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CS方向sci三区的一个小刊,之前也是major revision,大四毕业了才中了。。所以在我心目中MV几乎约等于AC,虽然这辈子只投过一篇文章。北京译顶科技做的不错,可以联系他们一下 统一查下。

学校的数据库,中国知网应该都有,根据专业也可以选择国外比较有名的数据库,推荐几个我用过的吧ABI,ACM,ASTP,American Chemical Society ,Blackwell Science-Blackwell synergy EBSCO综合类,强烈推荐,Engineering Index 工科是离不开EI的,IEEE 电子类必备,HighWire Press,ISI学术权威 ,National Technical Information Service 个人比较喜欢的,推荐








1、文献应以英、美等国家公开发表的文献为主(Journals from English speaking countries)。














英文翻译 (黑体、四号、顶格)



















毕业论文是Graduation thesis 若要在论文里指论文就可以直接说thesis或者paper

“毕业论文”用英文怎么说? Graduation thesis 毕业论文 用英语怎么说? Graduation thesis "论文"用英语怎么说 论文(Paper) 或:dissertation(论文)或:thesis(论文) 经常说的:)~ English dissertation(英语论文) Graduation thesis(毕业论文) 本科毕业论文英语怎么翻译 How will put across you gradua激ion thesis and the (thesis) oral defense? 毕业论文用英语怎么说 一般用thesis 博士论文dissertation 本科论文的"导师"英语怎么表达? 通常有: supervisor mentor tutor mentor 是比较常用 我想问一下,毕业论文后面写的已发表论文,状态里面,英文怎么表达?比如Accepted 等等。 10分 submitted: 就是这篇文章已经提交给期刊,但还没有得到任何答复,还完全有被拒收的可能; under review: 就是文章进入评审阶段,一般提交给期刊的文章先要经过期刊助手对文章结构,字数等技术性检查,合格的话才送交主编,由主编邀请评审专家初审。under review 表明主编已经将论文送审了,结果仍未知; major revision: 文章需要大改,一般情况下如果(2-3位中)1位评审专家对文章提出一些尖锐、负面的意见,而另几位的意见比较正面,则主编往往会要求作者进行大改动;至此,文章还是有被接受的可能,但要看改动后的文章是否让评审专家或主编满意; minor revision: 小改动,至此文章被接受的可能已经达90%,只需要对文中小的差错进行修改即可接受; accepted:完全接受,但离出版印刷发行还有段时间; early online (or online ready):已经完全定型的文章还需要排队印刷发行,这个过程有的期刊会很长,1-2年,early online 或 online ready 就是先将文章在网上发布出来,供读者阅读。这时的文章 doi 号码已经有,也可以引用,但还没有正式的卷号,期号及页码; published: 最后印刷出版了 本科毕业论文摘要还需要用英语翻译吗? 您好,根据我上学的时候帮各种人写毕业论文的经验来看。 每个学校的规定都不一样,这个问题需要咨询一下你们的指导老师,或者看一下你们学校下发的毕业论文的格式规范。有的学校需要,有的不需要。 所以,需要看你们学校的规定。 英语本科毕业论文怎么写?? 可以到淘宝网搜索店铺:职称毕业论文写作服务论文下载店 老板人很热情的,是辽宁阜新的。我的同学都是在他那里下载或者写 为什么本科论文前面要写一段英文 英文是文章的摘要,方便英文使用者搜索到你的文章。如果你的文章写得好,被国外的人引用不是更好么。。。为什么叫做装。。。

A Thesis Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of B. A./B. S. in ***这是标准的学士学位毕业论文的说法,B.A.代表文学学士,B.S.代表理学学士,***处填上专业。

你好,本科毕业论文: dissertation for bachelor's degree本科生优秀毕业论文: an outstanding/excellent dissertation for bachelor's degree希望对您有帮助!








