalcapital(自然资本)即地球上诸如森林、水、空气、土地等自然资源。第三段的theEarth'snaturalresources(land,air,water,plantsandanimals)也是提示。.B。推理判断题。根据第三段可知,世界上四十家最有影响力的银行共同签署的《自然资本宣言》致力于改善生态环境,从而利于人类生活。由此可推断此宣言目的是为了保护环境。.A。篇章结构题。《自然资本宣言》是由世界上最有影响力的四十家银行共同签署的。根据本段对该宣言实施方式的描述可知,银行迫使各国政府和公司告知银行他们每年所使用的自然资源的量。由此可知,此处的them指代银行。.C。推理判断题。第五段中出现的notbeeasy和alsohard说明了实施《自然资本宣言》不易。。标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了《自然资本宣言》对自然资本的核算。对了 现在我报读的ABC夫下英语的助教才和我提过,若想学会英语是不难的..坚持要有一个好的学习环境以及闇练口语对象,最关键就是外教水平 口语标准很重要 坚持每日口语练习,一对一家教式辅导才可以有.好.的学习成效!课后需要重复温习课程录音音频 把所学知识融会贯通~然后要是真的无口语交谈的人的情况 只能去旺旺或大耳朵得到课外学习资料学习 多说多问一下子语境会进步许多 整体效果是必定达成目标的;A项中的worth与第一段的Howmucsalakeworth?...Canyouputapricetagonair?相呼应。




Unit 4

Part I P

re-Reading Task

Script for the recording:

When an idle moment turned up at work, people used to reach for the newspaper, providing the boss wasn't looking. Nowadays they are more likely to spend their spare moments surfing the Internet. Needless to say, the boss is usually no more happier than before, thinking that his staff should be looking for some useful work to do. So what happens to the surfer who hears the boss's footsteps approaching? This is the situation the writer of the poem you are about to hear found himself in. Will he be caught in the act?

Surfing the Internet

Stepping into the lab, I round no one is inside. So I think I'm in the clear Because the boss is nowhere in sight. I log onto the web and start to surf And then my hair stands up with fright.

The footsteps coming down the hall Are quickening in pace. There is no time to exit, No way to save my race.

-So I press the power button

And relax just a bit.

There is no way he can tell

Appendix I -113-

Exactly what I nit.

I act all surprised, Don't know why my machine died. "Simply unpredictable these Computers are!" I cried.

"So we'll get you a new one,

A computer that won't crash" he exclaims.

Do you think he'll wonder

When the new one acts the same?

Part II Text A

Text Organization l.

Contents Paragraphs

1. Description of the author's virtual life 2-3

2. How she feels about it after staying on the Net for a while 1,4-10, 13

3. What she does to return to the real world 11

4. How she feels about the real world 12

2. The first paragraph tells about the consequences of living a virtual life and the last tells about the author's return to it. Together, they show us the dilemma people at present are in: Because of modern technology, we have a choice between a virtual life and real life, but we find both unsat?isfactory. The author, however, finally has to choose the latter despite its negative effects.

- 114 - Appendix I

2) relationship

4) symptom

6) abusing

8) took (her) in 10) communicate 12) insight

14) data


I. 1. 1) conversely

3) but then

5) spitting

7) tone

9) editing

11) Internet

13) stretched

15) angles

2. 1) The sight of teenagers smoking cigarettes jars on me.

2) I turned on the TV just to relax a little bit after a heavy dinner, but soon I found myself getting sucked in by the fascinating plot of a science fiction film.

3) Jeffrey's computer crashed again this morning. The manager has arranged for a technician from the computer store to check and repair it.

4) During the Vietnam War, many young Americans fled their country to avoid military ser?vice.

Or: During the Vietnam War, many young Americans fled to other countries to avoid military service.

5) The new government is planning an anti-corruption campaign so as to restore people's

confidence in it.

3. 1) The traditional school will never go away, but the virtual c

lassroom is playing a more and more important role. Obviously, the online student relies on the computer. To get started, he must have his computer hooked up to the Internet through a phone line and modem. To be successful, he must keep up with the class and complete all work on time. Once he gets behind, it is almost impossible to catch up.

2) When the economy slows down, the worst nightmare for an employee is losing his job. In addition to money problems, the emotional stress is hard to bear. Hunting for a job is now the daily routine of many workers like Henry Smith. He fills out applications and writes resumes and submits them to various companies, expecting an interview. But in times of rising unemployment, even job interviews are hard to get. He takes great care not to miss any appointment, for if he missed it, it would be all but impossible to arrange for another one.

