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Yunmeng one certainly: Chops Pakistan Chops Pakistan to have the sliver, has the circular, the commonstuffing is salty, the big circular is sweet, taste very good, is theYunmeng person breakfast must eat one, it is convenient, economizesalso saves time. Should be quickly goes to work a race's very goodchoice, hoped one day to be able to carry forward! Yunmeng snack dried bean curd Originally is the folk snack, approximately founded in 1931,its dried bean curd basis tradition procedure, abundantly picked theaudiences long, by the bean, the rice, the thick liquid mixed the eggto make the skin, take the glutinous rice as the stuffing, the lustergolden yellow translucent, outside crisp in was tender, approached byits unique flavor is well-known. Because the stuffing intension by theham meat, the jade piece and so on acquires fame the mixed sea fooddried bean curd, latter forms the many kinds of tastes after theimprovement the dried bean curd Widely spreads: Surface nest Because of thick but among was all around thin simply hasbecome a small hole, assumed the concavity, the Wuhan person is notfamiliar with calls it "the surface to be concave", but called it "thesurface nest". Its is practical "the surface" to decorate "the nest"not to be certainly appropriate, because in its ingredient the breadflour only occupies minority, majority of is the rice thick liquidwhich the polished japonica rice grinds to, but also must add thecertain proportion the yellow soybean milk, adds the minced greenonion, the thin salt. Explodes when uses hard ladle, diameterapproximately 5 inches, all around under concave, central bulge,scoops up into with another bucket that kind of mix thick liquid thesurface nest bucket, as soon as blows in among, then puts into thepot, gets down the depression because the surface thick liquid many,therefore plump, explodes the afterimage circle circle, eats in themouth, crisp, is crisp, the soft three kind of feelings mix. Surface nest besides rice flour nest, but also has explodes the peanest, the sweet potato nest (the Wuhan person "苕 窝窝"), theshrimp roe nest, has a distinct flavor. In Wuhan's main street andsmall alley, the surface nest is one of snacks which the people likes,also is equally has characteristic earlier one with the hot flour. History glorious: Glutinous rice cake The glutinous rice cake in Hubei it may be said the history isglorious, at holidays, long-lived celebrates mourning marries when hasthe manufacture glutinous rice cake the custom, especially in theSpring Festival eve, village nearly each and every family all mustmanufacture the glutinous rice glutinous rice cake. Because glutinousrice cake stickiness strong, takes the year (to mount) the year (tomount) is high, namely a year compared to a year good meaning, iscalled as the glutinous rice cake the lunar new year's cake. SpringFestival receives cordially pays new year's call the guest average perperson to have first the next bowl glutinous rice cake chicken noodlesoup to eat to the visitor. Before pays new year's call, gets married,constructs the room, sweeps the graves must use the glutinous ricecake. The glutinous rice cake eats law also to have very many, mayexplode, may roast, may fry, may boil, but also may sliver the smallthin slice to season, fries the system or with explodes Mi Hua themethod manufacture. It can be said that, the glutinous rice cake hasthe rich local breath, is representative food which the Hubei folkfestival celebrates. Folk snack: Spring stuffed dumpling The Yunmeng folk snack spring the stuffed dumpling is "thevegetable" adds on the lean meat take the Yunmeng unique one kind asthe stuffing, wraps by one kind of extremely thin bread flour skin ispassing through fries in oil then edible, flavor tasty, the cost isinexpensive is the common people celebrates the new year one ofdelicacies which the period necessary one kind entertains a guest,deeply old person and child's affection! Yunmeng 焦切 sugar The Yunmeng 焦切 sugar, the feeling in the mouth sweet crispfritter. 