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Research of ...(对于XXX的研究);

Study on...(基于XXX的研究);

Design of...(关于XXX的设计);

Research and Application of...(XXX的研究与运用)



1、摘要: Abstract(第一行居中)


语态:一般为被动语态(The research is consisted with five parts...“本论文包括五个部分”。)

时态:目的用将来时(The purpose of the research is to...);方法和结果用过去时(The research method was.../It was showed that...);结论用一般现在时(The research shows that...)。

第三步:关键词Key words



1、 文字简明扼要:文字必须十分简练,内容需要充分概括









The goal understands the room air pollution the degree and to the human body health influence. The method October, 2007 to December, to the Dongguan Wan city some plot's 50 varying degree repair, housing less than a half year housing, carries on many item of air pollution target monitor, and to 120 family members has carried on the inquiring survey. Finally the carbon monoxide exceeds the allowed figure more than 1 time; The carbon dioxide exceeds the allowed figure 12 times; The formaldehyde exceeds the allowed figure more than 40 times; The benzene, the toluene, the ethyl benzene, the xylene exceed the allowed figure separately 8-13 times; The bacterium target surpasses standard times. In 120 by the investigation object, some 80 bodies appeared the bad symptom. In the conclusion room air the formaldehyde pollution is most serious, moreover the indoor spatial pollution is harming human body's health directly.

Through the study of animal experiments to observe the United Yishen soup benazepril 5 / 6 nephrectomized rats renal function improved efficacy and reduced TGF-β1 expression in renal tissue and other advantages, and to explore the soup Yishen possible to improve the renal function of mechanism of :1. Select SPF class healthy adult male SD rats with 50 only as the research object, adaptive feeding one weeks later, 10 randomly selected as the sham-operated group (A group), and the remaining 40 with 5 / 6 nephrectomy CRF-made law the success of model selection criteria in line with the study group 32 rats were divided into B: model group, 8; C groups: benazepril group 8; D group: the Chinese Medicines Board 8; E group: beneficial United kidney soup benazepril group referred to as traditional Chinese and western medicine group 8, together with the A Group of 5 . Successful modeling start after delivery, the groups were given corresponding drugs . The end of the experiment 24 hours after the detection of urinary protein and blood BUN, Scr, RBC, Hb, and renal histology observation and renal tissue TGF-β1 expression general situation: during the experiment, sham-operated rats demonstrated alertness, quick reaction, dense fur, clean and shiny, growth, consumption and the activities had no significant abnormalities, weight gain; model group was significant malnutrition, make them apathetic, slow activity , loss of appetite, fluffy fur, haggard Matte, died in the course of treatment at 2, probably because of renal failure due consideration; benazepril rats than sham-operated group spirit apathetic, slow activity, fur, fluffy; Chinese Medicines large mouse performance and a similar benazepril group; WM rats with sham-operated rats without much difference in general performance, but dry dark . Of blood BUN, Scr impact: benazepril group, traditional Chinese medicine group, in the WM group significantly decreased BUN, Scr level, compared with the model group has significant difference (P <), but still higher than sham-operated group; traditional Chinese and western medicine group and the Chinese medicine group, benazepril group has significant difference (P <); Chinese medicine group and the benazepril group was no significant difference ( P> ).3. Hematology impact: Chinese medicine group and the TCM-WM group was significantly increased blood RBC, Hb, compared with the model group has statistically significant difference (P <), but the difference between the two groups was not significant (P> ); benazepril group compared with the model group was no significant difference (P> ).4. Pathologic changes, acceptance of renal rat subtotal excision were visible matrix hyperplasia, glomerular sclerosis, but the model group compared to the treatment group significantly lesser degree of glomerular sclerosis, one of traditional Chinese and western medicine to renal small ball for the lightest sclerosis; Immunohistochemistry results showed that the treatment group in renal tissue expression of TGF-β1 were significantly lower than model group (P <), and traditional Chinese and western medicine group can reduce the TGF-B1 in renal tissues, with the Chinese medicine group and the benazepril group has statistically significant difference (P <). Conclusion: Yishen soup through Yiqi Jianpi, huoxuehuayu, dampness Xiexin Turbidimetry, CRF can reduce blood BUN, Scr, improve anemia and reduce proteinuria, can be reduced effectively with 5 / 6 nephrectomy-induced CRF rat kidney tissue expression of TGF-β1, thereby reducing the accumulation of ECM, slowing the development of renal fibrosis, and delay the progress of Yishen soup has a good anti-renal fibrosis, but also after the United benazepril better efficacy.