3) "The bubble has burst. Venture capitalists have become cautious in putting more

Appendix I - 115

money into the IT industry and small investors are taking their cue," said the chairman in his concluding speech. It is clear from these remarks that the ever-optimistic economist has changed his tune.

II. Collocation

1. We came here all the way on foot.

2. Private cars are not allowed on campus.

3. They are on vacation in Florida.

4. Mary has been talking to her friend on the phone for an hour.

5. Don't worry, Lucy is always on time.

6. Industrial demand on fuel is on the rise.

III. Usage

2. difficult

3. impossible 4. tough

5. hard 6. easy


1. 1) Anyone who has talked with him will see Mark is a person of remarkable intelligence.

2) The book is of no value to one who is not familiar with the subject.

3) She is a woman of wealth. She never has to worry about money.

4) In today's job market, basic skills in computer science and foreign languages are of great importance.

2. 1) you will find yourself penniless in a month.

2) he found himself lying in a hospital ward

3) she found herself faced with the toughest job she had ever taken

4) Susan found herself in a trap from which she could not escape.

Comprehensive Exercises

I. Cloze


1. Internet 2. click

3. nightmare 4. sucked

5. email 6. rely

116 - Appendix I

7. communicating 8. emotional

9. At times 10. flee

11. on line


1. between 2. The

3. to 4. away

5. on 6. work

7. enables 8. local

9. reach 10. benefits

11. because 12. provides/brings

13. does 14. in

15. making 16. with

17. Nor 18. virtual

II. Translation

Perhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write, submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frus?trating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without th

e emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to interpret.

Part III TextB

Comprehension check

1. c 2. a

3. a 4. b

5. d 6. c


(#ja Appendix III)

Appendix I


Language Practice

1. vehicle 2. hooked on

3. intense 4. communication

5. worldwide 6. overnight

7. individual 8. slipped

9. version 10. on the whole

11. called forth 12. outwards

13. acquaintances 14. Needless to say

15. to my knowledge 16. On top of that

17. innocent 18. tendencies

19. plot 20. Scattered

Part IV Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks

Model paper

The Internet Will Not Isolate Us from One Another

Since I bought a computer last month, a new world has opened up before me, a world that reaches far beyond my immediate surroundings.

Every morning, the first thing I do after opening my eyes is to access the Internet to look at the top news stories of the day. In the evening, I will again sit by my computer and roam the world. The Internet brings me live World Cup football games and the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. It also enables me to communicate with my friends via email. The other day I got a message from an old classmate whom I hadn't heard from for years. She got my email address just by searching the website of my university! In addition to helping us keep up old ties, it also brings me new friends with whom I meet virtually in chat rooms. We exchange views on topics of interest and pour our hearts out to one another like intimate friends.

So, instead of isolating us from one another, the Internet serves to shorten or eliminate distance,

and helps to bring friends closer. (187 words)


各位同学们,我个人认为CET4 和CET6的习作是可以使用套路的'。我认为运用套路基本可以保证10到11分。以下内容出自裘雯老师编写的书。我以后有时间会把范文和必须的谚语也帖上来


1.我的观点(MY VIEW)

When asked about a theme, different people will offer different opinions... is no exception. Some people take it for granted that ... However, others hold that...

As for as I am concerned, that I am in favor for the second view. The reasons are as follows.

First, there is and elements of truth that ... But it doesn’t follow that... A case in point is that ...Therefore, the first view doesn’t hold water.

In conclusion...

2.优点和缺点(Advantages and disadvantages)

Nowadays, ...plays an important part in ... Like everything else, ...has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows

Firstly, ... Besides ... Most important of all ...

But every coin has tow sides. The negative aspects are alse apparent. To begin with, ... To make matters worse of all ...

Through above analysis, I believe that the advantages aspects outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore...

3.怎么办(How to)

Many ways can contribute to solving this serious problem, but the following ones may be most effective. First of all ... Another way to solve the problem of ... is ... Finally...

There are not the best and only tow measures we can take. But it should be noted that if we take strong action to ...

4.选择行动(A or B)

When you ... you will be faced with the choice between A and B. Before making the right choice, you had better make a close comparison and contrast of them.

First of all, A... Also, B... Second, A... likewise, B... Despite their similarities, A and B are also different in the following aspects. First, A... However, B... Besides, A... on the contrary, B...

Therefore, it depends with ... you should choose. If you ..., you should choose A; but if you ... you should turn to B.


There are many reasons for... but in general, they come down to three major ones. For one thing... for another thing ... Perhaps the prime reason is that ... From the foregoing...


As proverb goes that......

