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问题一:SCI医学英文论文的写作步骤是什么 医学英语论文的基本格式内容: Title-论文题目 Author(s)-作者姓名 Affiliation(s)and address(es)-联系方式 Abstract-摘要 Keywords-关键词 Body-正文 Acknowledgement-致谢 References-参考文献 Appendix-附录,可空缺 Resume-作者简介,视刊物而定 Covering letter投稿信 其中正文为论文的主体部分,包括以下五部分: Introduction-引言/概述 Materials and Methods-材料和方法 Results-结果 Discussion-讨论 Conclusion-结论/总结2 问题二:中华医学杂志英文版怎样是投稿成功 款到定版了吗 问题三:能发表英文论文的的中国医学期刊有哪些 学术论文是科学或者社会研究工作者在学术书籍或学术期刊上刊登的呈现自己研究成果的文章。学术论文往往强调原创性的工作总结,但也可以是对前人工作总结的回顾及做出评价,后者也往往被称为综述性文章(Review)。学术论文的出版正在经历着重大变化,出现了从传统的印刷版到网络上电子格式的兴起。论文中最重要的就是论点、论据和论证,所以在写作中,一定要对这三点加以重视。 论文写作,简单的说,就是大专院校毕业论文的写作,包含着本科生的学士论文,研究生的硕士论文,博士生的博士论文,延伸到了职称论文的写作以及科技论文的写作。一般来说,论文写作,即高校毕业生,科技工作者以及各科研机构,事业单位工作人员,依据一定的论文格式和字数要求,对学习和工作的学术总结和创新。[1] 论文一般由题名、作者、摘要、关键词、正文、参考文献和附录等部分组成,其中部分组成(例如附录)可有可无。论文各组成的排序为:题名、作者、摘要、关键词、英文题名、英文摘要、英文关键词、正文、参考文献和附录和致谢。 下面按论文的结构顺序依次叙述。 题目 (一)论文――题目科学论文都有题目,不能“无题”。论文题目一般20字左右。题目大小应与内容符合,尽量不设副题,不用第1报、第2报之类。论文题目都用直叙口气,不用惊叹号或问号,也不能将科学论文题目写成广告语或新闻报道用语。 命题方式 简明扼要,提纲挈领。英文题名方法①英文题名以短语为主要形式,尤以名词短语最常见,即题名基本上由一个或几个名词加上其前置和(或)后置定语构成;短语型题名要确定好中心词,再进行前后修饰。各个词的顺序很重要,词序不当,会导致表达不准。②一般不要用陈述句,因为题名主要起标示作用,而陈述句容易使题名具有判断式的语义,且不够精炼和醒目。少数情况(评述性、综述性和驳斥性)下可以用疑问句做题名,因为疑问句有探讨性语气,易引起读者兴趣。③同一篇论文的英文题名与中文题名内容上应一致,但不等于说词语要一一对应。在许多情况下,个别非实质性的词可以省略或变动。④国外科技期刊一般对题名字数有所限制,有的规定题名不超过2行,每行不超过42个印刷符号和空格;有的要求题名不超过14个词。这些规定可供我们参考。⑤在论文的英文题名中。凡可用可不用的冠词均不用。 署名 (二)论文――署名科学论文应该署真名和真实的工作单位。主要体现责任、成果归属并便于后人追踪研究。严格意义上的论文作者是指对选题、论证、查阅文献、方案设计、建立方法、实验操作、整理资料、归纳总结、撰写成文等全过程负责的人,应该是能解答论文的有关问题者。往往把参加工作的人全部列上,那就应该以贡献大小依次排列。论文署名应征得本人同意。学术指导人根据实际情况既可以列为论文作者,也可以一般致谢。行政领导人一般不署名。 引言 (三)论文――引言是论文引人入胜之言,很重要,要写好。一段好的论文引言常能使读者明白你这份工作的发展历程和在这一研究方向中的位置。要写出论文立题依据、基础、背景、研究目的。要复习必要的文献、写明问题的发展。文字要简练。 材料方法 (四)论文――材料和方法按规定如实写出实验对象、器材、动物和试剂及其规格,写出实验方法、指标、判断标准等,写出实验设计、分组、统计方法等。这些按杂志对论文投稿规定办即可。 实验结果 (五)论文――实验结果应高度归纳,精心分析,合乎逻辑地铺述。应该去粗取精,去伪存真,但不能因不符合自己的意图而主观取舍,更不能弄虚作假。只有在技术不熟练或仪器不稳定时期所得的数据、在技术故障或操作错误时所得的数据和不符合实验条件时所得的数据才能废弃不用。而且必须在发现问题当时就在原始记录上注明原......>> 问题四:发表了医学英文sci论文可以作为评审副高条件吗 完全可以的! 医学SCI期刊发表论文7大流程注意事项 科研学者离不开SCI论文,SCI论文是科研成功的展现,是每个热衷于学术的学者的一种学术追求。如何写好一篇好SCI论文和成功投稿是每个学者需要认真思考的问题。下面华笙医学编译就医学sci论文发表前需要了解的一些信息进行分享。 投稿,通常是让人兴奋的,经历了这么久的实验写作,终于能够与大众分享,也希望得到大家的认可。可是医学SCI论文在投稿过程中总会出现以下各种各样的问题。1.未完全遵守期刊的作者须知作者提出的咨询显示出他们没看过或没有遵守期刊的作者须知,这对AMA委员会来说是最大众的问题。所以在投稿之前,作者们一定要将所投递期刊的作者须知浏览一遍,确保自己论文的内容与期刊相符。2.一稿多投作者不可同时将同一篇论文同时投稿到两家以上的期刊,就算是部分论文也不行。此规定对即使是两家分属地方与国际、不同读者群的期刊也适用。虽然很多作者没注意到,不过重复发表是违反发表道德的。而且如果同时出现两家期刊收录的情况,也会引起不必要的争端,所以在论文投递中,作者必须做到一稿一投。3.数据不一致文中提及的数字经常跟图表的数据不一样或没加上去。这便涉及到论文撰写过程中数据的统一,不管是文本中的数据还是图表中的数据,只要论述的是相同的内容,理所当然的数据也是一致的,所以切莫出现这类数据不统一、不一致的情况。4.未能保护病患者身份医学案例报告通常有些照片或文字可能泄露病患身份给读者。根据发表道德,此举极不恰当,而且病人签署了知情同意书,作者就应该确保病患身份不被认出。所以在出现病患身份的内容中,作者应该使用必要的代号或者名称,将病患的信息保护好。5.参考文献错误遗漏参考文献、参考文献和内文引用编号对不上、而参考文献排版错误又是另一个常见的问题,遗漏和不正确的参考文献会影响论文的可信度。当别人通过你的文献索引查找文献时却发现对不上内容,这样的文献引用不但没有意义,而且更会让别人怀疑说引用文献的真实性。6.夸大结论虽然一个强而有力的结论是很重要的,编辑发现数据无法完全支持这些夸大的结论。论文的撰写要求便是实事求是,所以在结论的撰写中也是如此,过分夸大的结论不但没有任何意义,同时也会让读者对论文的价值产生考量。7.对文字编辑的质疑太过轻率文字编辑在返还修改文稿的同时会附上说明信解释原因,但作者经常在了解原因前就先质疑文字编辑的修改。其实文字编辑之所以会提出修改意见,那么便是自己的论文可能在这些方面存在问题或者只是说明的不够清楚,但不管是哪个原因,我们都不应该轻易的质疑,要先确认没有存在该问题,再做出必要的说明。 医学SCI论文投稿时还应该注意的问题是:填写著作权、利益冲突、道德委员会批准等的表单是发表过程中很重要的项目,但作者总觉得这个工作累赘,经常把没填完或填错的表单递交出去,这样导致编辑部与作者间必须要多次来回沟通,进而耽误论文发表进程。 对于医学论文写作发表投稿需要了解的问题还有很多,希望各位学者能在工作之余,多抽些时间来看文献和了解一些行业前沿信息。只有这样,你的科研论文才有可能有创新性和时效性。 问题五:sci医学论文写作问题,怎么用英文写好一篇医学论文? 如果刚开始你是中文稿,可以自己翻译好了去投稿,但是最好投稿之前让导师看下,有语言问题让导师帮你改或者找公司帮着改下,这样后续会少走弯路。当时自己是直接去投稿,一审直接就是语言问题,被导师骂了一塌糊涂,让去找奈普格编译润色,后续问题也就迎刃而解。所以sci论文的语言和学术一样重要。 问题六:如何在医学杂志投稿发论文? 首先,要确定好发什么级别和研究方向的文章,然后找到相应的期刊、杂志。然后投稿过去,等到收录用通知即可。 但是,想发医学类核心期刊,确实是比较困难,原因: 1、为了评审核心期刊,应对新闻出版广电总局的各类审核,多数想要寻求发展的期刊,不断压缩版面,稿件质量精益求精,这导致论文被退稿或返修的几率大幅增加。 2、面对年审等突发时间,杂志的刊期会出现突发变动,可能原本已经计划出刊的文章会推迟见刊,作者应为各种因素预留时间,避免因意外情况导致的延期出刊。 核心期刊正常的审稿周期为1-3个月,且审核严格,退稿、返修几率更大,这意味着在流程上耗费的时间更久;且核心期刊版面有限,投稿竞争更加激烈,即使被录用,排刊也比普通期刊晚很多,因此找些代理机构还是要快些。我去年评职称,就查阅了中文中文期刊在线,发了篇临床医学的,见刊还是蛮快的。 问题七:医学SCI论文投稿的格式是什么? 论文写作模板在万维书刊网上有不少,该站上每一个刊物的简介下面都有一个论文模板按钮,您点击后会进入到该站的投稿交流版块,上面有上百个各个期刊的模板,您可以去参考一下! 问题八:如果打算写医学sci论文,请问英语该达到怎样的水平,怎么才能达到这样的水平 个人觉得,要是英语不是很好的童鞋,不想花那么多时间和精力在英语润色上也可以交给专业的翻译和润色机构毕竟进行科研和为了发表而绞尽脑汁写英语比起来,前者的时间更有效率也更经济,之前有师兄用过派利希,专业又修改的比自己的好多了,我是觉得这种好多了,省时省心。 当然腻害的童鞋也是可以自己慢慢去琢磨,反正我试过一次之后就基本上是自己写个英文的大概,然后拿去改就好了。