NaQing sex deep overburden front teeth tooth meets the clinical experience treatmentAbstract: objective to investigate NaQing sexual front teeth tooth overburden match not deep treatment of factors, correction method and the matters needing attention. Methods selection NaQing sex deep overburden front teeth and 18 cases, are not case tooth correction. Results treatment completion time 15 to 21 months, average months. Correction by first teeth together, facial side cover normal appearance was coordination. Conclusion anterior tooth NaQing sex should be repeated in deep choosing good indications fits the tooth under treatment.


NaQing sex deep overburden front teeth tooth meets the clinical experience treatmentAbstract: objective to investigate NaQing sexual front teeth tooth overburden match not deep treatment of factors, correction method and the matters needing attention. Methods selection NaQing sex deep overburden front teeth and 18 cases, are not case tooth correction. Results treatment completion time 15 to 21 months, average months. Correction by first teeth together, facial side cover normal appearance was coordination. Conclusion anterior tooth NaQing sex should be repeated in deep choosing good indications fits the tooth under treatment.

Clinical Experience in the Non-extraction Correction of Lingual Tripping Deep Bite of the Front : Objective: To explore the factors, methods and matters of caution regarding the non-extraction correction of lingual tripping deep bite of the front : To select 18 cases of lingual tripping deep bite of the front teeth and conduct relevant non-extraction corrections. Result: The correction work was completed in 15-21 months, the average of each correction was months. The overbite and overjet of the front teeth of patients have become normal and the facial profiles harmonized after the : Non-extraction correction of lingual tripping deep bite of the front teeth should be conducted only on well selected indications. 【英语牛人团】


