
> 学术发表知识库

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第1段:Recently we’ve had a discussion about whether we should... (导入话题)

Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧) 正文:

第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点)

Here are the reasons. First... Second... Finally...(列出2~3个赞成的理由)

第3段:However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点)

Their reasons are as follows. In the first place... What’s more... In addition...(列出2~3个反对的理由) 结论:

第4段:Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点)

第1段:Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways. Others, however, argue that B is much better. Personally, I would prefer A because I think A has more advantages. 正文:

第2段:There are many reasons why I prefer A. The main reason is that ... Another reason is


第3段: Of course, B also has advantages to some extent... (列出1~2个B的优势) 结论:

第4段: But if all these factors are considered, A is much better than B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that ...(得出结论) オ 3.观点论述类议论文模板: 导入:

第1段:提出一种现象或某个决定作为议论的话题 As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)

The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下) 正文:

第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由) 结论:

第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构)

4."How to"类议论文模板:


第1段:提出一种现象或某种困难作为议论的话题 正文:

第2段:Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem is ... Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法) 结论:

第3段:These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法)

第1段:提出一种现象或某个决定作为议论的话题 As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)

The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下) 正文:

第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由) 结论:

第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构) 4."How to"类议论文模板:


第1段:提出一种现象或某种困难作为议论的话题 正文:

第2段:Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem is ... Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法) 结论:

第3段:These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法)


Recently we’ve had a discussion about whether we should... (导入话题) Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧)

Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点) Here are the reasons. First... Second... Finally...(列出2-3个赞成的理由)

However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点) Their reasons are as follows. In the first place... What’s more... In addition...(列出2-3个反对的理由)

Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点)

There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of ...毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够的重视。

Obviously,.... If we want to do something... , it is essential that...显然,如果我们想做某事,很重要的是……

Only in this way can we... 只有这样,我们才能...

1.It is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned, …( 就我所知…)

2.With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为……)

3.A lot of people seem to think that……(很多人似乎认为……)

4.Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(最近……问题引起了关注)

5.People may have different opinions on……(人们对……可能会持有不同见解)








第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点)


第3段:However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点)



第4段: (个人观点)




As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision . (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)

The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下)


第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由)


第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构)


1 No one can doubt the essential fact that over the last years has caused wide public concern all over the world. 人 in increasing numbers are beginning to believe that [来源:学科网]


2 There is a general debate today over the phenomenon of ————————

3 When it comes to education,------- ---------------说到~~~

4 There’s no denying the fact that...-----------.事实不容否认----------

5 ______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. …已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。

6 There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.


7 There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.


8 Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.


9 .It go es without saying that... 不用说...(意思是:论述的内容是显而易见的)[来源:Zxxk.Com]


1 No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


2 ______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

3 Many people believe that-------- produce positive effects on economic growth and local government should be encouraged to promote-----------------------

4 People differ in their attitudes towards failure. Faced with it, some of them ------. Others, however,-------人们对失败持有不同的态度。面对失败,有人------,。然而,另一些人却------

5 To average people, they often tend to live under the illusion that——————, is this really the case?对于一般人来说,他们常常以为————,然而这是真的吗?

6 There is a growing tendency for sb to ----越来越多的人••

——人——seem to tend to have an unfavorable attitude toward —————

7 An increasing number of experts believe that ?will exert positive effects on———

However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more ------who complain that ———have brought many serious problems越来越多的 --相信-----起到积极作用。然而,越来越多的----却怀疑这种说法,他们抱怨--了许多严重的问题

8 What calls for special attention is that...需要引起特别注意的是...


With the op ening and reform policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. They are eager to see this old mysterious land with a splendid culture of more than 5,000years.?I

随着改革开放政 策的贯彻执行,数以万计的外国游人涌入中国。他们渴望参观这个有着5000多年灿烂文化的神秘古国。

In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.在过去的几十年,先进的医疗技术已经使得人们比过去活的时间更长成为可能。

human had made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades.


1 ---人---tend to have a favorable attitude toward ------

2 Using bicycle contributes greatly to people’s physical fitness as well as easing traffic jams.


3 The harder you work, the more progress you make.你越努力,你越进步。

4 Many people seem to overlook the basic fact:许多人似乎忽视了这个基本事实:

5 Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed.听音乐能使我们放松。

6 On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge


7 There is no one but longs to.------人们都希望------

8 So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it.时间是如此珍贵,我们不能浪费它。


From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that, although ——indeed bring us many obvious advantages, its disadvantages shouldn’t be ignored and far outweigh its advantages. 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论:尽管----很多优点,但它的缺点不可忽视,且远大于它的优点。

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____


It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______. However, from a personal point of view,I find----



As for me, I’m in favor of the opinion that ———for the following reasons:

就我而言,我同意 观点。

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ____.