焦切 sugar (original name calls any "tender concubine"sugar, inside also has a touching story!) Has a shape also to have thelight piece, also is very delicious. Simple breakfast: Examination paper Snack Yunmeng fish surface Yunmeng is located bank of the ancient Chu Meng Ze, is rich inthe fish and shrimp, the fish is on the dinner table often thevegetable, including together the alone flavor delicacies - fishsurface. The fish surface manufacture has very much is fastidious. First mustselect blue, fish flesh and the superior wheat flour, the maize mealand so on grass, silver carp, carp, again mixes the sesame oil, thethin salt, the process rubs, 擀, steams, cuts, exposes to the sun andso on the working procedure purifies becomes. The fish face shaperesembles the ordinary noodles, but is finer, is famous by "the colorfragrance shape", for Hubei special product in high-quality goods. Hands down before very the long time, is being occupied by Wang Yaoguin under the Yunmeng north end of town Yuntai. One day, 幺 thepaternal aunt when made the noodles pours into has just boiled goodfresh 鱼汤, the family member ate when the noodles all said theflavor was fresh. The intelligent 幺 paternal aunt thought, if makesthe noodles in a bread flour riga fresh fish flesh, the flavor not ishow can it be that better? Thereupon 幺 the paternal aunt brings thefresh fish only the meat, chops 肉泥 and enters in the bread flour,has made the first bowl Yunmeng fish surface. Wang Jiayao the paternalaunt can make the fish surface the news very quickly to spread in theenvirons, the people all come the scholarship, and forming ballad:"擀 the surface picture element paper, cuts the facial features花线, get down in the pot run around in circles, abundantly likesthe peony in the bowl". According to "the Yunmeng County annals" records, the fish surfaceformulated the time is the clear Daoguang 15 years (in 1835), leftpraises oneself the surname cloth line of surname Huang hand of chef.After the fish surface is published, deeply is welcome the restaurantpatron, Yunmeng's fish surface workshop unceasingly increases. 1911fishes with one year life span surface attended ten thousand countriesexpositions as the Yunmeng famous product which Panama held, attainedthe silver medal by "the silver thread fish surface". Question supplement that, Does not want Jinshan quickly translates andso on the software direct translation, the article request not to havethe grammatical error to be allowed, requests too high not







































云梦鱼面主产于古泽云梦,始产于清道光年间,历史悠久。云梦鱼面选用“白鹤分流”之鱼,桂花潭中之水,新麦上等面粉及芝麻香油等为主要原料精制而成,白如银、细如丝,故又称“银丝鱼面”。该产品营养丰富,风味独特,鲜美可口,诚为食用之佳肴,馈赠之佳品。1915年,云梦鱼面在巴拿马万国博览会参加特产比赛获优质银牌奖,产品畅销全国及国际市场。 古楚梦泽之畔,盛产鱼虾,鱼是餐桌上的常菜,其中有一道独具风味的佳肴——鱼面。 相传在很久以前,在云梦城北的云台山下住着一位王幺姑。一天,幺姑在做面条时倒进了刚煮好的鲜鱼汤,家人吃面条时都说味道鲜。聪明的幺姑想,要是在面粉里加些鲜鱼肉做成面条,味道岂不更好?于是幺姑取来鲜鱼的净肉,剁成肉泥和进面粉中,做出了第一碗云梦鱼面。王家幺姑会做鱼面的消息很快在四乡传开,人们都来学艺,并编成歌谣:“擀的面像素纸,切的面像花线,下在锅里团团转,盛在碗里像牡丹”。 据《云梦县志》记载,鱼面的创制时间是清道光十五年(1835年),出自许姓布行的一位姓黄的厨师之手。鱼面问世后,深受食客欢迎,云梦的鱼面作坊不断增加。1911年鱼面作为云梦名产参加巴拿马举行的万国博览会,以“银丝鱼面”获银质奖。2.鱼面制作1、首先要选用青、草、鲢、鲤等鱼肉和上等白面、玉米粉,再拌上麻油、细盐。2、经过揉、擀、蒸、切、晒等工序精制而成。3、鱼面形状似普通面条,但更精细,以“色香味形”著称,为湖北特产中的精品。 3.食用方法1、煮食:水烧开后,将肉丝(鸡、鸭、猪、牛、羊肉)和鱼面倒入开水中煮2-3分钟,加上葱、姜、酱油、醋、味精等佐料即可,营养丰富,滋补健胃,味鲜可口,如用鸡汤、排骨汤煮食,味道更鲜美。2、炒食:先将鱼面放在50-60度开水中泡开,滤水用麻油或猪油、香菌、冬菇、玉兰片或肉丝,加上陈醋拌炒。3、炸食:先将食油烧沸,把鱼面放在油里,炸得鱼面沸起即可食用(食用时根据个人食用习惯加添调料)。

Cloud dream a 绝 : Chop the 巴 Chopping to 巴 contain long 馅 for, having the circular, generally is a 咸 of, big circular of is sweet, and the taste is very good, and is a cloud dream person's breakfast of necessarily eat it a, it are convenient, and save money to also save time. should be a good choice of the fast office worker, and hope that, the one fine day can promote! Cloud dream a light repast bean skin Original for the folks a light repast, invite to create to set up in 1931, the skin of its bean adopt the 众 according to the traditional way of doing, 博 long, mix the egg to do the skin with the bean, rice, 浆 , regarding 糯 rice as the golden 透 of 馅 , color and luster bright, the outside frailty inside is delicate, and approach the publicity with its special taste. Because of the 馅 inside pack bean skin for with leg of pork meat, jade slice etc. Third 鲜 bean skin, behind was become by improvementing various tastes Wide for spread:Nest Iron ladle, diameter that Because of on all sides and thick but the middle is thin simply a small hole,, report the cave 状 , Wuhan person not the habit call it the “ cave", but