医学论文英文摘要常用句型 在那个 创新医学网 上看到过的 应该够详细了吧英文摘要限500个实词左右,一般须以第三人称过去式叙述。用词准确,逻辑性强,结构严谨。结果和结论一般用句子表达;而目的、方法(设计、地点和对象)等,则常用短语表达。(1)英文摘要的时态与语态1)说明研究目的,通常用一般现在时或一般过去时。2)说明方法和结果,一般用一般过去时、第三人称的被动语态表达。3)结论通常用一般现在时、被动语态表达,也可用主动语态表达。(2)常用句型1)表达论文内容的常用句型A 第三人称主动态①This paper(article,report)describes…本文叙述…②This paper (article)reports…本文报告…③This report(paper,article)presents…本文介绍…④This paper(article,report)discusses…本文讨论…常用的动词还有analyze(分析),evaluate(评价),compare(比较),describe(描述)等。B 第一人称主动态⑤We report(on)…我们报告…⑥We describe a case of… 我们描述1例…⑦In this paper,we present… 本文介绍…⑧In this paper,we report… 本文报告…主语除we之外,还可用the authors(作者)等。C 一般现在时被动语态⑨A case is reported in which… 本文报告1例…⑩A study of…is reported本文报告…的研究⑧…is(are)described. 本文描述…⑥In this paper.…is(are)presented. 本文介绍…2)表达目的常用句型A 一般过去时、被动语态①The purpose(aim,objective) of this study was to… 本研究旨在…②The goal(aim) of this investigation was to… 本研究旨在…③This study was designed to… 本研究旨在…④This study was undertaken to… 本研究旨在…⑤This prospective study was performed to… 本前瞻性研究的目的是…⑥A study to…was carried out(during) (在…期间)所作研究的目的是…⑦An attempt has been made to… 为了…而作试验B 动词不定式短语To evaluate,report,investigate,study,analyze…C 一般过去时、主动语态⑧We(the authors)conducted a study to… 为了…我们进行了研究⑨To determine…,we studied… 为了确定…,我们研究了…⑩In an attempt to…,in an effort to…或in order to…,we carried out a pilot study… 为了…,我们进行了…的初步研究表示目的的常用动词有:evaluate(评价),examine(检查,观察),determine(确定,查明),elucidate(阐明),explore(探索),test(测试),compare(比较),estimate(评估),assess(估价),investigate(调查)等。3)表达方法的常用句型A 方法表达研究类型 Prospective, Retrospective, Cohort,Case-control,in vivo, in vitro①Using…(technique),we studied… 我们用…(技术)研究了…②Using…,it was found that… (我们)用…发现了…③…was(were)measured using… (我们)用…测定了…④…was(were)analyzed (reviewed) by… (我们)用…分析(回顾)了…⑤…was(were)treated with… (我们)用…治疗了…⑥…measurements were made of… 测定了…常用的动词还有:study,measure,determine, investigate,isolate,demonstrate,examine,identify等。B 分组(主语通常为patients,subjects,animals)⑦…were randomly divided (grouped) into…groups …被随机分成…组⑧…were separated into…groups based on… 根据…,将…分成…组⑨The groups were as follows: 分组如下:C 治疗或检查方法⑩… was performed(used) in (on)…patients 我们对…患者施行(应用)了…(patients) underwent…endoscopy (患者)进行了…内镜检查Surgical procedures, assay(immunohistochemistry, molecular biology…) 手术方法,测试方法…C 统计学方法Statistical methods: Student’s t test, χ2 … was used for4)表达结果的常用句型A 一般句型①The results showed (demonstrated) that…结果表明…②It was found that… (我们)发现…③It was observed that… (我们)观察到…第②和③句也可改为第一人称:We found that…和We observed that…。B 增加或减少④…decreased by(40%)…降低(40%)…⑤…(a 70%) reduction in…was observed …观察到…降低(70%)⑥There was a(15%) elevation in……增高(15%)⑦…resulted in (a marked) increase in… …导致…(明显)增高⑧…was lowered from…to… …从…下降到…表达增加或减少的常用动词还有rise,raise,decline,drop,fall,lower等。可用by表示是净增减的数或倍数,例如“…increase by 40%”,表示“增加40%”;而to表示增加或减少到某个具体数值。C 相关与差别⑨There was a significant linear correlation between…and… …与…有显著的线性相关性⑩…showed no strong correlation between…and… …显示…与…无密切相关性⑩…correlated positively with… …与…呈正相关⑥A negative correlation was found between…and… 发现…与…呈负相关⑩There was (were)(no)significant difference(s)or (No)significant difference(s)was found(observed) between…and… …与…之间…(无)有显著差别P value P值(需写出具体数字)⑩…was closely related to… …与…密切相关表示相互关系的常用词还有relationship(关系),association(联系),regression(回归)。D 表示改善或保持⑩…demonstrated a significant improvement in… …方面呈明显改善⑩…values returned to (preoperative)levels …值恢复到(手术前)水平⑩…remained at a mean of… …保持在…平均值水平5)表达结论的常用句型A 常用提示句型①These results suggest that…结果提示…②These findings indicate that… 这些发现表明…③The data (study)show the need for… 数据(研究)表明需要…④The results support the concept that… 结果支持…的概念⑤Our observations confirm that… 我们的观察证实…imply(提示),demonstrate(证明)和illustrate(说明)B 做出结论或建议⑥We conclude that… 我们的结论是…⑦We suggest that…我们建议…⑧We believe that… 我们认为…⑨We postulate that…我们设想…⑩It is concluded that… 结论是…⑩It is suggested (proposed)that… 结果提示…,建议…(虚拟语气)⑥It is recommended that… 建议…⑩It is estimated that… 估计……is(are)suggested(recommended)…propose …asC 表示一致性⑩These results accord with… 结果与…一致⑩The results are concordant with…结果与…一致⑧The results agree well with…结果与…一致be consistent with,in accordance with(…与…一致)to parallel(与…相平行)D 结果转向结论⑥Thus,therefore,hence …因此,…⑥In conclusion.…最后,…⑩From this study,we conclude that…根据本项研究,我们的结论是…⑧These findings,coupled with the observation that…,suggest that…这些发现连同对…的观察结果一起,提示…⑨In the light of this experience we therefore conclude that… 根据这个经验,我们得出…的结论E 表达今后方向The mechanisms by which…remain to be investigated关于…的机制仍需研究Further studies are necessary to (evaluate)… 有必要进一步研究,以(评价)…注:按MEDLINE要求,PURPOSE,METHODS,RESULTS,CONCLUSIONS全部用大写,后加冒号。英文必须在半角状态下输入,不能全角、半角混用。


In this paper, ordinary differential equations courses, to explore how to realize "high-early binding", and mathematics in secondary schools in the basis of ordinary differential equations, as well as ordinary differential equations of the guiding role of mathematics in secondary schools to do some discussion, for systems of ordinary differential equations of high under the mathematical point of view to provide some secondary words, Ordinary Differential Equations; School Mathematics; combination of high early






字 数


语 言



目的 方法 结果 结论



Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text.