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4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。

5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。








1、文献应以英、美等国家公开发表的文献为主(Journals from English speaking countries)。














英文翻译 (黑体、四号、顶格)


童鞋你好!这个估计需要自己搜索了!网上基本很难找到免费给你服务的!我在这里给你点搜索国际上常用的外文数据库:---------------------------------------------------------- ⑴ISI web of knowledge Engineering Village2 ⑵Elsevier SDOL数据库 IEEE/IEE(IEL) ⑶EBSCOhost RSC英国皇家化学学会 ⑷ACM美国计算机学会 ASCE美国土木工程师学会 ⑸Springer电子期刊 WorldSciNet电子期刊全文库 ⑹Nature周刊 NetLibrary电子图书 ⑺ProQuest学位论文全文数据库 ⑻国道外文专题数据库 CALIS西文期刊目次数据库 ⑼推荐使用ISI web of knowledge Engineering Village2-----------------------------------------------------------中文翻译得自己做了,实在不成就谷歌翻译。弄完之后,自己阅读几遍弄顺了就成啦!学校以及老师都不会看这个东西的!外文翻译不是论文的主要内容!所以,很容易过去的!祝你好运!







1、文献应以英、美等国家公开发表的文献为主(Journals from English speaking countries)。







原文出处:期刊类文献书写方法:[序号]作者(不超过3人,多者用等或et al表示).题(篇)名[J].刊名(版本),出版年,卷次(期次):起止页次。


原文出处:论文集类文献书写方法:[序号]作者.篇名[A].编著者.论文集名[C]. 出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页次。