I fully agree with the statement that ______ because______.


But ______and ______have their own advantages. For example, _____, while_____. Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______.



In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______.Only in this way can ______in the future.



With the development of society, ______.So it"s urgent and necessary to ____.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.


seriously disturb social order


to promote economic


make for good health


a hazard to health


poisoning the environment[来源:学|科|网]


protect the environment


a waste of money,time and energy


facilitating learning


influnce one's study


upgrade oneself




in favor of


Recently we’ve had a discussion about whether we should... (导入话题) Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧)

Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点) Here are the reasons. First... Second... Finally...(列出2-3个赞成的理由)

However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点) Their reasons are as follows. In the first place... What’s more... In addition...(列出2-3个反对的理由)

Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点)

There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of ...毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够的重视。

Obviously,.... If we want to do something... , it is essential that...显然,如果我们想做某事,很重要的是……

Only in this way can we... 只有这样,我们才能...

1.It is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned, …( 就我所知…)

2.With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为……)

3.A lot of people seem to think that……(很多人似乎认为……)

4.Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(最近……问题引起了关注)

5.People may have different opinions on……(人们对……可能会持有不同见解)








第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点)


第3段:However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点)



第4段: (个人观点)




As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision . (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)

The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下)


第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由)


第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构)


1 No one can doubt the essential fact that over the last years has caused wide public concern all over the world. 人 in increasing numbers are beginning to believe that [来源:学科网]


2 There is a general debate today over the phenomenon of ————————

3 When it comes to education,------- ---------------说到~~~

4 There’s no denying the fact that...-----------.事实不容否认----------

5 ______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. …已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。

6 There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.


7 There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.


8 Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.


9 .It go es without saying that... 不用说...(意思是:论述的内容是显而易见的)[来源:Zxxk.Com]


1 No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


2 ______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

3 Many people believe that-------- produce positive effects on economic growth and local government should be encouraged to promote-----------------------

4 People differ in their attitudes towards failure. Faced with it, some of them ------. Others, however,-------人们对失败持有不同的态度。面对失败,有人------,。然而,另一些人却------

5 To average people, they often tend to live under the illusion that——————, is this really the case?对于一般人来说,他们常常以为————,然而这是真的吗?

6 There is a growing tendency for sb to ----越来越多的人••

——人——seem to tend to have an unfavorable attitude toward —————

7 An increasing number of experts believe that ?will exert positive effects on———

However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more ------who complain that ———have brought many serious problems越来越多的 --相信-----起到积极作用。然而,越来越多的----却怀疑这种说法,他们抱怨--了许多严重的问题

8 What calls for special attention is that...需要引起特别注意的是...


With the op ening and reform policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. They are eager to see this old mysterious land with a splendid culture of more than 5,000years.?I

随着改革开放政 策的贯彻执行,数以万计的外国游人涌入中国。他们渴望参观这个有着5000多年灿烂文化的神秘古国。

In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.在过去的几十年,先进的医疗技术已经使得人们比过去活的时间更长成为可能。

human had made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades.


1 ---人---tend to have a favorable attitude toward ------

2 Using bicycle contributes greatly to people’s physical fitness as well as easing traffic jams.


3 The harder you work, the more progress you make.你越努力,你越进步。

4 Many people seem to overlook the basic fact:许多人似乎忽视了这个基本事实:

5 Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed.听音乐能使我们放松。

6 On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge


7 There is no one but longs to.------人们都希望------

8 So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it.时间是如此珍贵,我们不能浪费它。


From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that, although ——indeed bring us many obvious advantages, its disadvantages shouldn’t be ignored and far outweigh its advantages. 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论:尽管----很多优点,但它的缺点不可忽视,且远大于它的优点。

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____


It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______. However, from a personal point of view,I find----



As for me, I’m in favor of the opinion that ———for the following reasons:

就我而言,我同意 观点。

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ____.

I fully agree with the statement that ______ because______.


But ______and ______have their own advantages. For example, _____, while_____. Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______.