assessment is the gathering of information about a patient's physiological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual status.--------------Stage one of the nursing processAssessment is the first stage of the nursing process in which the nurse should carry out a complete and holistic nursing assessment of every patient's needs, regardless of the reason for the encounter. Usually, an assessment framework, based on a nursing model is used.The purpose of this stage is to identify the patient's nursing problems. These problems are expressed as either actual or potential. For example, a patient who has been rendered immobile by a road traffic accident may be assessed as having the "potential for impaired skin integrity related to immobility".Components of a nursing assessmentNursing historyTaking a nursing history prior to the physical examination allows a nurse to establish a rapport with the patient and family. Elements of the history include:[1]health status course of present illness including symptoms current management of illness past medical history including family's medical history social history perception of illness [edit] Psychological and social examinationThe psychological examination may include;Client’s perception (why they think they have been referred/are being assessed; what they hope to gain from the meeting) Emotional health (mental health state, coping styles etc) Social health (accommodation, finances, relationships, genogram, employment status, ethnic back ground, support networks etc) Physical health (general health, illnesses, previous history, appetite, weight, sleep pattern, diurinal variations, alcohol, tobacco, street drugs; list any prescribed medication with comments on effectiveness) Spiritual health (is religion important? If so, in what way? What/who provides a sense of purpose?) Intellectual health (cognitive functioning, hallucinations, delusions, concentration, interests, hobbies etc) [edit] Physical examinationA nursing assessment includes a physical examination: the observation or measurement of signs, which can be observed or measured, or symptoms such as nausea or vertigo, which can be felt by the patient.[2]The techniques used may include Inspection, Palpation, Auscultation and Percussion in addition to the "vital signs" of temperature, blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate, and further examination of the body systems such as the cardiovascular or musculoskeletal systems.[3][edit] Documentation of the assessmentThe assessment is documented in the patient's medical or nursing records, which may be on paper or as part of the electronic medical record which can be accessed by all members of the healthcare team.[edit] Assessment toolsA range of instruments has been developed to assist nurses in their assessment role. These include:[4]the index of independence in activities of daily living [5] the Barthel index[6] the Crighton Royal behaviour rating scale[7] the Clifton assessment procedures for the elderly[8] the general health questionnaire [9] the geriatric mental health state schedule[10] Other assessment tools may focus on a specific aspect of the patient's care. For example, the Waterlow score deals with a patient's risk of developing a Bedsore (decubitus ulcer), the Glasgow Coma Scale measures the conscious state of a person, and various pain scales exist to assess the "fifth vital sign".