财务危机(Financial Distress)通常是指企业不能偿还到期债务的困难和危机,其极端形式是企业破产。当企业资金匮乏和信用崩溃同时出现时,企业破产便无可挽回。所以,为防止财务危机与破产的发生,每个企业都在寻求防止财务危机的方法和拯救危机的措施。尤其是在2001年4月20日,中国证券市场上第一例摘牌公司“PT水仙”成为事实后,无论是上市公司还是非上市公司都在防范出现财务危机。另外,中国即将加入WTO,国内企业将面临更加激烈的竞争,要想在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,加强财务危机预警制无疑是每个企业都应加强的一个重要方面。本文结合近年来一些危机企业、破产企业的情况,探讨在面临竞争与发展的情况下,造成企业财务危机的原因。 一、多角化经营的陷阱 当企业发展到一定程度,为避免经营风险,许多公司都追求多角化的经营模式,试图使企业走上健康稳定发展的道路。然而,现实不仅让人们看到成功企业的辉煌,同时也看到了多角化经营使企业走上财务危机甚至破产危机的道路。所以多角化经营并不是企业避免经营风险的灵丹妙药。除非恰当使用,否则,企业十分容易陷入财务危机。 1、证券投资组合理论的简单误用。证券投资组合理论是多角化经营的理论基础,该理论认为,金融资产的风险有两种:一是不可分散的风险或称系统风险,即存在于每个证券中,是不能通过证券组合来分散掉的风险;一是可分散的风险或称非系统风险,即存在于单个证券中,可以通过证券组合来分散掉的风险。投资者可以通过持有一个证券组合来分散非系统风险,证券间相关系数越低,分散风险的效果越好;随着组合内证券数量的增多,分散效果越明显,当证券数量达到一定时,基本可完全分散掉非系统风险。这一原理应用到企业生产经营活动时,即为企业的多角化经营。然而,证券组合投资具有其特定的条件,如果不加分析的盲目应用,不但不能达到避免风险的作用,反而加剧了企业的财务危机。证券组合理论的投资对象是金融资产,金融资产投资具有可分割性、流动性和相容性等特点,因此在进行金融资产投资时,不必考虑投资的规模、投资的时间约束以及投资项目的多少等因素,只要考虑各金融资产的相关性、风险、报酬及其相互关系问题,并依据风险——报酬的选择,可实现金融资产投资的优化选择。而多角化经营的投资对象是实物资产,其投资具有整体性、不可逆性、时间约束性的互斥性等特点。所以在多角化经营时,不能简单地进行不相关产业的多方位投资,而是要考虑到各项目的投资规模、资金占用情况及资金约束条件下的各项目的比较选优问题。否则,简单误用证券组合理论必将导致企业投资于无关项目、无序多占资金、投入大于产出等等现象,最终导致企业资金缺乏,周转不灵,出现财务危机。众所周知的巨人集团的兴衰就是最好的证明。 2、丧失核心竞争能力的多元化投资。在企业的利润、市场份额、核心竞争能力等因素中,核心竞争能力是保持企业竞争优势的最主要因素,它是企业一项竞争优势资源和企业发展的长期支撑力。它可能表现为先进的技术,或某种服务理念,其实质就是一组先进技术和能力的集合体。尽管企业之间的竞争通常表现为核心能力所衍生出来的核心产品、最终产品的市场之争,但其实质归结为核心能力之间的竞争。企业只有具备核心竞争能力,才能具有持久的竞争优势。否则只能“昙花一现”。企业一时的成功并不表明企业已经拥有了核心竞争能力,企业核心竞争能力要靠企业的长期培植。也是就是说,多元化投资只是为保持企业核心竞争能力的一种手段。从这一点来说,企业应首先拥有一个具有竞争能力的核心产品,然后,围绕其核心产品、核心竞争能力再考虑是否应该多元化经营。没有根植于核心竞争力的多元化经营,又不能在外部扩张战略中培植新的核心竞争能力,结果就可能把原来的竞争优势也丧失殆尽,直接的表现就是新项目挤占优势主业的资金,但却不产生相应的效益反而拖跨优势主业,最终导致企业内部整体资金的匮乏。二、经营杠杆的负效应 现代企业理财原理告诉我们,企业在经营决策时对经营成本中固定成本的利用,可为企业带来经营杠杆作用。具体的说,当销售收入或销售量不断增长时,企业中一定量的固定成本可带来企业利润大幅度的上升,即所谓的经营杠杆利益;当销售收入或销售量降低时,企业中一定量的固定成本可带来企业利润迅速下降,即所谓的经营杠杆风险。由此可见,经营杠杆作用是一把“双刃剑”,正确利用可为企业带来杠杆利益,反之,则会带来杠杆损失。所以企业在运用经营杠杆原理时,一定要充分考虑其双面性,仅仅追求经营杠杆利益的结果往往是遭受经营杠杆风险的打击,最终导致企业的财务危机。 企业因经营杠杆而导致财务危机的例子有许多,这是因为构成固定成本的因素就有许多,任何因素的过量使用如大规模投资带来的过大折旧及过高的管理费用等等,在企业销量无法保证的情况下,都会发生经营杠杆风险。本文采用广告费用作为固定成本,论述由它产生的经营杠杆的负效应,这是因为在市场经济下广告宣传已成为企业竞争的常用手段。如众所周知的中央电视台广告标王“秦池”酒厂的衰落就是最典型例子。1995年,秦池以6666万元的价格第一次夺得1996年中央电视台“标王”后,广告的轰动效应,使“秦池”一夜成名,“秦池”的品牌地位基本确立,市场份额也相应增加,当年“秦池”酒厂享受到了经营杠杆的积极作用。但这种局面并没有维持多久,当1996年11月秦池以3.2亿元的天价再次成为1997年中央电视台的“标王”后,“秦池”为了在短时间内满足客户订单需求,竟采取收购散酒来勾兑,并被新闻媒介披露,产品质量、信用遭到严重破坏,1997年“秦池”的销售收入无法持续增长,此时3.2亿广告费却使秦池陷入了难以自拔的财务危机之中。 三、财务杠杆的负效应 财务杠杆是指由于固定性财务费用的存在,企业息税前利润(EBIT)的微量变化所引起的每股收益(EPS)大幅度变动的现象。也就是,银行借款规模和利率水平一旦确定,其负担的利息水平也就固定不变。因此,企业盈利水平越高,扣除债权人拿走的某一固定利息之后,投资者(股东)得到的回报也就越多。相反,企业盈利水平低,债权人照样拿走某一固定的利息,剩余给股东的回报也就少了。在盈利水平低于利率水平的情况下,投资者不但得不到回报,甚至可能倒贴。由于利息是固定的,因此,举债具有财务杠杆效应。而财务杠杆效应是两方面的,既可以给企业带来正面、积极的影响,也可以带来负面、消极的影响。当总资产利润率大于利率时,举债给企业带来的是积极的正面影响;相反,当总资产利润率小于利率时,举债给企业带来的是负面、消极的影响。 韩国大宇集团的解散,就是财务杠杆消极作用影响的真实体现。大宇集团在政府政策和银行信贷的支持下,走的是一条“举债经营”之路。试图通过大规模举债,达到大规模扩张的目的,最后实现“市场占有率至上”的目标。当1997年亚洲金融危机爆发后,大宇集团已经显现出经营上的困难,其销售额和利润均不能达到预期的目的,此时如果大宇集团不再大量发行债券进行“借贷式经营”,而向韩国其他四大集团一样进行自律结构调整——重点改善财务结构,努力减轻债务负担,恐怕大宇集团今天仍是韩国的五大集团之一。然而,大宇却认为,只要提高开工率,增加销售额和出口就能躲过这场金融危机,于是,一意孤行地继续大量发行债券,进行“借贷式经营”。由于经营不善,加上资金周转困难,韩国政府于1999年7月26日下令债券银行接手对大宇集团进行结构调整,加快了这个负债累累的集团的解散速度。由此可见,大宇集团的举债经营所产生的财务杠杆效益是消极的,不仅难以提高企业的盈利能力,反而因巨大的偿付压力使企业陷入无法解脱的财务困境。 