In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______.Only in this way can ______in the future.



With the development of society, ______.So it"s urgent and necessary to ____.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.


seriously disturb social order


to promote economic


make for good health


a hazard to health


poisoning the environment[来源:学|科|网]


protect the environment


a waste of money,time and energy


facilitating learning


influnce one's study


upgrade oneself




in favor of

有很多的同学在写英语 作文 的时候,也会写一些经典的议论文,我整理了相关范文,希望会对大家有所帮助!


Many years ago, the movie about the youth became very popular, every year, we can see many hot movies about the protagonist’s passed youth. People like to recall their passed youth, which makes such movies sell good. But I find the common things about these movies, all the protagonists’ youth are about fighting, love and other negative things. I understand the directors’ intention, they want to tell people youth is not perfect and having pities. Of course movie is exaggerating, the real youth is about studying, at least, most people have worked so hard to get into their ideal colleges. What the movies describe make up some people’s youth, for which they don’t have the chance to experience. We should not be misled by these movies, for the teenagers, their job is to study, so that they can have a bright future.



I like English. I think I can share my English learning method with you. First of all, develop interest on English. My way to make it is to watch movies from abroad. At first, I will watch the movie with subtitle. Then I will remove the subtitle, only English left. Gradually, show great interest in English. Secondly, recite vocabularies. Vocabulary is the necessary foundation to start learn English. This time you have to force yourself to remember words. Thirdly, understand basic grammar thoroughly. It is hard for me to understand the meaning of a sentence if I don’t know the basic grammar. Last but not least is to speak more. The basic purpose to learn a language is to communicate. So talk in English as much as you can. And don’t worry about losing face, because everyone makes mistakes. Those are my methods.



Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often

An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). For this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than money.

Many people do not know the value of time. It (this) is indeed a great pity. We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life.




Hey dear,i am so sorry that it is not here any more.I like the bird so much.She is so lovely.I really want to keep and take care of it forever.But she is a bird,she needs the sky not the cage.So I let her go.My mom tells me,if you love someone,you should know what he needs and wants.Please five me.It is my way to love your gift.。

One day an elephant couldn't get on the train,so he dropped the train driver down.There was no driver on the train.The elephant had to drive the train by his long nose. It is very funny for him to do that, but he can! The other passangers were very surprised to watch him drive the train。





1.改变体裁。主要是将对话改为记述的形式进行复述。在复述时,通过第三者的口吻,即用间接引语,运用适当的人称、时态、语态把对话中的主要信息表达出来。例如.要求学生以话剧形式将the Shelter以讲故事的形式复述出来。

2.改变人称。如作者是用第三人称写的,复述时可以改用第一人称;用第一人称写的,可以改用第三人称进行复述。例如,The Dinner Party一文是以第一人称描述的,可以要求学生以第三人称复述。




last man : who is it ?robots :we are your friends pal , open the door .last man : there is no friend anymore on this pla .I am the last man .robot1: we are truly friends to each other . I am built my you guys .robot2:yes , the scientist programed us well so i can walk and talk just like you .robot3: and we are planted geniuse inside our heads , open the door please so that we can save the earth together .last man : how can i believe you ?robot1:have you see a self control robot before?last man :yes , i have .robot2: then you must know clearly that we can break the door in one second right ? last man :yes , i do ,what's your point?robot3:my point is that we are knocking at your door instead of breaking it is the most believable fact .last man : i assumed as much . you mentioned about saving the earth .Can you tell me the plan first .robot 1:we are full of strength and capable to do plicated math but we don't have the capability to think up a plan, that's why we need you .last man :ok then , wele .robot 2: nice to meet you sir , you need figure out a plan and write it in our program , then we will do the rest .robot3 : yes please ,we need do this as soon as possible .last man : ok , at first , we need to get all the plants back . and then the animals as well .robot1:good, carry on .last man : we've polluted all the water so need it back too.robot2: anything else ?last man :can we get people back ?robot3 :anything that you write.last man : then i'll get the scientists ,doctors,drivers。

and my families back .robot1:you have to be sure because there is no changce anymore .last man : yes , i am done .robot 2: now please rewrite our brain structure .last man : done .robot3 : now ,it's the time to save the earth .all : a new day will begin .。