This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures.


Our text achieved the possibility above.








The heart cerebrovascular disease has become the high morbidity, the thrombosis passes the inoculation fluid is one of hospital clinical care heart cerebrovascular disease's main medications. The thrombosis passes the principal constituent is 37 total soap glucoside, has invigorates the blood to disperse the hobby, promotes blood circulation the detachable effect. The pharmacology research confirmed that this has the enhancement crown arteries blood stream quantity, the expansion blood vessel, to reduce the arterial blood pressure, to reduce the cardiac muscle oxygen consumption capacity, to suppress the blood platelet accumulation, to reduce the blood viscosity function. Uses in the cerebrovascular disease including the acute anemic cerebrovascular disease, the blood vessel of brain hemorrhage sequela, the paralysis and disease's and so on retina the vein blocking treatments. passes the inoculation fluid through the research thrombosis the pharmacology property, the clinical practice, aspects and so on untoward effect and prevention measure, pass the inoculation fluid for the thrombosis the reasonable medication to provide the basis, provides the guarantee safely for the clinical medication. key word: The thrombosis passes the inoculation fluid, clinical practice, untoward effect, prevention measure

The afferent disease in brain in heart has become the high outbreak, the blood fills the 通 injects the liquid is an afferent paroxysm in brain in heart in clinical treatment in hospital to use the one of the medicines blood fills main composition in通 as 3 7 total soap 苷 , have the live blood spread the 癖 , the vein of 通 limbers up the medicine reason research confirms this article has the to build up hat vein blood measureses and extend blood vessel, lower the artery blood pressure and lower the myocardial consume oxygen measure, repress blood platelets come together, lower the blood glues a for the fat ⅰ in笠 in� in鲅 in艹 in� in full circle in⒛ in ? in疾 in管 in血 in脑 in性 in血 in缺 in性 in急 in括 in包 in afferent disease in brain the ⑻ drive 炯笆 oil �ぞ猜鲎枞�燃膊〉闹瘟啤 Pass the blood that study the 通 fill the medicine injects liquid reason medicine, clinical application, bad reaction and prevention and cure measure etc. aspect, fill for the blood the reasonable that 通 inject liquid use the medicine the offering according to, for clinical use the medicine safety offering guarantee.或Abstract: cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have become a high incidence, Xuesaitong injection in a hospital clinical treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases one of the main drugs. Xuesaitong major components for the PNS, with Huoxue casual addiction, Tongmai active effectiveness. Pharmacological studies confirm that the goods have increased coronary blood flow, the expansion of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, reducing myocardial oxygen consumption, inhibiting platelet aggregation, lower blood viscosity role. For cerebral vascular diseases, including acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease, cerebral vascular hemorrhage after-effects, paralysis and diseases such as retinal vein occlusion treatment. Through research Xuesaitong injection of pharmacological properties, clinical applications, adverse reactions and control measures, in order Xuesaitong injection provide a basis for rational drug use for clinical drug safety guarantee. Key words: Xuesaitong injection, clinical application, adverse reactions, control measures或Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have become a high incidence, Xuesaitong injection in a hospital clinical treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases one of the main drugs. Xuesaitong major components for the PNS, with Huoxue casual addiction, Tongmai active effectiveness. Pharmacological studies confirm that the goods have increased coronary blood flow, the expansion of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, reducing myocardial oxygen consumption, inhibiting platelet aggregation, lower blood viscosity role. For cerebral vascular diseases, including acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease, cerebral vascular hemorrhage after-effects, paralysis and diseases such as retinal vein occlusion treatment. Through research Xuesaitong injection of pharmacological properties, clinical applications, adverse reactions and control measures, in order Xuesaitong injection provide a basis for rational drug use for clinical drug safety guarantee.

