投的oe还在peerreview中都还是waiting状态但是收到了一个optics continuum的介绍这是暗示我要转投吗
大伙儿有遇到过Small杂志二审周期很长的情况吗?一审大概30天左右,三个审稿人,给的意见都是Top15%,编辑给的大修。4月10号提交的修改稿,到现在一直都是under review,将近二个月了,有遇到这种情况吗?每一天几乎都是在煎熬的等待啊
想问问大家,论文转投Microbiology Spectrum后现在状态一直是Under Evaluation,已经一周了,这个到底是个什么状态啊?
Some comments are provided below that could be helpful for the authors to improve their manuscript.
1. The introduction is weak. The motivation for the research is missing.
2. The author should highlight the research objectives of the research in the introduction separately. Also, how the authors would address their need to be mentioned.
3. The manuscript lacks flow. The authors should make more efforts in presenting the work more systematically and clearly. The authors(s) have cited old citations throughout the manuscript. The author(s) are also suggested to includes references from the latest publications (year 2022).
4. English (language, sentence structure and grammar) needs improvement.
5. The introduction lacks in gaining attention and highlighting the need of the study. The author(s) should mention research objectives of the research separately. More relevant references are needed to strengthen the intro section。
6. The findings of the study need to be more elaborate. This section needs to be developed and supported by previous work. The discussion needs to be improvised with a theoretical contribution. The findings of the discussion need to be strengthened with the previous research work.
7. The discussion needs to be improvised with theoretical contribution.
8. The conclusion is very weak. It should also be an extrapolation of the key findings from the research and not a summary. So, there should be conclusions around the background theory, data theory/analysis and, key outcomes. The authors should have included the following sub-sections within the conclusion section with more details:
* Implications to theory and practice should be clearly stated;
* Key lessons learnt;
* Limitations of this research;
9. The selection of the case location should be more elaborated.
10. Proofread the whole manuscript as many typos and grammar errors are present.
11. Future research directions should be improved; in that, they should stem from the awareness of the limitations and opening avenues related to the obtained outcomes
12. Author(s) should try to include some novel implications and unique contributions in the paper.
Good Luck
0506 提交
0511 under review
求助,最近投稿艾思薇尔旗下的某期刊,在cover letter中留的导师不常用的邮箱,这咋办啊?期刊回复是通过系统还是通过邮箱啊?求解答
各位大神,投稿状态求助。前段时间投了Quantum Information Processing这个期刊,Editor Assignment Pending维持了6天,今天晚上直接变成Under Review,这是代表外审了吗?还是编辑内部审查?没有经历With Editor,直接就外审了吗?