call it the “ the nest". In fact use a rice 浆 for" polishing the “ nest" not much to the pointly, because its composition inside face powder it is 粳 rice that occupy the minority, big part whetting, and still add the yellow bean milk of the certain comparison, and add the chopped onion, 细 the salt. Fry use to invite 5 incheses, on all sides bottom are cave, central and convex rise, use another 勺 to mix with the 浆 that kind of to ladle up into the nest 勺 , betwixt on pare offing, then next pot, bottom hollow place is because of the 浆 is much, therefore the 肥 is thick, and fry empress like of circle turn, eat in the 嘴 , 酥 , frailty, soft three kinds of fellingses admixture. The nest apart from the rice the nest outside, and still have to fry the garden pea the nest, sweet potato the nest( the Wuhan person call the “苕 nest the nest"), shrimp the nest, and have a distinctive flavour. in Wuhan's streets and alleys, one of the breakfast for one of a light repast for nest is people likings, and also is similar to hotly fuck alyly having the special featureses. The history is long: 糍粑 Night before last, country that 糍粑 is in Hubei it may be said the history is long, at the time of holidays and New Year, birthday celebration when marrying 丧 all have to create the custom of the 糍粑 , particularly in Chinese New Year almost the all families all manufacture the 糯 rice 糍 the 粑 . Because of the 糍粑 the 黏 is strong, and take the year( 黏 ) year( 黏 ) high, then a year more compare a year to like its 意 , and call the New Year pudding the 糍粑 . The Chinese New Year hospitality make New Year's visits the guest to all want first next bowl 糍粑 chicken the noodle soup eat to guest. Make New Year's visit, marry, set up the building before, visit grave to all use the 糍粑 . Eating of 糍粑 the method also have a lot of, can fry, can roast, can frying, can boil, and can still cut into the small thin slice to dry in the sun, fry to make or use to fry the method creation of the rice flower. Can say, agrestic breathing that have the thick 郁 of 糍粑 , is a Hubei folks festival of representative food. Folks a light repast: Spring 饺 Cloud dream folks a light repast spring 饺 therefore cloud dream vegetables of special a kind of “ ground" plus the lean meat to 馅 , with one of a delicacy for very thin face powder skin wrap upping at through fry in oiling then eating, flavor 鲜 beautifully, cost cheap is common people celebrate New Year's Eving the period essentially first kind entertain guestings, deep suffer the old man with the liking of child! Cloud dream the 焦 slice the sugar Cloud dream the 焦 slice the sugar, to feel the sweet crisp fritter. The 焦 slices the sugar( original and by the name of what “娇妾 " sugar, inside still contain a story that feel the person!)There is 状 of also have the thin thin slice of, and also very delicious. Simple breakfast: winding son A light repast cloud dream fish It is dining table that cloud dream locates the ancient 楚 dream the 泽 's 畔 , 盛产 fish the shrimp, fish ascend often a 独 that vegetables, among them have the good dinner —— fish to have the taste. The fish manufactures to very have to speak to investigate.首先要选用青、草、鲢、鲤等鱼肉和上等白面、玉米粉,再拌上麻油、细盐,经过揉、擀、蒸、切、晒等工序精制而成。Fish shape common, but more fine, with the “ aroma form" the 著 call, for the exquisite article in the special product in Hubei. It is rumored at long time ago, in the cloud dream cloud of north city the pedestal below the hills live a king 幺 the 姑 .一天,幺姑在做面条时倒进了刚煮好的鲜鱼汤,家人吃面条时都说味道鲜。The cleverness's 幺姑 thinks, and the in case is in the face powder to add the amount 鲜 the fish to make into an is, flavor 岂 not more good?Hence the 幺姑 take to come the clean meat of the 鲜 fish, chop minced meat with enter in the face powder, and do outed the first bowl cloud dream fish of.王家幺姑会做鱼面的消息很快在四乡传开,人们都来学艺,并编成歌谣:“擀的面像素纸,切的面像花线,下在锅里团团转,盛在碗里像牡丹”。 According to the 《 cloud dream County ambition the 》 jot down, creating of fish system time is 10 5 years(1835) of pure streak of light, and come from to allow the surname cloth the line the hand of the cook for of a surname Huang.鱼面问世后,深受食客欢迎,云梦的鱼面作坊不断增加。1911Year fish international exposition for conduct and actions cloud dream famous product 参 adding Panama holding, with the “ silver silk fish" get the silver quality the prize.