续接式命题作语言训练可培养青少年学生的想像力和预知事物的能力,而这些正是二十一世纪全新人才最为核心的方面。去年由《光明日报》牵动发起的《苹果被咬了一口以后……》的征文在全国引起强烈反响即是有力证明。这次大赛中出类拔萃的二十名同学“一篇文章定终身”被全国一流高等学府直接录取,则强烈地体现了当今中国对创新人才培养的高度重视。 续接作文要求的是广义上的“真实”,所以它允许而且要求我们沿着一定的轨道去虚构、去想象。


但像《苹果被咬了一口以后……》这类文章就较为特殊。命题者留给作者的想像空间甚广,文章牵涉到哪些人物、故事怎么往下发展,都得由作者自己去想像,作者只要不违背生活常理,作品主题带有积极意义,无论怎查想像都视作合理。 续写命题作文的思维活动,除了想像外,还体现为推测,推测要比想像复杂一些,因为它融合了不少判断。续写式命题作文中的推测主要是从情节的开端去推测情节的发展、 *** 、结局,从人物的性格,去推测人或物在特定的情境中做什么、怎样做。





严格来讲,我们所说的写作其实可以分为Creative Writing 和Academic Writing 两种,Creative Writing 会偏文学类一点,应用会相对少一些,而Academic Writing 则几乎是所有英语学习者都必需用到的技能,比如从四六级到托福雅思的考试作文,学术论文,日常邮件,陈述讲稿等,我们接下来要说的也是Academic Writing 这一类型的写作。




Nowadays,with the rapid development of society, purpose of education being changed.There are some people who think that petition in children should be made .Others believe that children who are taught to cooperate as well as bee more useful *** s.There are advantages and disadvantages for both of the arguments.

To begin with, what is good if a sense of petition in children is made? They can develop themselves more and more as they learn and study a lot to win from the petition.To prove this, in my country it is popular and mon to have a tutor who e to students' house to teach extra pieces of study with paying a lot of money. 。


因此,提高英文写作水平的第一步是:大量阅读,阅读是一个量变引发质变的过程,在你读到一定量的时候,可能会在某一瞬间突然发现虚拟语气原来是这种感觉,动词搭配原来是这么回事。当你提笔写作的时候,你会在脑海里重现类似的例句。新手可以从泛读开始,选择一些生词较少,内容简短且情节精彩的小说,慢慢培养阅读的习惯,有条件的可以去买个kindle, 阅读体验会更好。大量的阅读会带来词汇量的提升,通过阅读积累的词汇理解最为深刻,记忆效果也最好,最容易转化为积极词汇从而应用到写作中去。

在泛读的同时还要注意一点:强化语法。语法有多重要?举个例子,现在分词过去分词及各种从句的灵活运用,主动被动的转换,虚拟语气表达的特殊感情,这些都是写作的基本技巧。语法不好,写作水平也不会高到哪里去,具体表现为通篇语病,只会用简单句型,不会写漂亮的长短句,偶尔憋出个长句还是错的。不会运用高级语法,比如独立主格,虚拟语气等,句式的多样性和表达的灵活性受到很大的影响。因此我们有必要强化一下语法。基本思路是先通读一两本语法书,建立起基本的语法框架,然后通过大量的阅读和听力练习不断巩固完善语法。目前市面上的语法书非常多,但内容其实都大同小异,挑选好一两本认真啃下去就是,推荐《赖世雄语法》 或者剑桥的语法在用系列。

So he thought about why it could happen and made up his mind to help these poor!

Then he studied harder and harder ,the students who were the schoolmate of joe wander what had happen to him .With asking him what had happened ,they were laughed at him . But he didn't mind that.

At last ,when he grew up he got very rich and helpful.So many people were thankful to him .And those who had laughed at him were regretful(后悔的)!!


It is so werid that my heart is hitting like a clock.I do want to open it.Maybe it is jork from someone who does not like me,or may even worse it is a bomb in the package.One of my frinds Jane asks me why not open it with a mystery *** ile and so do others.I answer to them what I am worrying.But

they just encourage me to unpack the package in front of me.They say that the things I am worried about are excrescent.So I open it carefully.To my surprise it is a birthday cake with my name on it.Suddenly I remember that it is my brithday today.At these days I am very busy on my

drive license test that I was already fot my birthday!My friends give a sweat surprise to me today.

I have been learning English for about three years in this school. During the process, I have encountered many problems. However, with the help of my teacher, I overcame one difficulty after another.