Financial crisis (Financial Distress) usually refers to business can not repay the debt due the difficulties and crises, the extreme form of corporate bankruptcy. When companies collapse of lack of funds and credit at the same time, enterprises will be irretrievable bankruptcy. Therefore, in order to prevent the financial crisis and the occurrence of insolvency, each company are looking for ways to prevent the financial crisis and save the crisis. Especially in April 20, 2001, China's securities market for the first case of delisting the company "PT Narcissus" become a reality, whether they are listed companies or non-listed companies to prevent financial crisis. In addition, China's imminent accession to WTO, domestic enterprises will face more intense competition, to be in the fierce competition in an invincible position, to strengthen the financial crisis early warning system is to enhance each enterprise should be an important aspect. In this paper, a number of crises in recent years, enterprises, bankrupt enterprises, and explore in the face of competition and development, financial crises caused by business reasons. First, diversification trap When the enterprise has developed to a certain extent, in order to avoid business risks, many companies are pursuing diversification business model, trying to take the healthy and stable business development. However, the reality is not only let people see the glory of successful enterprises, but also saw the diversification of financial crisis, the enterprise embarked on the path of the crisis or even bankruptcy. Therefore, diversification is not a business enterprise to avoid the risk of a panacea. Unless the appropriate use of, otherwise, business is very easy to fall into financial crisis. 1, theoretical portfolio of simple misuse. Portfolio theory is the theoretical basis for diversification, the theory holds that the risk of financial assets, there are two: First, the risk can not be dispersed or systematic risk, that is present in every securities, the portfolio is not to divert out the risk; First, the risk can be dispersed or non-systematic risk, which exists in the individual securities, you can swap portfolio to spread risks. Investors can hold a portfolio to spread the risk of non-system, the correlation coefficient between securities lower, the better risk diversification; as the number of portfolio securities increased, the more obvious effects of dispersion, when the stock reaches a certain number, the fully dispersed out of basic non-systemic risk. This principle applied to the production and operation activities, is the diversification enterprises. However, portfolio investment has its specific conditions, if not the blind application of the analysis, it has failed to achieve the role of risk avoidance, but have deepened the financial crisis. Investment portfolio theory is financial assets, financial assets investment divisibility, mobility and features such as compatibility, so investment in financial assets, do not have to consider the scale of investment, the investment of time constraints, as well as the number of investment projects and other factors, as long as the taking into account the relevance of financial assets, risk, reward and their mutual relations, and on the basis of risk - reward the choice to invest in financial assets to achieve the optimal choice. And diversification of the investment is physical assets, and its overall investment, non-reversible, time-binding characteristics, such as mutually exclusive. Therefore, when the diversification is not simply irrelevant to the multi-faceted investment in industry, but to take into account the investment objectives, financial situation and financial constraints occupied under the conditions of the Objective To compare the selection problem. Otherwise, the simple misuse of portfolio theory will lead to business investment in unrelated projects, accounting for more than a disorderly capital, inputs and so the phenomenon is greater than output, which eventually led to a lack of capital, liquidity, financial crisis. As we all know the rise and fall of the giant group is the best proof of