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摘要: 针对小学语文课程教学状况,对素质教育在教学中的实施进行分析,总结当前小学语文课程教学的基本现状,旨在通过影响因素的研究,进行素质教育方法的完善,以提高小学语文教学的整体质量,为教育的改革以及学生能力的提升提供支持。

关键词: 小学语文;素质教育;实施;


















大量的阅读储备不仅能提升小学生的人文素养,还可以提高学生在阅读的过程中拓宽眼界与知识量。下面是我带来的关于小学群文阅读论文的内容,欢迎阅读参考!小学群文阅读论文篇1:《浅谈小学群文阅读》 摘 要:鼓励孩子课外阅读,增加阅读量,能让孩子在阅读中积累知识、扩大视野、提升语文素养;然而,许多孩子没有这方面的传条件。我们语文教师要为孩子解决书源,指导阅读 方法 ,引导自主选择、开展丰富的活动、搭建交流的平台,激发兴趣,培养良好的习惯,为孩子创设好群文阅读的环境,让孩子能自觉的利用节假日进行大量的课外阅读,真正做到在阅读中提升能力。 关键词:书籍保障;方法指导;开展活动;阅读氛围;引向课外 群文阅读就是一节课完成多篇 文章 的阅读,是架起课内阅读和课外阅读的桥梁,是高效活课堂之一,也是课改内容之一。进行群文阅读可以积累知识,扩大视野,提升境界,因为阅读挑战的是我们的主动思维和 想象力 ,阅读过程中促进我们去思考和提升。群文阅读不仅帮助学生提高写作水平,更重要的是文学让精神成长,让一个人可以因为阅读而有自信,有内涵,有梦想。我们每个语文老师都要认真组织学生群文阅读,让孩子们在每一次的阅读中进行思考,触碰心灵的火花。然而,仅靠课堂上四十分钟的时间是远远不够的,那就只能放在课外,教师应该尽力为孩子创设群文阅读的环境。 一、建立班级图书角、为孩子们提供书籍 班级图书角在学生的课外阅读中起着不可低估的,甚至是其他 渠道 不可替代的作用。建立班级图书角不仅可以营造积极、健康、文明的书香校园,加强学校 文化 建设,扎实推进素质 教育 ,还让学生体验到:好书伴我成长!教师可以和学生一起在课余时间认真阅读图书;对于爱看书的学生多多进行表扬,让其起到带动的作用。班级图书角里书不一定要在校内阅读,可以给图书编上号,让学生借回家,为了便于管理,我在班里找一部分学生做图书管理员,让他来负责借阅和归还。当然还要做好学生的思想工作,让他们能爱护图书。在学校读书,老师可以指导和检查,可是在家里就有一些问题了,而学生在家里读书的时间又是最多的,并且在家里读书还可以培养学生的定力,养成良好的学习习惯,因此还必须取得家庭的配合,给家长讲明读书的计划,利用家长会、家访和家长进行交流沟通,共同对孩子进行教育,说明读书学习的重要性,相信家长也会很好的配合。 二、培养群文阅读的能力,将群文阅读引向课外 群文阅读应该彰显阅读的过程,准备展示交流的过程,充分展示交流的过程,充分展练交流的过程。这需要大量的时间,因此,许多教师在课堂上的群文阅读只是蜻蜓点水,学生匆匆读几篇文章,连学生字词读错了,也来不及纠正,还没体会文章的思想内容就下课了,更别说遣词 造句 ,文章的写作方法的对比等。所以,课内培养群文阅读的能力,鼓励学生课外自觉进行群文阅读才是上策。 (一)培养学生群文阅读方法 如何让学生进行有效的阅读,关键在于让学生掌握科学的阅读方法,有良好的阅读习惯,使学生会读。“得法于课内,得益乃至成长于课外”。这充分的说明了教师在课内对学生进行阅读方法的指导对促进学生课外阅读的重要性。课内的阅读教学是与学生课外阅读紧密结合在一起的。 课堂上,教师定期给学生提供设计优良的群文,学生进行自主阅读,结合合作学习,探究而发现群文奥秘,再来进行精彩的展示、交流,在共享中共同建构意义;让学生自主发现群文中的主题。在引导学生从体裁、写作方法、修辞手法等方面加以比较,引导学生善于抓住重点,深入钻研,善于质疑,独立思考,激发学生阅读兴趣,增加学生读写结合机会。这样不仅有利于提高学生的阅读理解能力,而且还有利于提高学生的写作能力。 (二)培养学生养成“读、说、思、写结合”的习惯 练自读能力,练信息提取能力,练质疑能力,练探究能力,练思辨能力,练表达能力,练表现能力等是群文阅读的宗旨。教师定期进行群文阅读教学,对学生进行群文阅读的方法指导的同时培养良好的阅读的习惯。然后,教师将群文提供给学生,放手由学生阅读,并按提示做好展示交流的准备,再精彩地展示和交流,活动过程由学生自主的,合作和探究。 鼓励学生把阅读到的优美词句、 名人 名言 等摘抄下来背一背,鼓励学生一边读,一边思考,质疑,提出自己独到的见解;指导学生写一写阅读感受,并在同学们中进行交流,也可以进行师与生、生与生的多向交流,鼓励学生利用闲聊时间进行讨论和交流。学生交流对象自由选择,介绍一篇自己最近阅读的(或是自己喜爱的)文章。学生们在交流活动中获得乐趣,学生们都满腔热情地投入,课外积极的寻找阅读资料,认真阅读,交流时各抒己见,这不仅培养了学生认真细致的读书习惯,还锻炼了学生的口头表达能力。 三、引导学生根据主题自主选择群文阅读的相关文章 在教学时围绕一个或多个主题选择文章,争取每周用一节课进行学生的群文阅读选文和阅读方法的指导,还重视指导学生如何自主选择群文阅读的材料。 例如,学习五年级上册第六单元“父母的爱”时,我就选了表现“老师的爱、同学的爱、异国朋友的爱”三篇文章进行课内群文阅读,让孩子们学会自主选择、明白拓展延伸、运用于社会生活中。 四、定期开展交流活动,营造群文阅读氛围 孩子们天性贪玩,课外阅读不积极、不主动,可以组织孩子们开展丰富多彩的读书交流活动来调动孩子们的积极性。 读书交流活动类型有: (1)“书海拾趣”活动。每周利用一节课时间让孩子们把自己在本周从书本中知道的有趣的 故事 讲给同学们听。 (2)“故事讲演”比赛。每两周进行一次。 (3) 手抄报 比赛。每一期手抄确立一个主题,围绕主题安排内容,由老师、班委、中队委、共同打分,考虑孩子们的学习成绩和阅读能力等多方面来进行分组比赛。 (4)“积累册”展示,“ 读书笔记 ”展示,读书征文等活动。将孩子们的作品摆放在走廊,与孩子们零距离,让孩子们徜徉在其中感受着浓浓的读书氛围,孩子们耳濡目染,读书就会成为潜意识的一部分,一篇篇诱人的题目驱动着学生去读,去看。 把课内所学之法运用于课外阅读活动之中,把方法转化为能力,把课本运用于生活,把理论运用于实践,又从广泛的课外阅读中增长见识、增强信念、扩大胸襟,从而形成一个阅读之网,以达到群文阅读的目的。 鸡蛋从外打破仅仅是一盘菜,从内打破才是生命。实际的教学工作中,应该因地制宜、因材施教,根据孩子们的年龄特点、知识水平以及孩子生长的环境等特点,为孩子创设阅读的情境,设法激起孩子们读书的兴趣,让孩子们感受到学习的快乐,由“让我学”变成“我要学”,从而实现高效活课堂,跟上课改的步伐。 小学群文阅读论文篇2:《谈谈小学群文阅读教学》 摘 要: 随着时间的推移,学生学的课文越来越多,类似的课文和片段也在不断增加,因此可以把相似的文章或片段放到一起进行比较学习,加深学生的印象,提高学习效率。作者就此谈谈小学语文群文阅读教学。 关键词: 小学语文教学 群文阅读 教学策略 本文所说的群文阅读教学,是教师在一个单位时间内集中指导学生阅读相关联的多篇文章。群文阅读教学是拓展阅读教学的一种新形式,这种方式的教学更关注学生的阅读数量和速度,对全面提高学生的语文素养具有十分重要的意义。 一、确定主旨,给所学课文正确分类 群文阅读教学的第一步,就是要围绕主题选择好文章,或者将原有的文章加以正确分类。如果没有一个确定的主题,教师就很难将原有的阅读教学紧密联系在一起,基于这一点,其实教师稍加思考就可以做得很好。比如,常见的就有从文章的写作内容、文章的人文内涵、作者的表达方式等方面把文章分为不同主题。 1.从文章的写作内容考虑确定主题 以事物为主题的,如“故事中的狐狸”、“千姿百态的荷花”群文教学;以时间为写作主题的,如“春天的 儿童 诗”的群文教学;以人物为写作主题的,如“老舍笔下的人物”;以事件为主题的送别诗等都是很好的群文阅读教学材料。 2.从文章的人文内涵角度考虑确定主题 以人物的成长教育为主题,如“名人成长的小故事”、“难忘的童年生活”;以爱心为主题的,如“人与动物和谐发展”;以珍爱生命为主题的,如“生命的价值”、“尊重生命”,这样的分类是一道亮丽的风景线,值得广大教师借鉴尝试。 3.从作者写 作文 章的表达方式确定主题 以写作的方法为主题,如“跌宕起伏的小说”、朗朗上口的“儿童诗歌”;以写作方法为主题,如“ 童话故事 ”、“ 寓言故事 ”、“儿童诗”,等等。 二、多种结构地呈现群文,让课文巧妙地出场 任何事物都是由多个要素按照一定的结构组合而成的有机整体,优化要素的结构能提高整体功能。在群文阅读教学中,不能一篇一篇孤立地呈现文章,也不能把多篇文章无序地全部呈现,最好有一定的结构,以取得群文阅读教学的整体效应。我们可以根据文章主题和特点,合理选择举一反三式、分组递进式、反复重读式等群文阅读教学结构,有效呈现文章。 举一反三式的群文阅读教学结构,即先读一篇文章,再读一组文章。如高佳利老师教学的群文阅读“反复结构的童话故事”,先指导学生阅读《小壁虎借尾巴》,理解小壁虎分别向小鱼、老牛、燕子借尾巴的经过,师生共画文章的情节结构图;再指导学生阅读《渔夫和金鱼的故事》《七颗钻石》、《犟龟》等一组文章,自己画一画每个童话故事的情节结构图,让学生在比较中发现童话故事中“反复结构”的表达方式。这种教学结构,以一篇带多篇,教师容易教,学生容易学,可操作性强,能很好地提高教学目标的达成度。 三、合理设计问题,让群文纵横交错 群文阅读教学需要以单篇 文章阅读 作基础,重点是指导学生在多篇文章阅读中提取信息,整合信息。群文阅读教学时,我们要把多篇文章看成一个阅读整体,设计比较性、迁移性、冲突性等问题,将多篇文章横向联合起来,培养学生重整、伸展、评鉴、创意等高层次的阅读能力。 1.设计比较性问题 有比较才有鉴别,比较是群文阅读教学的重要方法。常见的比较有横向比较、纵向比较、内容比较、形式比较、相同点比较、不同点比较、粗略比较、精细比较等。如高佳利老师教学的群文阅读“反复结构的童话故事”,在学生读完《小壁虎借尾巴》、《渔夫和金鱼的故事》、《七颗钻石》、《犟龟》四篇童话故事后,引导学生比较思考:这四篇童话故事在情节结构上有什么相同之处?学生很快就能在比较阅读中发现童话故事情节反复性的特点,比单篇阅读教学更有优势。 2.设计迁移性问题 在一篇带多篇的群文阅读教学中,我们可以设计一些迁移性问题,引导学生把一篇文章的阅读所得运用于其他文章的阅读之中。如略读课文《刷子李》的群文阅读教学,先指导学生理清课文“黑衣上没有白点―黑衣上出现白点―黑衣上的小洞”的情节结构,习得“一波三折”的写作方法;再引导学生阅读《张大力》、《苏七块》、《泥人张》等多篇文章,并思考:哪些文章也运用了“一波三折”的写作方法让学生在迁移中巩固知识、形成能力。 3.设计冲突性问题 在群文阅读教学中,由于为学生提供了多篇文章,文章与文章之间的思想观点、语言表达等存在一定差异。我们可以抓住多篇文章之间的差异,设计引发学生认知冲突的问题,引起学生思维的碰撞。如李军晶老师教学的群文阅读《孔子的故事》,在引导学生感受孔子的伟大之后,让学生深入思考:请大家再读这些文章,孔子有没有让你不太满意的地方?教学群文阅读《创世神话》,在引导学生感受各国创世神话的民族性、本土性等特点之后,让学生深入思考:创世神话是先人的想象,不是科学,为什么今天我们还要读?从而引导学生在群文阅读中学会辩证地思考问题,用发展的眼光看问题,从不同角度看问题。 四、在群文阅读中学会质疑讨论 群文阅读教学,不同体裁、不同表达形式、不同语言风格、不同作者的文章,给学生带来了丰富的信息量和巨大的思考空间,也给学生带来了许多疑惑,难以全面理解,需要在交流讨论中理清。在群文阅读教学中,我们要有意识地渗透质疑讨论的阅读策略,鼓励学生从不同角度表述自己的观点、提出自己的问题、和同学进行讨论。如李军晶老师教学的群文阅读《创世神话》,在引导学生寻找各国创世 神话故事 的共同之处时,激发学生质疑:为什么不同地方的原始人都认为原始世界像一个蛋、神话故事中都有一个本领超人的神、世界万物都是神变化而来的……质疑后引导学生猜测讨论。 总之,教学有法,教无定法。小学群文阅读教学,给教师和学生带来了新的发展空间,给语文教学创造了一片新的天地,是小学语文教学从“少慢差费”的不理想的效果走向“多快好省”的行之有效的一条新的发展途径。 参考文献: [1]小学语文教学参考.2013年4、5、6期. [2]课外语文(教研版).2013年7、8、9期. [3]新课程导学.2013年10、11、12期. [4]学苑教育.2013年1、2、3期. 小学群文阅读论文篇3:《小学语文群文阅读教学策略》 摘要:在小学语文教学中开展群文阅读教学,有利于提高学生的阅读速度,增加阅读数量,可谓是一种新型的阅读教学模式。这种教学模式提倡小学生进行多种类文章的阅读,从而能够大大促进学生语文素质的有效提升。本文在分析了小学群文阅读的意义的基础上,论述了如何在小学语文教学中开展群文阅读。 关键词:小学语文;群文阅读;教学策略 人们的日常阅读活动主要分为三种方式,即单篇文章阅读、多篇文章阅读和整本书阅读。在小学语文教学中,让学生阅读多篇文章,进行群文阅读,能够有效地改善教师实施阅读教学的效果,弥补传统阅读教学模式的不足,扩大学生的阅读面,增加阅读量,从而有效地提高学生的阅读能力。 一、实施小学群文阅读教学的意义 所谓群文阅读就是教师在单位时间内指导学生阅读多篇相互关联的文章。群文阅读这种教学方式是一种新的拓展学生阅读的教学方式,十分重视对学生阅读数量和速度的培养以及学生在多篇文章阅读过程中的意义建构,对于有效提高小学生的语文素养有着重要意义,其具体意义如下。 (一)合理地提高学生的阅读数量 所谓群文阅读教学,指的是教师在单位时间内对学生进行阅读指导,使学生阅读多篇与教学相关联的文章。通过尽可能多的阅读来积累更多的知识,这是我国语文教学的一种传统模式,也是一种值得传承的宝贵 经验 。在目前的小学语文教学中,教师对教材中的课文阅读十分重视。但是,仅靠教材的阅读内容是远远不够的,小学共有 语文教材 12册,大约每册含包30篇课文,以每篇500字来计算,小学语文教材的总阅读量大约为15万字,用6年阅读这些文字显然不够。实行群文阅读教学,可使得学生在一堂课当中能够阅读大约五篇文章,可以有效地提升学生的阅读数量,拓展阅读覆盖面,从而为提高小学生的阅读能力打下坚实的基础。 (二)恰当地提高学生的阅读速度 人类社会已步入信息化的时代,在这个时代中,每天都有大量新的知识诞生。为掌握更多的知识,获得大量的有用信息,就要培养出 快速阅读 的能力。作为一种技能,快速阅读需要进行长期的培养与训练。而目前通行的语文教学,按照教学计划,一篇大约500字的精读课文一般需要花费两个课时,即使是略读课文也得需要一个课时,这种缓慢的阅读教学模式显然不利于提高学生的阅读速度,培养学生的阅读能力。而开展群文阅读教学,可以使学生在一个课时之内阅读大约五篇文章,从而有效地提升了阅读的速度,培养了学生的阅读技能,并有利于学生思维能力的提高。 (三)培养和调动学生的阅读积极性 目前国内小学的语文教学模式通常是,教师讲解一篇课文要花一个课时的教学时间,而学生在很短的时间内就读完了,也基本理解了课文的内容,教师在剩余的时间内只能不断提问、不断讲解,学生也只能被动回答、被动听讲,由此不能有效激发起学生的阅读兴趣。而开展群文阅读教学,一堂课中可让学生阅读大约五篇文章,且内容多样,十分有利于激发学生的阅读兴趣,能让学生多阅读、多思考、多陈述、多倾听,从而使得学生能够真正地产生阅读的积极性。 (四)有效丰富学生的阅读,让学生读得更深 新的语文课程标准对语文教育提出的建议是,加强阅读方法的指导,让学生逐步学会精读、略读和浏览,重视朗读和默读。目前我国的阅读教学大部分都集中在某节课上的某篇课文中,用大量的时间进行咬文嚼字、有感情的朗读,可谓是一种精读与朗读相结合的阅读教学方式。虽然精读的优点很多,但是群文阅读,更容易扩展学生的阅读视野,可以让学生读到不同风格的作品,并通过比较、归纳、分析、综合等方式来实现阅读的多样化,使略读和默读也能得到不同程度的发展,为提高学生阅读水平、进行深入阅读提供了可能。 二、小学语文开展群文阅读教学的策略 (一)根据不同的主题选择阅读文章 开展群文阅读教学最重要的一点就是筛选好文章,通过确定一个主题而将多篇具有相关内容的文章集聚起来,进而避免了阅读内容的杂乱无章。教师可依据教材中每个单元的内容开展群文阅读教学,从中找出阅读主题。群文阅读教学的形式包括课外阅读教学、略读课文教学等,教师在进行群文阅读教学时可根据文章的内容、背景和表达方式等多角度地筛选主题,然后围绕主题选择阅读材料。 (二)根据结构层次来设计和组合文章