问题一:SCI医学英文论文的写作步骤是什么 医学英语论文的基本格式内容: Title-论文题目 Author(s)-作者姓名 Affiliation(s)and address(es)-联系方式 Abstract-摘要 Keywords-关键词 Body-正文 Acknowledgement-致谢 References-参考文献 Appendix-附录,可空缺 Resume-作者简介,视刊物而定 Covering letter投稿信 其中正文为论文的主体部分,包括以下五部分: Introduction-引言/概述 Materials and Methods-材料和方法 Results-结果 Discussion-讨论 Conclusion-结论/总结2 问题二:中华医学杂志英文版怎样是投稿成功 款到定版了吗 问题三:能发表英文论文的的中国医学期刊有哪些 学术论文是科学或者社会研究工作者在学术书籍或学术期刊上刊登的呈现自己研究成果的文章。学术论文往往强调原创性的工作总结,但也可以是对前人工作总结的回顾及做出评价,后者也往往被称为综述性文章(Review)。学术论文的出版正在经历着重大变化,出现了从传统的印刷版到网络上电子格式的兴起。论文中最重要的就是论点、论据和论证,所以在写作中,一定要对这三点加以重视。 论文写作,简单的说,就是大专院校毕业论文的写作,包含着本科生的学士论文,研究生的硕士论文,博士生的博士论文,延伸到了职称论文的写作以及科技论文的写作。一般来说,论文写作,即高校毕业生,科技工作者以及各科研机构,事业单位工作人员,依据一定的论文格式和字数要求,对学习和工作的学术总结和创新。[1] 论文一般由题名、作者、摘要、关键词、正文、参考文献和附录等部分组成,其中部分组成(例如附录)可有可无。论文各组成的排序为:题名、作者、摘要、关键词、英文题名、英文摘要、英文关键词、正文、参考文献和附录和致谢。 下面按论文的结构顺序依次叙述。 题目 (一)论文――题目科学论文都有题目,不能“无题”。论文题目一般20字左右。题目大小应与内容符合,尽量不设副题,不用第1报、第2报之类。论文题目都用直叙口气,不用惊叹号或问号,也不能将科学论文题目写成广告语或新闻报道用语。 命题方式 简明扼要,提纲挈领。英文题名方法①英文题名以短语为主要形式,尤以名词短语最常见,即题名基本上由一个或几个名词加上其前置和(或)后置定语构成;短语型题名要确定好中心词,再进行前后修饰。各个词的顺序很重要,词序不当,会导致表达不准。②一般不要用陈述句,因为题名主要起标示作用,而陈述句容易使题名具有判断式的语义,且不够精炼和醒目。少数情况(评述性、综述性和驳斥性)下可以用疑问句做题名,因为疑问句有探讨性语气,易引起读者兴趣。③同一篇论文的英文题名与中文题名内容上应一致,但不等于说词语要一一对应。在许多情况下,个别非实质性的词可以省略或变动。④国外科技期刊一般对题名字数有所限制,有的规定题名不超过2行,每行不超过42个印刷符号和空格;有的要求题名不超过14个词。这些规定可供我们参考。⑤在论文的英文题名中。凡可用可不用的冠词均不用。 署名 (二)论文――署名科学论文应该署真名和真实的工作单位。主要体现责任、成果归属并便于后人追踪研究。严格意义上的论文作者是指对选题、论证、查阅文献、方案设计、建立方法、实验操作、整理资料、归纳总结、撰写成文等全过程负责的人,应该是能解答论文的有关问题者。往往把参加工作的人全部列上,那就应该以贡献大小依次排列。论文署名应征得本人同意。学术指导人根据实际情况既可以列为论文作者,也可以一般致谢。行政领导人一般不署名。 引言 (三)论文――引言是论文引人入胜之言,很重要,要写好。一段好的论文引言常能使读者明白你这份工作的发展历程和在这一研究方向中的位置。要写出论文立题依据、基础、背景、研究目的。要复习必要的文献、写明问题的发展。文字要简练。 材料方法 (四)论文――材料和方法按规定如实写出实验对象、器材、动物和试剂及其规格,写出实验方法、指标、判断标准等,写出实验设计、分组、统计方法等。这些按杂志对论文投稿规定办即可。 实验结果 (五)论文――实验结果应高度归纳,精心分析,合乎逻辑地铺述。应该去粗取精,去伪存真,但不能因不符合自己的意图而主观取舍,更不能弄虚作假。只有在技术不熟练或仪器不稳定时期所得的数据、在技术故障或操作错误时所得的数据和不符合实验条件时所得的数据才能废弃不用。而且必须在发现问题当时就在原始记录上注明原......>> 问题四:发表了医学英文sci论文可以作为评审副高条件吗 完全可以的! 医学SCI期刊发表论文7大流程注意事项 科研学者离不开SCI论文,SCI论文是科研成功的展现,是每个热衷于学术的学者的一种学术追求。如何写好一篇好SCI论文和成功投稿是每个学者需要认真思考的问题。下面华笙医学编译就医学SCI论文发表前需要了解的一些信息进行分享。 投稿,通常是让人兴奋的,经历了这么久的实验写作,终于能够与大众分享,也希望得到大家的认可。可是医学SCI论文在投稿过程中总会出现以下各种各样的问题。1.未完全遵守期刊的作者须知作者提出的咨询显示出他们没看过或没有遵守期刊的作者须知,这对AMA委员会来说是最大众的问题。所以在投稿之前,作者们一定要将所投递期刊的作者须知浏览一遍,确保自己论文的内容与期刊相符。2.一稿多投作者不可同时将同一篇论文同时投稿到两家以上的期刊,就算是部分论文也不行。此规定对即使是两家分属地方与国际、不同读者群的期刊也适用。虽然很多作者没注意到,不过重复发表是违反发表道德的。而且如果同时出现两家期刊收录的情况,也会引起不必要的争端,所以在论文投递中,作者必须做到一稿一投。3.数据不一致文中提及的数字经常跟图表的数据不一样或没加上去。这便涉及到论文撰写过程中数据的统一,不管是文本中的数据还是图表中的数据,只要论述的是相同的内容,理所当然的数据也是一致的,所以切莫出现这类数据不统一、不一致的情况。4.未能保护病患者身份医学案例报告通常有些照片或文字可能泄露病患身份给读者。根据发表道德,此举极不恰当,而且病人签署了知情同意书,作者就应该确保病患身份不被认出。所以在出现病患身份的内容中,作者应该使用必要的代号或者名称,将病患的信息保护好。5.参考文献错误遗漏参考文献、参考文献和内文引用编号对不上、而参考文献排版错误又是另一个常见的问题,遗漏和不正确的参考文献会影响论文的可信度。当别人通过你的文献索引查找文献时却发现对不上内容,这样的文献引用不但没有意义,而且更会让别人怀疑说引用文献的真实性。6.夸大结论虽然一个强而有力的结论是很重要的,编辑发现数据无法完全支持这些夸大的结论。论文的撰写要求便是实事求是,所以在结论的撰写中也是如此,过分夸大的结论不但没有任何意义,同时也会让读者对论文的价值产生考量。7.对文字编辑的质疑太过轻率文字编辑在返还修改文稿的同时会附上说明信解释原因,但作者经常在了解原因前就先质疑文字编辑的修改。其实文字编辑之所以会提出修改意见,那么便是自己的论文可能在这些方面存在问题或者只是说明的不够清楚,但不管是哪个原因,我们都不应该轻易的质疑,要先确认没有存在该问题,再做出必要的说明。 医学SCI论文投稿时还应该注意的问题是:填写著作权、利益冲突、道德委员会批准等的表单是发表过程中很重要的项目,但作者总觉得这个工作累赘,经常把没填完或填错的表单递交出去,这样导致编辑部与作者间必须要多次来回沟通,进而耽误论文发表进程。 对于医学论文写作发表投稿需要了解的问题还有很多,希望各位学者能在工作之余,多抽些时间来看文献和了解一些行业前沿信息。只有这样,你的科研论文才有可能有创新性和时效性。 问题五:sci医学论文写作问题,怎么用英文写好一篇医学论文? 如果刚开始你是中文稿,可以自己翻译好了去投稿,但是最好投稿之前让导师看下,有语言问题让导师帮你改或者找公司帮着改下,这样后续会少走弯路。当时自己是直接去投稿,一审直接就是语言问题,被导师骂了一塌糊涂,让去找奈普格编译润色,后续问题也就迎刃而解。所以sci论文的语言和学术一样重要。 问题六:如何在医学杂志投稿发论文? 首先,要确定好发什么级别和研究方向的文章,然后找到相应的期刊、杂志。然后投稿过去,等到收录用通知即可。 但是,想发医学类核心期刊,确实是比较困难,原因: 1、为了评审核心期刊,应对新闻出版广电总局的各类审核,多数想要寻求发展的期刊,不断压缩版面,稿件质量精益求精,这导致论文被退稿或返修的几率大幅增加。 2、面对年审等突发时间,杂志的刊期会出现突发变动,可能原本已经计划出刊的文章会推迟见刊,作者应为各种因素预留时间,避免因意外情况导致的延期出刊。 核心期刊正常的审稿周期为1-3个月,且审核严格,退稿、返修几率更大,这意味着在流程上耗费的时间更久;且核心期刊版面有限,投稿竞争更加激烈,即使被录用,排刊也比普通期刊晚很多,因此找些代理机构还是要快些。我去年评职称,就查阅了中文中文期刊在线,发了篇临床医学的,见刊还是蛮快的。 问题七:医学SCI论文投稿的格式是什么? 论文写作模板在万维书刊网上有不少,该站上每一个刊物的简介下面都有一个论文模板按钮,您点击后会进入到该站的投稿交流版块,上面有上百个各个期刊的模板,您可以去参考一下! 问题八:如果打算写医学sci论文,请问英语该达到怎样的水平,怎么才能达到这样的水平 个人觉得,要是英语不是很好的童鞋,不想花那么多时间和精力在英语润色上也可以交给专业的翻译和润色机构毕竟进行科研和为了发表而绞尽脑汁写英语比起来,前者的时间更有效率也更经济,之前有师兄用过派利希,专业又修改的比自己的好多了,我是觉得这种好多了,省时省心。 当然腻害的童鞋也是可以自己慢慢去琢磨,反正我试过一次之后就基本上是自己写个英文的大概,然后拿去改就好了。