this. 2, the loss of core competence of investment diversification. In corporate profits, market share, competitive factors such as the core, the core competitiveness of enterprises is to maintain the most important factors of competitive advantage, it is a competitive advantage and business development resources to support our long-term. It may appear to be advanced technology, or a service concept, its essence is a group of advanced technology and ability to aggregate. Despite the competition among enterprises usually pass the core competencies derived from the core product, the final product for the market, but its essence boils down to competition between core competencies. Only when we have the core of enterprise competitiveness, in order to have a lasting competitive advantage. Otherwise, only "a flash in the pan." The success of enterprises does not mean that time has been the core of enterprise competitiveness, the core competitiveness of enterprises rely on long-term cultivation. Is to say, only in order to maintain a diversified investment in the core competitiveness of enterprises as a means. From that point, enterprises should first have a core of competitive products, and then around its core products, core competitiveness should consider diversification. Not rooted in the core competitiveness of the diversification and expansion strategy can not be outside of nurturing a new core competence, the result can be the competitive advantage that also lost direct the performance of new projects is the main advantage of the diverted funds , but it does not have a corresponding advantage of the benefits but the main industry拖跨, which eventually led to the enterprise overall lack of funds. Second, the negative effects of operating leverage Principle of the modern enterprise management told us that decision-making in the operation of the operating costs of the use of fixed costs for businesses operating leverage. Specifically, when the sales revenue or sales growth, the enterprise in a certain amount of fixed costs can lead to a significant rise in corporate profits, the so-called interests of the operating lever; when the sale to lower income or sales, the enterprise must the amount of fixed costs can be brought about by the rapid decline in corporate profits, the so-called operating leverage risk. It can be seen that operating leverage is a "double-edged sword", the correct use of leverage for the interests of enterprises, on the contrary, it will bring loss of leverage. Therefore, in principle the use of operating leverage, we must take full account of its double-sided, and only the interests of the pursuit of operating leverage is often the result of the risk of being hit DOL, which eventually led to the financial crisis. Enterprises operating leverage caused by the financial crisis there are many examples, which constitute a fixed cost because there are many factors that any factors such as excessive use of large-scale investment is too large depreciation and inflated management fees, etc., in Enterprises can not guarantee sales, the operating leverage risk will occur. In this paper, as the fixed cost of advertising, on business generated from its negative effects of leverage, this is because the advertising in a market economy has become a common means of enterprise competitiveness. Such as the well-known advertising standard CCTV King "Qin pool," the winery is the most typical example of the decline. In 1995, Qin pool price of 66.66 million yuan in the first won in 1996 China Central Television, "Standard King" after the sensational effect of advertising, so that "Qin pool" to become famous