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DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PRODUCTION PLANNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING PROJECTKEY WORDS: GIS,Design,Analysis,Application,Management,ProductionABSTRACT:With the development of photogrammetry and spatial information sciences, we have found many new methods to solve the technical problem in surveying and mapping project. But there is a little research on the project management. Traditional management method is complex and time-consuming. Now, we need use new technique to improve the management method for enhancing management level. Taking “National Western Surveying and Mapping Project on 1:50000 Topological Maps Blank Area” as an example, this paper focus on production planning management. The project is remarkable, not only the task and extent is tremendous, but also the staff and stuff are excessive. The Blank Area has atrocious weather and extreme hypsography. All of the conditions increase the project management difficulty. For reasonable planning and logical budget, we designed and realized a production planning management system to give the decision support to the managers. This paper studies the system’s requirement analysis, system structure and function in detail.1. INTRODUCTIONNowadays, Geographical Information Systems(GIS) are powerful and useful as means of information, visualization and research tools(Quan Bao,2004). Most GIS software is more suited to providing limited types of output than as a tool to support, at anything other than a superficial level, tactical or strategic decision-making processes. To improve the usefulness of GIS as a decision support tool, two needs are apparent. First, decision-makers require methods that allow them to easily select alternatives across a number of relevant criteria. Second, it is necessary to explicitly recognize that most decision-making processes involve multiple participants. Since problem solving id often characterized by multiple and conflicting objectives, methods that contribute toward more a completely aiding decision system are required.


你好,我回答的是第三个题目,仅供参考,希望对你有帮助哦 What are the most important culture differences and elements of intercultural communication? As we all know, different countries have different cultures. 'Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another.' (Hofstede, 1991)It is inevitable that the cultural difference has impact on business. For example, when a company having meeting, the word "table" in American English that means to put something on the agenda. But in British English it means to put something off the agenda. This example indicated how the culture affects the business.There are four cultural dimensions that were defined in Hofstede's research: Power distance, Uncertainty avoidance, Individualism, Masculinity, and recently Hofstede add one more: long-term-short-term orientation.What I think the most significant influence in cultural difference is the power distance. (Hoecklin,1995:28)"It would condition the extent to which employees accept that their boss has more power than they have and the extent to which they accept that their boss's opinions and decisions are right because he or she is the boss." I considered it as how much subordinates can consent or dissent with bosses or managers. It is the distance between a manager and subordinate. Among most oriental corporate cultures, there is hierarchism, greater centralization, sometimes called 'power-oriented culture', due to the historical reasons. That is a high power distance culture that mangers make the decision and superiors appeal to be entitled more privileges. Their decision always close supervision positively evaluated by subordinates. In this situation, it is not be regarded if a subordinates have a disagreement with their managers, especially in Malaysia, Japan, China, India. In the oriental, power distance is also associated with 'the family culture' (Trompernaars, 1993:139). In this kind of corporate culture the manager is like the "caring father" who knows better than his subordinates what should be done and what is suitable for them. The subordinates always esteem the managers. Because of the managers age and experience. That is usually how employees get their promotion. There are both positive and negative parts in the family cultures. I feel it is an easy managing system. But sometime it is hard to get young creative employees work well cause of the hierarchy. As Tropmenaars (1993: 142) told us "family culture at their least effective drain the energies and loyalties of subordinates to buoy up the leader." So in family culture, the power distance can be viewed as the subordinates respect the superiors.That is the corporate culture in orient. Let us take a look at the western way. It is not a whole converse phenomenon. There is 'the Eiffel Tower culture' (Trompernaars, 1997:166) in the international management. About the Eiffel tower Trompenaars (1993: 148) told us " Its hierarchy is very different from that of the family. Each higher level has a clear and demonstrable function of holding together the level beneath it." German, Austrian have the characteristic of the Eiffel Tower Culture, which is a low power distance. In the lower power dis tance, (Hoecklin, 1995:31) 'higher-educated employees hold much less authoritarian values than lower-educated ones.' The obedience showed from the subordinates to the superiors is not as much as the oriental way. The leadership can be called as hierarchy and consensus. Employee can have different opinion with his/her boss. And when he/she got different ideas, he/she can go all the way up to the boss and discuss the problem. This is a good thing usually company may explore all the potentials of its employees, because sometime the subordinates may have the better&nb sp;idea of the business.I think because of the different realization of power distance, people behave completely different in business. So conflict and misunderstanding must be emerged when two or more intercultures meet up. Under this situation, the international managers must pay attention to the clashes and be aware of. How to work the subordinates together efficiently and more cooperatively is important too.And then there is also a large discrepancy on the uncertainty avoidance. (Hoecklin, 1995:31) defined 'Uncertainty avoidance is the lack of tolerance for ambiguity and the need for formal rules.' That means people trying to setup rules to face to the uncertainty. There is high uncertainty avoidance in most oriental countries such as Japan, China. In these countries, people prefer a stable job. They feel safe and prideful when they keep working hard at the one place. Under this circumstance, an excellent manager should keep his employee away from unpredictable ;risk. And the employee would like to be worked within groups rather than independently cause of the less risk-taking. But in most western countries, there is low uncertainty avoidance showed, whereas high job mobility occurs in those countries such as USA, Denmark, Singapore. The western people think that when they change their jobs, they can get more experience cause they like challenge. I believe that the divergence of the uncertainty avoidance is from different basic social ideology. A competent manager should pay attention on the rules setting between different uncer tainty avoidance.





1. 描述漫画

As is vividly depicted in the cartoon given above, we can observe that… 或As is vividly shown in the picture, we can see that…… 或As we can see from the picture,…

2. 描述漫画本质/内涵

Apparently, the picture reflects/reveals that …… 或The cartoon informs us of the phenomenon that……

3. 出现的问题或现象的原因

We believe that three reasons can account for this phenomenon. First,____. Second, ____. Third, _____. 或What contributed to these changes? I think the reasons are as follows. To start with, ④______. Secondly, ⑤______ . What’s more, ⑥ _______. Last but not least, ⑦________. Reasons for …… are in abundance.

或The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows. Firstly,____. Secondly, ____. Thirdly, _____.

或There are at least two good reasons accounting for ______. On the one hand, ________. On the other hand, _______ is due to the fact that ________.

4. 提出措施/建议

Therefore, immediate measures should be taken to …. To begin with,…….. What’s more,……. Last but not least,……

或It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop ...

或It is necessary that steps should be taken to ...

或To solve the above-mentioned problem, we must ...

5. 收尾段

From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that ... 或In conclusion, it is imperative that ...

或In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up. 或With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly. 或We might do more than identify the cause it is important to take actions to ... 或Taking all these into account, we ...

或Whether it is good or not /positive or negative, one thing is certain/clear...

或Given all the above factors, it is safe to reach the conclusion that …

或Taking into account all the above factors, it is reasonable to reach the conclusion that …

How to Lose Weight

A beautiful and healthy figure is everyone’s dream. However, not everyone can easily fulfill this dream. Overweight people often have to find precise ways to lose weight.

For normal healthy people, weight is gained by taking in more calories than the body needs. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you either have to eat fewer calories or find ways to use up more calories you take in. Dieting is probably the most popular way of losing weight, because when on a diet, you are taking fewer calories.