The nurse is called "angels in white"'ah by people being protecting people's body and mind health. Front emergency treatment job social nature has been strong to the emergency call nurse Er Yan , the yard , has given first aid treatment to each aspect using personal influence relating to society , has stepped out of the pure medical science field, except special field technology, synthetical quality has brought forward higher call for to the nurse. The character working strained , designs that the disease is various complicated, the scene gives first aid treatment to environment difference , the disturbance factor is many , manpower and material resources is limited, emergency treatment nursing job technology contents are high , special field is strong, require that relativity nursing team's is stable. With emergency call medical treatment system building-up and perfect , be because of the specially appointed the character working and intensity, the nurse has needed to bear the gigantic spirit , mentality pressure in the process of yard front emergency treatment sometimes , has affected it's the mass physically and mentally healthy and working thereby. Among them the most outstanding problem is human relations sensitive-rization , body-rization , extremely anxious , hostile. The source analyses 1 pressure That 1.1 stays in the first ding-dang is that amount of work is very big , change shifts many, amount of work is saturated. The night shift makes circadian rhythm chaos , the long range stay up late , is short of the rest and sleep, bring about human body physiology disorder, and strain easy to happen, the nerve behavior effect to person is also very grave. 1.2 prolongs with protecting age's , work experience of a lot of nursing staff increases by also with that , on-time worries about that the error accident appears more as being longer but,; When guiding to protect a life, be afraid that problem appears but produce mentality pressure. 1.3 comes from the incomprehension nursing the director , doctor and colleague; Nurse's pursuing advanced studies the chance is few , welfare benefits and social position are not tall , make oneself nurse's value and reality contradiction happened. 2 answers way Incline that 2.1 gives human resources, appropriate increase section inner nurse manning quotas , lighten whose work load; Improve a work environment at the same time , adopt a personnel alternating system , relieve actuating pressure when necessary. Macroscopic view the head nurse is responded to be ready for a nurse mix, arrange an order rationally. "Principle is a basis as far as possible in the job with person" , being ready for "the people-oriented " administration , nurse is "to show solicitude for person " , is also that person is shown solicitude for at the same time". 2.2 reinforces psychological quality training , improves psychological quality and mentality being able to bear by the force. The nurse responds to an institute unhurried face pressure , adopt actively to loosen artifice, creating a cushy job atmosphere for self , help body and mind health to raise working efficiency.有点语法错误,请谅解

【Key words】 Cerebral infarction; acute; Care Hypothalamic blood flow in acute cerebral infarction is a barrier to brain tissue ischemia and hypoxia caused by softening of the brain, the condition is relatively heavy 〔1〕. In addition to actively cooperate with treatment, do a good job-based care, to prevent further infarction, have an important role in the prevention of complications, if the nursing care may not be implemented, will directly affect the patient's treatment and prognosis. By January 2004 ~ October 2006 in our hospital 106 cases of acute cerebral infarction care, I understand the psychological, safety, condition observation, prevent complications, limb function training, language training, diet and discharge from the guide, etc. care in improving the quality of life of patients and promote the rehabilitation of great significance, should arouse enough attention.希望对您有帮助 顺便给你介绍一个学习网站 中华医学学习网 上面有很多医学论文哦 你可以上去看看