overnight, "Qin pool" basically established the brand, market share also a corresponding increase in the "Chin Chi" winery to enjoy a positive role of the operating lever. However, this situation is not how long, when in November 1996 Qin pool price of 3.2 billion again in 1997 China Central Television's "Standard King", the "Chin Chi," a short period of time in order to meet the needs of customer orders, even taken to the acquisition of bulk wine blending, and the media revealed that the quality of products, the credit was severely damaged in 1997, "Qin Chi" unsustainable sales growth, 320 million advertising at this time Qin made it difficult to extricate themselves into a pool of financial crisis. Third, the negative effects of financial leverage Financial leverage refers to the financial costs as a result of the existence of fixed, pre-tax profits of enterprise income (EBIT) of the trace caused by changes in earnings per share (EPS) of the phenomenon of significant changes. That is, the size of bank borrowings and interest rates, once determined, the burden of a fixed rate of interest charged on it. Therefore, the higher the level of corporate profits, after deducting the creditor to take a fixed interest rate, investors (shareholders) get more returns. In contrast, low levels of corporate profits, the creditor still take a fixed interest rate, the remaining return to shareholders will be less. Level of profitability than in the case of the level of interest rates, investors will not return, and may even lose out. As a result of interest is fixed and, therefore, has a financial leverage effect of debt. The financial leverage effect is twofold, both to the enterprise have a positive, positive impact, it also brought about a negative, negative. When total assets profit margin is greater than interest rates, loans to enterprises is a positive a positive impact; the contrary, when the total assets of less than the interest rate margin, the debt to the enterprises is negative, negative. The dissolution of the Daewoo Group of South Korea, a negative effect on financial leverage is the true embodiment of the impact. Daewoo Group in the government policies and the support of bank credit, is taking the same "leverage" the road. Massive debt trying to achieve the purpose of large-scale expansion, the final realization of "the market share of first" goal. When the 1997 Asian financial crisis, Daewoo Group has demonstrated the difficulties of the operation, and its sales and profit can not achieve the intended purpose, at this time is no longer if a large number of Daewoo Group to issue bonds to carry out "loan operations" and to South Korea, like the other four groups to carry out structural adjustment and self-discipline - focus on improving the financial structure, and strive to alleviate the debt burden, I am afraid of the Daewoo Group in Korea today is still one of the five groups. However, the Daewoo is that as long as the operating rate to improve, increase sales and exports will be able to escape the financial crisis, therefore, continue to insist on the issuance of bonds, the "lending operations." As a result of poor management, combined with cash flow difficulties, the Korean government in July 26, 1999 ordered the bank to take over the bond of the Daewoo Group restructuring, the debt to accelerate the dissolution rate of the Group. This shows that the Daewoo Group's debt arising from the operating efficiency of financial leverage is negative, it is difficult not only to improve the profitability of enterprises, but due to tremendous pressure on enterprises to pay into inextricable financial difficulties.