However, the body needs many elements in order to stay healthy, and “fad” or starvation diets are bad because they are not nutritiously balanced. A better way of dieting is to keep track of everything you eat, either by your own careful choices or by buying, for a week at a time, the packaged meals sold by some diet companies. If you do not normally exercise, you should also begin sensible exercises for your age and lifestyle to help your body use up surplus calories.

In short, a combined effort of reducing the calories you eat and using up more calories than usual through exercises should help you shed off part of your body.

Sports are flourishing in china now. More and more people are willing to take part in sports of different kinds, such as table-tennis, football, volleyball, and so on. Every year there are many matches played on the city, provincial or national level. Sports are no longer limited to a few professional players. Early in the morning people may be seen doing exercise. Martial arts (like Chinese boxing or swordplay) which formerly were cultivated for self-defense, now have become a form of physical exercise and are practiced in parks, streets, gardens, or on campuses. In addition young and old people are also often seen running in order to build up their bodies. China promotes sports to enhance the physical condition of its people; she is formulating policies to provide encouragement of this activity. She awards prizes to the excellent players for the best records both in china and the world. In the world the Chinese have become a strong people instead of “the weaklings of East Asia”.

Students long to attend colleges or universities for various reasons. In my opinion, the most coMMon reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences and learn to be independent.

Career preparation is becoming more and more important to young people. For many, this is the primary reason to go to college. They know that the job market is competitive and in order to be employed in the future they have to be well equipped with knowledge and skills.

Also, students go to colleges or universities to have experiences and learn to live on their own. Going to colleges often means having the opportunity to meet with different people from different parts of the country. They learn to communicate and co-operate with each other. For most students, we guess, it is the first time that they have been away from home. They are faced with many new situations and have to learn to solve them independently, making decisions on their own and dealing with various things themselves. So colleges and universities help them grow up.

Surely, colleges and universities become their first choice.


As is known to all, dating is popular with college students. One opinion clarify that it is reasonable, but the other keep the opposite opinion. In my opinion, dating is acceptable in suitable case.

In colleges, the students are all adults. So, they have rights to built a romantic relationship in our country. College students have been strongly committed to studying hardly towards a successful carrer and therefore hesitant to date with their different sex or not. If the dating is supportive to their studies, it should be encouraged. In that case, they will do their best to finish the all aspects of their goals for the one they love, because they don’t want see that the other involved into frustration and disappointment. Of course, if the dating is only the burden, we should refuse to accept. When the dating take you up the most time and therefore you have no time to study, communication with your friends, take part in colorful activities and do other things, I think you will be deeply depraved and never gains during your college life.

In conclusion, the influence of dating between college students is versatile. Keep your eyes open between right and wrong, let’s make ourselves to be the masters of the future.

1) According to a recent study, 根据最近的一个研究

2) A recent survey indicates that . So some people take the view that . Others, however, don t think so. 最近一项调查表明 。所以有些人认为 ,而另一些人却不这样认为。

3) No one can deny the fact that , but 没有人能否认这一事实 ,但

4) A recent newspaper report on a survey among states that 最近一家报纸报道了在学生中间进行的一项调查,指出

5) One of the of is, and always has been, that 的乐趣之一,而且永远如此的,是

6) Somebody has offered a fascinating insight into the nature of 某人已对 的本质提出了有趣的深邃见解。

7) According to a major new study, conducted by , 根据 的一项新的研究,

8) One of the most striking things about sth. /sb. is that 关于某事/某人的最令人吃惊的事情之一是

9) Although the popular idea is that , a recent study shows that 虽然普遍的观点是 , 但最近的一项研究显示

10) All scientific observations justify the view that 所有科学观察都证明 的`观点是正确的。

I have the same routine from Monday to Friday. I usually get up at five fifty. Then I have breakfast. At six thirty, I go to school. I don’t ride a bike. I go to school on foot. I have five lessons in the morning. I do morning exercises with my classmates after the second lesson. At eleven thirty, I go home for lunch. In the afternoon, I have three lessons. After class, we often have sports in the playground. At five, I go home. After supper, I do my homework. At about ten, I go to bed. I am happy every day.

what should children do in their spare time?

today children are often busier than adults, for they have to attend some classes such as dancing and art at weekends or in the holidays.

parents think that their children will benefit from such classes. firstly, with the development of today's society, competitionwill be more and more intense. so only the more versatile people will have bright prospects. secondly, children will not waste their time playing games. instead, they can gain some knowledge. moreover, such classes can broaden their horizons.

however, i do not agree with the parents. nowadays, many children have been deprived of their free time and become mechanical learners at the price of their own interest. i think children should have the rights to enjoy their childhood, and to play. in their spare time they can do what they want to do. gradually they will discover what they are interestedin and do their best in respective fields.

My dream college is the University of Arizona, which is a beautiful university located in a beautiful town, Tucson, Arizona. It is great place for sunlight. I love science. The optical science is ranked No.1 in the United States. And the communication major also is ranked No.1 in America. The campus is very beautiful and full with smiles on people's faces. They will say "Thank you" if you hold the door for them after you enter a building. The University of Arizona is a scenic spot for the traveller. There are lots of travellers, who are with their children, go the Student Union to taste fun of the college life and visit Main Library to feel the academic air. I also heard the Lunar Planetary Science College already had a cooperation with NASA and they will send an satellite to an asteroid, called 1999 RQ36. The mission is called OSIRIS-REx. Finally, BEAR DOWN, ARIZONA!

我梦想中的大学是亚利桑那大学,这是一所美丽的大学,位于Tucson亚利桑那州的一个美丽的小镇上。这是阳光的好地方。我爱科学。光学科学在美国排名第一。而通信专业也在美国排名第一。校园非常美丽,人们的脸上充满了笑容。进入大楼后,如果你为他们开门,他们会说“谢谢”。亚利桑那大学是旅行者的旅游景点。有许多旅行者和他们的孩子在一起,去学生会品尝大学生活的乐趣,参观图书馆,感受学术氛围。我还听说月球行星科学学院已经与美国航天局合作,他们将发送一个卫星,小行星1999 RQ36,称为。任务叫做奥西里斯雷克斯。最后,亚利桑那州!



Recently, I heard that one of my friends wanted to change his major after one-year learning because he found that he had no interest and motivation in learning this major. From my point of view, it is not wise to change major halfway.


There are several disadvantages of changing major halfway. In the first place, changing major halfway means that we spend much time, energy and money in the last major but do not mastered the whole knowledge of that major yet. Second, changing major halfway needs a great resolution and we will face much pressure from others. Finally, changing major halfway may increase the burden of our family finance in that we need to spend another amount of money on another major. In addition, if we change our major halfway, we will lose a chance to find out our potential. Lack of persistence and willpower, we are difficult to be successful.


In short, it is not advocated that we change major halfway. Therefore, we had better take all aspects into consideration when we are choosing major so that we can avoid change major halfway. Once we choose a major, we should try our best to learn it better.




he Golden Week holidays in China has considerably promoted the development of the nations economy and touring industry and enriched peoples life. People around the country have spent more time and money traveling and relaxing themselves.

