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去淘宝网找一找 很多的 连原文及翻译都有 我的毕业论文的翻译就是买的




1、 需填写的项目由本人用碳素墨水手写或打印。

2、 封面上的毕业论文(设计)编号填写统一编排的12位学号。

3、 届、班级均采用阿拉伯数字,班级应标明某级某班。

4、 用纸要求(以下所有用纸按此要求)




第二部分:目录 (单独用一页 对齐方式:两端对齐、1.5倍行距)

目 录(标题三号,Times New Roman,加粗,居中;)

摘要(关键词)(小四号,Times New Roman)……………………………………(页码)

英文摘要(关键词)(小四号,Times New Roman)………………………………………(页码)

致谢(小四号,Times New Roman)……………………………………………………………(页码)

1.Introduction………(小四号,Times New Roman)……………………………………………… (页码)

2.XXXXXX(一级标题)(小四号,Times New Roman)………………………………… (页码)

2.1 XXXXXX(二级标题)(小四号,Times New Roman)………………………………… (页码)

2.1.1XXXXX(三级标题) (小四号,Times New Roman)…………………………………… (页码)


参考文献(小四号,Times New Roman)………………………………………………………(页码)


1. 文章标题:二号、Times New Roman、加粗、居中


2.中文摘要、关键词(中英文关键词、摘要段落:左右缩进2 个字符)






英文摘要标题Abstract:(小三号,Times New Roman,加粗,居中)

英文摘要正文(小四号,Times New Roman,双倍行距)

英文关键词标题Key words:(小四号,Times New Roman,加粗,顶格)

英文关键词正文(小四号,Times New Roman,词间用逗号隔开)

第四部分: 主体部分

正文:论文正文都必须包括引言(introduction),正体、结束语 (conclusion)论点正确、逻辑性强、文理通顺、层次分明、表达确切。把实践结果上升到理论认识或应用理论的高度,最终解决实际问题,并提出自己的见解和观点;

1. 前言标题(三号字,Times New Roman,加粗,顶格)

前言内容(小四号字,Times New Roman,行间距采用1.5倍行距)




1 XXXX(一级标题)

1.1 XXXX(二级标题)

1.1.1 XXXXXXX(三级标题)

一级标题(三号字,Times New Roman,加粗,顶格)

二级标题(四号字,Times New Roman,加粗,顶格)

三级标题(小四号字,Times New Roman,加粗,顶格)


正文用小四号字,Times New Roman,行间距采用1.5倍行距


正文中图、表均需编排序号,有图、表题目及说明(五号、Times New Roman),如table 1.1。

4.每页页脚居中注明页码, 页码起始 从Introduction 部分开始第1页。页眉设置要求:居中,以小5号字宋体键入“辽宁对外经贸学院毕业论文”。页眉从正文页开始设置,到参考文献部分结束,包括参考文献部分。封底不加页眉。

第五部分: 参考文献 (三号、宋体、加粗、顶格)


第六部分: 致 谢(三号、Times New Roman、居中、单独一页)

致谢内容(小四号、Times New Roman)
















三、章节目序号 按照正式出版物的`惯例,章节编号方法应采用分级数字编号方法,按三级标题编写:

1 ……

1.1 ……

1.1.1 ……


(1) ……

1) ……

① ……









(2)居左打印“摘要” 二字(四号黑体,不加粗)。





(1)题目用三号Times New Roman字体,居中,单倍行距。题目上下各空一行,空行均为三号,单倍行距。

(2)居左打印“ABSTRACT” (四号Times New Roman,加粗),“ABSTRACT”后空两格打印英文摘要内容(小四号Times New Roman,不加粗)。


(4)摘要内容后下一行为“KEY WORDS” (四号Times New Roman,加粗),其后空两格为关键词用小写字母(小四号Times New Roman,不加粗),每一关键词之间用逗号隔开,最后一个关键词后不打标点符号,关键词全部小写。




(2)章节编号,用分级阿拉伯数字编号方法,即第一级为1、2、3等,第二级为2.1、2.2、2.3等,第三级为2.2.1、2.2.2、 2.2.3。第一级标题顶头编排,第二级标题分别比上一级空2格开始编排,第三级标题分别比上一级再空2格开始编排。对齐方式为分散对齐。