上汉下英头脑风暴法在急诊死亡病例护理讨论中的应用【摘要】 目的 提高护理人员的急救技能和护理质量。方法 将头脑风暴法应用于死亡病例的护理讨论中,充分发挥各护理人员的智慧,提出问题,解决问题。结果 头脑风暴法充分调动了护理人员的积极性,有效地提升了护理质量。结论 将头脑风暴法引入死亡病例的护理讨论中,有利于规范护理行为,保障护理安全,提高急救、护理质量。【关键词】 头脑风暴法;死亡病例;护理讨论Brain storming in nursing discussion of dead cases in emergency sectionZHOU Jianying.Nursing Section,Songjiang District Central Hospital of Shanghai,Shanghai 201600,China【Abstract】 Objective to improve the first�aid skills of nurses and enhance nursing quality.Methods We apply brain storming in nursing discussion of dead cases,all the nurses do their best to put forward the problems and find the way to solve problems.Results Brain storming can effectively improve the nurses� positivity,as a result,nursing quality is effectively enhanced.Conclusion The application of brain storming in nursing discussion of dead cases is beneficial for standardizing nursing activity,ensuring nursing safety,enhancing first�aid skills and nursing quality.【Key words】 brain storming;dead cases;nursing discussion随着医疗法规的不断完善,在“以病人为中心”的呼声不断增高的今天,人们对护理质量的要求亦日益增高,在对抢救过程中规范护理行为、完善抢救技术、提高抢救质量显得尤为重要。我院按照医疗质量管理要求,结合王小花等〔1〕报道的做法,组织全体护士,用头脑风暴法对急诊死亡病例进行护理讨论,充分发挥每位护士的智慧与才能,从中寻找差距与不足,从而提高急救技能与护理质量,取得良好效果。现将体会报告如下。1 头脑风暴法的含义头脑风暴法(brain storming)〔2〕又称智力激励法,是由现代创造学的奠基人美国学者阿历克斯·奥斯本于1939年首次提出、1953年正式发表的激发创造性思维的方法。种方法采取会议的形式,让所有参加者在自由愉快、畅所欲言的气氛中,毫无顾忌地发表自己的观点,创造性地解决问题。头脑风暴的特点是让与会者敞开思想,激发他们的创意与灵感,使各种设想在相互碰撞中激起脑海的创造性风暴,以产生多的创意。1.1 头脑风暴法的原则1.1.1 拒绝批判 认真对待每一与会者的观点,不管其意见、观点、设想、方案是否可行,会议中决不加以评论、批判。对各种观点的评判必须放到最后阶段。1.1.2 欢迎各抒己见,畅所欲言 创造一种自由愉快、毫无拘束的气氛,激发与会者提出各种新奇的想法。1.1.3 追求数量而不是质量 观点越多越好,每一个观点都有潜力成为好的观点。1.1.4 取长补短和改进观念 除提出自己的意见外,鼓励与会者激发自己的灵感,对他人已经提出的设想进行补充、改进和综合。1.2 头脑风暴法的基本程序〔3〕1.2.1 确定议题 会前明确目标,阐明议题,使与会者明确该会议要解决的问题。1.2.2 会前准备 准备会场、组织者、记录人及必要的工具。会前可收集一些资料发放给与会者,使其了解议题的相关背景,以便有充裕的时间来思考。1.2.3 确定人选 一般以8~12人为宜,也可略有增减(5~15人)。1.2.4 明确分工 确定1名主持人,1~2名记录员(秘书)。1.2.5 规定纪律 根据头脑风暴法的原则,规定几条纪律,要求与会者遵守。1.2.6 掌握时间 会议时间由主持人掌握,以几十分钟为宜。2 头脑风暴法在病例讨论中的应用2.1 病例资料 选取2005年8月~2006年4月急诊的25例死亡病例,采用头脑风暴法进行护理讨论,男17例,女8例;年龄2~88岁。其中15例车祸死亡,3例脑出血死亡,3例心肌梗死死亡,2例失血性休克死亡,1例糖尿病酮症酸中毒死亡,1例误服药物死亡。2.2 方法2.2.1 讨论制度 建立死亡病例讨论制度,每月1次,并做好死亡病例讨论记录。2.2.2 讨论前准备 讨论前布置好会场及相关用物,并将该患者的姓名、性别、诊断、病情、抢救过程做成资料,提前发送给每位与会人员。2.2.3 参加人员 由护士长主持,教学干事记录,科内全体护士参与。可邀请科主任、护理部领导参加。2.2.4 讨论形式 护士长宣布会议须遵守的纪律,创造自由愉快的会议氛围,鼓励每位与会护士就议题积极发表自己的观点,放飞思维,畅所欲言,做到知无不言、言无不尽,尽可能多地提出观点。由当班护士汇报病情、诊断、抢救过程,与会者展开自由不羁的讨论,教学干事负责记录讨论要点。会中不对任何一个人的观点提出评论性批判。2.2.5 讨论内容 各与会护士从不同角度、不同层次、不同方面去分析抢救过程中遇到的问题。如:护士自身的急救技能,护患配合,医护协作,与其他科室的协作,家属配合情况,患者的心理反应,护士的心理素质,抢救仪器的备用状态,抢救药物和物品的备用情况,抢救记录的书写,尸体料理等。2.3 效果及体会2.3.1 激励了护士的工作热情,提高了护士学习业务知识的进取心 头脑风暴法这种自由畅谈的会议方式为每位与会护士提供了一个展现自我的平台,让其在自由愉快、毫无拘束的氛围中大胆表达自己独创性的观点与看法,提高了每位护士的主人翁意识,大大地激励了其工作热情。而这种自由不羁的讨论方式更能让护士发现自身素质的有限,从而激发其不断的充电学习以提高自身的业务水平。2.3.2 提高了护士观察病情的能力及急救技能 灵活的讨论方式产生了大量的来自不同角度和层面的观点,这些观点是每位护士在抢救工作中的心得与经验,促使每位护士在以后的工作中更密切地观察患者病情,加强各项急救技能的训练,促使以后的抢救工作忙而不乱、有条不紊,从根本上提高抢救及护理质量。2.3.3 提高了年轻护士的心理素质和心理护理水平 年轻护士由于资历较浅,缺乏抢救经验,在抢救重危患者时难免紧张。活跃的讨论是年轻护士学习的平台,她们参考了资深护士的工作经验,更好地将理论联系实际,加强自身修养,急救技能与心理素质并重训练,不断完善自身的心理素质,在抢救过程中注意患者的心理护理,保证抢救工作有条不紊。2.3.4 培养了护士的创造性散发性思维 用头脑风暴法进行病例的护理讨论,每位与会护士不受条条框框的限制,让思维自由驰骋,活跃的讨论方式激发了护士的灵感,勇于发表自己的观点与见解,培养了护士灵活的思考能力,并将这种灵活的思维方式运用于护理工作中,规范护理行为,有效提高护理质量。2.3.5 提高了护士的自我保护意识,避免护理纠纷 抢救过程紧张急迫,护理人员往往注重急救,而对抢救记录不够重视,为护理纠纷埋下了隐患。护理记录是具有法律效应的医疗文件,在实行举证倒置的今天,完善抢救记录,对护理人员有保护作用,避免护理纠纷或在护理纠纷时不处于被动地位,而客观的抢救记录也是保护患者合法权益的依据〔4〕。通过护理讨论,护理人员能从法律的高度认识到护理职责,提高自我保护的意识,完善抢救记录书写。2.3.6 提高了管理者对下属护士业务水平的了解程度 护士畅所欲言的讨论中透示了其护理工作中的实际问题及其自身的综合素质和解决实际问题的能力,护士长可更确切地了解护理工作中的缺陷和薄弱环节,了解下属的不足与长处,有针对性的让其进行培训或进修,打造TOP团队,有利于流畅管理工作。3 讨论日本石川馨教授指出:在质量管理活动中调动人的积极性,充分发挥人的无限能力,创造尊重、充满生气和活力的工作环境,有助于提高企业素质〔5〕。运用头脑风暴法,能充分发挥人的聪明才智和发掘人的潜能,考虑问题更详细,解决问题更具体、明确、有效〔6〕。自由的讨论方式引导护理人员毫不拘束地发表自己独到的见解,调动了每个人的积极性,培养护理人员的创新性散发性思维,让其自我价值得到充分实现,提高了自身的素质。集体的智慧能从各层面发现问题所在,并确定整改措施,从而提高护理人员的急救技能,规范抢救过程中的护理行为,最终有效提升护理质量。【参考文献】1 王小花,丁小容,王英蓉.28例死亡病例护理讨论分析.护理学报,2006,13(2):32-34.2 薛亮.妙用头脑风暴法.企业研究,2005,5:61-62.3 柯浚哲.头脑风暴法.中国研究生,2003,4:50-51.4 胡敏,王敏,李玉梅.通过病例讨论有效规范临床护理行为的探讨.上海护理,2005,5(4):61-62.5 蒲伦昌.全面质量管理基础教程.北京:中国经济出版社,1999,156.6 黄漫容,文向东,郭少云.头脑风暴法在护理质量改善中的作用.