THE NEWSPAPER 报 纸 Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances. 现今报纸拥有极大的价值,人人都应该看它。它每天提供我们各种类类的消息。它告诉我们世界政治局势。如果我们养成看报的习惯,我们就能得到足够的知识来因应我们的环境。 学生虽然每天须做功课,但他们至少应该匀出一两个小时来看报。哪些,他们不但能增加知识而且也能赶上时代。总而言之,看报对学生很有益处。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY DAILY LIFE 我的日常生活 Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country. I get up at six o’clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o’clock. After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o’clock. Then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed. 虽然我的日常生活十分单调,但我却竭力设法去适应它。为什么?因为我打算做一个好学生,希望将来为国家服务。 我每天六点起床、洗脸刷牙后,就开始复习功课,七点钟我就去上学。 放学后,我就回家了。我们通常在七点钟吃晚餐,之后我就开始做家庭作业,希望在睡觉前把它做完。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A MODEL STUDENT 模范学生 Do you mind being called a bad student? Of course not. So far as I know, everybody intends to be (become) a model student. However, to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. First, he must do his best to obtain knowledge. A man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed. Secondly, he must remember to improve his health. Only a strong man can do great tasks. Thirdly, he should receive moral education. If his conduct is not good, no one will consider making friends with him. 你介意被称为坏学生吗?当然不。就我所知,每个人都打算做模范学生。 然而,做模范学生却不容易。第一,他必须尽力获得知识(求知)。一个没有足够知识的人是不会成功的。第二,他必须记住促进健康。只有强壮的人才能做大事。第三,他应该接受道德教育。如果他品行不好,没有人会考虑和他交朋友的。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO GET HAPPINESS 如何获得快乐 There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points. First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness). Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life. Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress. 无疑的快乐是世界上最宝贵的东西。没有它,人生将是空虚的而且毫无意义的。如果你希望知道如何获得快乐,你须注意下面两点。 健康是快乐的要诀。唯有身体强壮的人才能享受人生的乐趣。 快乐在于知足。一个不满于现状的人终是处在痛苦之中。