As every coin has two sides, the Golden Week holidays have also brought about piles of problems. For one thing, due to the fact that people across the country are spending their vacations during the same period of time, it is terribly crowded almost everywhere: trains, buses, hotels, scenic spots, etc., which have ruined peoples mood for vacations. For another, some businessmen take advantage of the weeklong holidays and raise the priced of commodities and services.

Personally, I believe that it is necessary for people to have long vacations, but there is no need for them to have the vacations during the same period of time. Instead, they should be allowed the freedom to arrange their own vacations. Only in this way can they really relax and refresh themselves for a new round of work.

As can be seen from the chart that money value of annual global electronic transactions id increasing gradually in the seven years. In 1997, the money value of global electronic commerce transactions is US$ 2.6 billion, while the number reaches US$1000 billion, 500 times that of 1997. why is electronic commerce booming nowadays?


Several factors contribute to this phenomenon. First, the availability of computer is the foremost cause. The rapid development of computer technology enables everybody to have access to computer and Internet. Internet now no more a stranger to common people. Second, the technology of Internet is becoming more and more mature. People, who at first do not trust business transactions on Internet, now become convinced that doing business on Internet is very convenient and effective. Thirdly, electronic commerce is the fastest way so far to make transactions across far distance. It makes it possible to do business at home and it saves time and unnecessary formalities as well. That is why electronic commerce is preferable to the prosperity of world economy and it also give birth to SOHO, a special group of people working at home. The trend towards a promising e-commerce is inevitable. Therefore let's get prepared to embrace this irretrievable trend.


one afternoon, a close friend of mine came up to me ecitedly:

julia, dont you know that theres a cherry tree in our school?

a cherry tree? really? where?

cherry trees were so scarce that i had only seen them in the film romantic cherry.

in i garden. hurry! lets go and see it!

i dropped my book and followed my friend out of the class

as soon as i stepped into i garden, i began seeking the precious pink eagerly. and ho, there it was! in the distance,several pink clouds were floating above a small pavilion. that was it! my cherry tree!

we quickened our steps. little by little, the gossamer like pink clouds grew bigger and bigger and at last seemed to occupy the blue sky when we were just standing under the cherry, on a small slope. beneath my feet, the soil was covered by fallen petals. what a wonderful eperience! stretching my arms widely, i felt as if flying in the air weightlessly in the world of pink.

when a gentle breeze passed by, hundreds of petals parachuted down. they danced and whirled beautifully in the air and blurred my vision. the petals were so light that it took them some time to fall down onto the ground or into the pool.

the petals lying on the ground joined their brothers and sisters to etend a pink carpet while those floating on the water were setting out on a mysterious journey.

i surely will be sorry when all of the petals have fallen down. my friend said woefully.

no. although they have left their home and have been separated from each other, they are still happy and composed and try to do their best where god place them. i said to myself,firmly and hopefully.

简 评

本文描写了樱桃树开花的美景和作者喜悦的心情。呈现在作者眼前的是一个粉红色的世界:头顶上漂浮着粉红色的“云彩”,脚下粉红色的花瓣覆盖着大地。作者对花瓣飘落的描写非常精彩:hundreds“petals parachuted down;they danced and whirled beautifully intheair,使读者仿佛身临其境。在作者笔下,这些花瓣都有了生命的灵气:落在地上的花瓣合力展开一块粉色的地毯,而落在水中的花瓣开始了它们的神秘之旅。


Today is New Year, I wish my wish, very not easy to get this joyful holiday to come. New Year's day, is our country folk ceremonious, the most lively a traditional holiday. I like the New Year, because you can get a red envelope, gather the family livelily, how happy things. Although our house is my mother and I and my sister, but I'm still happy.

Early in the morning, I was waken up by the "or" firecrackers, began my new plan. I happily to find mom, grinning ground to say: "mom, I wish you a happy New Year, more and more beautiful!" Mother to listen to and then said, "that also wish you academic progress, happy every day!" And then solemnly give red packets to me.

In the afternoon, we went to bought a lot of gun, what the tortoise cannons, parachutes, fireworks anyway. By six o 'clock, we according to the convention on the balcony of the rope to hang a big bunch of firecrackers, exciting moment arrived, sister gently walked over, picked up in the hands of sweet braved Mars, carefully lit firecrackers, ran quickly. The gunshot deafening, we had to put his hand over his ears, look at the bright sparks, is very colorful. Then we went to dinner.

The food is delicious, have dumplings, braise in soy sauce meat, green vegetables soup, etc., an appetite is big, I forgot drooling, picked up the chopsticks one breath a soup, with a full stomach I watch TV.

New Year's party was really wonderful ah, have a nice compendium of materia medica, and eye-catching "ring into egg", and "not bad money" zhao4 ben3 shan, is really an eye-opener to me.

The New Year is really makes me unforgettable, like the first the unforgettable tonight!







How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic

Nowadays, China‘s cities are getting increasingly crowded. The rapid increase in population is being made worse by the steady influx of people from the rural areas seeking employment. As a result, heavy traffic is a big headache, with all the roads packed with cars, bicycles and pedestrians.

In my opinion, there are two ways to solve the problem. One is to build more and wider roads to make the public highways less crowded and speed up the flow of traffic. The other is to expand the number of public bus routes, so that more people can be transported and fewer people will have to travel by car or bicycle.

However, each of these solutions brings problems with it. The former may occupy too much land that could be used for farms or houses; the latter may cause inconvenience for long periods in bus lines. I think the best answer to the problem of heavy traffic is a combination of the two: build more roads in places where land is less useful, and at the same time increase the number of public bus routes.

Personal credit cards are becoming more common in China. Banks and other financial institutions are encouraging their customers to change the way they buy things. Credit cards, otherwise known as “plastic money”, are being offered on very good terms to encourage the change. Consumers will be able to “buy now, pay later”, and many see this as an advantage.

But people need to be careful. There are dangers associated with credit cards. Some people find it very easy to exceed their budget. They are tempted to purchase goods that they do not really need, and can become quickly overburdened by debt. The credit cards often charge a high rate of interest, which exacerbates the problems for these people.

However, used wisely credit cards can improve the quality of people’s lives. They can give people access to money to meet sudden unplanned expenses. Properly handled, they can let people control their expenditure and the monthly statements provide a record of where their money has gone.

When asked about do you like live with roommates,the overwhelming majority of most students answer that they quite willing to live in the dormitory.But fewer people hold that they can not bear the hostel environment and it seems that the number is increasing. There are mainly three reasons responsible for this phenomenon. In the first place,as most students never stay away from parents , so they was not accustomed to live in the dormitory and they will try to move out and to get more private place.What’s more,the living conditions are generally not so good ,there are no modern equipments,and students have to obey many regulations when living in the dormitory.

At length,the roomates all are come from the different place,living habits are quite different. From my point of view,it would be better for college students to live in the dormitory .On the one hand,it is good for college students to communicate with each other,which is will help to develop social and professional skills.On the other hand,living in the outside is more expensive than in the dormitory.We can use the money saved from renting a house to do something meaningful.

Skippingclasses is quite common in college campus in that students have more freedom oncollege than ever before. But why do they want to skip classes? Differentstudents have different reasons concerning it.