现代护理,2002,8(9):707.Brainstorming in the deaths of emergency care to discuss the applicationAbstract The purpose of the emergency nursing staff to improve skills and quality of care. Brainstorming ways to apply the death care discussion, and give full play to the wisdom of the nursing staff, ask questions, solve the problem. The results of brainstorming to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the nursing staff, to enhance the quality of care.Conclusions will be brainstorming the introduction of the death care discussion will help standardize care, care and protection of safety, first aid to improve, the quality of care.Key words brainstorming; deaths; care discussionBrain storming in nursing discussion of dead cases in emergency section Brain storming in nursing discussion of dead cases in emergency sectionZHOU Jianying. ZHOU Jianying.Nursing Section,Songjiang District Central Hospital of Shanghai,Shanghai 201600,China Nursing Section, Songjiang District Central Hospital of Shanghai, Shanghai 201600, China【Abstract】 Objective to improve the first�aid skills of nurses and enhance nursing quality.Methods We apply brain storming in nursing discussion of dead cases,all the nurses do their best to put forward the problems and find the way to solve problems.Results Brain storming can effectively improve the nurses� positivity,as a result,nursing quality is effectively enhanced.Conclusion The application of brain storming in nursing discussion of dead cases is beneficial for standardizing nursing activity,ensuring nursing safety,enhancing first�aid skills and nursing quality. Abstract】 【Objective to improve the first � aid skills of nurses and enhance nursing quality.Methods We apply brain storming in nursing discussion of dead cases, all the nurses do their best to put forward the problems and find the way to solve problems.Results Brain storming can effectively improve the nurses � positivity, as a result, nursing quality is effectively enhanced.Conclusion The application of brain storming in nursing discussion of dead cases is beneficial for standardizing nursing activity, ensuring nursing safety, enhancing first � aid skills and nursing quality.【Key words】 brain storming;dead cases;nursing discussion Key words】 【brain storming; dead cases; nursing discussionWith the constant improvement of medical laws and regulations, the "patient-centered," the voice rising today, about the quality of care requirements are also increasing in the rescue of the process of standardizing care, improve the technical Rescue and improve the quality of rescue is particularly Important. Hospital medical quality management in accordance with the requirements of the combination of flowers such as Wang 〔〕 1 report, the organization of all nurses, with brainstorming on emergency care for cases of death, nursing each give full play to the wisdom and ability, to look for gaps and shortcomings So as to enhance the quality of care and first aid skills, good results. The experience of the report are as follows.1 brainstorming meaning(brain storming)Brainstorming (brain storming) 〔〕 2, also known as the Law on intellectual stimulation, by the founder of modern science to create an American scholar Alex Osborne in 1939 for the first time, officially released in 1953 to stimulate creative thinking Methods. 种Ways to take the form of the meeting, all participants in the free happy and free atmosphere, with impunity to express their views in a creative way to solve the problem.Brainstorming is characterized by open so that the participants thought, a creative mind and inspiration, so that the ideas in a collision with each other in the storm stirred up the creative minds to produce more creative.1.1 brainstorming principles1.1.1 refused to take seriously the criticism of each participant's point of view, regardless of their opinions, views, the idea of the feasibility of the program, the meeting will not comment, criticism. Various points of view must be judged on the final stage.1.1.2 welcome to express their opinions and speak their minds free to create a happy atmosphere, there is no binding, was put forward to stimulate a variety of novel ideas.1.1.3 pursuit of quantity rather than quality, the better the view, every point of view has the potential to become a good point of view.1.1.4 In addition to each other and improve the concept put forward their views, was encouraged to stimulate their own inspiration to others that have already been made for the idea