Yunmeng one certainly: Chops Pakistan Chops Pakistan to have the sliver, has the circular, the commonstuffing is salty, the big circular is sweet, taste very good, is theYunmeng person breakfast must eat one, it is convenient, economizesalso saves time. Should be quickly goes to work a race's very goodchoice, hoped one day to be able to carry forward! Yunmeng snack dried bean curd Originally is the folk snack, approximately founded in 1931,its dried bean curd basis tradition procedure, abundantly picked theaudiences long, by the bean, the rice, the thick liquid mixed the eggto make the skin, take the glutinous rice as the stuffing, the lustergolden yellow translucent, outside crisp in was tender, approached byits unique flavor is well-known. Because the stuffing intension by theham meat, the jade piece and so on acquires fame the mixed sea fooddried bean curd, latter forms the many kinds of tastes after theimprovement the dried bean curd Widely spreads: Surface nest Because of thick but among was all around thin simply hasbecome a small hole, assumed the concavity, the Wuhan person is notfamiliar with calls it "the surface to be concave", but called it "thesurface nest". Its is practical "the surface" to decorate "the nest"not to be certainly appropriate, because in its ingredient the breadflour only occupies minority, majority of is the rice thick liquidwhich the polished japonica rice grinds to, but also must add thecertain proportion the yellow soybean milk, adds the minced greenonion, the thin salt. Explodes when uses hard ladle, diameterapproximately 5 inches, all around under concave, central bulge,scoops up into with another bucket that kind of mix thick liquid thesurface nest bucket, as soon as blows in among, then puts into thepot, gets down the depression because the surface thick liquid many,therefore plump, explodes the afterimage circle circle, eats in themouth, crisp, is crisp, the soft three kind of feelings mix. Surface nest besides rice flour nest, but also has explodes the peanest, the sweet potato nest (the Wuhan person "苕 窝窝"), theshrimp roe nest, has a distinct flavor. In Wuhan's main street andsmall alley, the surface nest is one of snacks which the people likes,also is equally has characteristic earlier one with the hot flour. History glorious: Glutinous rice cake The glutinous rice cake in Hubei it may be said the history isglorious, at holidays, long-lived celebrates mourning marries when hasthe manufacture glutinous rice cake the custom, especially in theSpring Festival eve, village nearly each and every family all mustmanufacture the glutinous rice glutinous rice cake. Because glutinousrice cake stickiness strong, takes the year (to mount) the year (tomount) is high, namely a