第一篇:风和太阳(The Wind And The Sun) One day the wind said to the sun, “Look at that man walking along the road. I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.” “We will see about that,” said the sun. “I will let you try first.” So the wind tried to make the man take off his cloak. He blew and blew, but the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himself. “I give up,” said the wind at last. “I cannot get his cloak off.” Then the sun tried. He shone as hard as he could. The man soon became hot and took off his cloak. (有一天风跟太阳说: “看看那个沿着路上走的人.我可以比你快让他把披风脱下来.) (“我们等着看吧,”太阳说, “我让你先试.) (因此风尝试让那个人把披风脱下来.他用力地吹,可是那个人把披风拉得更紧.) (“我放弃了,”风最后说, “我无法让他把披风脱下来.”然后由太阳试试看.他尽可能地晒他.不久,那个人很热就把披风脱下来了.) 第一篇:THE NEWSPAPER 报 纸 Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances. 现今报纸拥有极大的价值,人人都应该看它。它每天提供我们各种类类的消息。它告诉我们世界政治局势。如果我们养成看报的习惯,我们就能得到足够的知识来因应我们的环境。学生虽然每天须做功课,但他们至少应该匀出一两个小时来看报。哪些,他们不但能增加知识而且也能赶上时代。总而言之,看报对学生很有益处。 第二篇:MY DAILY LIFE 我的日常生活 Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country. I get up at six o’clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o’clock. After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o’clock. Then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed. 虽然我的日常生活十分单调,但我却竭力设法去适应它。为什么?因为我打算做一个好学生,希望将来为国家服务。 我每天六点起床、洗脸刷牙后,就开始复习功课,七点钟我就去上学。 放学后,我就回家了。我们通常在七点钟吃晚餐,之后我就开始做家庭作业,希望在睡觉前把它做完。 第三篇:A MODEL STUDENT 模范学生 Do you mind being called a bad student? Of course not. So far as I know, everybody intends to be (become) a model student. However, to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. First, he must do his best to obtain knowledge. A man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed. Secondly, he must remember to improve his health. Only a strong man can do great tasks. Thirdly, he should receive moral education. If his conduct is not good, no one will consider making friends with him. 你价意被称为坏学生吗?当然不。就我所知,每个人都打算做模范学生。 然而,做模范学生却不容易。第一,他必须尽力获得知识(求知)。一个没有足够知识的人是不会成功的。第二,他必须记住促进健康。只有强壮的人才能做大事。第三,他应该接受道德教育。如果他品行不好,没有人会考虑和他交朋友的。 第四篇:HOW TO GET HAPPINESS 如何获得快乐 There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points. First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness). Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life. Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress. 无疑的快乐是世界上最宝贵的东西。没有它,人生将是空虚的而且毫无意义的。如果你希望知道如何获得快乐,你须注意下面两点。 健康是快乐的要诀。唯有身体强壮的人才能享受人生的乐趣。 快乐在于知足。一个不满于现状的人终是处在痛苦之中。 第五篇:BOOKS 书籍 As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends. This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books. Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the choice of books. It is true that we can derive benefits from good books. However, bad books will do us more harm than good. 如众所周知,书籍教我们学习人生,真理,科学以及其它许多有用的东西。它们增加我们的知识,扩大我们的心胸并加强我们的品格。换句话说,它们是我们的良师益友。这是为什么我们的父母终是鼓励我们要多读书的理由。 读书是一好事,但我们必须多加注意书的选择。不错,我们能从好书中获得益处。然而,坏书却对我们有害无益。


I live in the commercial city of fuzhou, come into my home, go left, you can see toilet and kitchen. The kitchen is very big, and my mother often cooks there. There is a water heater in the bathroom, and my family takes a bath.

Go to the right, then turn a corner, to the balcony, the balcony has a basin of jasmine and a basin of greenery. Jasmine, it always has a lot of flowers. When the flowers bloom, the snow-white flowers stand in the jade, and they give a fragrance from time to time. The flower was just as sweet as honey from bees. In addition, the green plant kept growing, and he didn't seem to want to be on the railing. Growing a new leaf vine, like a naughty child, wanted to occupy the whole railing.

Go ahead, left is my room, and on the right is mom and dad's room. In my room, you can see a table and a chair and a bed. Lying on the bed a lovely dolphins, dolphins, color is blue and white dolphin's eyes are black with a yellow, it is very cute, and it feels very smooth and soft. When you stare at his eyes, his eyes sparkle and he winks at you.

Enter mom and dad's room with a computer and a TV. That computer is mother's, and mother often USES it to learn how to hook clothes.

This is my home, I love my home!

There are three people in my family, father, mother and I.

Start with my dad! My father made the first meal in our family, but he often got home and sat down on the sofa to read the newspaper, so he had to make my mother cook. Until my mother said it was time to eat, he sat at the table and ate. After dinner, he went to the newspaper again. Sometimes when I ask him a question, he will only click his head. But my father washes the dishes clean and fast.

Talk about my mother! She can work but can clean our house for a day. When I was in school, my mother always got up at five o 'clock, and when she called me up, the spicy rice was ready. She often helps me review (my lessons). I love her very much.

Finally say me! I don't want to read a book (when) I don't look at it. Sometimes I read a book (at night) at ten o 'clock until my eyes were open.

Our family is a happy family. I love my parents very much.






My sister day

Hi,my name is Linda .Mary is my habbit is usually get up at halp past she brush her teeth and wash her eat breakfast is too quickly,beacuse she always go to school at seven o' she eat breakfast at fifteen to seven,so she doesn't have many times for noon she usually eat hamburgers and drink juice ,then she do her noon homework . After school , she get to home do her homework first . She always eat dessert after dinner,she know it is not good for her it taste very then she watch TV or play eputer games. At ten o'clock she go to can she do?

I want to learn Chinese zither

Hello, classmates! My name is Linda. I am a student at yu CAI middle school. So I have a very very long holiday. It makes me so happy. I decided to study a talent. This holiday I want to learn a musical instrument. I think it is very useful for me. And my mother also said, "music can change a person's temperament, sublimation of his soul, let him more perfect." So I want to learn guzheng, I like Chinese zither. Because I think guzheng voice is very beautiful, often let me intoxicated. Can you play the guzheng? Can help me to learn it? I will thank you very much.


My mother is the most diligent person in my house, she takes care of me all the time and does all the housework. As I grow up, I realize that my mother is such a great woman, what she does for us surpasses everything. I find my mother’s hands are not as smooth as other person’s, but in my eyes, they are the most beautiful hands.

Hello! My name is Erin. I’m eight years old. I like singing, playing badminton and swimming. I’m happy because I have many friends at school. I have lots of toys, such as dolls, robots, cards and so on. They are my friends too.

My favourite toy is a teddy bear. It is brown. It has big eyes, a small mouth and a short tail. It’s lovely! I often carry it when I go to bed. If I hug it, I feel very comfortable. And then I can sleep very well.

I like my teddy bear very much. It can bring me lots of fun. Do you like it? Come and see.




美丽的街道Beautiful Street

Today, when I walk on the street, I find the street is so beautiful. There is some lovely pictures on the sidewalk, the picture of giraffe, panda and monkey. When people see these lovely animals, they feel so good. I think it is such a nice act to paint these pictures on the street, it makes this city look beautiful.

As the saying goes: water is to fish, the birds leave the tree, my growth path nature is inseparable from the teacher. In my study, so I'm impressed with a teacher.

She has a head of curly hair, a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes. For homework, she is very serious, for strict requirements for quality and writing, must not be any careless, on the question paper winding noodles to write neatly and orderly, in order to avoid penalty points, she is my Chinese teacher, teacher jean valjean.

The teacher looked at us every class, ran, eyes always so clear, smiling with us a lecture. Her reading voice, sometimes like a spring ding-dong, sometimes like rolling waves, call a person to hear and incomparable. Ran the teacher write a word, the rows and rows of delicate and pretty neat, asing if is a flash picture, let me enjoy.

我的理想职业My Dream Job

When my teacher asks me what do I want to be in the future, I have nothing to tell her, because I don’t know what I want to do. But when I see a good movie about a teacher, I know the answer, my dream job is to be a teacher. Just like my dear teacher, she inspires me all the time and gives me the courage to move on.

My Teacher 我的老师

My favourite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has o big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. There is always a *** ile on her face.

Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.

Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favourite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.

This is my favourite teacher. Our clas *** ates all like her very much.






My family winter holiday is not so colorful, but it is winter holiday, all the members got together. We chatted, with grandma and mom busy in the kitchen. When it es to lunch, we were very happy at go to Hongkong this winter holiday, the scerery of there is very beatuiful, anywhere is brimming with New Year's air. The Disneyland was certainly I most likes, the cartoon of there is acted by really person, it's very loveliness! The Tedbud Square of Hongkong is a luminescent spot, although it is a quite *** all square, it is very characteristic. This winter holiday I have been is very happy! Although it's winter, I can feel the sense the warmth everywhere!