to add, improve and comprehensive.1.2 brainstorming basic procedures 〔〕 31.2.1 will determine the issues before the clear objective of clarifying issues, so that the meeting was a clear problem to be solved.1.2.2 will be pre-prepared meeting, the organizers, and record the necessary tools. Can be pre-paid to collect information on some of the participants to understand the issues related to the background in order to have sufficient time to think.1.2.3 General to determine the candidates for 8 to 12 is appropriate, but also a slight increase or decrease (5 to 15).1.2.4 to determine a clear division of presenters, from 1 to 2 recorder (Secretary).1.2.5 According to the disciplinary provisions of the principle of brainstorming, several provisions of discipline and compliance with the requirements of the participants.1.2.6 make good use of time from host Conference have to dozens of minutes is appropriate.2 brainstorming in the case on the application2.1 cases selected information in August 2005 to April 2006 deaths of 25 emergency cases, the use of brainstorming for care, male 17 cases, 8 females; age 2 to 88 years old. 15 cases in which a car accident deaths and 3 cases of cerebral hemorrhage died and 3 cases of heart attack deaths, 2 cases of hemorrhagic shock death, 1 case of death of diabetic ketoacidosis, 1 case of drug wrongly killed.2.2 Methods2.2.1 discuss the establishment of deaths on the system monthly, and do a good job deaths on record.2.2.2 discuss the pre-pre-arranged to discuss the venue and well-used and the patient's name, sex, diagnosis, the patient's condition made the rescue process information sent in advance to the participants each.2.2.3 participants chaired by the head nurse, teaching record of the Director-General, Division of the nurses involved in all.Director of the Division may be invited, to participate in the leadership of the Department of Nursing.2.2.4 The meeting was to discuss the form of a head nurse subject to discipline, the freedom to create a pleasant atmosphere of the meeting, the participants encourage each nurse on the positive issues to express their point of view, flying ideas, speak out, so that made all know, reserve, to make More likely to put forward the view. By the nurses on duty to report the disease, diagnosis, emergency treatment process was carried out free of uninhibited discussion, Director-General in charge of teaching record the main points of discussion. Will not in any one's point of view of critical comments.2.2.5 discuss the contents of the nurses attending the meeting from different angles and at different levels, different aspects of the rescue process to analyze the problems encountered. Such as: nurse's own first-aid skills, with nurses and patients, health care, in collaboration with other sections of cooperation, their families cope with the situation and the psychological reaction of patients, nurses and mental quality of the standby rescue equipment, medicine and rescue back-up materials, rescue Written records, body care and so on.2.3 and the effect of experience2.3.1 inspire the enthusiasm of nurses, nurses study to improve the knowledge of the entrepreneurial spirit of the brainstorming meeting about this freedom for every Nurses attending the meeting provided a platform for self-display, so happy in a free, no Bound in an atmosphere of daring to express their unique perspectives and viewpoints, and increased the sense of ownership for each nurse, greatly inspired the enthusiasm of their work.And uninhibited discussion of this freedom can be more nurses found that the quality of their own limited, so as to stimulate the constant charge of their own learning in order to enhance the level of business.2.3.2 improves the ability of patients to observe nurses and first-aid skills in a flexible way to discuss a number of different angles and dimensions from the point of view, the view is that every nurse in the rescue work experience and experience to every nurse in the After work more closely observed in patients with the disease and strengthen the first-aid skills training to help the rescue work after the chaos