year compared to a year good meaning, iscalled as the glutinous rice cake the lunar new year's cake. SpringFestival receives cordially pays new year's call the guest average perperson to have first the next bowl glutinous rice cake chicken noodlesoup to eat to the visitor. Before pays new year's call, gets married,constructs the room, sweeps the graves must use the glutinous ricecake. The glutinous rice cake eats law also to have very many, mayexplode, may roast, may fry, may boil, but also may sliver the smallthin slice to season, fries the system or with explodes Mi Hua themethod manufacture. It can be said that, the glutinous rice cake hasthe rich local breath, is representative food which the Hubei folkfestival celebrates. Folk snack: Spring stuffed dumpling The Yunmeng folk snack spring the stuffed dumpling is "thevegetable" adds on the lean meat take the Yunmeng unique one kind asthe stuffing, wraps by one kind of extremely thin bread flour skin ispassing through fries in oil then edible, flavor tasty, the cost isinexpensive is the common people celebrates the new year one ofdelicacies which the period necessary one kind entertains a guest,deeply old person and child's affection! Yunmeng 焦切 sugar The Yunmeng 焦切 sugar, the feeling in the mouth sweet crispfritter. 焦切 sugar (original name calls any "tender concubine"sugar, inside also has a touching story!) Has a shape also to have thelight piece, also is very delicious. Simple breakfast: Examination paper Snack Yunmeng fish surface Yunmeng is located bank of the ancient Chu Meng Ze, is rich inthe fish and shrimp, the fish is on the dinner table often thevegetable, including together the alone flavor delicacies - fishsurface. The fish surface manufacture has very much is fastidious. First mustselect blue, fish flesh and the superior wheat flour, the maize mealand so on grass, silver carp, carp, again mixes the sesame oil, thethin salt, the process rubs, 擀, steams, cuts, exposes to the sun andso on the working procedure purifies becomes. The fish face shaperesembles the ordinary noodles, but is finer, is famous by "the colorfragrance shape", for Hubei special product in high-quality goods. Hands down before very the long time, is being occupied by Wang Yaoguin under the Yunmeng north end of town Yuntai. One day, 幺 thepaternal aunt when made the noodles pours into has just boiled goodfresh 鱼汤, the family member ate when the noodles all said theflavor was fresh. The intelligent 幺 paternal aunt thought, if makesthe noodles in a bread flour riga fresh fish flesh, the flavor not ishow can it be that better? Thereupon 幺 the paternal aunt brings thefresh fish only the meat, chops 肉泥 and enters in the bread flour,has made the first bowl Yunmeng fish surface. Wang