In the first year, English was almost a new course for me. The grammar learning was kind of difficult for me. I took detailed notes in class, and asked my teacher for help if I couldn't understand any questions. Then, in the second year, I got my own way of learning English. I often listened to the English tape while I was on my way home. Every morning, I read English books for about thirty minutes.


























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但发现很多名师教案与高考提分关联度小,因为相当一部分名师只是把自己在考研和雅思领域的研究成果生搬硬套到高考英语教学中(讲述的高频词汇严重超纲,甚至是大学6级的),而不是深入到2700篇历届阅读真题中潜心研究,效果可想而知。 还有些重点高中一线老师,将自己上课用的教案制作成光盘用以贩卖,其实质不过是高频考点和词汇的串讲,有的甚至用35%的篇章讲述如何记忆单词,而广告却说是提分秘笈,真是让人遗憾! 好消息!吴军老师2012高考英语3天提分秘诀仅释放了其30%的功力,就达到了90%以上的客户满意度,为了配合文科其他科目的上市,2013年吴军高考英语将释放其70%的功力,2013年高考英语提分速度和幅度将再升一倍,看完下列示例后,还不赶紧抢购呀! 目录: 一、2013阅读吴军猜题秘术: 备选项高频答案特征 二、2013阅读吴军暗示点秒杀: 备选项高频答案词 三、擒贼先擒王:主旨题、写作目的题吴军答题密码 四、阅读出题点与细节题吴军答题法则 五、阅读文章结构、题材与推论题吴军突破秘诀 六、阅读词汇、文章及作者态度题吴军破解规律 希望给您带来帮助。




When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynici *** and the ice of pessimi *** , then you've grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimi *** , there's hope you may die young at 80.。

刚好有一个不错的文件~高考英文写作技巧 英语书面表达在高考中日益显得重要,高考书面表达已不只局限于把话说清楚,把意思表达完整,而是要给我们的句子润色,让我们的句子靓起来。



It was not until I arrived home that I realized I had left the bag on the shop counter.It was then that I realized the importance of English.◆倒装句:只要句中有介词短语或状语从句,便可将其提前,变成倒装句。Only when I turned right at the crossing did that car crack towards me.Only by this means can he escape from the big fire.◆with引导的伴随结构:可以将状语从句或并列句中的其中一个分句变成with结构。

With the sun lighting brightly and the birds singing clearly, I went to school in high spiritsHe always likes to sleep with the windows open.◆巧妙地使用非谓语动词:可以将状语从句或并列的动词简化为非谓语动词。Hearing that, the driver's wife quickly added that her hu *** and often talked nonsense after drinking. (低级形式:When he heard that, ……)◆恰到好处的被动句:适合应用于较简短的句子,这样显得语言简洁生动,宾语一般是nothing、anything、everything等不定代词。

Searched all my pockets, but nothing was found。◆感叹句:通常用于开头结尾活跃文章气氛,凡是“I feel ……”之类表达感情的句子皆可如此改造。

How terrible I felt today! I failed again in the math exam.◆高级定语从句:若定语从句中的动词带有介词,只需将介词移至先行词后。We came to a place to which they had never paid a visit before.◆进行时态:有时会含有一定情绪,尤其要使用always这样的富含感 *** 彩的副词。

I am always feeling terrible when I take a bus.◆婉转表达:需要使用幽默的技巧,主要用于漫画型作文题。I could find nothing but bad luck when I returned the shop after learning that my handbag had been left on the counter.◆what引导的名词性从句:将动宾结构转化为此结构。

What he gave me, which I knew, were not only a Christmas present but also a heart full of love and a mind of my existence in it.◆“数词+名词”变为“as many as+数词+名词”。As many as ten years ago, my hometown used to be covered by forests◆适当加一些不关痛痒的插入语:一些连词、副词可以放到句子中间充当语气较弱的插入语,如I guess、however、in a way、certainly、in my opinion、probably、briefly, generally speaking, believe it or not, besides, what's more等,有时可以考虑几个插入语连用,就更像英美人士的文章了。

◆独立主格:将主从句去掉连词,前句动词变为分词即可。The weather being fine, a large number of people went to climb the Western Hills. ◆把简单句改成复合句:适当的时候把两个简单句改成“too….to…”或者“so…that…”等高级一点的复合句。