Thereare some reasons given by some students. First, some students skip theirclasses just because they don’t like the classes. They think that some classesare quite boring and time-wasting, as well as they can’t learn a lot from theclasses. Therefore, they skip this kind of classes to study individually. Thisis one of the reasons for high absence rate in some public courses. Second,many students skip their classes because they lack of self-discipline and areindulged in other things, such as playing online games. They cannot controlthemselves well and finally lost their aim and motivation to learn. Inaddition, oversleeping and being ill are also the reasons for class absence.They consider that their absence will not be noticed if they teachers don’tcall over.


Thereare various reasons for skipping classes, but as far as I am concerned,skipping classes should not be advocated because students always can learnsomething from each class, no matter how boring the class is. In addition,skipping classes is a kind of waste of money. What’s more, attending classes isalso a kind of respect for our teachers. Therefore, please attend each class asmuch as possible.





论文题目: 浅析游戏教学法在中职英语课堂教学中的应用

摘要: 情感因素对语言学习有很大的影响。中职学生在英语学习方面普遍存在着基础薄弱、学习动机不强等学习焦虑方面的问题,英语课堂教学因此存在着互动消极、教学反馈少、效果差的情况。游戏教学法从理论和实际效用上对于改善这种情况都是很好的应用。

关键词: 游戏教学法;中职英语;课堂教学







语言学家斯蒂芬·克拉申(Stephen Krashen)的情感过滤假设理论(Affective Filter Hypothesis)认为,“有了大量的适合的输入的环境并不等于学生就可以学好目的语了,第二语言习得的进程还受着许多的情感因素的影响。语言输入(input)必须通过情感过滤(filter)才有可能变成语言吸入(intake)。”也就是说,情感因素起着促进或阻碍的作用。“高情感过滤会限制习得,而低情感过滤则有助于习得。”情感因素则包括动机、自信心及焦虑程度。











(1)猜词游戏(词汇主题的练习)。游戏方法一:同学A对单词进行描述(Oral Description),同学B来猜测。如“It is a kind of fruit,it has green skin and red inside.”游戏方法二:用问答形式进行猜词。给出既定范围内的单词,比如交通工具类。同学A用规定的一般疑问句句型发问,如“Does the vehicle have wheels?”同学B只能回答“Yes”或“No”。两组同学分别进行,规定时间内猜出更多词汇的一组获胜。这是一种促使学生积极思维,考察学生对知识点掌握情况的好方法。


(3)一站到底(文化类主题的练习)。每组选出一名学生参加游戏,以抽签的方式产生一位擂主,其他同学依次进行挑战,挑战胜利者成为下一轮的擂主接受挑战,最后站在擂主位置的同学为获胜者。挑战的题目内容是与文化相关的,每个同学答题时间有一定的限制。如“When is Christmas?(圣诞节是何时?)Whatdo westerners use when they eat?(西方人用什么吃饭?)”









【内容摘要】 今后的教学模式的发展趋势是从哲学范畴去创新课堂教学形式,在生成观视域下探索学生的心理发展,最终以课堂教学为外在形式,使学生能够形成积极的人生观、价值观。本文从“生成观”的角度来理解大学英语教学过程,对其价值导向、主体生成、生活属性等进行哲学关注,希望从理论上重新理清大学英语的教育思路,提高教学效果。

【关键词】 生成观;大学英语教育;价值导向;主体生成















摘要: 我国传统的高校英语教育偏向于应试教育,学生更多地只是为了应付考试过级,哑巴英语现象十分严重。因此,随着互联网技术的发展,高校英语教育在跨文化的视域下需要做好转型和改革。而且,高校英语教育必须适应互联网的传播方式,同时,高校英语教育还要注意互联网时代跨文化的影响。

关键词: 互联网时代;跨文化;高校英语教育

















摘要: 合作学习是一种富有创意和实效的教学理论与策略。它显著地提高了学生的学业成绩,并在不同程度上促进了学生形成良好合作意识与沟通意识,很快引起了世界各国的关注,被人们誉为“近十几年来最重要和最成功的教学改革”。英语学科在小组合作学习策略的计划与实施下,教学成果也取得的质的飞跃。在英语教学中,课堂教学以学生为主体,充分发挥学生的积极性与主动性,使学生被动的接受知识的学习转变成学生积极主动的学习。以小组合作学习的形式开展教学,充分调动全体学生的思维,这在英语教学成效上有着十分重要的意义。