Jiayao the paternalaunt can make the fish surface the news very quickly to spread in theenvirons, the people all come the scholarship, and forming ballad:"擀 the surface picture element paper, cuts the facial features花线, get down in the pot run around in circles, abundantly likesthe peony in the bowl". According to "the Yunmeng County annals" records, the fish surfaceformulated the time is the clear Daoguang 15 years (in 1835), leftpraises oneself the surname cloth line of surname Huang hand of chef.After the fish surface is published, deeply is welcome the restaurantpatron, Yunmeng's fish surface workshop unceasingly increases. 1911fishes with one year life span surface attended ten thousand countriesexpositions as the Yunmeng famous product which Panama held, attainedthe silver medal by "the silver thread fish surface". Question supplement that, Does not want Jinshan quickly translates andso on the software direct translation, the article request not to havethe grammatical error to be allowed, requests too high not

暾촘宁없:띄것 띄것唐낀系,唐途近,宁겹돨军角驱돨,댕途近돨角镜돨,隆瓘붤봤,角暾촘훙豆꽜돨극넜裂宁,剑렘긱,伽풀冷伽珂。坛맡角우쌥�겯痢돨宁몸붤봤돨朞嶝,句寡唐宁茎콘랙爛밟댕! 暾촘鬼넜떴튄 覩椁췽쇌鬼넜,独눼쉔党1931쾨,페떴튄몽앴눈固隣랬,꺽꽃露낀,鹿떴、쵠、쉬계샷뎔隣튄,鹿킴쵠椁军,�灯쏜뼝拷좋,棍닮코콕,鹿페뗌景루瓘궉쐤圹츰。凜军코관鹿儡苦흄、图튬된돤츰힛銶떴튄,빈쒔맣쏵近냥뜩芦왯瓘돨떴튄 밤椁직눈:충罫 凜恺鹭비랍橹쇌괌돤맴닮냥죄宁몸鬼떪,,너갸榴,峤볶훙꼇构발싻剑“충갸”,랍싻剑“충罫”。페茄痰“충”윱锦干“罫”깻꼇季학,凜椁剑돨냥롸橹충뢴怜榄�鉴,댕꼬롸角쒀쵠칠냥돨쵠쉬,뻘狼속宁땍궐절돨뼝떴쉬,속닉빻、玖吉。珞珂痰돨届�绫,殓쓺独5당,恺鹭苟갸,橹卵考폅,痰쥼宁�쉥컸芦살북쉬朗흙충罫�,瞳橹쇌宁민,횔빈苟번,苟갸뇹凜충쉬뜩,杰鹿례비,珞냥빈獗몸途홀홀,넜瞳里쟁,更、닮、흡힛芦먁얾살북。 충罫뇜죄쵠충罫棍,뻘唐珞滚떴罫、븐堪罫(峤볶훙냔“封罫罫”)、瞿绫罫,깎唐루瓘。瞳峤볶돨댕쌍鬼眷,충罫角훙쳬殴갖돨鬼넜裂宁,冷角뫄훑맴충宁湳唐景�돨豆듐裂宁。 저袈荨씹:签缀 签缀瞳빤굇옵馆저袈荨씹,룰쾨법쌘、秆헤�혭珂엇唐龄鳞签缀돨构粳,谈페瞳뉴쌘품丘,券닷섯빎소소빵빵떼狼龄鳞킴쵠签缀。凜签缀制昑퓻,혤쾨(制)쾨(制)멕,섦宁쾨뫘궐宁쾨봤裂雷,쉥签缀냔鳞쾨멤。뉴쌘운덤격쾨와훙엇狼邱苟宁公签缀샷缺충못와훙넜。鹿품격쾨、혭항、쉔렛、�캣엇狼痰签缀。签缀돨넜랬冷唐붤뜩,옵珞、옵옛、옵쇔、옵赖,뻘옵학냥鬼괌튬�맴,낫龄샀痰珞쵠빻돨렘랬龄鳞。옵鹿纲,签缀야唐큠导돨券皐폭口,角빤굇췽쇌쌘헤돨덜깊稼틔。 췽쇌鬼넜:뉴싫 暾촘췽쇌鬼넜뉴싫角鹿暾촘景唐돨宁芦“뒈꽉”속�艮흄椁军,鹿宁芦섐괌돨충뢴튄관범폅윱瞳쒔答珞섦옵稼痰,瓘돛銶쳄,냥굶됴져角일겟檎법쾨퍅쇌극구돨宁芦덤와돨쳄瓘裂宁,�肝일훙뵨鬼벚돨殴갖! 暾촘슝학镰 暾촘슝학镰,왯먁镜괌닮. 슝학镰(覩츰싻痂척“슴茹”镰,쟁충뻘唐宁몸먁훙돨믐悫켱!)唐系榴돨冷唐괌괌튬돨,冷붤봤넜。 숌弄豆꽜:얩绫 鬼넜暾촘戴충 暾촘贯党뮴뇝촘灯裂턴,佳끓戴瞿,戴角꽜戮�돨끽꽉,페橹唐宁돛뗌야루瓘돨솅润――戴충。 戴충龄鳞붤唐쉿씩。看邱狼朞痰행、꿇、咤、쟈된戴흄뵨�된겜충、图쵠뢴,疼계�쮸答、玖吉,쒔법휸、珊、力、학、�된묏崎쑹龄랍냥。戴충近榴慨팹系충系,뎃뫘쑹玖,鹿“�穷瓘近”廖냔,椁빤굇景끓橹돨쑹틔。 宫눈瞳붤씹鹿품,瞳暾촘냘굇돨暾憩�苟辽沦宁贯珙秽뮨。宁茎,秽뮨瞳隣충系珂돌쏵죄먼赖봤돨銶戴缺,소훙넜충系珂떼纲瓘돛銶。니츠돨秽뮨拳,狼角瞳충뢴쟁속硅銶戴흄隣냥충系,瓘돛폈꼇뫘봤?党角秽뮨혤윱銶戴돨씐흄,띄냥흄콧뵨쏵충뢴橹,隣놔죄뒤宁公暾촘戴충。珙소秽뮨삔隣戴충돨句口붤우瞳恺券눈역,훙쳬떼윱欺論,깻긍냥멱囊:“珊돨충獗羹笭,학돨충獗빻窟,苟瞳번쟁考考瘻,佳瞳公쟁獗캔덮”。 앴《暾촘群羚》션潼,戴충돨눼龄珂쇌角헌돛밟枷巧쾨(1835쾨),놔菱冀檎꼈契돨宁贯檎뼝돨놜可裂癎。戴충狂各빈,�肝稼와뻑短,暾촘돨戴충鳞렌꼇뙤藤속。1911쾨戴충鳞椁暾촘츰끓꽝속것컬쯩앨契돨拱벌꺽응삔,鹿“陵介戴충”삿陵醴쉽。


葛粉芝麻饼做法用料淡奶油 120g、葛粉 120g、牛奶 100ml、糖 50g、酵母粉 2.5g、鸡蛋 1个(约50g)、芝麻 适量1.淡奶油加入糖打至7成发。2.打发奶油加入鸡蛋,用打蛋器打至顺滑。3.过筛葛粉和酵母粉,与牛奶混合,觉得此时混合困难的话,先在牛奶中加入少量2,再慢慢多次的加入粉类,以免结成小面块,搅拌顺滑。4.烤箱预热170度。5.将3混合好的面糊和2的奶油混合均匀。6.烤盘铺油纸,将饼干糊装入裱花袋在烤盘上挤出小圆堆或者直接用小勺将面糊铺在烤盘上,中间留一定的距离,在表面撒上芝麻,也可以将芝麻直接混合在面糊中。7.烤盘放于烤箱中层,170度10分钟后,调至180度再烤5至10分钟,烤好后取出趁热撕去油纸,晾凉






核心期刊正常都是3-7月左右录用,录用后2-4个月左右出刊,这个是正常的周期,有部分方向以及期刊 可以加急录用。