操作程序:word 2012. 21
























100%人工翻译希望能帮助你摘要:Abstract: 企业的融资结构与公司治理之间有着天然的联系。There is a natural relationship between the corporate finance structure and the corporate governance.不同的公司治理实际上影响着资本结构的制度安排;Different corporporate governance actually affect the structural organization of the capital structure; 同样,不同的资本结构也影响着公司治理的制度安排。Similarly, different capital structures also affect the structural organization of corporate governance.良好的公司治理结构能确保公司经理层得到正好为其投资所需但又不是更多的资金来完成有利可图的项目,Good corporate governance structure can ensure that the company management department receives the appropriate investment funds but yet are not too much for the company to reap supernormal profits.而适当的资本结构又有利于完善公司治理、提高治理效率And appropriate capital structure is helpful in improving the corporate governance as well as enhancing the governance efficiency.也就是说,资本结构可通过股权和债权等特有作用的发挥及其合理配置来协调出资人与经营者之间,以及不同出资人之间的利益关系In other words, the capital structure can coordinate the interests between the investor, operator and the different investors through the effective equity and debt as well as through rational allocations. 本文仅从融资结构与公司治理之间的关系入手,分析我国企业公司治理和融资结构现状的不足之处,并在深入分析原因的基础上提出相应对策。This paper only starts from relationship between the financing structure and the corporate governance, analyzes the deficiencies of the current state of China's enterprises corporate governance, and proposes the corresponding countermeasures based on an in-depth analysis of causes.













中文摘要:中文摘要部分的标题为“摘要”,用黑体三号字居中。摘要内容用小四号宋体字书写,两端对齐,汉字用宋体,外文字用Times New Roman体。


英文摘要:为了国际交流的需要,论文须有英文摘要。英文摘要的内容及关键词应与中文摘要及关键词一致,要符合英语语法,语句通顺,文字流畅。英文摘要部分的标题为“Abstract”,用Times New Roman体三号字加粗。摘要内容用小四号Times New Roman体字书写,两端对齐,标点符号用英文标点符号。



要的,一般毕业论文 标题,中文摘要,英文摘要,中文关键词,英文关键词,目录,正文,参考资料一个都不能少,为了礼貌还要附上感谢,现在论文都快成形式了

问题一:为什么一篇中文论文需要一个英文的摘要? 好的 [新手] 从正规的说法看,是为了和轨国际接轨。从实际看,我国学术尚在低潮期,需要与外国比较然后找出出路,所以在学术训练中做英文摘要是一种途径。佛教初入中国时,翻译佛经的一个词会动用几百甚至上千的高智商的人,在此激础上,才有禅宗和理学的出现,所以,对英语的消化也有一个过程。 文章八股自古皆然,历史上写诗文的大家大多是八股高手,起承转合破题承题都是在写八股过程中练出来的,关键不在他的死格式而在活思想, *** 论说文气势磅礴,论证严谨有力,其实他的出发点主要是孟子、庄子、韩愈,八股的活力是有的,关键在思想。 中国的工科学术落后于西方 用英语一旦发表就可以让他人检索到 ,可以与西方相应国家的相关技术有可比性,分出孰优孰劣,有利于自己论文的修改和提高。同时我国正全面进行小康社会的建设,改革开放是一个必要渠道,学术上的交流更突出其重要性。因此通过英文摘要,可以为中西方的学术交流提供了一个便利平台。从上面意义上说,要求在论文中写英语摘要就是用心良苦的一件事了 问题二:什么样的论文需要写英文摘要 是否要写英文摘要,要看论文发表的杂志级别。一般说来,国家级的、省级的、市级的专业杂志发表的论文都需要英文摘要。只不过,市级以下级别的杂志有些混乱,原因是有些杂志为了抬高地位或是其他原因,故意而为。所以,要不要英文摘要,还要以杂志编辑部要求为准。大学生毕业生的毕业论文,则依据学院的要求。 问题三:综述性论文的中文摘要和英文摘要是一个意思吗 什么时间要呢,我给你一篇如何???内容摘要 内容摘要要求把论文的主要观点提示出来,便于读者一看就能掌握论文内容的要点。目前比较通用结构式摘要,包括研究目的、方法、结果和结论。摘要应有高度的概括力,且要全面反映论文要点,简明、明确、畅达。 问题四:为什么论文的摘要必须要有中英文的 摘要是用来简述论文所论述问题和作揣观点的,可以通过摘要检索到关于某一学术问题的的文章。所以摘要有中英文可以增加被检索范围 问题五:毕业论文中英文摘要必须在同一页上吗? 看要求了。如果没有明确亥要求,先中文摘要、关键词,再英文摘要、关键词,按正常的往下排即可,不用管放在哪一页。 如果有要求,就要分页了。 问题六:论文中的英文摘要需要和中文摘要一致吗? 要一致,英文摘要就是中文摘要的翻译 问题七:论文英文摘要是中文摘要的翻译版吗? 大多是互译的,也可以得不一样,但中心要是一样的,毕竟论文是一份。所以表达的意思是一个。当然不一定要一次一句的翻译。。。 问题八:写论文的英文摘要应注意什么 首先要弄清楚摘要的目的,是让别人搜索论文的时候可以知道你的论文大概是讲什么的,吸引人家看论文全文,后面有关键词,方便搜索。摘要不宜长篇大论,扼要介绍论文的背景和解决了什么问题就可以了。很多学生的毛病是把该写在引言里的内容都放到摘要里来了。 写英文摘要的话,很多人是直接翻译中文摘要,但是不一定翻译得好。注意千万别用软件自动翻译,效果非常差。我的意见是中英文摘要的内容不必一一对应得那么死。例如中文中的“我国”,在英文中应该翻译成 China 而不是 our country,因为理论上看英文摘要的不一定是中国人。 假如你是大学生,要交毕业设计,最好的做法是用你自己能明白的英语把论文介绍一下,同时注意专业名词要准确翻译。 假如要正式发表,最好的做法,是从外国人的角度思考,假如他们对这个论题有兴趣的话,他们会怎样搜索论文,看到什么描述会想看看论文全文。 问题九:毕业论文中中文摘要是否要跟英文摘要分开 每个学校都有自己的要求,你们没有格式要求吗? 一般来说,分开页。