关键词: 合作学习;教学改革;高中英语课堂;教学成效




























The term English literature refers to literature written in the English language, including literature composed in English by writers not necessarily from England; Joseph Conrad was Polish, Robert Burns was Scottish, James Joyce was Irish, Dylan Thomas was Welsh, Edgar Allan Poe was American, Salman Rushdie is Indian, V.S. Naipaul was born in Trinidad, Vladimir Nabokov was Russian. In other words, English literature is as diverse as the varieties and dialects of English spoken around the world. In academia, the term often labels departments and programmes practising English studies in secondary and tertiary educational systems. Despite the variety of authors of English literature, the works of William Shakespeare remain paramount throughout the English-speaking world.This article primarily deals with literature from Britain written in English. For literature from specific English-speaking regions, consult the see also section at the bottom of the page.Contents [hide]1 Old English 2 Renaissance literature 3 Early Modern period 3.1 Elizabethan Era 3.2 Jacobean literature 3.3 Caroline and Cromwellian literature 3.4 Restoration literature 3.5 Augustan literature 4 18th century 5 Romanticism 6 Victorian literature 7 Modernism 8 Post-modern literature 9 Views of English literature 10 See also 11 External links Old EnglishMain article: Anglo-Saxon literatureThe first works in English, written in Old English, appeared in the early Middle Ages (the oldest surviving text is Cædmon's Hymn). The oral tradition was very strong in early British culture and most literary works were written to be performed. Epic poems were thus very popular and many, including Beowulf, have survived to the present day in the rich corpus of Anglo-Saxon literature that closely resemble today's Norwegian or, better yet, Icelandic. Much Anglo-Saxon verse in the extant manuscripts is probably a "milder" adaptation of the earlier Viking and German war poems from the continent. When such poetry was brought to England it was still being handed down orally from one generation to another, and the constant presence of alliterative verse, or consonant rhyme (today's newspaper headlines and marketing abundantly use this technique such as in Big is Better) helped the Anglo-Saxon peoples remember it. Such rhyme is a feature of Germanic languages and is opposed to vocalic or end-rhyme of Romance languages. But the first written literature dates to the early Christian monasteries founded by St. Augustine of Canterbury and his disciples and it is reasonable to believe that it was somehow adapted to suit to needs of Christian readers. Even without their crudest lines, Viking war poems still smell of blood feuds and their consonant rhymes sound like the smashing of swords under the gloomy northern sky: there is always a sense of imminent danger in the narratives. Sooner or later, all things must come to an end, as Beowulf eventually dies at the hands of the monsters he spends the tale fighting. The feelings of Beowulf that nothing lasts, that youth and joy will turn to death and sorrow entered Christianity and were to dominate the future landscape of English fiction.Renaissance literatureMain article: English RenaissanceFollowing the introduction of a printing press into England by William Caxton in 1476, vernacular literature flourished. The Reformation inspired the production of vernacular liturgy which led to the Book of Common Prayer, a lasting influence on literary English language. The poetry, drama, and prose produced under both Queen Elizabeth I and King James I constitute what is today labelled as Early modern (or Renaissance).Early Modern periodFurther information: Early Modern English and Early Modern Britain Elizabethan EraMain article: Elizabethan literatureThe Elizabethan era saw a great flourishing of literature, especially in the field of drama. The Italian Renaissance had rediscovered the ancient Greek and Roman theatre, and this was instrumental in the development of the new drama, which was then beginning to evolve apart from the old mystery and miracle plays of the Middle Ages. The Italians were particularly inspired by Seneca (a major tragic playwright and philosopher, the tutor of Nero) and Plautus (its comic clichés, especially that of the boasting soldier had a powerful influence on the Renaissance and after). However, the Italian tragedies embraced a principle contrary to Seneca's ethics: showing blood and violence on the stage. In Seneca's plays such scenes were only acted by the characters. But the English playwrights were intrigued by Italian model: a conspicuous community of Italian actors had settled in London and Giovanni Florio had brought much of the Italian language and culture to England. It is also true that the Elizabethan Era was a very violent age and that the high incidence of political assassinations in Renaissance Italy (embodied by Niccolò Machiavelli's The Prince) did little to calm fears of popish plots. As a result, representing that kind of violence on the stage was probably more cathartic for the Elizabethan spectator. Following earlier Elizabethan plays such as Gorboduc by Sackville & Norton and The Spanish Tragedy by Kyd that was to provide much material for Hamlet, William Shakespeare stands out in this period as a poet and playwright as yet unsurpassed. Shakespeare was not a man of letters by profession, and probably had only some grammar school education. He was neither a lawyer, nor an aristocrat as the "university wits" that had monopolised the English stage when he started writing. But he was very gifted and incredibly versatile, and he surpassed "professionals" as Robert Greene who mocked this "shake-scene" of low origins. Though most dramas met with great success, it is in his later years (marked by the early reign of James I) that he wrote what have been considered his greatest plays: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra, and The Tempest, a tragicomedy that inscribes within the main drama a brilliant pageant to the new king. This 'play within a play' takes the form of a masque, an interlude with music and dance coloured by the novel special effects of the new indoor theatres. Critics have shown that this masterpiece, which can be considered a dramatic work in its own right, was written for James's court, if not for the monarch himself. The magic arts of Prospero, on which depend the outcome of the plot, hint at the fine relationship between art and nature in poetry. Significantly for those times (the arrival of the first colonists in America), The Tempest is (though not apparently) set on a Bermudan island, as research on the Bermuda Pamphlets (1609) has shown, linking Shakespeare to the Virginia Company itself. The "News from the New World", as Frank Kermode points out, were already out and Shakespeare's interest in this respect is remarkable. Shakespeare also popularized the English sonnet which made significant changes to Petrarch's model.The sonnet was introduced into English by Thomas Wyatt in the early 16th century. Poems intended to be set to music as songs, such as by Thomas Campion, became popular as printed literature was disseminated more widely in households. See English Madrigal School. Other important figures in Elizabethan theatre include Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Dekker, John Fletcher and Francis Beaumont. Had Marlowe (1564-1593) not been stabbed at twenty-nine in a tavern brawl, says Anthony Burgess, he might have rivalled, if not equalled Shakespeare himself for his poetic gifts. Remarkably, he was born only a few weeks before Shakespeare and must have known him well. Marlowe's subject matter, though, is different: it focuses more on the moral drama of the renaissance man than any other thing. Marlowe was fascinated and terrified by the new frontiers opened by modern science. Drawing on German lore, he introduced Dr. Faustus to England, a scientist and magician who is obsessed by the thirst of knowledge and the desire to push man's technological power to its limits. He acquires supernatural gifts that even allow him to go back in time and wed Helen of Troy, but at the end of his twenty-four years' covenant with the devil he has to surrender his soul to him. His dark heroes may have something of Marlowe himself, whose untimely death remains a mystery. He was known for being an atheist, leading a lawless life, keeping many mistresses, consorting with ruffians: living the 'high life' of London's underworld. But many suspect that this might have been a cover-up for his activities as a secret agent for Elizabeth I, hinting that the 'accidental stabbing' might have been a premeditated assassination by the enemies of The Crown. Beaumont and Fletcher are less-known, but it is almost sure that they helped Shakespeare write some of his best dramas, and were quite popular at the time. It is also at this time that the city comedy genre develops. In the later 16th century English poetry was characterised by elaboration of language and extensive allusion to classical myths. The most important poets of this era include Edmund Spenser and Sir Philip Sidney. Elizabeth herself, a product of Renaissance humanism, produced occasional poems such as On Monsieur’s Departure.Canons of Renaissance poetryJacobean literatureAfter Shakespeare's death, the poet and dramatist Ben Jonson was the leading literary figure of the Jacobean era (The reign of James I). However, Jonson's aesthetics hark back to the Middle Ages rather than to the Tudor Era: his characters embody the theory of humours. According to this contemporary medical theory, behavioral differences result from a prevalence of one of the body's four "humours" (blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile) over the other three; these humours correspond with the four elements of the universe: air, water, fire, and earth. This leads Jonson to exemplify such differences to the point of creating types, or clichés.Jonson is a master of style, and a brilliant satirist. His Volpone shows how a group of scammers are fooled by a top con-artist, vice being punished by vice, virtue meting out its reward.Others who followed Jonson's style include Beaumont and Fletcher, who wrote the brilliant comedy, The Knight of the Burning Pestle, a mockery of the rising middle class and especially of those nouveaux riches who pretend to dictate literary taste without knowing much literature at all. In the story, a couple of grocers wrangle with professional actors to have their illiterate son play a leading role in a drama. He becomes a knight-errant wearing, appropriately, a burning pestle on his shield. Seeking to win a princess' heart, the young man is ridiculed much in the way Don Quixote was. One of Beaumont and Fletcher's chief merits was that of realising how feudalism and chivalry had turned into snobbery and make-believe and that new social classes were on the rise.Another popular style of theatre during Jacobean times was the revenge play, popularized by John Webster and Thomas Kyd. George Chapman wrote a couple of subtle revenge tragedies, but must be remembered chiefly on account of his famous translation of Homer, one that had a profound influence on all future English literature, even inspiring John Keats to write one of his best sonnets.The King James Bible, one of the most massive translation projects in the history of English up to this time, was started in 1604 and completed in 1611. It represents the culmination of a tradition of Bible translation into English that began with the work of William Tyndale. It became the standard Bible of the Church of England, and some consider it one of the greatest literary works of all time. This project was headed by James I himself, who supervised the work of forty-seven scholars. Although many other translations into English have been made, some of which are widely considered more accurate, many aesthetically prefer the King James Bible, whose meter is made to mimic the original Hebrew verse.Besides Shakespeare, whose figure towers over the early 1600s, the major poets of the early 17th century included John Donne and the other Metaphysical poets. Influenced by continental Baroque, and taking as his subject matter both Christian mysticism and eroticism, metaphysical poetry uses unconventional or "unpoetic" figures, such as a compass or a mosquito, to reach surprise effects. For example, in "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning", one of Donne's Songs and Sonnets, the points of a compass represent two lovers, the woman who is home, waiting, being the centre, the farther point being her lover sailing away from her. But the larger the distance, the more the hands of the compass lean to each other: separation makes love grow fonder. The paradox or the oxymoron is a constant in this poetry whose fears and anxieties also speak of a world of spiritual certainties shaken by the modern discoveries of geography and science, one that is no longer the centre of the universe. Apart from the metaphysical poetry of Donne, the 17th century is also celebrated for its Baroque poetry. Baroque poetry served the same ends as the art of the period; the Baroque style is lofty, sweeping, epic, and religious. Many of these poets have an overtly Catholic sensibility (namely Richard Crashaw) and wrote poetry for the Catholic counter-Reformation in order to establish a feeling of supremacy and mysticism that would ideally persuade newly emerging Protestant groups back toward Catholicism.Caroline and Cromwellian literatureThe turbulent years of the mid-17th century, during the reign of Charles I and the subsequent Commonwealth and Protectorate, saw a flourishing of political literature in English. Pamphlets written by sympathisers of every faction in the English civil war ran from vicious personal attacks and polemics, through many forms of propaganda, to high-minded schemes to reform the nation. Of the latter type, Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes would prove to be one of the most important works of British political philosophy. Hobbes's writings are some of the few political works from the era which are still regularly published while John Bramhall, who was Hobbes's chief critic, is largely forgotten. The period also saw a flourishing of news books, the precursors to the British newspaper, with journalists such as Henry Muddiman, Marchamont Needham, and John Birkenhead representing the views and activities of the contending parties. The frequent arrests of authors and the suppression of their works, with the consequence of foreign or underground printing, led to the proposal of a licensing system. The Areopagitica, a political pamphlet by John Milton, was written in opposition to licensing and is regarded as one of the most eloquent defenses of press freedom ever written.Specifically in the reign of Charles I (1625 – 42), English Renaissance theatre experienced its concluding efflorescence. The last works of Ben Jonson appeared on stage and in print, along with the final generation of major voices in the drama of the age: John Ford, Philip Massinger, James Shirley, and Richard Brome. With the closure of the theatres at the start of the English Civil War in 1642, drama was suppressed for a generation, to resume only in the altered society of the English Restoration in 1660.Other forms of literature written during this period are usually ascribed political subtexts, or their authors are grouped along political lines. The cavalier poets, active mainly before the civil war, owed much to the earlier school of metaphysical poets. The forced retirement of royalist officials after the execution of Charles I was a good thing in the case of Izaak Walton, as it gave him time to work on his book The Compleat Angler. Published in 1653, the book, ostensibly a guide to fishing, is much more: a meditation on life, leisure, and contentment. The two most important poets of Oliver Cromwell's England were Andrew Marvell and John Milton, with both producing works praising the new government; such as Marvell's An Horatian Ode upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland. Despite their republican beliefs they escaped punishment upon the Restoration of Charles II, after which Milton wrote some of his greatest poetical works (with any possible political message hidden under allegory). Thomas Browne was another writer of the period; a learned man with an extensive library, he wrote prolifically on science, religion, medicine and the esoteric.Restoration literatureMain article: Restoration LiteratureRestoration literature includes both Paradise Lost and the Earl of Rochester's Sodom, the high spirited sexual comedy of The Country Wife and the moral wisdom of Pilgrim's Progress. It saw Locke's Treatises on Government, the founding of the Royal Society, the experiments of Robert Boyle and the holy meditations of Boyle, the hysterical attacks on theatres from Jeremy Collier, the pioneering of literary criticism from Dryden, and the first newspapers. The official break in literary culture caused by censorship and radically moralist standards under Cromwell's Puritan regime created a gap in literary tradition, allowing a seemingly fresh start for all forms of literature after the Restoration. During the Interregnum, the royalist forces attached to the court of Charles I went into exile with the twenty-year old Charles II. The nobility who travelled with Charles II were therefore lodged for over a decade in the midst of the continent's literary scene. Charles spent his time attending plays in France, and he developed a taste for Spanish plays. Those nobles living in Holland began to learn about mercantile exchange as well as the tolerant, rationalist prose debates that circulated in that officially tolerant nation.The largest and most important poetic form of the era was satire. In general, publication of satire was done anonymously. There were great dangers in being associated with a satire. On the one hand, defamation law was a wide net, and it was difficult for a satirist to avoid prosecution if he were proven to have written a piece that seemed to criticize a noble. On the other hand, wealthy individuals would respond to satire as often as not by having the suspected poet physically attacked by ruffians. John Dryden was set upon for being merely suspected of having written the Satire on Mankind. A consequence of this anonymity is that a great many poems, some of them of merit, are unpublished and largely unknown.未完