My School 英语作文 My school is at Haimen Town. It is very big and beautiful. There are forty-three classes in it. When you e to our school, you can see the modern teaching building. Our teachers work and do practice in it. Behind the building, there are o classroom buildings and a school library. In the library there are thousands and thousands of books. After class you can borrow the books you want and also you can read them in the reading room at any time. Beside our classroom, there is a big playground. At about 4:30 . every day, many students play football, basketball and some of them play tennis. All the playground is alive. Our school is a model school in Jiangsu. I like my school very much. 长了点~~慢慢抄啦~!(*^__^*)I love my family,because I have a happy family. My father is an English name is is likes playing 's my mother jop?Is she a teacher?Yes,you're right!My mother is very kind and nice,she is mother is always laborious love my parents! On Staurday and Sunday,I often go to the library and play the piano,My father go to play watch TV and listen to music at home. I love my I'm very happy to live with my parents together!我是初中生哩~~My Good Friend My name is have a good friend . Her name is Liu Yun. She lives in China . Her mather is a singer. She likes swimming. Her father is a TV reporter. He likes listening to mnsic. Liu Yun likes piaying the violin and riding her bike. Every morning , she goes to school on foot. Every evening, she reads newspaper ai home. Then she goes to bed at nine. This is my good friend Liu Yun.

Football is my favorite sport. Every time I play football with my clas *** ates in the playground, we are very excited. During this summer vacation, I usually play football at four o'clock in the afternoon. I usually play it with Xia Haoran. He is one of my good friends. I haven't got a football. But Xia Haoran has a good one. He always plays with me and we are happy. I watched the FIFA World Cup 2006 on TV in this summer vacation. My father and my mother are all football fans. They made me into a little fan. I like the German football team, but they didn't win the champion in the end, and I was very disappointed. I love this game, and I hope that I can be a football star in my school

One day, my mother bought o little rabbits for me. I'm very that on, the o little rabbits became my good friends. They have o little ears, red eyes, with white and fat boby. They're marvellous. Everyday, they play with each other happily. One day, I couldn't find them. I asked my mother: ”Where are they? ” My mother told me that She didn't know. At last, I found them in the grass. They were very dirty. I was angry, but when I looked at their lovely faces, I was happy love my little rabbits, and they love me. They are my good friends forever有一天,我母亲为我买了两个小兔子。







我问我妈妈:“他们在哪儿? “我母亲告诉我,她不知道。






My favourite my favourite food is it is very cake is very sweet,it looks very my birthday,my mother bought a cake for 'm very are some things on the cake. For example ,some fruit and some chocolate .l also like chocolate very much . Cake is my favourite .

Many years ago, before I moved to the city, I lived in a *** all town. I was so close to the nature, I could see the mountain and the clear water. I remember the town became especially beautiful after the heavy rain, the air was so fresh and I felt a little cozy, it was like a gift from god in the hot summer. The mountain looked so clear over the heavy rain, it just washed by the rain. The things around me were so green. I love living in the town, I especially like the town when it was washed by the rain. At that moment, nature and me were united, we just like a group.很多年以前,在我还没搬到城市的时候,我住在一个小城镇里。








my familyDo you know my family? You don't know? OK, let me intro are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and father, Kenh, he is a manager. Does he have any hobbies? Of course. He likes sport, especially table tennis. But my mother and I don't like this hobby. He play table tennis very mother, rose, she is a housewife. And she has the same hobby with a majority of other housewives—going , Jessica, oh! I think I have a lot of hobbies! Drawing pictures, collecting stamps, reading books……OK, OK, I like drawing pictures, it's the best!This is my family. Do you know now?

There are four seasons in a year. And I think they are all the different person. Spring is a lovely girl. She loves new clothes. So she gives the trees, grass and flowers new clothes for the new year. And she plays with the animals, dances with the wind, and says “hello” to the warm is a strong boy. He makes the trees, grass and flowers grow bigger and greener. He runs with the dogs and cats. He don't like cold, he thinks hot is good for everybody. Sun is his good is a beautiful girl. She also likes new clothes. She gives the plants a new yellow clothes. And she likes dancing as well. She dances with many yellow leaves. And it is very beautiful. She is not a good friend with the sun. She makes us feel is a sad boy. He doesn't like sport. He doesn't like running. He doesn't like doing everything. He is a lazy boy. Sun is not his friend. He doesn't like the sun and the sun doesn't like him also. He makes the world very cold. These are the four seasons. They are different. But I like all of them. They are my friends and make my life interesting.我已经尽量把这篇文章写的简单易懂一点的了,但不知道会不会迟了一点呢?不过,还是希望楼主将我的答案采纳为最佳答案~

reading is very important to everyone. I know this pretty well. And I take actions, too. The books I love is something a little bit wise and interesting. Let's read the following one together. “There are o rabbits in the wood. They are good friends. They go to find food together. They go to school together. They do all the things together. But there is only one thing they do it by oneself. What is it? Do you know? They don't eat together. Because one of the rabbits is a toy rabbit. ” do you like this story? Show me one which you love very much. Thanks. 阅读对每个人都是非常重要的。















What the things we can do much more in vacation? of course, that is watching TV. and this day-offs the programs we watch the most are the sports matches. i like ping-pong most. which one do you love best? for the time with the games, my homework is far away from the real end. but you know, it's worth! now i'm making the efforts. how about you? do you have the same problem with me? aha~(watch TV)什么事情在假期里我们能(光明正大的)做的更多?当然,是看电视。






自我介绍Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Now ,It's my turn. My name is xxx, a high school student. I am very honored to be here to give you a speech. Also it's a good chance for me to improve my English. I hope I can make a good performance today. The topic of my speech is "After studying here". Before I came here,I can never imagine that I can learn so much knowledge about other countries, which can't be got from my books in school. Three months ago, I took my first class. Unfortunately, I felt so embarrassed, because I even can't speak any words, though I know I really love English . After that, I took some of my tutor's advice and previewed the lesson that I'll learn. What's more, In every class, I JUST try my best to say as much as possible. Now,I can only remember It's a really hard time. What's worse, I had to go to my high school and went there at the same time. After several weeks, I began to get used to the atmosphere in web .At least I'm not afraid to speak in front of my tutor and foreign teachers. During web's period,I found I had improved a lot, both physically and mentally. For example, how to be a confident person, how to plan for my future. And the most important is that I have learnt how to municate with others, which is a necessary skill. Nowadays studying is not the only thing that we high school students should do, there are some more important things we have ignored. First, I am grateful for my parents. They have spent so much money for me, but never ask for anything in return. I really know how hard it is to work on such living conditions. Now It's time to introduce my tutor sally. It was she that led me to the right studying here. It was she that helped me deal with all kinds of annoying things. Also there are some other teachers that I appreciate, especially Laura and Anita. Of course, I like to take foreign teachers' classes. Anyway, thanks all of you! I know I am young; there is a long way in my life. I have to face the difficulties and solve them by myself. But i know i must keep on my dream, I agree that If you put your mind to, you can acplish anything. I know i'm not the best ,but i'm the most diligent one。

I hope you can remember me ,an ordinary boy.(责任编辑:英语作文网)

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伟大的数学王国由0-9、点、线、面组成。你可别小瞧这些成员,他们让我们的生活奇妙无比,丰富多彩。例如这不起眼的点,它使我们的生活更美,更快捷。这个功劳非黄金分割点莫属了。把一条线段分成两部分,其中一段与该线段的比等于另一条线段与第一条线段的比,比值近似,这就是黄金分割点。从古希腊以来,一直有人认为把黄金分割点应用于造型艺术,可以使作品给人以最美的感觉。因此,黄金分割点在生活中的应用十分广泛。一、画图的应用1、画长方形是我们小学生最平常的事,也是最熟悉不过的。你们可知道在无条件的情况下怎么把长方形画的更美,给人一种更舒适的感觉?那就是长方形的宽与长的比值接近,这样画出的图形更美。2、学过绘图的人可能知道如果给你一张纸,把这张纸画满,不一定会好看,但要是就画一点,留许多空白也不会太好看。但有一些画就让人感觉很美、很清爽。那是因为它应用了黄金分割点,才让人感到赏心悦目[注: 悦目:看了舒服。指看到美好的景色而心情愉快。]。二、人体的应用1、在人体的结构上,黄金分割的应用更为广泛,举个最为熟悉的例子。人们常称的帅哥、美女,就是他们的脸宽与脸长的比、腿长与身长的比值都约是,这样的身材堪称最美。2、人的肚脐是人体的黄金分割点、膝盖是人腿的黄金分割点……三、建筑物的应用古今中外[注: 指从古代到现代,从国内到国外。泛指时间久远,空间广阔。],许多建造师都偏爱,他们的杰作另世人仰慕。如:古埃及的金字塔,巴黎的圣母院,还有法国的埃菲尔铁塔……小学生作文网t262四、生活上的应用1、大家平时可能注意到电工在检查一根不导电的电线时,他总是选择这根电线的黄金分割点来检查,因为这样可以最快速的找到损坏处。谜语大全及答案2、我们家里大多数门窗的宽和长的比也是,还有箱子、书本等都应用了黄金分割点,让这些物品看上去更舒心。大千世界[注: 佛教用语,世界的千倍叫小千世界,小千世界的千倍叫中千世界,中千世界的千倍叫大千世界。后指广大无边的人世。],美轮美奂[注: 轮:高大;奂:众多。形容房屋高大华丽。],到处都蕴藏着黄金分割点。让我们一起努力吧,用知识和智慧创造出更多的美!