必须要有 指的是正规论文 不过很简单 找翻译工具就可以了

可以不需要 但是有了就是锦上添花


In recent years, China's rapid economic development, to provide a great many enterprises development to promote the very most of the enterprises bigger and stronger, of course, is one of the beneficiaries of SMEs. SME development and financial management as an important part of life, but brought along with the rapid development of the attendant problems, such as SME financing difficulties, the financial system is not perfect and so on. Below according to today's problems in the financial management of SMEs to analyze and propose appropriate countermeasures.呵呵,累死了,希望你采纳

Research on the construction safety management of Civil EngineeringIn recent years, the construction accident in civil engineering in our country often occur. This not only caused casualties, also caused great loss of national property, and resulting in a very bad social influence. Therefore, in our country, the construction units in the civil engineering construction projects, shouldstrengthen the construction safety management, all aspects ofsecurity control for engineering, to prevent dangerous accidentsin the end it all. The cause of the civil engineering constructionaccidents are in many aspects. In order to enhance security,should be combined with the characteristics of construction projects and the enterprise's internal and external conditions, the rational allocation of production factors, optimization of management process. In order to realize the construction safetymanagement, construction units should establish a safety management system of a project, it should be carried out from the following aspects:A construction safety consciousness, cultivate the modern safety science theory, occurrence of unsafe human behavior causedcasualties. To implement safety management, it should becombined with psychology, behavioral science to strengthen the education and training of employees in production safety,improve the consciousness of safe production, so as to guide the safety production behavior of employees. For the construction enterprises should strengthen safety awareness and educationproject personnel, developing the regular safety education to the construction personnel involved in the project, and to carry outsecurity work. Three level education to the new participate in the work of the operating personnel; often transform types of employees, should be safety training for new types of work, makeoperation personnel matters needing attention can be familiar with the safe operation of the. In order to make safe productionconsciousness win support among the people, enterprisemanagement personnel but also in engineering project, using a variety of promotional tools to start a variety of education,cultivate the construction personnel safety consciousness. Andin the management of enterprises, the production safety systemthought to. Leaders at all levels and enterprises in issuing the project production task, should also carry out safety productionmeasures. Such as the production safety requirements to the construction personnel, so conducive to safe thought into the production of management, let each employee has consciously in the psychological sense of security.Two, the establishment of management system for safety in production in addition to strengthen production safety education and awareness of construction project staff, should alsoestablish a safety management system, protect the system from the construction enterprise safety in production of. In order toavoid the frequent occurrence of sudden accident, the construction enterprise should according to the project, to develop a comprehensive, the system of safety management,and invest the necessary manpower and funds to ensure the implementation of the project. Ensure the production safetyconstruction from the system implementation, the project section of construction enterprises should establish the safety inspectionsystem, and regularly to the project construction of the security check. Make a clear record of project construction process,record the dangerous post, and regularly check the work. Self evaluation and construction team every week to organize asafety activities, the project department to make regular safetyevaluation for project production. Construction enterprises in theconstruction of civil engineering, in order to establish a safety management system, need to make corresponding technical measures for safety management system, a comprehensivescientific standard for project.Therefore, the safety work of construction enterprise project technical measures should be prior to commencement of works.As for engineering and technical measures should be strict examination and approval, the approval before implementation. If the design changes during construction, corresponding safety technical measures should be coordinated with the adjustment,will follow. The safety technical measures enacted personnel andparticipation, should fully understand the project as the construction scheme, construction environment, the actualoperation has, and combined with relevant laws and regulations or the security policy to establish safety technical measures,which can ensure the safety measures. In civil engineering construction of large, corresponding safety technical measuresshould be formulated more comprehensive and more specific,must be carried out through the whole process of construction,and mainly covers to other engineering safety. To establish the system of safety management, construction enterprises should also be strict safety procedures.As before the construction of the project, technical personnel should to the technical measures for