在土动力学基本理论以及结构与土体系统的动力分析、抗震设计和测试技术诸方面取得新成果,主持研发成套试验设备及测试技术。发表SCI和EI期刊论文220余篇、国际会议论文50余篇,用于数十项工程实践和5部设计规范。编著和参编著作3部,获准和公开发明专利25项 1) Zhang Jian-Min, Wang Gang. Large post-liquefaction deformation of sand, Part I: physical mechanism, constitutive description and numerical algorithm, Acta Geotechnica, 2012, 7(2): 67-1132) Zhang Ga, Wang Liping, Zhang Jian-Min. Dilatancy of the interface between a structure and gravelly soil. Geotechnique, 2011, 61 (1): 75-84.3) Zhang Jian-Min, Song Fei, Li Deji. Effects of Strain Localization on Seismic Active Earth Pressures. ASCE Journal of geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. 2010, 136(7): 999-1003.4) Zhang Ga, Zhang Jian-Min. Modeling of low-cement extruded curb of concrete-faced rockfill dam. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2011, 48 (1): 89-97.5) Tong Zhaoxia, Zhang Jian-Min, Yu Yilin, et.al. Drained Deformation Behavior of Anisotropic Sands during Cyclic Rotation of Principal Stress Axes. ASCE Journal of geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. 2010, 136(11): 1509-1518.6) Wang Liping, Zhang Ga, Zhang Jian-Min. Centrifuge model tests of geotextile- reinforced soil embankments during earthquake. Geotextiles & Geomembranes, 2011, 29(3): 222-232.7) Hu Yun, Zhang Ga, Zhang Jian-Min, Lee C F. Centrifuge modeling of geotextile- reinforced cohesive slopes. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2010, 28(1): 12-22.8) Zhang Ga, Wang Liping, Zhang Jian-Min. Monotonic and cyclic modeling of interface between geotextile and gravelly soil. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2010, 34 (13): 1346-1361.9) Wang Rui, Zhang Ga, Zhang Jian-Min. Centrifuge Modelling of Clay Slope with Montmorillonite Weak Layer under Rainfall Conditions. Applied Clay Science. 2010, 50(3): 386-394.10) Zhang Jian-Min, Zhang Jianhong, Wang Gang, et.al. Safety evaluation of breakwaters based on physical and numerical modelling. Ocean Engineering, 2009, 36(11): 852-862.11) Zhang Jian-Min, Zhang Jianhong, Wang Gang. Stability of jetties for channel protection in soft soils at Huanghua Port. Ocean Engineering, 2008, 35(17-18): 1716-1726.12) Yu Yuzhen, Zhang Binyin, Zhang Jian-Min. Action mechanism of geotextile reinforced cushion under breakwater on soft ground. Ocean Engineering, 2005, 32(14-15): 1679-1708.13) Zhang Ga, Zhang Jian-Min. Numerical modeling of soil-structure interface of a concrete-faced rockfill dam. Computers and Geotechnics, 2009, 36 (5): 762-772.14) Zhang Ga, Zhang Jian-Min. Constitutive rules of cyclic behavior of interface between structure and gravelly soil. Mechanics of Materials, 2009, 41 (1): 48-59.15) Zhang Ga, Liang Dongfang, Zhang Jian-Min. Image analysis measurement of soil particle movement during a soil-structure interface test. Computers and Geotechnics, 2006, 33 (4-5): 248-259.16) Zhang Ga, Zhang Jian-Min. Large-scale apparatus for monotonic and cyclic soil-structure interface test. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2006, 29 (5): 401-408.17) Zhang Jian-Min, Shamoto Y, Tokimatsu K. Cyclic critical stress states of sand with nonfrictional effects. Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, 1999, 125 (10): 1106-1114.18) Shamoto Y, Zhang Jian-Min, Tokimatsu K. New charts for predicting large residual post-liquefaction ground deformation. International Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 1998, 17 (7-8): 427-43819) Zhang Ga, Qian Jiyun, Wang Rui, Zhang Jian-Min. Centrifuge model test study of rainfall-induced deformation of cohesive soil slopes. Soils and Foundations, 2011, 51(2): 297-305.20) Li M, Zhang G, Zhang JM, Lee CF. Centrifuge model tests on a cohesive soil slope under excavation conditions. Soils and Foundations, 2011, 51(5): 801-812.21) Wang Liping, Zhang Ga, Zhang Jian-Min. Nail Reinforcement Mechanism of Cohesive Soil Slopes Under Earthquake Conditions. Soils and Foundations, 2010, 50(4): 459-469.22) Zhang Ga, Zhang Jian-Min. Large-scale monotonic and cyclic tests of interface between geotextile and gravelly soil. Soils and Foundations, 2009, 49 (1): 75-84.23) Zhang Ga, Zhang Jian-Min. Unified modeling of monotonic and cyclic behavior of interface between structure and gravelly soil. Soils and Foundations, 2008, 48 (2): 231-245.24) Zhang Ga, Zhang Jian-Min, Yu Yilin. Modeling of gravelly soil with multiple lithologic components and its application. Soils and Foundations, 2007, 47 (4): 799- 810.25) Zhang Ga, Zhang Jian-Min. Monotonic and cyclic tests of interface between structure and gravelly soil. Soils and Foundations, 2006, 46 (4): 505-518.26) Zhang Jian-Min, Y Shamoto, K Tokimatsu. Seismic earth pressure theory for retaining walls under any lateral displacement. Soils and Foundations, 1998, 38(2): 143-163.27) Shamoto Y, Zhang Jian-Min, K Tokimatsu. Methods for predicting large residual post-liquefaction ground settlement and horizontal displacement. Special Issue on 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu Earthquake, Soils and Foundations, 1998, 38(2): 69-83.28) Shamoto Y, Zhang Jian-Min. Evaluation of seismic settlement potential in sand deposits based on concept of relative compression. Special Issue on 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu Earthquake, Soils and Foundations, 1998, 38(2): 57-68.29) Zhang Jian-Min, Y Shamoto, K Tokimatsu. Evaluation of earth pressures under any lateral deformation. Soils and Foundations, 1998, 38(1): 15-33.30) Shamoto Y, Zhang Jian-Min, S. Goto. Mechanism of large post-liquefaction deformation in saturated sands. Soils and Foundations, 1997, 37(2): 71-80.31) Zhang Jian-Min, Y Shamoto, K Tokimatsu. Moving critical and phase transformation stress state lines of saturated sand during undrained cyclic shear. Soils and Foundations, 1997, 37(2): 51-59.32) Shamoto Y, Y Katsura, K Tamaoki, Zhang Jian-Min. A simplified method for evaluating the effectiveness of compaction piles in sands containing fines. Soils and Foundations, 1997, 37(1): 89-96.33) Shamoto Y, Zhang Jian-Min, T Kusukame. A simple method for triaxial strain path testing of soils. Soils and Foundations, 1996, 36(2):129-137.34) Shamoto Y, M Sato, Zhang Jian-Min. Simplified estimation of earthquake-induced settlements in sand deposits. Soils and Foundations, 1996, 36(1): 39-50.35) Zhang Jian-Min. Transient shear strength of saturated sand under cyclic loading considering strain-rate effect. 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