什么是财务风险 财务风险是企业在财务管理过程中必须面对的一个现实问题,财务风险是客观存在的,企业管理者对财务风险只有采取有效措施来降低风险,而不可能完全消除风险。文章通过对企业财务风险类型分析,从中找出不同财务风险产生的具体原因,并试图探索出解决各类财务风险的有效方法。 当今世界上因财务风险而倒闭破产的公司,甚至是特大公司也不为少见,如2002年世界500强的安然就是一例。因此,忽视财务风险将给我们带来的后果是严重的。 [编辑]财务风险的定义和基本类型 财务风险是指企业在各项财务活动中由于各种难以预料和无法控制的因素,使企业在一定时期、一定范围内所获取的最终财务成果与预期的经营目标发生偏差,从而形成的使企业蒙受经济损失或更大收益的可能性。企业的财务活动贯穿于生产经营的整个过程中,筹措资金、长短期投资、分配利润等都可能产生风险。 根据风险的来源可以将财务风险划分为: [编辑]1.筹资风险 筹资风险指的是由于资金供需市场、宏观经济环境的变化,企业筹集资金给财务成果带来的不确定性。筹资风险主要包括利率风险、再融资风险、财务杠杆效应、汇率风险、购买力风险等。利率风险是指由于金融市场金融资产的波动而导致筹资成本的变动;再融资风险是指由于金融市场上金融工具品种、融资方式的变动,导致企业再次融资产生不确定性,或企业本身筹资结构的不合理导致再融资产生困难;财务杠杆效应是指由于企业使用杠杆融资给利益相关者的利益带来不确定性;汇率风险是指由于汇率变动引起的企业外汇业务成果的不确定性;购买力风险是指由于币值的变动给筹资带来的影响。 [编辑]2.投资风险 投资风险指企业投入一定资金后,因市场需求变化而影响最终收益与预期收益偏离的风险。企业对外投资主要有直接投资和证券投资两种形式。在我国,根据公司法的规定,股东拥有企业股权的25%以上应该视为直接投资。证券投资主要有股票投资和债券投资两种形式。股票投资是风险共担,利益共享的投资形式;债券投资与被投资企业的财务活动没有直接关系,只是定期收取固定的利息,所面临的是被投资者无力偿还债务的风险。投资风险主要包括利率风险、再投资风险、汇率风险、通货膨胀风险、金融衍生工具风险、道德风险、违约风险等。 [编辑]3.经营风险 经营风险又称营业风险,是指在企业的生产经营过程中,供、产、销各个环节不确定性因素的影响所导致企业资金运动的迟滞,产生企业价值的变动。经营风险主要包括采购风险、生产风险、存货变现风险、应收账款变现风险等。采购风险是指由于原材料市场供应商的变动而产生的供应不足的可能,以及由于信用条件与付款方式的变动而导致实际付款期限与平均付款期的偏离;生产风险是指由于信息、能源、技术及人员的变动而导致生产工艺流程的变化,以及由于库存不足所导致的停工待料或销售迟滞的可能;存货变现风险是指由于产品市场变动而导致产品销售受阻的可能;应收账款变现风险是指由于赊销业务过多导致应收账款管理成本增大的可能性,以及由于赊销政策的改变导致实际回收期与预期回收的偏离等。 [编辑]4.存货管理风险 企业保持一定量的存货对于其进行正常生产来说是至关重要的,但如何确定最优库存量是一个比较棘手的问题,存货太多会导致产品积压,占用企业资金,风险较高;存货太少又可能导致原料供应不及时,影响企业的正常生产,严重时可能造成对客户的违约,影响企业的信誉。 [编辑]5.流动性风险 流动性风险是指企业资产不能正常和确定性地转移现金或企业债务和付现责任不能正常履行的可能性。从这个意义上来说,可以把企业的流动性风险从企业的变现力和偿付能力两方面分析与评价。由于企业支付能力和偿债能力发生的问题,称为现金不足及现金不能清偿风险。由于企业资产不能确定性地转移为现金而发生的问题则称为变现力风险。 [编辑]企业财务风险的成因 企业财务风险产生的原因很多,既有企业外部的原因,也有企业自身的原因,而且不同的财务风险形成的具体原因也不尽相同。企业产生财务风险的一般原因有以下几点: 1.企业财务管理宏观环境的复杂性是企业产生财务风险的外部原因。企业财务管理的宏观环境复杂多变,而企业管理系统不能适应复杂多变的宏观环境。财务管理的宏观环境包括经济环境、法律环境、市场环境、社会文化环境、资源环境等因素,这些因素存在企业之外,但对企业财务管理产生重大的影响。 2.企业财务管理人员对财务风险的客观性认识不足。财务风险是客观存在的,只要有财务活动,就必然存在着财务风险。然而在现实工作中,许多企业的财务管理人员缺乏风险意识。风险意识的淡薄是财务风险产生的重要原因之一。 3.财务决策缺乏科学性导致决策失误。财务决策失误是产生财务风险的又一主要原因。避免财务决策失误的前提是财务决策的科学化。 4.企业内部财务关系不明。这是企业产生财务风险的又一重要原因,企业与内部各部门之间及企业与上级企业之间,在资金管理及使用、利益分配等方面存在权责不明、管理不力的现象,造成资金使用效率低下,资金流失严重,资金的安全性、完整性无法得到保证。这主要存在于一些上市公司的财务关系中,很多集团公司母公司与子公司的财务关系十分混乱,资金使用没有有效的监督与控制。 [编辑]化解财务风险的主要措施 企业财务风险是客观存在的,因此安全消除财务风险是不可能的,也是不现实的。对于企业财务风险,只能采取尽可能的措施,将其影响降低到最低的程度。 1.化解筹资风险的主要措施: 当企业的经营业务发生资金不足的困难时,可以采取发行股票、发行债券或银行借款等方式来筹集所需资本。 2.化解投资风险的主要措施: 从风险防范的角度来看,投资风险主要应该通过控制投资期限、投资品种来降低。一般来说,投资期越长,风险就大,因此企业应该尽量选择短期投资。而在进行证券投资的时候,应该采取分散投资的策略,选择若干种股票组成投资组合,通过组合中风险的相互抵消来降低风险。在对股票投资进行风险分析中,可以采用β系数的分析方法或资本资产定价模型来确定不同证券组合的风险。β系数小于1,说明它的风险小于整个市场的平均风险,因而是风险较小的投资对象。 3.化解汇率风险的主要措施: (1)选择恰当合同货币。在有关对外贸易和借贷等经济交易中,选择何种货币作为计价货币直接关系到交易主体是否将承担汇率风险。为了避免汇率风险,企业应该争取使用本国货币作为合同货币,在出品、资本输出时使用硬通货,而在进口、资本输入时使用软通货。同时在合同中加列保值条款等措施。 (2)通过在金融市场进行保值操作。主要方法有现汇交易、期货交易、期汇交易、期权交易、借款与投资、利率—货币互换、外币票据贴现等。 (3)对于经济主体在资产负债表会计处理过程中产生的折算风险,一般是实行资产负债表保值来化解。这种方法要求在资产负债表上以各种功能货币表示的受险资产与受险负债的数额相等,从而使其折算风险头寸为零,只有这样,汇率变动才不致带来折算上的损失。 (4)经营多样化。