Some people think that we learn our most important lessons in school. Others think that the knowledge we acquire outside of school is the most important. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.问题——现实情况——他人的观点——你的观点 Children all around the world are attending school. Education has become a core issue for every government on earth, and they are all striving hard to achieve higher quality and larger scale of education. This is by no means coincidence, but indicates the importance of education. In my point of view, we learn our most important lessons of our life in school, which is reflected by the emphasis of education by governments.理由一 In schools, students learn the essence of all human knowledge. The human knowledge is accumulated through all human history. Knowledge taught in lessons in school are selected and selected over thousands of years, composing the fundamental knowledge a person needed to survive and succeed in society. For example, the mathematics courses in school lay the basis for every student who is to understand numbers. If they know nothing about mathematics, they may well be fooled in the future by banks and other people.理由二 Also, the knowledge taught in school is often systematic and reasonable, rather than discrete pieces of knowledge. Through the process of learning systematically and solving academic problems by reasoning, students only learn the knowledge they are learning, but also learn the most efficient way to view and solve problems around us. For example, through learning physics and chemistry, students know more about what's happening around us, but more importantly, they grasp some idea of observation, assumption, experimentation and conclusion.理由三 And lessons in school often determine students' appetite of literature, art and music. In schools, student spend much more time learning famous piece of literary works, paintings, sculptures and great compositions, which is definitely different from what they hear and see outside the school. In this way, their appetites for beauty reach a higher level. And an appetite for fine arts and literature would bring tremendous benefits to the happiness of their life, considering the huge heritage of fine arts we have!理由四 To conclude, the knowledge taught in school is the true essence of all human knowledge, and school knowledge has a tremendous positive effect on individuals.总结理由,强化结论

