“This paper is, simply manure""What the authors have done is an insult to science"还有一条更让人崩溃的是:"You should look closely at a career outside of scinece"这是直接劝作者退出学术圈了啊……所以,想想如果你平时投稿时只是收到一些普通的拒稿邮件,哪怕就文章内容批评几句,已经是多么幸运的事!然而……还有大量更毒的审稿意见,有些时候连审稿人自己都被“ 毒”到了,以下是 从2001年至2011年,《Environmental Microbiology》每年都会发布一些审稿意见集锦中收集的毒舌搞笑篇: Reject – More holes than my grandad’s string vest!拒发。漏洞比我爷爷的网眼背心上的网眼还多! "Done! Difficult task, I don’t wish to think about constipation and faecal flora during my holidays! But, once a referee, always and anywhere a referee; we are good boy scouts in the research Even under the sun and near a wonderful "搞定了!太不容易了。我才不想装着一脑子便秘和粪便菌落来度假。但是,一朝做了审稿人,永远都是审稿人,到哪儿都是审稿人。在科学研究的荒漠中,我们是勇敢的童子军。即使在洒满阳光的沙滩上也是。哼! "This paper is Please reject it completely and then block the author’s email ID so they can’t use the online system in "这篇论文烂到家了。请彻底拒稿,然后封了作者的账号,免得他日后继续投稿。 "The writing and data presentation are so bad that I had to leave