without, in an orderly and fundamentally improve the quality of care and emergency treatment.2.3.3 improved the quality of the young nurses in mental and psychological level of care young junior nurses due to lack of experience of rescue, emergency treatment in critically ill patients when the tension is inevitable. Active discussion is a platform for young nurses to learn, they refer to the senior nurses working experience, will be to better integrate theory with practice and strengthen their own training, first aid skills with equal emphasis on psychological training, and constantly improve the psychological quality of their own, in the course of rescue Attention to the patient's psychological care to ensure the orderly rescue work.2.3.4 trained nurses in the distribution of creative thinking by brainstorming for care cases, each participating nurses from outside the box, allowing freedom of thinking, he said, to stimulate active discussion of the nurse's inspiration, the courage to express their With the view point of view, the training of nurses and flexible thinking and flexible way of thinking applied to nursing work, standardize care, improve the quality of care.2.3.5 increased self-protection awareness of nurses, nursing dispute to avoid tension in the process of urgent rescue, first aid care workers often pay attention to, and the records do not pay enough attention to the rescue, care for the dispute potential problems.〔4〕。 Nursing is a record of the medical effects of legal documents, as a result of today, the Juzhengdaozhi, improve emergency treatment records, a protective effect on the nursing staff so as to avoid disputes or nursing care in the dispute are not in a passive position and objective record of the rescue is to protect legitimate patients 4 based on the rights and interests of Through care, nursing staff from a high degree of awareness of the legal duties of care to enhance self-protection awareness and improve the written record of the rescue.2.3.6 improved the nurse manager of the subsidiary business of the level of understanding of the extent of nurses speak out on the show through in the care of their practical problems in its own comprehensive quality and the ability to solve practical problems, the head nurse can be a more precise understanding of Deficiencies in the care of the weak links and, under the understanding of the strengths and shortcomings, targeted to education or training, to build TOP team is conducive to smooth management.3 discussionProfessor Shi Chuanxin Japan: in quality management activities to mobilize the enthusiasm of the people and give full play to people's unlimited ability to create respect, full of life and vitality of the working environment and help enterprises to improve the quality of 〔6〕。 The use of brainstorming, to give full play to human ingenuity and explore human potential, to consider the issue in more detail, to solve the problem more specific, clear and effective The free discussion guide nurses not to be bound to express their original insights, the mobilization of everyone's enthusiasm and training of nursing staff to disseminate innovative thinking, self-worth to be fully realized, to improve the quality of their own. The collective wisdom of all levels can find the problem and to identify reform measures to improve nursing skills in first aid, rescue norms in the process of care, effectively enhance the quality of care.References 【】1 Wang Xiao-Hua, Ding Xiao-rong, Wang Rong .28 cases of deaths in nursing analysis of the discussion. Journal of Nursing, 2006,13 (2) :32-34.2, Xue Liang. Magical brainstorming. ,2005,5:61-62 research enterprise.3, Ke Jun-chul. Brainstorming. ,2003,4:50-51 Chinese graduate students.4, Hu, Wang, Li Yumei. Discuss the case through the effective norms of conduct of clinical care. Shanghai care, 2005,5 (4) :61-62.5. The basis of total quality management course. Beijing: China Economic Publishing House, 1999,156.6 Huang Yong Man, the east, Shao-Yun Guo. Brainstorming to improve the quality of care in the role. Modern care, 2002,8 (9): 707.



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