楼上的什么东东? 1.特殊的学校日 Today is school sports day. I am very excited. I like soccer. So I am watching the football match. It's great. Our team is winning. I am very happy. 今天是学校的运动会。

我感到非常兴奋。 我很喜欢足球。

因此,我在观看球赛。 这球赛超棒的。

我们的团队胜利了。 我很开心。

2.季节与天气 My favorite season is autumn. I think it very cool. It is not so hot. But winter is so cold. So I don't like winter. I like summer just so so. Because I can swim. Spring is a beautiful season. There are many flower and bird. 我最喜欢的季节是秋季。 我认为这非常凉爽。

它不是那么热。 但冬天又太寒冷。

因此,我不喜欢冬天。 我也喜欢夏天。

因为我可以游泳。 春天是一个美丽的季节。

有许多花和鸟。 3.农场 My uncle has a farm. It's very big. There are many animals. Let me have a look, there are sheep,goats,cows,ducks,chicken, and a dog. The dog's name is Tom. It's my friend. We often play together. I like uncle's farm. Because is beautiful and vast. 我叔叔有一个农场。

它非常大的。 还有很多动物。

让我看看, 有绵羊,山羊,奶牛,鸭,鸡, 和狗。 狗的名字是汤姆。

它是我的朋友。 我们经常在一起玩。

我喜欢叔叔的农场。 因为它很美丽和广阔。

4.假期 My summer vacation is ing. I will do many things. I'll finish my homework first. Then,My fried and I will go to Shanghai. We will shopping all day. I think it's very interesting. And I will make a birthday gift for my mom. It's her birthday soon. I like playing puter. So I will play puter games. It's the most interesting. I don't like having math class. I think it's the most boring. I will busy this vacation. 我的暑假即将到来。 我会做很多事情。

我会先完成我的作业。 之后,我和朋友将去上海。

我们将购物一整天。 我认为这会非常有趣。

我会为妈妈制作生日礼物。 不久就是她的生日。

我喜欢玩电脑。 因此,我会玩电脑游戏。

这是最有趣的。 我不喜欢上数学课。

我认为这是最无聊。 这个假期我会很忙。

五年级英语作文 The step of summer

Lightly, lightly, summer girl is ing to the world with slim and graceful step ……

The grass grows much greener than before. The flowers e out more beautiful than before. There are more leaves in the trees than before. Everything makes us more youthful.

Acpany the first cry of the cicada and the first shout of the frog …… The world is full of melody. All the bother is taken away by it.


Gradually, gradually, the air temperature turns higher and higher. The lotuses in the lakes e out happily. The dragonflies are busy laying eggs ……

Ah! Summer is really ing!







It's important for teenagers to learn how to make friends.


Although it is raining heavily, it looks that it's impossible for him not to finish the last 200 meters.


It's good to eat more vegetables.


It's important for us to have enough sleep.


It's important for us to keep the environment clean.


It's impolite to laugh at disabled people.


In 20 years,I think I will bee a successful am going to move to Beijing and work there.

I think Beijing is more beautiful than the other cities in I will have a happy will spend time with my hu *** and and my kids on course,we will go on vacation together, we also go to is a nice place.

And as a doctor,I will make people keep their I will have more friends in the new city.

In a work,I believe that I will improve my life in 20 years.

参考网站:es from the north of China. But she grows up in Tianjing. She's very beautiful. Her mom is very beautiful too. Her dad is very kind. She likes singing and swimming. Her mom likes listening to music. Her dad likes swimming.我有一个好朋友。





她爸爸喜欢游泳。Sometimes we go shopping. Usually we ride a bike and go to the cinema. This is fun.有时候我们会去购物。


She doesn't have sisters or brothers, so in the morning we go to school together. I want to be a designer. She wants to be a policewoman.她没有兄弟姐妹,所以我们早上是一起去学校的。我想成为一名设计师。







dinner It's 12 o'clock now. I'm 'd like to eat some sweet food for like chocolate cake best. Chocolate cake is sweet and de also like potatoes, eggplant,bananas and watermelons. They are tasty and are all my favourite food . ' s do the housework There are 4 people in my family,my father, my mother,my sister and the weekend,my father often waters the flowers and sweeps t he mum often cooks the meals and washes our sister often cleans her often empty the trash. We are ha ppy at home. day Today is Sunday. The weather report says It is sunny in the morning,but it ' s a little rainy in the afternoon. SoI get up at 6:30 in the have some beef noodles and an egg for breakfast. I go out for shopping at 8:00. The shop is near . I go there on foot. Many people are in the shop. I buy a pencil . At 12:00 I go home for lunch. I have some vegetable and meat for lunch. I read a book in the afternoon because of the rain. I eat some noodles and fruit for supper. After supper, I do my homework. then I watch TV at 8. Later, I play puter games. I go to bed at 9. I have a happy day. friend ' s favorite season My friend is Chen favorite season is summer. It is hot in summer. He can wear a shirt and shorts. In summer, we have summer vacation. On vacation, we don't go to school. We can play basketball in the morning. In summer vacation, He can go swimming every day. Sometimes, he can climb the mountains with his parents. They usually go hiking. Sometimes they go to the beach. It is so funny!This is his favorite season-summer. How about yours? ' s birthday Today is June 1 st , It is Mike ' s birthday. He is so happy. Because he can wear his new T-shirt and have a picnic in the park. In park, we open a big box and say "Happy birthday to you, is for you " "Oh, It ' s a big birthday you ! "” Let ' s share it. ” Then we play games together. At 4 o' go home. We have a happy day today! busy family It is Saturday family are busy at home..Look, what are we doing now? My father is sweeping the mother is paintng in the sisiter is doing the dishes in the kitchen. And I' m emptying the trash. I ' m so helpful now! Look,there are so many anlmals in the can 3 monkeys,a mother monkey and 2 baby mother monkey is swinging and the baby monkeys are standing in the can see a big elephant,it is can also see a rabbit and o rabbit is eating a tigers are you see any birds ? Yes,they are flying in the sky. I love all anlmals! field trip( 同 3) family( 略 ) summer holiday My summer holiday is do I want to do,do you know?Now , let me tell you. First,I am going to the nature park with my friends and have a picnic there. Then , I ' m going shopping with my mother,because I like going shopping I' m going to buy some clothes for me because some of my clothes are old.. Next, I am going to do my homework and play puter games. In the afternoon,I am going to play sports with my friends This is my happy summer holiday. I can ' t wait! the housework( 同 7) bedroom I have a bedroom .It is not big , but it is nice .There is a bed in my bedroom . A yellow dog is on the bed .Every night,I sleep with it . Next to the bed, there is a desk. A bear lamp is on the desk .I like the bear lamp. I like to do homework under the lamp every evening. I have a new puter in my bedroom .It is my best friend . Because I study on it, play on it . There are also some beautiful pictures on the wall. in my home town In spring, the weather is warm and windy. Sometimes it is trees get green and flowers e out.. Animals get up. Birds sing in the trees everyday. They are very happy. We wear jackets and can fly kites or go hiking in spring. Ilike spring very much.。

My weekend There are o days on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, I often go to my dancing class in the morning and do my homework in the afternoon, and I often help my mother do some cleaning. On Sunday, I always visit my grandparents in the morning and do some reading in the afternoon. After dinner, I often watch TV with my parents. At that time, we can talk with each other and say something happily. We often have a good time. My Seasons We have four seasons in a year. I can do many interesting things in each season. In spring, the weather is cool and wind, I can fly kites when it's wind. And I can go hiking with my family when it's sunny and cool. I like hiking. Summer is hot in the north of China, but it's not long time. I often go swimming. It can make me healthy and strong. I can also wear my beautiful dresses. Fall is a season with harvest. And I can eat delicious fruits in this season. I can watch the leaves fall. Winter es, it's often snowy in winter in my hometown. When it snows, everything is white. We can play with snow and make a snowman, skate and ski. And winter is my favourite season, because of the Spring Festival. I love seasons. I love the nature. My Birthday Party Every year, when it's birthday, my parents hold a party for me. They invite my friend to e to my house to celebrate my birthday. I can get many beautiful gifts every year. In my party, we can do many things: 1. Light the candles. 2. Sing a “Happy Birthday” song. 3. Make a wish. 4. Blow out the candles. 5. Cut off the cake. 6. Eat the cake. 7. Open the presents. 8. Sing and dance. 9. Watch videos or play other games. 10. Say goodbye with each other. That's my birthday party, is it interesting? My family There are five people in my family. They are my grandma, grandpa, dad, mom and I. Look! Grandma is watching TV. Grandpa is reading a book. Dad is writing an e-mail. Mom is cooking dinner. I am doing my homework. I love my family! A Field Trip It is a nice day. Our class will have a field trip today. The clas *** ates are very excited. Look! Here we are. There're a lot of activities to do. Amy is watching insects. Peter is collecting leaves. They want to write a report. Mandy is catching butterflies in the woods. Tim and Bob are playing chess. Some of the clas *** ates are having a picnic. There is a lot of delicious food to eat. Oh, who's that over there? It's Miss White. What is she doing? She is taking photos. We had a very good time. I'll never fet this field trip.。

fatherI have a good father. I like him very father is a policeman. He is tall and strong. He looks very cool in the black police uniform. He works in the police station and he is very busy every day. He likes helping people. So he often goes everywhere by his motor cycle. When he sees the people in the trouble, he will try his best to help the people. He is a good policeman. And many people like him very much, too. My father likes reading books very much. Because he thinks: A good book is a good friend. do you have a good father, too? pet is a cat,It's very like her very much,I often feed her when she is hungry,She eats fish,I feed her with not only fish but also milk and other delicious food I like to eat,they are all play with her when I'm free,she likes climbing and can jump down from high wall without any wash her once a week to keep her when I'm not happy she lie down by me and apany English teacher appears very beautiful and she looks about 40 years has a English teacher is very strict with us,and sometimes,she is very friendly and kind to is also the April Fools' Day,she said to us,"you are going to have a holiday this afternoon".Many students thought it students dare not talk,because she is very are afraid that we cannot pass the exam,because the teacher will criticise us if we don't doesn't give us too much homework,and she doesn't give us too much like our Engllish it is hot is it!There is no wind and most of us stay at drink cool water,eat fruits and so other people are swimming now,they must be very cool!What about you? was was really very cold. I felt very cold,so I stayed at home to do my homework. The snow was so thick that some chidren were making a snowman. The snowman was fat and it was also very cute!。