帮你弄一篇吧我选的是第二个题目Information and communications technology to ChinaChina has experienced rapid growth within the information and communications technology (ICT) industry over the past decade, and now plays a leading role in China’s economic development. As a result of China’s ‘opening up’ policy and path of economic reform, China’s electronic communications industry has grown at three times the rate of GDP growth. In 2006, China’s electronic communications industry revenue reached RMB475 billion. The total value of foreign trade reached US$651.7 billion representing over 15 per cent of the global electronics trade, with the output of many electronic products ranked first worldwide. These electronics products include: • colour TVs • mobile phone handsets • computers • electronic watches • calculators • DVDsChina’s accession into the World Trade Organization (WTO) provided a transitional period for opening up its telecom sector which lasted until November 2007. Consequently, this has assisted China to develop one of the largest open telecom markets in the world. The Value Added Services (VAS) sector is expected to contribute to this growth, as one of the hottest market entry sectors for foreign ICT companies. Through the Ministry of Information Industry (MII), the Chinese Government administers foreign direct investment into the telecommunications sector. This includes basic infrastructure and value added services, however, with various restrictions on foreign ownership levels. From 1 December 2007, a new set of Categories of Foreign Investment Industry Guidance 2007 Amended Version has been implemented, superseding the previous version issued on 30 November 2004, and providing new levels of guidance on foreign direct investment in the various industry sectors. To ensure China’s telecommunications market operates in a fair, transparent and effective competitive environment, China’s first Telecommunications Law has been drafted and is currently undergoing a process of public consultation before being enacted. This should provide further guidance and protection to both investors and operators, in addition to the various regulations currently in place. With China entering its 11th Five Year Plan period, ICT has also moved from 'enabling and promoting' to 'strengthening industry integration and indigenous innovations'. The key focuses are to:• Continue increasing overall integrated ICT service levels • Increase and improve the development of ICT infrastructure • Strengthen the indigenous innovation in core industries • Focus on incubating strategic industry clusters • Proactively promote the integrated development of all ICT sectors • Strengthen the modernisation of post services • Strengthen the administration of radio communications • Increase the supportive capability of ICT infrastructure to the national economyBy 2010, the targeted penetration levels for fixed telecommunication in China is anticipated to reach 30 per cent of its population to one billion subscribers in operation (SIO), and 45 per cent penetration in mobile communications to 600 million SIOs. Internet users are anticipated to reach 200 million with 15 per cent penetration.TelecommunicationsSince the first wireless mobile phone base station was installed on 18 November 1987, China reached 531.4 million mobile SIOs at the end of October 2007. Therefore, China has the highest number of mobile phone subscribers in the world. The vast number of SIOs also generated 483.7 billion short message services (SMS). Due to China’s large population, mobile penetration in China is still considered low at 39.9 per cent when compared with most developed countries. This presents substantial growth opportunities for companies within the China market.Fixed communications grew slightly lower than mobile communications with a total of 370 million SIOs, representing a 28.3 per cent penetration rate. China has over 22,000 registered companies providing Value Added Services to the telecom sector. There are six major telecommunications operators in China:• China Telecom • China Mobile • China Satellite Company • China Unicom • China Netcom • China Railway CommunicationsSoftware and system integrationIn 2006, the size of China’s domestic software market reached RMB480 billion. The total number of registered software companies increased to 15,723 with over 1.29 million people employed in the software industry. There were over 35 companies with a turnover exceeding RMB1 billion, and 51 companies with turnover in the range of RMB0.5–1 billion. Furthermore, more than 80 software companies had over 1,000 employees. There are currently 38 companies with CMM5 (Capability Maturity Model For Software) certifications, the highest level of an internationally recognized certification program for software companies. In addition, 23 companies achieved CMM4 certifications and over 200 companies were awarded CMM3 certifications. The increasing number of Chinese software companies seeking and achieving CMM certification demonstrates their enhanced software development capabilities and overall product quality to compete in the global market. InternetSince China sent out the first email 'Across the Great Wall we can reach every corner in the world' on 20 September 1987, the diffusion of the Internet in China has grown in parallel with the development and expansion of the overall telecom infrastructure. China has become the world’s second largest Internet user country with an estimated 162 million users behind the US with 211 million users. In addition, at the end of June 2007, China had 67 million Internet connected computers and over 1.3 million websites. The total bandwidth to the world reached 312,346Mbps with annual growth rate of 45.8 per cent.Although China’s Internet industry has achieved significant growth, the penetration is still very low at 12.3 per cent, as compared with the global average of 17.6 per cent. There is clear 'unequitable' access to the Internet between urban and rural areas with 21.6 per cent as compared to 5.1 per cent respectively.ADSL, dial-Up and wireless (including mobile phone access) are the three key access methods of accessing the Internet in China. Broadband SIOs have grown very quickly. As at December 2007, broadband users reached 122 million, the largest user country in the world, with a penetration rate of 17.5 per cent. In 2007, 30 per cent of the new broadband users were from rural areas. In addition, there are also 20.2 million dial-Up users.The key applications for Internet users in China are searching for news, instant messaging, and entertainment (music, video and games). There has been a growing trend of e-commerce related activities including net-shopping, travel booking, online stock market trading and banking. It is expected e-commerce related applications and services will become one of the key growth areas in the future.Although there has been increasing trend of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Internet- related infrastructure, applications and services such as Internet Service Providers (ISPs), Application Service Provider (ASPs), and Internet Content Provider (ICPs) are yet to open up to foreign providers, and there are strict content management and approval processes in place to ensure that the Internet is used to enhance social responsibility and harmony. The challenges facing China’s Internet industry include:• Equitable access to the Internet between urban and rural areas to break the 'digital divide'. • Level of information and technology knowledge among small to medium enterprises. • Overall quality and applications of the Internet, to improve the productivity and be more competitive on the global market. • Integration of information and communication technologies within all industry sectors.OpportunitiesThe development of China’s ICT industry provides opportunities in a number of areas, which include the following:• Telecommunications infrastructure o 3G/4G wireless communications o IP based technologies o Rural telecommunications o Network integration and billing• Value Added Services o e-Learning o Entertainment o Mobile applications• E-Commerce o Online payment and mobile payment o e-Security o Integrated logistics application and management• Industry application o Telematics o Remote metering o Geo-spatial application o Environment and clean technology applications o Finance and banking o Security o Digital content• New Technologies and applications and materials o IPTV o New digital audio systems o Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) o Nanotechnologies o Energy efficiency materialsTariffs, regulations and customsTariffs for ICT products and services vary depending on the category classification and what level of Chinese indigenous component is included. Certain ICT products exported to China are subject to China Compulsory Certification, known as 3CCC certification. As a result of China's commitments for accession into the WTO, China has applied zero tariffs to 256 categories of ICT products. To determine the exact category and the level of tariffs applied, if any, it is recommended that experienced customs brokers specialised in ICT products are consulted. Marketing your products and servicesMarket entryDepending upon your company’s situation and strategic direction, there are various vehicles that can be utilised for entry into the Chinese ICT market. These include: • Wholly owned foreign enterprises (WOFEs) • Joint ventures (JVs) • Value added resellers (VARs) • DistributorsA new and emerging type of entry vehicle, Virtual Entry, has been utilised by many small and medium (SME) companies. A Chinese domain name is registered with all the content translated into the local language, however, operations are conducted offshore in the home country. Each vehicle requires a different set of requirements and investment strategies.The Chinese Government’s aim is to become more transparent in awarding large projects. A public tender is normally published via media inviting Expression of Interests from interested and suitable companies. In some circumstances, foreign companies find it useful to form a partnership with suitable local companies to promote awareness of their capabilities. Establishing good relationships with key stakeholders are vital so that a company can be in a better position to access information and prepare a submission. However, many other projects are done via local network. In these circumstances it is often necessary to work with a local partner with a similar industry capability and background. If your products or applications do not require local modification and are 'plug and play', you may sell your products and services via a local distributor. This can occur once customs import procedure is cleared and passes through relevant network-access tests if applicable. If your products and applications require localisation, translation, further development and local integration, then a local service integrator needs to be engaged. This can be done via a joint venture partner or a service contractor, prior to selling to the end users, especially in financial and other sensitive categories.In most of the cases, except games and English language learning applications, it is most likely that your products and applications will have to be 'localised' to suit the local market environment. This is especially important for accounting, intelligent transportation systems, finance and banking, and security applications.Registration of a company is relatively easy in China once you meet all the requirements. Different company structures require different start-up capital funding. There can be regional variations to company registration requirements. It is recommended that you research well and consult widely before making a final investment decision. 刚才算了一下,大概是1700多字