the construction personnelwork. Such as technical personnel issue written materials relatedto the construction personnel, and the implementation of safety technical measures of construction workers to regularly check;when technicians found construction personnel in violation oftechnical measure behavior, to give timely corrected. When theconstruction personnel technical mistakes when amended and supplemented immediately. In order to ensure the safety ofconstruction enterprises to implement, should take theseinspection of production safety measures the formation of rules and regulations, require employees to strictly abide by, so to ensure safety production system. At the same time, the construction enterprises can also follow the specific constructiondevelopment situation, formulate a set of safety technical measures linked to reward and punishment system, to strictly abide by the department or individual production safety, strictsecurity checks to reward, and if there are penalties for violations of the phenomenon. At the same time should have a goodproduction safety supervision work, and sent to the specialized production safety supervision work. When there is potential safety hazard factors in project development, should be timely analysis and inspection and make treatment immediately, so thatthe safety management to implement, implement the specificsystem, ensure the feasibility of production safety. The range ofcivil engineering projects involved in the construction processmore widely, because the factors which affect the engineering safety more. But in the construction process, the occurrence of safety accidents is often unexpected, with occasional andunexpected strong. These come unexpectedly accidents, serious damage often caused casualties and property.Three, strengthen the safety production and environment management in civil engineering construction process,environment is an important factor influencing the construction safety. So in order to guarantee safety in production, enterprises should be to strengthen the management of construction site. As in the construction site, the unnecessary equipment and surplus materials, should be timely treatment. In the pile construction materials in order to keep the construction site, the patency of the road accident, ensure to timely rescue, this is to protect the safety measures to realize. And construction enterprises shouldstrictly abide by the rules and regulations, which occurred on theconstruction site of the waste, garbage bag, cement, waste materials and other items should be clear, it can keep the siteclean, to create a civilized construction environment for safe construction. Create a safe production environment construction enterprises, should also be reflected in the risk disposal of equipment. For some such as the construction of electricity,dangerous equipment, cloth rod is used, should by the competent department of enterprise safety approval approval,the approval before they can be put into use after. And in the process of construction of civil engineering, a comprehensive analysis of the conditions of construction project. Some of the effects of environmental factors of the quality of construction, totake timely measures, and to conduct a comprehensivespecification, so that can realize the safe construction quality engineering to create good conditions.

Civil engineering in the long history of mankind "science and technology" as a system of civil engineering activity a substantial production processCivil engineering and construction of engineering science and technology it refers to the engineering construction collectively objects, namely, ground, built in underground engineering facilities also refers to water used materials, equipment and inspection in design, construction, maintenance, repair, etcAs an important basis for civil engineering discipline is the important attribute: comprehensive social economic and practical technology with human society advances art unity and development of civil engineering has been turned into a large-scale integrated disciplines and have many branches such as: the railway engineering construction engineering construction bridge engineering specialty structure of water and wastewater engineering of port engineering environment engineering disciplines such as water conservancy project consists of six major in civil engineering, architecture, city planning and civil engineering construction environment and water drainage engineering and equipment engineering road and bridge projectThrough a semester civil engineering introduction lessons I have deeply felt civil engineering covers a wide appreciates the previous achievements also realized as a civil engineer major responsibility, of course, we can't make brilliant achievements is immersed in the immobilized we shall also keep pace with The Times to go to think to dig the imagination to innovation in China's future as a civil engineer I want with civil engineering history with China's national conditions and the situation of the world talk of civil engineering road of the future!

Human resource plays the pivotal role in social economy development increasingly. 5P model is regarded as a very important model in human resource management, while it delivers the huge purpose and instant effect. But we have to realize that the application of 5P needs to one environment that cooperation of every department and plan the relevant policies, therefore enterprises utilize 5P model depending on practical situation. This anticle tries to realize the huge effect of 5P model very well through both discussing the content of 5P model and 洛北春酒业集团`s suessful experience.