英语作文在很多学生的印象中是很难的,下面是我给大家精心挑选的,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! 五年级英语作文篇1 May Day has been finished, the teacher ask me: "such a long holiday, do you have any harvest?" Oh, I just think, such a long holiday, what I got? I say I don't know to the teacher, the teacher is very tired, because the teacher asked me a lot of problems I always said I don't know, the teacher thought that I would not like to municate with her, don't want to say, in fact she was wrong, I really didn't get anything, there is no harvest, at least I think so. The teacher asked me to write a position, let me write the May Day. It can be difficult to me, I a long vacation, the same Sunday, boring through. In order to plete the tasks given by our teacher, I try to recall, think of a harvest in the May Day holiday. Harvest should be done from always get!!!! The May Day liuxue86 and I do what? Doing homework, playing games. A May Day I so monotonous had done, and what can harvest it? In order to plete the task, say what I have to say two harvest. Even though it may be of garbage again. I wrote in the essay "a May Day to do a lot of homework, I know a lot of questions, lays the foundation for an examination." Said a pile of meaningless words. When I finished writing the position, and I suddenly woke up, I can't harvest is so? Harvesting can always find in done. Think of this, and I think may do one more thing - to play games. After I grew up to the big game, in the five one playing games, what do I get in? I finished the game has been played bored, also can have what? "Why don't you always play games, go outing, wanted to take you out to play, you don't go." My mother said to me. Right! It is day and night playing games makes me so boring, feel life is meaningless, there's nothing to do, no pleasure of life. Why my extra-curricular life is too monotonous. Games let I can't find my harvest in a holiday. Right! This is what I May 1 to play games. Really do everything there will always be it the meaning of value, is only a question of how much, can't be none. What we should think about what we have, and what you need, to enrich our life. 五年级英语作文篇2 Remember grandpa as a child I have ever seen, *** oking a cigarette dangling from his old man's mouth are often, *** oke came with the match lighted, suction, and exhaled *** oke slowly from his mouth spit it out, but from two nostrils suck back, I'll e in and out, puffing away, I read a very funny, in the end, bursting out from his mouth, and thick *** oke in the air filled with a pungent spicy immediately. My grandfather was still coughing. He had just finished one and then he lit another. I was standing beside me. At that moment, I couldn't help but cry, "grandpa, don't breathe. Don't breathe." He *** iled happily, and his teeth were unintentionally exposed, and he was said to have been *** oking for decades. Later, when I was in first grade, grandpa finally had died of lung cancer, home and family was very sad, they know is cigarette harm grandpa, grandpa if her quit *** oking habits, early maybe still healthy alive again. Maybe it's the reason why cigarettes are so bad, and dad never *** okes. It's no wonder that even the ash tray grandpa left didn't know when it was gone. If a person sucks 10 to 20 cigarettes a day, they are 14 times more likely to die of lung, throat, mouth, mouth, and nasopharyngeal cancer than non- *** okers, according to authorities. Smoking is harmful not only to yourself, but also harmful to the people around the same, because the *** oke contains a large number of ", the ancient dong 10 kinds of harmful substances, such as once in the lungs as its harm of *** oking. In order to make people aware of the dangers caused by a variety of *** oking, governments are spare no effort to promote " *** oking is harmful to health", the regulation of our country have bans on tobacco advertising, the United Nations has special formulated the May 31 of each year for the "world no tobacco day". The purpose is to create a pure and fresh, environmental protection, green of "global village", make the living environment of mankind more healthy and more beautiful. I thought: I am a young pioneers, I have a duty, have a responsibility to promote the importance of *** oking cessation, let each side of the relatives, friends, clas *** ates stay away from cigarettes and refused to *** oke, let our guangzhou also bee a " *** oke-free city" at an early date. 五年级英语作文篇3 When the summer vacation, Mom and Dad took me to the Shaolin Temple, where I saw the scenery I have not seen before: monks, Tallinn, sightseeing cars, Shaolin monks, main hall, King Hall, Tripitaka, cable car A lot of monk's statue. Shaolin Temple in Zhengzhou Dengfeng Songshan, sitting sightseeing car, we soon came to the Shaolin Temple, we first went to Tallinn, here is the monk's grave. Towers are also different levels, the highest tower only seven layers. And then we take the cable car, because the cable car is essential to Shaolin a play project. Sit on the cable car to the top of the mountain to watch the beautiful scenery of Shaolin Temple is a very fortable thing. Shaolin Temple scenery I have countless, and no wonder Shaolin Temple is famous all over the world! I like the Shaolin Temple because it is a beautiful scenic spot for our country.



Today is school sports day.

I am very excited.

I like soccer.

So I am watching the football match.

It's great.

Our team is winning.

I am very happy.









My favorite season is autumn.

I think it very cool.

It is not so hot.

But winter is so cold.

So I don't like winter.

I like summer just so so.

Because I can swim.

Spring is a beautiful season.

There are many flower and bird.











My uncle has a farm.

It's very big.

There are many animals.

Let me have a look,

there are sheep,goats,cows,ducks,chicken,

and a dog.

The dog's name is Tom.

It's my friend.

We often play together.

I like uncle's farm.

Because is beautiful and vast.













My summer vacation is ing.

I will do many things.

I'll finish my homework first.

Then,My fried and I will go to Shanghai.

We will shopping all day.

I think it's very interesting.

And I will make a birthday gift for my mom.

It's her birthday soon.

I like playing puter.

So I will play puter games.

It's the most interesting.

I don't like having math class.

I think it's the most boring.

I will busy this vacation.















A year has four seasons. Every season has three months. The first season is spring. During that time we have warm weather and fine days. All plants e to life. Animals wake up from hibernation. It is time for farmers to get ready for their fields. The second season is summer. The weather is very hot and it often rains. People can go swimming and sightseeing. It is time for all things to grow up. The third season is autumn. The weather bees cooler and cooler. Leaves begin to fall to the ground. It is the harvest time for farmers. The fourth season is winter. The weather is very cold, and most of the plants die at that time. Sometimes it snows. People can enjoy skating and skiing. But winter doesn' t stay with us for a long time, for spring es again soon. 还可以吧




通常他工作一直到10 时在晚上。










“看看你的手表,请,”姑娘说道,“现在几点钟了?” “对不起,我的手表出毛病了,”杰克说。

“你们的在哪里?” “我把它忘在家里了。

” 杰克想了一会儿,找到了解决的办法。


砰!砰!” 声音唤醒了他的奶奶。


你为什么还跳搬到楼上去吗?”Jack is a enty-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found work in a shop. Usually he works until ten o'clock in the evening. He is very tired when he gets home. After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon falls asleep. His grandma who lives downstairs is satisfied with him. One day, on his way home, he met Mary. They were both happy. He asked the girl to his house, she agreed happily. He bought some fruit and drinks for her. And they talked about their school, teachers, clas *** ates and their future 。

They talked for a long time. “Have a look at your watch, please,” said the girl. “What time is it now?” “Sorry, something is wrong with my watch,” said Jack. “Where's yours?” “I left it at home.” Jack thought for a moment and found a way. He began to stamp his foot on the floor, “Bang! Bang! Bang!” The sound woke his grandma up. The old woman shouted downstairs, “It's elve o'clock in the night, Jack. Why are you still jumping upstairs?”


Today i have a good time in zoo. There are many animals in the zoo. The tiger, elephant, bear,giraffe are all my friends. But we must obey the zoo rules. We shuold love these animals friends. We can't hurt them. We must not throw the trash to these animals. We must keep the zoo rules in mind.今天我有一个动物园的好时机。








happy new yearnew year is all very happy,because we can eat many snack and we also eat jiaozi . is`t very are cleaning our rooms and send presents to our the first day of the Spring Festival, most of people get up early and say “happy new year."How happy I am. 新年快乐。








A lady went to a hat shop to buy a hat. As she was very fussy, it took her a long time to pick on one. Already at the end of his patience the sale *** an was afraid that she might change her mind again so he tried to flatter her: "An excellent choice, madam. You look at least ten years younger with this hat on!" To his di *** ay, the lady took off her hat at once and said: "I don't want a hat that makes me look ten years older as soon as I take it off. Show me some more hats!" 中文翻译 一位妇女到一家帽子店买帽子。





my dayI always get up early in the usually have my breakfast at 6:'m never late for school,I have lunch at 12:00,I have dinner with my I finish my homework I often play some games with my then will I to this is a busy day, but I feel full and satisfied.翻译我的一天我总是早上早起。






I love Friday, because after that day, I can take a break. I feel happy to see the weekend is ing. It is not like Mondy. Monday is the beginning of a long week. During the week, I have a lot of homework and I have to dress in students uniforms. Friday is different. I can dress up after do not have to do the homework on that evening. I can stay up late because I have no school the next day. That is why I love Friday.