例如:I was very tired. I couldn't keep up with them.我们可以改成:I was so tired that I couldn't keep up with them.或:I was too tired to keep up with them.这样一来,英语基础不是很好的学生只要能够写出最基本的句子,然后再对这些句子进行加工、改造、润色,慢慢的,就会让句子靓起来,在高考中就可以得到比较满意的成绩。想要更多,到天材教育网站来吧。




recently the issue of whether or not______(讨论话题) has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public. there are two major arguments that can be made for_________. for one thing, __________can bring ____ to_____________(优点 一 )。 for another, it is widely hold that people usually ____when ________________________________(优点二)。

but we must not lose sight of the fact that there are also drawbacks to__________, among which are ____________(列举缺点)。 for instance, it can be __________to _____________(举例说明)。 in addition, many people find it ________(形容词)to _______________(第二个缺点)

when asked to __________, i tend to ____________. this is because i _______________(原因 一 )。 furthermore, _______________________(原因二)。 finally, ______________(原因三)。


the effects ___________ has produced on____________ can be boiled down to two major ones.

first , __________________(影响 一 )。 more importantly, ________________(影响二)。 hence, i believe that we will see a ____________(提出展望)/ nevertheless, i do not think we will see a ______(或反面展望)

there are numerous reasons why ____, and i would like to explore a few of the most important ones here. the first is that the more(比较级)_____, the more (比较级)。 in addition, we all agree that________________________(第二个原因)

In recent years, college students find it increasingly difficult to get a job. It sounds strange since young college students are usually intelligent, well-educated phenomenon, aspirant and eager to bring their talent into full play. Then what underlies the strange phenomenon?


There are several reasons for this. To begin with, nowadays college students aim too high. All they want are “good” jobs which could offer good salary, comfortable working conditions, high social status among others. Consequently, most college students are unwilling to accept vacant jobs they consider not “good” enough. Another reason is that there is a big gap between the majors some students study in school and the demands of vacant jobs. So companies think some students are not fit for the jobs.


Solution to the problem requires efforts on both the society and the students. The companies should value the students, talent and knowledge while the latter should not merely aim at material gains. They should be down-to–earth in building up their career. Furthermore, they should face their weak points so as to improve themselves and be more competent.




My opinion on copying others' homework

It is konwn to us all that some students copy others' homework,their reasons are as below:first of all,the homework is too much and always difficult;the second,they are not intrested in the lessons;and the third,the aim of finishing their homework is to please the teacher.

In my opinion,copying others' homework is not good,because it's against the rules of the school.We should be honest and work hard to get high scores.If we have difficulties,we can even ask the teacher or our classmates for their help.


Now it is common that students copy homework from their classmates. I think it is a terrible thing . Because homework is their own task and the check for what they learn in class.

If they copy others' homework , the teachers won't get the fact so they can't help the students to improve. Besides ,if the students can't finish their homework, they can't get the chance to go over their lessons so they can't make progress. So don't copy others' homework.


In the picture we can see that a man is fishing attentively by the lake.Behind him there is a scholar who is stealing the fish in the man’s bucket.It is obvious that the drawer of the picture tries to reveal a serious problemin the academic circle of our country — plagiarism. In recent years academiccheats have become rampant. Quite a lot of graduate students and scholars“use” others’ ideas, articles and papers without acknowledging the sourceof information.

They copy them without the fear that they might be caught.For a long time we paid less attention to the problem of plagiarism, butnow we are increasingly aware of its negative effects. Plagiarists’misconduct simply mean “stealing” others’ intellectual and academicaccomplishments, which not only depreciates their own humanity but contaminatesthe climate of the academic circle. Academic falsification is like an epidemicdisease that spreads fast and will destroy the healthy development of academicstudies. What’s worse, these plagiarists have set a very disreputable exampleto the younger generation.

So what attitude should we hold towards it? From my point of view, weshould resolutely battle against this ill phenomenon. Education of moralityshould be strengthened among the scholars and students. Those who steal others’academic achievements should be given severe punishment whenever they arespotted. If necessary, we can resort to the law to protect the interest of theoriginal writer and inventor. We must recognize that fighting againstplagiarism requires our persistent efforts.


在画中我们可以看到一位男子正在专心地在湖边钓鱼,在他身后有一位学者模样的人正从钓鱼人的鱼桶中偷鱼。显然,作这幅画的人是想揭示我国学术界的一个严重的问题—— 剽窃。近年来学术欺诈盛行,有不少研究生、学者“利用”别人的想法、文章和论文而不注明信息来源。