Ten Chinese traditional virtuesFirst, love filial pietyThis is the virtue of the Chinese nation in the most characteristic part. "Benevolence" is a symbol of the Chinese nation's moral and spiritual, a variety of basic morality is the highest virtues, but also in secular moral life is the most common virtues standards. Core "benevolence" Germany is love, that "benevolent"; the basic content of the virtue of filial piety is Fucizixiao, Xiongyoudigong, it forms a strong sense of family, of the family relationship, and thus also for China social stability played an extremely important role, is the cornerstone of national unity, when feelings of filial piety extended "Forbearance" basic requirements "Forbearance" Morality is based on Sincerity, benefit the people, that is, "All men are brothers", " Its not just the pro-pro, not only son of his son, "the social climate. Thereby forming a Chinese family strong humane social life and zest for life. Love, filial piety, loyalty and forgiveness are the basic content of Rende, also embodies the traditional Chinese , modest mannersChina is the world-famous ceremonies, "ceremony" is the highlight of the spirit of Chinese culture, manners, courtesy, propriety is important to pay attention to the virtues of the Chinese people conduct themselves in society. "Ceremony" is one of the German mother of the Chinese nation, she is rooted in people's heart respectful, politely refuse the heart, in the pair of long, respectful of ethics and politely refuse the love of brothers and friends. "Benefit him, full of hurts," This is the Chinese people since ancient times to understand the truth, Kentoku also rooted in the heart of Rende politely refuse, which is embodied in the face of honor, humility indisputable benefits, as well as relationships of mutual respect. "And the German" reflected in the attitude of the "gas" in the relationships as "harmony" in the value orientation of "harmony", but as a virtue to "neutral", "Manners" and "modest" , "and" better reflects the sentiment of the Chinese , the integrity of knowledge report"Honesty" That's no jump, its basic meaning is sincere to ourselves, honest in their nature. "Sincerity" as the basis, the Chinese people formed a number of related ethics, such as the man's honest, sincere others, loyalty to the cause. "Trust" is the word, talk about faith, the basic requirement is consistent with her words and deeds, "true to its word, line must be fruit." "Newspaper" that famous, "drip grace, the smallest favor." These are also composed of Chinese people's moral conscience and moral conscience of an important component, it is China's important moral simplicity of , sakeDeep patriotic feelings for the motherland is the most simple emotion and character, she as a kind of "thousands of years to consolidate up to their country a deep affection" is the love family love family emotional sublimation, which also the formation of a defense of national dignity, and safeguard the interests of the motherland and noble character. Sake of defending the country's spirit of the Chinese nation great cohesion, but also to promote national development of great spiritual . austerityBecause the Chinese social structure and culture of the traditional family-based ethics, and foster a spirit of holism, and the virtues of austerity is formed on this basis. Is a spirit of order "ritual" of the spirit of nature, the highlight is the overall significance of the individual order, requiring the individual to obey and serve the whole. Therefore it is necessary dedication and self-denial, play its private is public, that is justice, "self-denial" that go beyond the private self-restraint has, subject to the overall. After the private spiritual nature is Xiangong austerity on personal interests to obey the spirit of the public interest of society. This "public" is to strengthen the spirit of nurturing the community, the nation's sense of responsibility and sense of , Xiuji CautiousnessGoodness of faith and goodness of a tradition, so that Chinese ethics, and the whole Chinese culture, are built on to emphasize human dignity and expectations. This epitomizes characterized in cultivating self-discipline and moral cultivation theory emphasizes independent discipline, self-transcendence in order to safeguard human relations and the overall order and establish moral self, its basic spirit is "His", "Maintenance" is when the self alone to discipline, avoiding fear, "immersive abyss, treading on thin ice," the cultivation of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation Xiuji Cautiousness Pursuits moral consciousness in the initiative, creating a gentleman's personality has many noble qualities and strong festival , see Leith justiceOf righteousness and benefit processing relationship epitomizes the value orientation of Chinese Ethics. After the first justice to the justice system benefit is the traditional concept of justice and benefit basic contents and its rational core, it is also very important to the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. The fundamental characteristics and values justice of man, is the essence of Chinese moral spirit, she sublimated as "born to upload justice," "righteousness to Lisheng 'outlook on life, the sublimation of the Chinese nation" Shashenchengren, justice, "the lofty moral realm . This morality is inspired by high ideals hesitate to sacrifice for the national cause important spiritual force, but also the glorious nation of high moral character , thrift IndependentChinese people traditionally regard to thrift, integrity and integrity known to the world. They work self-reliance, forming a labor of love, hard-working, honest and hardworking high quality. "Frugal and Germany to support" it is to ask "indifferent Ming, quiet Zhiyuan," for the government to say it is mainly Morality. Lim is both for the government's requirements, but also ordinary people should have character, because there is no "cheap" is not "clean", no "cheap" is not "out." "Inexpensive" are intended to be trade-offs between, take moral, homes Evil, strict self-discipline. With "clean" it may be "positive." "N" is to follow the public welfare and morality. Against both thrifty nation common values, but also the Chinese people there are , Atsuzane generousChinese traditional moral advocate simple, plain spirit. Chinese people in dealing with others, to "real" as the standard against hypocrisy false. In the long-term moral practice, the Chinese nation has formed many with "real" as the value of the standard norms and virtues. As honest, honest, realistic, pragmatic, really like, advocating the formation of hard work, pragmatism and opposition talk of spiritual practice. On the interpersonal, the Chinese nation has always been generous to the United States, self-discipline, and lenient towards others. In interpersonal relationships, the Chinese people, "Care", "heart to heart." In real life, through generous moral personality to impress others, to achieve any purpose of my communication. Moral Evaluation everyday life tolerant, generous, honest and elderly, are generous character embodies the Chinese , dauntless exerciseThis is a nation in moral Pursuits has the virtue and virtue, or moral will is reflected in terms of virtue. "Courage" have the courage of blood with strength, there are emotional courage with will, justifiably, and abide by a firm moral convictions "courage." "Yi" is to persevere in hardship in perseverance, and perseverance in the ethical norms of. Chinese people attach great importance to "exercise" virtues. Chinese culture believes perfect personality, social progress, the focus is not Zhiyu words, but action. "Gentleman satisfied in words, and sensitive to the line," It is this dauntless exercise of virtue, so that the Chinese people in a variety of dangerous environments can be saved the day, self-improvement, constant progress.