我的卧室 My Bedroom I have a lovely bedroom. It is *** all but clean and beautiful. The wall is light green and the floor is white. There is a bed in my bedroom, it is really fortable. I sleep with it every night. And there is a *** all sofa near my bed, I always read books on it. There is also a desk in my room, I do my homework on it every evening. Near the desk, there is a shelf. There are many books on the shelf. You can borrow books from me if you like reading. My bedroom is so good that I like it very much. 我的宠物 My Pet I have a lovely pet. It's a *** all cat. It's name is Candy, because it looks like a candy. It has white and acid colors. It's *** aller than general cats. When I first saw it in the market, I liked it. Therefore, I begged my mother bought it to me and I succeeded. It has e to my home for three months. It is attracted. Everyone e to my home likes to play with it. It hides under the sofa or bed often. When I call it, it would react to me. Sometimes, it would walk to me quietly. I like my cat very much. 日记 Diary Today I was sad because I was blamed. The day before yesterday, my father gave me a tast. He told me to finish math exercises and he would check today. I have to days to finish them. But I did not, because there was a football game yesterday. I was so tired, so I fot them. Today, my father wanted to check my exercises. He found I did not finish, so he scolded me. He was angry and he do not let me play football anymore. I am afraid I can't play football anymore. 记一节英语课 An English Class Today I was sad because I was blamed. The day before yesterday, my father gave me a tast. He told me to finish math exercises and he would check today. I have to days to finish them. But I did not, because there was a football game yesterday. I was so tired, so I fot them. Today, my father wanted to check my exercises. He found I did not finish, so he scolded me. He was angry and he do not let me play football anymore. I am afraid I can't play football anymore. my best friend I have a best friend. She is a beautiful girl. She has long black hair, she has *** all eyes, she has a *** all mouth. She's tall and thin. She's very active. Her favourite food is fish,because they're very tasty. Her favourite colour is pink. Her favourite season is summer, because she can swim. She likes riding a bike and swimming. Who's she? She is my clas *** ate, LiangGanmeiDo you like meHello! Everyone. I'm a little rabbit. My name is Hanhan. Look! I'm very lovely. My eyes are red. My ears are long. My hair is white. My tail is short. I like carrots very much. I have a good friend. She's my little master. Her name is Zhou Xun. We always play games together. I like her very much and she likes me, too.

A:Is there a park near your house?B:'s a *** all one,but there are a lot of flowers and there any swings?B: there's a slide, we go and play there?B:Good 's buy a New Year card for our don't we make one?A:Good I don't know how to make a me show you how to do some trees and stars on the paper then write 'Happy New Year!'on 't fet to write 'Dear Grandma and Grandpa'.A:All right.这是我从书上摘抄下来的,不知道服不符合您的要求,如果还需要,请加记得加备注:百度

The Four seasonsA year has four season has three weather of one season is different from that of any life cycles of plants are controlled by the first season is three months in it are March,April and that time we have warm weather and fine plants e to wake up from is time for farmers to get ready for their second season is three months are June,July and weather is very hot and it often can go swimming and is time for all things to grow third season is three months are September,October and weather bees cooler and begin to fall to the is the harvest time for fourth season is and February are the three months of that weather is very cold,and most of the plants die at that it can enjoy skating and winter doesn' t stay with us for a long time,for spring es again soon.

I'm Daisy.(我叫黛丝)There are six people in my family(我的家庭中有6个人)---my grandfather(我的外公),my grandmother(我的外婆),my father(我的爸爸),my mother(我的妈妈),my sister(我的姐姐) and I(和我). My grandparents are both 60 years old(我的外公外婆都60岁了).They are very healthy(他们都很健康).My father is a doctor(我的爸爸是一个医生).I love my father very muth(我非常爱我的爸爸).Because he works very hard(因为他工作很努力,辛苦).I also love my mother(我也爱我的妈妈).I don't like my sister(我不喜欢我的姐姐).Because she is very strict with me(因为她对我很严厉). But sometimes she doesn't with me (但是有时候她对我不严厉). I love my family(我爱我的家)!

转载请注明出处 » 五年级下册英语小作文




0,可以说是人类最早接触的数了。我们祖先开始只认识没有和有,其中的没有便是0了,那么0是不是没有呢?记得小学里老师曾经说过“任何数减去它本身即等于0,0就表示没有数量。”这样说显然是不正确的。我们都知道,温度计上的0摄氏度表示水的冰点(即一个标准大气压下的冰水混合物的温度),其中的0便是水的固态和液态的区分点。而且在汉字里,0作为零表示的意思就更多了,如:1)零碎;小数目的。2)不够一定单位的数量……至此,我们知道了“没有数量是0,但0不仅仅表示没有数量,还表示固态和液态水的区分点等等。” “任何数除以0即为没有意义。”这是小学至中学老师仍在说的一句关于0的“定论”,当时的除法(小学时)就是将一份分成若干份,求每份有多少。一个整体无法分成0份,即“没有意义”。后来我才了解到a/0中的0可以表示以零为极限的变数(一个变数在变化过程中其绝对值永远小于任意小的已定正数),应等于无穷大(一个变数在变化过程中其绝对值永远大于任意大的已定正数)。从中得到关于0的又一个定理“以零为极限的变数,叫做无穷小”。 “105、203房间、2003年”中,虽都有0的出现,粗“看”差不多;彼此意思却不同。105、2003年中的0指数的空位,不可删去。203房间中的0是分隔“楼(2)”与“房门号(3)”的(即表示二楼八号房),可删去。0还表示…… 爱因斯坦曾说:“要探究一个人或者一切生物存在的意义和目的,巨集观上看来,我始终认为是荒唐的。”我想研究一切“存在”的数字,不如先了解0这个“不存在”的数,不至于成为爱因斯坦说的“荒唐”的人。作为一个中学生,我的能力毕竟是有限的,对0的认识还不够透彻,今后望(包括行动)能在“知识的海洋”中发现“我的新大陆”。

在日常学习中,往往有许多数学题目的答案是多个的,容易在练习或考试中被忽略,这就需要我们认真审题,唤醒生活经验,仔细推敲,全面正确理解题意。否则就容易忽略了另外的答案,犯以偏概全的错误。 大家一定从小就开始奇怪了,0到底是怎么来的呢?关于0的起源,有以下几种观点。①、古巴比伦的0的符号是用空位来表示的,例如要表示一百零一,古巴比伦写作1。1②、在古印度数学中,发现0的最早记载是公元876年,欧洲许多数学家都同意这一观点。公元6世纪,印度人就开始用“?”,后来变成了一个圆圈。到了公元九世纪就固定成了今天的“0”。③、0的故乡在中国。我国最早的诗歌总集《诗经》中就有0的记载,只不过当时0的意思是“暴风雨末了的小雨滴”。在我国远古时代的结绳记数法中,0是在对“有”的否定中出现的,意思是“没有”。总之,有关0的起源还没有一个定论。 但是无论如何,0自从一出现就具有非常旺盛的生命力,现在,它广泛应用于社会的各个领域。 在课堂上,常听老师说,0就是没有的意思,你有0元钱,就代表没有钱;你有0支笔,就代表你没有笔。在这样的情况下,温度表上的0度就代表着没有温度吗?答案肯定是否定的。纯净的冰水混合物的温度就是0度。 想一想我们四年级学的素数与合数吧!老师是这样解释的“自然数可以分成3类:1、素数与合数,一个自然数只有一和它本身两个因数的数是素数,因数大于3个就是合数,1单独为一种。”那0也是自然数,它是最小的自然数,0到底是质数还是合数呢?这个谁也说不清楚。 我还有一个关于0的问题,自然数也可以分成奇数与偶数,能被2整除的数就是合数,反之就是奇数。0是奇数还是偶数呢?看上去像偶数,但又说不准,到底是什么数谁也不清楚。 0还有许多奇妙有趣的事就在我们身边呢,大家一起来发现吧! 麻烦采纳,谢谢!

有趣的职业 小赵、小丁、小张分别是教师、医生和律师,只知道:1小赵比教师年纪大;2小张和教师不同岁;3小赵和律师是朋友,你能推断谁是教师,谁是律师,谁是医生吗? 根据1小赵比教师年纪大和3小赵和律师是朋友,可以推断小赵既不是教师,也不是律师,所以小赵是医生,再根据2小张和教师不同岁和小赵是医生可以看出小张是律师,所以剩下的小丁是个教师。 这道题目很简单,我运用了排除法,比如:根据条件1和3就可以看出,小赵既不是教师,也不是律师。以次类推就可以得出答案。在我们学习数学的过程中,我们只要掌握方法,就可以解决一切难题,想不到从数学中也能得到乐趣。

千世界,无奇不有,在我们数学王国里也有许多有趣的事情。比如,在我现在的第九册的练习册中,有一题思考题是这样说的:“一辆客车从东城开向西城,每小时行45千米,行了小时后停下,这时刚好离东西两城的中点18千米,东西两城相距多少千米?王星与小英在解上面这道题时,计算的方法与结果都不一样。王星算出的千米数比小英算出的千米数少,但是许老师却说两人的结果都对。这是为什么呢?你想出来了没有?你也列式算一下他们两人的计算结果。”其实,这道题我们可以很快速地做出一种方法,就是:45×=(千米),=(千米),×2=261(千米),但仔细推敲看一下,就觉得不对劲。其实,在这里我们忽略了一个非常重要的条件,就是“这时刚好离东西城的中点18千米”这个条件中所说的“离”字,没说是还没到中点,还是超过了中点。如果是没到中点离中点18千米的话,列式就是前面的那一种,如果是超过中点18千米的话,列式应该就是45×=(千米),=(千米),×2=189(千米)。所以正确答案应该是:45×=(千米),=(千米),×2=261(千米)和45×=(千米),=(千米),×2=189(千米)。两个答案,也就是说王星的答案加上小英的答案才是全面的。 在日常学习中,往往有许多数学题目的答案是多个的,容易在练习或考试中被忽略,这就需要我们认真审题,唤醒生活经验,仔细推敲,全面正确理解题意。否则就容易忽略了另外的答案,犯以偏概全的错误。