是翻成英文吗 Civil service system is the embodiment of the management system of personnel administration regularity, is promoting the modern government and the development of administrative system of anization design, it is perfect with innovation, related to the government administration quality and efficiency improvement. China in 1993 adopted the national civil service system, began to enter the modern government personnel management track. But overall, pared with foreign countries, the civil service system of our country is still relatively primitive, theoretical research is still relatively weak, and there are many aspects need reform and innovation. Therefore, the reform of the civil service system in China has bee an important task. This paper will be based on the civil service system on the basis of theoretical study, through to the Chinese and foreign civil servants system recorded in the annealing preferred, incentive coordination, the protection mechani *** of the three major aspects of the public servant system at home and abroad, to reveal the similarities and differences, to draw lessons from foreign civil servant system beneficial experience to perfect our civil servant system design. 我只把你摘要的发来了

Abstract The core petitiveness of enterprises is the basis of the sustainable development of enterprise and the source of petitive advatages. As a growth point of China's national economy, Real Estate directly affects the national economic development and the people's livelihood. Therefore, the construction of real estate enterprises'core petitive ability should be paid profound attention. Depending on a bination of core petence theory, this paper is in view of the status quo of the estate enterprise'core petitive ability in China,then bines the author's opinion under the help of the related books,documents and the teacher, and finally turn out the means of the construction of enterprises'core petitive ability . Keywords The Core Competiveness of Enterprises Brand Strategy Enterpise Culture

Urban vulnerable groups is in the interests of the economic system transformation relative damage, marginalized groups, with social transformation, economic restructuring and social factors such as industrial restructuring, urban vulnerable groups is being increasingly prominent, and has affected our economy development and social equity. Based on the situation of vulnerable groups of urban studies, that the size of the vulnerable groups in recent years in increasing the survival of the city status of vulnerable groups have not been effective improvement, therefore, an urgent need for government-led, to establish and improve various policies and mechani *** s to protect the basic rights of vulnerable groups in order to achieve the goal of building a well.

Along with continuous development of market economy and intensive structural reform of publish industry, financial management play a more and more important role on the development and management of publishing enterprise. Publishing enterprises must change their concepts and pay attention to financial management, building and insisting on the sense of innovation and human-oriented financial management, actively exploring and building a sound financial management system which is adaptive to market economic management system and operation mechani *** . Publishing enterprises must try a variety of ways and means to resolve the outstanding issues in financial management, making effort to improve the qualities of financial workers, strengthening the informational construction of financial management, realizing continuous innovation on financial centralized management and aounts receivable management, so as to promote the publishing industry develop in a healthy and good direction.

Abstract: The woman known as half of the sky in an era of growing concern in the feminist context, hold up half the sky in other men - their pressure, their difficulties, their sad, seems to have been used to And even taken for granted. But Chili as one of the representatives of women writers, she works in many men have expressed the concern of this group. Loss of life, questions of love, of self-worth of confusion, as the mon challenge facing the hero. Thus, character. environment. the fate of one man without the image of the intersection in question to the reality: our way is, Where is tomorrow? 摘要还必须包括关键词的。


[Abstract] In the 1980s and 1990s last century, the economy developed at a high speed with the sacrifice of damaging the environments which caused serious environmental problems and social problems. Gov and society began to think about it, therefore in the process of production and manufacturing, enterprises should take the corporate social responsibility (CSR). With the improvement of social system, many enterprises have realized the problem of social responsibility. More and more enterprises find that it is not contradicted beeen achieving the individual economic goal and fulfilling the social goal. To enhance the consciousness and initiative of fulfilling the social responsibility, enterprises should fulfill the social responsibility to convey related information to the society. It plays a key role to develop the social responsibility and social responsibility investments because it can better bring in the public opinion pressure and Gov supervision. High moral standards aord with the enterprises’ long-term benefit which will help gain reputation and trust in the daily operation and long-term cooperation. Enterprises can really catch the advantage of taking the social responsibility, the policy and regulation that push the enterprises to fulfill the social responsibility so that to find appropriate conduct system. Key Words: Corporate Social Responsibility, corporate obligation, significance of social responsibility, harmonious society

This thesis presents a detailed *** ysis of the current situation of the private enterprises of Chaoshan, gave emphasized *** ysis on both the advantage of its development and problems lied in, and found out the advantages as well as limitations of the district of Chaoshan. On the basis of this, this thesis also studied on the New Wenzhou Mode, while in the meantime proposed advices on the future development of private enterprises of Chaoshan district in view of strategy.