英语摘要分为两大类:通报性或指示性摘要(indicative abstract)和报道性或资料性摘要(informative abstract) 指示性摘要:只通报论文主题,不介绍研究的材料、方法和结果,用一般现在时表述。许多专业杂志在其目录页的标题下都有一个指示性摘要,特别是编者认为较重要的一些文章标题后。如:Free transfer of two undamaged fingers from a non-replantable left arm to a mutilated right hand in a 16-month-old boy is reported. (本文报道将一无法再植的左臂上的两个未受损伤的手指移植给一16岁男孩被切断的右手。) 1) 资料性摘要:告诉读者研究的总体情况,使他们了解研究的目的、材料、方法、结果、结论以及存在的问题。资料性摘要分为传统型或非结构式(non-structured)和结构式(structured)两大类型。无论何种形式的摘要,都应包含以下几个基本要素:1)主题(Main topic as in title)2)目的(Purpose of research)3)方法(Methodology)4)材料(Materials)5)结果(Results)6)结论(Conclusions)非结构式摘要:段落不明,给编辑、审稿、阅读及计算机处理带来诸多不便。1)全结构式(full-structured)摘要:1974年4月,加拿大McMaster 大学医学中心的Dr R Brian Haynes首先提出建立临床研究论文的结构式摘要。在 Dr Edward J Huth创导下,美国《内科学记事》(Annuals of Internal Medicine)在国际上率先采用了全结构式(full-structured)摘要。全结构式摘要包含8个要素:1.目的(Objective):说明论文要解决的问题2.设计(Design):说明研究的基本设计,包括的研究性质3.地点(Setting):说明进行研究的地点和研究机构的等级4.对象(Patients' participants or subjects):说明参加并完成研究的病人或受试者的性质、数量及挑选方法5.处理(Interventions):说明确切的治疗或处理方法6.主要测定项目(Main outcome measures):说明为评定研究结果而进行的主要测定项目7.结果(Results):说明主要客观结果结论(Conclusion):说明主要结论,包括直接临床应用意义与非结构式摘要相比,全结构式摘要观点更明确(more explicitness),信息量更大(more information),差错更少(fewer errors),同时也更符合计算机数据库的建立和使用要求。但其缺点也是显而易见的,即烦琐、重复、篇幅过长' 而且不是所有研究都能按以上8个要素分类的。于是更多的杂志扬长避短,采用半结构式(semi-structured)摘要。1)半结构式(semi-structured)摘要:半结构式摘要也称为四要素摘要,包括:目的(objective/purpose/aim)、方法(methods)、结果(results)和结论(conclusion)采用何种摘要形式要根据各杂志的具体要求而定。目前国内许多杂志正从非结构式摘要向半结构式摘要过度。


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