数学小论文 关于“0” 0,可以说是人类最早接触的数了。我们祖先开始只认识没有和有,其中的没有便是0了,那么0是不是没有呢?记得小学里老师曾经说过“任何数减去它本身即等于0,0就表示没有数量。”这样说显然是不正确的。我们都知道,温度计上的0摄氏度表示水的冰点(即一个标准大气压下的冰水混合物的温度),其中的0便是水的固态和液态的区分点。而且在汉字里,0作为零表示的意思就更多了,如:1)零碎;小数目的。2)不够一定单位的数量……至此,我们知道了“没有数量是0,但0不仅仅表示没有数量,还表示固态和液态水的区分点等等。” “任何数除以0即为没有意义。”这是小学至中学老师仍在说的一句关于0的“定论”,当时的除法(小学时)就是将一份分成若干份,求每份有多少。一个整体无法分成0份,即“没有意义”。后来我才了解到a/0中的0可以表示以零为极限的变数(一个变数在变化过程中其绝对值永远小于任意小的已定正数),应等于无穷大(一个变数在变化过程中其绝对值永远大于任意大的已定正数)。从中得到关于0的又一个定理“以零为极限的变数,叫做无穷小”。 “105、203房间、2003年”中,虽都有0的出现,粗“看”差不多;彼此意思却不同。105、2003年中的0指数的空位,不可删去。203房间中的0是分隔“楼(2)”与“房门号(3)”的(即表示二楼八号房),可删去。0还表示…… 爱因斯坦曾说:“要探究一个人或者一切生物存在的意义和目的,巨集观上看来,我始终认为是荒唐的。”我想研究一切“存在”的数字,不如先了解0这个“不存在”的数,不至于成为爱因斯坦说的“荒唐”的人。作为一个中学生,我的能力毕竟是有限的,对0的认识还不够透彻,今后望(包括行动)能在“知识的海洋”中发现“我的新大陆”。


数学小论文 关于“0” 0,可以说是人类最早接触的数了。我们祖先开始只认识没有和有,其中的没有便是0了,那么0是不是没有呢?记得小学里老师曾经说过“任何数减去它本身即等于0,0就表示没有数量。”这样说显然是不正确的。我们都知道,温度计上的0摄氏度表示水的冰点(即一个标准大气压下的冰水混合物的温度),其中的0便是水的固态和液态的区分点。而且在汉字里,0作为零表示的意思就更多了,如:1)零碎;小数目的。2)不够一定单位的数量……至此,我们知道了“没有数量是0,但0不仅仅表示没有数量,还表示固态和液态水的区分点等等。” “任何数除以0即为没有意义。”这是小学至中学老师仍在说的一句关于0的“定论”,当时的除法(小学时)就是将一份分成若干份,求每份有多少。一个整体无法分成0份,即“没有意义”。后来我才了解到a/0中的0可以表示以零为极限的变数(一个变数在变化过程中其绝对值永远小于任意小的已定正数),应等于无穷大(一个变数在变化过程中其绝对值永远大于任意大的已定正数)。从中得到关于0的又一个定理“以零为极限的变数,叫做无穷小”。 “105、203房间、2003年”中,虽都有0的出现,粗“看”差不多;彼此意思却不同。105、2003年中的0指数的空位,不可删去。203房间中的0是分隔“楼(2)”与“房门号(3)”的(即表示二楼八号房),可删去。0还表示…… 爱因斯坦曾说:“要探究一个人或者一切生物存在的意义和目的,巨集观上看来,我始终认为是荒唐的。”我想研究一切“存在”的数字,不如先了解0这个“不存在”的数,不至于成为爱因斯坦说的“荒唐”的人。作为一个中学生,我的能力毕竟是有限的,对0的认识还不够透彻,今后望(包括行动)能在“知识的海洋”中发现“我的新大陆”。 望采纳。

《容易忽略的答案》 大千世界,无奇不有,在我们数学王国里也有许多有趣的事情。比如,在我现在的第九册的练习册中,有一题思考题是这样说的:“一辆客车从东城开向西城,每小时行45千米,行了小时后停下,这时刚好离东西两城的中点18千米,东西两城相距多少千米?王星与小英在解上面这道题时,计算的方法与结果都不一样。王星算出的千米数比小英算出的千米数少,但是许老师却说两人的结果都对。这是为什么呢?你想出来了没有?你也列式算一下他们两人的计算结果。”其实,这道题我们可以很快速地做出一种方法,就是:45×=(千米),=(千米),×2=261(千米),但仔细推敲看一下,就觉得不对劲。其实,在这里我们忽略了一个非常重要的条件,就是“这时刚好离东西城的中点18千米”这个条件中所说的“离”字,没说是还没到中点,还是超过了中点。如果是没到中点离中点18千米的话,列式就是前面的那一种,如果是超过中点18千米的话,列式应该就是45×=(千米),=(千米),×2=189(千米)。所以正确答案应该是:45×=(千米),=(千米),×2=261(千米)和45×=(千米),=(千米),×2=189(千米)。两个答案,也就是说王星的答案加上小英的答案才是全面的。 在日常学习中,往往有许多数学题目的答案是多个的,容易在练习或考试中被忽略,这就需要我们认真审题,唤醒生活经验,仔细推敲,全面正确理解题意。否则就容易忽略了另外的答案,犯以偏概全的错误。

记得暑假里的一天,我们到叔叔家里玩,正玩到兴头上,叔叔拿了10个硬币走了过来,说:“你们想要这些硬币吗?”“当然想啦!”大家异口同声地回答道。我望着叔叔,真有点丈二和尚——摸不著头脑,我心里琢磨著,不知道叔叔葫芦里卖的是什么药。“你们想要这些硬币,就要回答我的问题,谁答对,硬币就全归他了。”说完,叔叔就提出一个问题:“怎样才能把10个硬币放进3个杯子里,使每个杯子里的硬币数都是奇数,看谁能找出最多的方法。” 听完叔叔的题目,大家冥思苦想。只见表弟在客厅里走来走去,表姐坐在椅子上冷静地思考着。不一会,我看见妹妹找来了材料,试着做。可是,做了很久,妹妹还是没找到具体解题的方法。我也不甘示弱,开动脑筋想着。哎,要是能把这硬币拿到手,那该多好啊! 过了十多分钟,大家都没有想到怎么做,叔叔见此情景,对我们说:“给你们一点提示吧!解这道题要学会多转几个弯,不要……”“等等!”话没说完,表弟好象想到了什么似的。只见他拿起10个硬币,先把第1个硬币放到第1个杯子里去,然后把3个硬币投进第2个杯子里,看到这里,我不禁想道:这个办法嘛,我早就想过了,根本就不行,剩下的硬币有6个,6是偶数,我可以肯定地说一句:“这个办法是行不通的。”当表弟把剩下的6个硬币放到第3个杯子时,我插嘴道:“这办法根本……”我的话还没说完,表弟就把我的话打断了,“表姐,你还是看我的表演吧!”表弟神气地说。只见他拿起第1个杯子,把那个硬币放到第3个杯子里去。“这就是第一种方法。”表弟得意地扮了个鬼脸。“哎呀!我真笨,怎么想到第三步就放弃了呢?真不值得!”接着,表弟按照第一次那样做,先把3个硬币放到第1个杯子里,然后在第二个杯子里放5个硬币,接着把剩下的硬币放到第三个杯子里,最后,把第一个杯子里的硬币放到第三个杯里去。这样第二种方法就完成了。按著这样的方法,表弟连续做了13次。 看到这里,站在一旁的叔叔拍起了手掌,点点头说:“真想不到,你这小鬼还会有动脑筋的时候,这回你赢了,10个硬币都归你了。”叔叔一边称赞表弟,一边抚摸着他的小脑袋。“不过,小瑜呀,你可得加把劲了,这回连表弟都赢了你。记住,凡事多动脑筋,别轻易放弃。” 是呀,叔叔说得对,凡事多动脑筋,别轻易放弃。如果我刚才想到第三步没放弃的话,再动动脑筋,那道题就被我解开了。以后,真的要加把劲,要努力学好数学,掌握好数学,更要学会在生活中灵活运用好数学。

第一页 居中 先写题目 第二行写班级、姓名 换页 找关于论文的主题的例子 写完一个例子写两行左右的说明,例如这题的做法是怎么样的 写三到五个例题即可 一般用WROD两页即可,建议多写,但不要写的题目太难,不符合你的年龄段

伟大的数学王国由0-9、点、线、面组成。你可别小瞧这些成员,他们让我们的生活奇妙无比,丰富多彩。例如这不起眼的点,它使我们的生活更美,更快捷。这个功劳非黄金分割点莫属了。把一条线段分成两部分,其中一段与该线段的比等于另一条线段与第一条线段的比,比值近似,这就是黄金分割点。从古希腊以来,一直有人认为把黄金分割点应用于造型艺术,可以使作品给人以最美的感觉。因此,黄金分割点在生活中的应用十分广泛。一、画图的应用1、画长方形是我们小学生最平常的事,也是最熟悉不过的。你们可知道在无条件的情况下怎么把长方形画的更美,给人一种更舒适的感觉?那就是长方形的宽与长的比值接近,这样画出的图形更美。2、学过绘图的人可能知道如果给你一张纸,把这张纸画满,不一定会好看,但要是就画一点,留许多空白也不会太好看。但有一些画就让人感觉很美、很清爽。那是因为它应用了黄金分割点,才让人感到赏心悦目[注: 悦目:看了舒服。指看到美好的景色而心情愉快。]。二、人体的应用1、在人体的结构上,黄金分割的应用更为广泛,举个最为熟悉的例子。人们常称的帅哥、美女,就是他们的脸宽与脸长的比、腿长与身长的比值都约是,这样的身材堪称最美。2、人的肚脐是人体的黄金分割点、膝盖是人腿的黄金分割点……三、建筑物的应用古今中外[注: 指从古代到现代,从国内到国外。泛指时间久远,空间广阔。],许多建造师都偏爱,他们的杰作另世人仰慕。如:古埃及的金字塔,巴黎的圣母院,还有法国的埃菲尔铁塔……小学生作文网t262四、生活上的应用1、大家平时可能注意到电工在检查一根不导电的电线时,他总是选择这根电线的黄金分割点来检查,因为这样可以最快速的找到损坏处。谜语大全及答案2、我们家里大多数门窗的宽和长的比也是,还有箱子、书本等都应用了黄金分割点,让这些物品看上去更舒心。大千世界[注: 佛教用语,世界的千倍叫小千世界,小千世界的千倍叫中千世界,中千世界的千倍叫大千世界。后指广大无边的人世。],美轮美奂[注: 轮:高大;奂:众多。形容房屋高大华丽。],到处都蕴藏着黄金分割点。让我们一起努力吧,用知识和智慧创造出更多的美!