即在国际范围内分散其销售、生产地及原材料来源地,通过国际经营的多样化,当汇率出现变化时,管理部门可以通过比较不同地区生产、销售和成本的变化趋利避害,增加在汇率变化有利的分支机构的生产,而减少汇率变化不利的分支机构的生产。 (5)财务多样化。即在多个金融市场以多种货币寻求资金的来源和资金去向,实行筹资多样化和投资多样化,这样在有的外币贬值,有的外币升值的情况下,公司就可以使绝大部分的外汇风险相互抵消,从而达到防范风险的目的。 4.化解流动性风险的主要措施: 企业的流动性较强的资产主要包括现金、存货、应收账款等项目。防范流动性风险的目的是在保持资产流动性的前提下,实现利益的最大化。因此应该确定最优的现金持有量、最佳的库存量以及加快应收账款的回收等。我们都很清楚持有现金有一个时间成本的问题,手中持有现金过多,显然会由于较高的资金占用而失去其他的获利机会,而持有现金太少,又会面临资金不能满足流动性需要的风险。因此企业应该确定一个最优的现金持有量,从而在防范流动性风险的前提下实现利益的最大化。 5.化解经营风险的主要措施: 在其他因素不变的情况下,市场对企业产品的需求越稳定,企业未来的经营收益就越确定,经营风险也就越小。因此企业在确定生产何种产品时,应先对产品市场做好调研,要生产适销对路的产品,销售价格是产品销售收入的决定因素之一,销售价格越稳定,销售收入就越稳定,企业未来的经营收益就越稳定,经营风险也就越小。 来自"http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E8%B4%A2%E5%8A%A1%E9%A3%8E%E9%99%A9"The Infrared Technology as the humanity knew that the nature, the exploration natural one kind of new modern tool, has been applied generally by various countries in the biology, the medicine, the geoscience and so on scientific field as well as the military reconnaissance aspect. But is very complex as a result of the goal infrared radiation, the factor are many, the infrared hot image's clarity is inferior to the visible image far, but people in use infrared hot chart analysis question time, hoped frequently simultaneously sees the visible light information and the infrared information. As the computer vision domain and an image understanding's important technology, the image fusion simultaneously observed the infrared hot information and the visible light information for the people have provided an effective method. This article research mainly take the infrared imagery and the visible light image as the information processing goal, through will carry on the contrastive analysis to each image fusion processing method, will summarize an effect good method, will then use with the matlab procedure to realize these methods and to carry on the comparison again to the fusion effect. this article first introduced the image fusion engineering research background and the domestic and foreign research tendency. Then introduced the image fusion's basic concept, the level, have made the comparison to each level's fusion. Then introduced the image fusion's Pyramid algorithm, and has carried on the analysis, the comparison to these algorithms, finally the matlab procedure has realized these methods. as a result of the wavelet transformation in the information analysis and the information processing domain's good performance, this article used the great length to introduce that the wavelet the knowledge, realized the image fusion with the fusion effect good small wave packet's method, through used the objective indicator the appraisal to prove based on the small wave packet's fusion was one very good fusion method. key word: Image fusion, wavelet transformation Pyramid algorithm, multi-resolution analysis, fusion rule, fusion appraisal








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