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have become a high incidence, Xuesaitong injection in a hospital clinical treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases one of the main drug. Xuesaitong major components for the March 7 total saponin, a Huoxue casual addicts, Tongmai active effectiveness. Pharmacological studies confirmed that the materials have increased coronary blood flow, the expansion of blood vessels and reduce arterial blood pressure, reducing myocardial oxygen consumption, inhibit platelet aggregation, reduce blood viscosity role. For cerebral vascular diseases, including acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease, sequelae of cerebral vascular hemorrhage, paralysis and diseases such as retinal vein occlusion treatment. By studying Xuesaitong injection pharmacological properties and clinical applications, adverse reactions and control measures, in order Xuesaitong injection provide a basis for rational drug use for clinical drug safety guarantee. Key words: Xuesaitong injection, clinical applications, adverse reactions, prevention measures

Purpose: to laevigata for root and stem the anti-inflammatory effects of comparative study, to study the root and stem rose laevigata the pharmacological effects of contrast, ensure the safe and effective medication and laevigata scientific research work, as its quality standards, regulating market. Method: acute and chronic inflammatory experiment inflamed by the : Gold cherry stem in mice have acute and chronic Pro-and anti-inflammatory effect, and there is no laevigata; anti-inflammatory effect stems from rose laevigata ethanol extract of the anti-inflammatory effect than water extracts strong anti-inflammatory : this product stem of different solvent extracts in acute inflammatory experiments on mice have toes swelling obvious inhibitory effect, swelling volume and blank-control group has significance; in chronic inflammatory experiments stem of different solvent extracts on Granuloma growth inhibitory effect, there is an obvious Granuloma weight compared with a control group and obvious ease; different solvents of the root extracts of acute inflammation experiments on mice toes without obvious inhibitory effect, and the control group, no significance; in chronic inflammatory experiment with different solvents of the root extract on agar-induced Granuloma no clear inhibitory effect, and the control group, no significance.


Objective To evaluate the extraoral bow headgear traction on the correction of moderate to high degree of crowding associated with the clinical efficacy of high angle cases. Methods 18 cases of severe crowding dentition in patients with high-angle, high application of headgear traction strengthen teeth extraoral arch anchorage, and a high degree of control teeth, the tooth extraction with fixed appliance treatment. Results 18 patients were aligned dentition, face has been maintained or have a good improvement in molar and canine relations have reached a neutral, maintain or reduce the mandibular plane angle. Conclusion headgear extraoral bow of moderate to severe crowding in high angle cases with the treatment of teeth can play a high degree of control and strengthen the role of molar anchorage.(maybe)

【Abstract】Objectives: To evaluate clinical effect of dental orthodontic as of headgear facebow higher traction on middle to severe crowded dentition with high-angle cases. Methods: 18 patients with middle to severe crowded dentition besides high-angle were applied with headgear facebow higher traction and reinforcement on molar anchorage, while height of molar teeth should be managed and corrective treatment as exodontia combining with fixed appliance. Results: 18 cases got appropriate arrangement, facial forms of such cases remained the same or got well beautified, relation between molar and canine teeth reached middle level and, mandibular plane angle (MPA) kept unchanged or decreased. Conclusions: Treatment with headgear facebow for middle to severe crowded dentition with high-angle cases could manage height of molar teeth and reinforce molar anchorage.【Keywords】headgear facebow, crowded dentition, high-angle供参

The purpose is to understand that how the indoor air pollution impact on people's health. Methodology: The investigation was conducted between October and December 2007 in certain community at Wancheng District in Dongwan City. 50 apartments of different decorating conditions, which were not resided more than one half year, were monitored for multiple air pollution index. 120 residents living in the 50 apartments were interviewed face-to-face. At the end of the investigation, averagely, Carbon Oxide level exceeded the provided standard over 100%, Carbon Dioxide level exceeded the provided standard 1200%, Formaldehyde level exceeded the provided standard over 4000%, the level of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Dimethylbenzene exceeded provided standards 800-1300%, and bacterium level exceeded provided standards 290%. 80 from 120 interviewed residents reported somatic symptoms. Hereby we draw the conclusion that Formaldehyde is the most serious pollutant of indoor air pollutants, and indoor air pollution directly harm the residents' health.

Clinical Experience in the Non-extraction Correction of Lingual Tripping Deep Bite of the Front : Objective: To explore the factors, methods and matters of caution regarding the non-extraction correction of lingual tripping deep bite of the front : To select 18 cases of lingual tripping deep bite of the front teeth and conduct relevant non-extraction corrections. Result: The correction work was completed in 15-21 months, the average of each correction was months. The overbite and overjet of the front teeth of patients have become normal and the facial profiles harmonized after the : Non-extraction correction of lingual tripping deep bite of the front teeth should be conducted only on well selected indications. 【英语牛人团】


