V Thesis Outline:I I II On Developing English Reading Skills in Junior High S Current Situation and Problems of Junior High School Students in English R Reasons of Currents Problems in English RⅢ Ways to develop Students’ English Reading S Developing Students’ Reading H Specific Measures in developing Reading S1 Broadening Students’ V2 Improving Students’ Reading I3 Training Students’ Reading Speed While R4 Choose Proper Reading Materials and SⅣ Extending Students’ Eye Shot in Extracurricular RⅤ C扩展资料定义和用法注释:轮廓线不会占据空间,也不一定是矩形。outline 简写属性在一个声明中设置所有的轮廓属性。可以按顺序设置如下属性:outline-coloroutline-styleoutline-width如果不设置其中的某个值,也不会出问题,比如outline:solid #ff0000也是允许的。默认值:invert none 继承性:版本:CSSJavaScript 语法:utline="#0000FF dotted thin"参考资料:百度百科-outline