Many years ago, the movie about the youth became very popular, every year, we can see many hot movies about the protagonist’s passed youth. People like to recall their passed youth, which makes such movies sell good. But I find the common things about these movies, all the protagonists’ youth are about fighting, love and other negative things. I understand the directors’ intention, they want to tell people youth is not perfect and having pities. Of course movie is exaggerating, the real youth is about studying, at least, most people have worked so hard to get into their ideal colleges. What the movies describe make up some people’s youth, for which they don’t have the chance to experience. We should not be misled by these movies, for the teenagers, their job is to study, so that they can have a bright future.



I like English. I think I can share my English learning method with you. First of all, develop interest on English. My way to make it is to watch movies from abroad. At first, I will watch the movie with subtitle. Then I will remove the subtitle, only English left. Gradually, show great interest in English. Secondly, recite vocabularies. Vocabulary is the necessary foundation to start learn English. This time you have to force yourself to remember words. Thirdly, understand basic grammar thoroughly. It is hard for me to understand the meaning of a sentence if I don’t know the basic grammar. Last but not least is to speak more. The basic purpose to learn a language is to communicate. So talk in English as much as you can. And don’t worry about losing face, because everyone makes mistakes. Those are my methods.



Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often

An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). For this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than money.

Many people do not know the value of time. It (this) is indeed a great pity. We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life.



下面是我整理的高中英语 议论文 范文 ,欢迎大家阅读!

高中英语议论文范文:The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games, first held in 776BC, has a history of more than one thousand years. The modern Games is held every four years. Many countries try their best to bid for hosting the Olympic Games. And every country does its best to get more medals in the Games.

There are five rings on the Olympic flag, which are considered to symbolize the five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and America. The Olympic motto is: "Swifter, higher, stronger." The Games can promote the understanding and friendship among different peoples and different nations.

高中英语议论文范文:Internet Changes Life

Internet Changes Life

Globally, we have moved from a culture centered on network television, cable, AM and FM radio and telephone into a digital society with mass media,streaming information, intelligent computer.To shift to a digital economy, best demonstrated by the explosive growth of the Internet, is transforming everyday products and practices.Ideas expressed in soft wares, chips, communication systems, financial institutions and mass media have enormous leverage worldwide.Beyond emails and online shopping, the Internet promises to change dramatically huge spectrum activities.Its benefits can be well illustrated in the following aspects.

在全球范围内,我们已经从一个 文化 中心为网络电视,有线电视,AM和FM收音机,电话的社会进入到以大众媒体,信息流,智能计算机的数字社会。转变 成数字经济,最明显体现在互联网的爆增,它正在改变日常产品和实践。思想体现在软件,芯片,通信系统,金融机构和大众媒体拥有巨大的全球影响力上。除了电 子邮件和网上购物,互联网还承诺大改光谱活动。它的好处可以在以下几个方面说明。

In the first place, it contributes to escape us from laborious work, save our time, facilitate our lives.Secondly, with computer’s extensive reach into every corner of the world, a perspective of human life can be shown only with a single keystroke.No matter where we are, in school, business workshops, operating rooms, labs, banks of halls of government, the Internet appears to reflect a perspective of human life.Furthermore, computer profits us by relaxation and entertainment it provides.

首先,它有助于我们摆脱费力的工作,节省时间,方便了我们的生活。其次,计算机的广泛延伸到世界的每个角落,只需一个单一的按键就可以透视人类生 活。不管我们在哪里,在学校,企业车间,手术室,实验室,银行政府大厅,因特网似乎都可以反映人类生活。此外,电脑不仅提供放松和娱乐还有利润。

But on the other hand, some people debate that it is also inconvenient, waste the time, isolated us from people, and make our lives more complicated.Some people repair the most sophisticated computer but can’t mend a pair of socks.Yet in fact, computer collapse the distances and demolishes all boundaries.Whether computer is a blessing or a curse, depends on

高中英语议论文范文:My View on Mistakes

Mistakes are something done, said, or believed, as a result of wrong thinking or understanding, lack of knowledge or skills. No one is perfect, and no one never makes any mistakes.

Because many people are afraid of making mistakes, they don't believe, say or do much. They behave like this just because they want to make no mistake. As I said, it's impossible, Being afraid of making mistakes is a mistake itself.Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress. Making mistakes for pursuing truth is much better than doing nothing. Failure is the mother of success. Many scientists may make a great number of mistakes before they make any discovery. If we humans didn't make mistakes, we would make no progress and still live a primitive life.

Mistakes are the best teachers who guide us through difficulties. Don't let mistakes scare you. Let's learn from mistakes.


When people are in the public, they have the sense that they should not speak loudly in the public place and they should not jump the line and so on, these are rules for them, though it is not the law makes it, but the power of morality. Self-behave seems easy to do, but when the great temptation comes, self-behave will be changed quickly.


It has been reported that in Hong Kong, a police car which was loaded with crash attracted many people to grab the money when the crash slipped down from the police car. It was such crazy, the money should be handed to the band, while on its way to the bank, people grabbed some and then left quickly. Two days later, the police found back most of the money, some people who refused to return the money were caught into the prison.


Self-behave is not easy, people are easy to obey the public rules on the small issues, while when the great temptation comes, these rules are easy to be broken. The one who can refuse to the great temptation can say he is totally self-behave.



Nowadays, we can see some boys and girls who live in a small world of their own. They bury themselves among books and are proud of themselves. They think that it will make them lose their face if they do housework for they often think themselves very noble.

These young people are wrong. In my opinion every student should have a knowledge of housework. After all, they will have a family of their own, and they should do their part in keeping a good home. Boys should also learn to do housework, for what will they do if they remain single? Though not all boys remain single, yet they will be very helpful in the family if they know some housework. Anyhow they will not lose anything, but, on the contrary, they will gain something useful.

For what I said above, we can find some examples of our fellow-students studying abroad. All young men do housework as girls do. Someone would argue that we can employ servants. This is true. However, what shall we do if the servant leaves us and all things are left to ourselves? We just cannot leave our clothes as they are and let worms and ants eat them up. And what can we do it we go and study in a foreign country where servants are out our means to employ?

We must work for ourselves. Why not start to learn to do housework now or else it will be too late?Everyone should learn to do housework. What do you think about my idea?


