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magazine英 [ˌmægəˈzi:n] 美 [ˈmægəzi:n] n.杂志;弹药库;弹仓;胶卷盒复数: magazines双语例句Her face is on the cover of a dozen or more magazines. 她的面孔出现在十几种杂志的封面上。

杂志的英文magazine,音标英 [ˌmægəˈzi:n]美 [ˈmægəzi:n]magazine英 [ˌmægəˈzi:n]美 [ˈmægəzi:n]第三人称复数:magazinesmagazine 基本解释名词杂志; 弹药库; 弹仓; 胶卷盒magazine 相关例句名词1. He writes short stories for a monthly magazine.他为一家月刊杂志撰写短篇小说。2. A lot of damage was caused when the magazine exploded.弹药库爆炸时造成很大损失。3. The library subscribes to 40 magazines.这个图书馆订购四十种杂志。


杂志[zá zhì]


magazine ; records ; notes ; journal

网 络magazine;journal;Magazines;Fortune



The distribution of the magazine is 2000.


Fashion magazines are glossy.


I subscribed to several magazines.


This magazine published excellent stories.


That educator published many articles in these magazines.


This magazine has a large circulation.


And they got really excited about it.


In the parcel there are all back numbers of magazines.


I will read any magazine you give me.

1. I supported us by writing bilge for women's magazines. 我胡乱给女性 杂志 写点东西,维持我们的生计。

2. Frank Deford is a contributing editor for Vanity Fair magazine. 弗兰克·德福特是 杂志 《名利场》的特约编辑。

3. I have been a subscriber to Railway Magazine for many years. 我订阅《铁路 杂志 》已有很多年了。

4. Cruz had to scavenge rmation from newspapers and journals. 克鲁兹不得不从报纸和 杂志 中搜寻资讯。

5. Jill was starting to get some freelance writing jobs from trade magazines. 吉尔开始从一些行业 杂志 接点自由撰稿的活儿。

6. She turned down £1.2 million to pose nude in Playboy. 她拒绝了为《 *** 》 杂志 拍摄 *** 的120万英镑开价。

7. The magazine's aim is to discuss topical issues within a Christian framework. 该 杂志 的宗旨是在基督教框架下讨论时下的热门话题。

8. There'sno need for that kind of language in this magazine. 这份 杂志 没必要出现那种语言。

9. US magazines hailed her as the greatest rock'n'roll singer in the world. 美国 杂志 把她奉为世界上最伟大的摇滚歌手。

10. Would you turn down $7,000,000 to appear nude in a magazine? 给你700万美元要你裸体登上 杂志 ,你会拒绝吗?

11. Grace Robertson started as a photographer with Picture Post in 1947. 格雷斯·罗伯逊于1947年参加工作,做了《图片邮报》 杂志 的一名摄影师。

12. Thereafter she wrote articles for papers and magazines in Paris. 此后她给巴黎的报纸和 杂志 撰稿。

13. She had a libel action against the magazine pending. 她对该 杂志 提起的诽谤诉讼尚未判决。

14. For details of the nearest performance look in the local listings magazines. 欲知离自己最近的演出的详情,请查询当地文娱预告 杂志 。

15. No reason was given for the banning of the magazine. 杂志 被无端取缔了。

16. Before long he took over the editing of the magazine. 他不久就接手负责 杂志 的编辑工作。

17. In rural France, English language magazines are rather hard to e by. 在法国乡村,很难找到英语 杂志 。

18. Frank Deford is a special correspondent for Newsweek magazine. 弗兰克·德福特是《新闻周刊》 杂志 的特派记者。

19. They asked her to put together a dummy for a new magazine. 他们让她为一本新 杂志 攒一份小样。

20. The management tries to produce the magazine as cost-effectively as possible. 管理层试图尽可能地让 杂志 盈利。

杂志英文是magazine,读音:英 [ˌmæɡəˈziːn],美 [ˈmæɡəziːn]。复数:magazines。


borrow a magazine. 借阅杂志。

bring out a magazine. 出版杂志。

buy a magazine. 买杂志。

deliver a magazine. 发送杂志。


1、The magazine will appear in a new design from next month.


2、Her face was on the cover of every magazine.


3、She used to edit a women's magazine.



杂志社 Magazine For-He Magazine 男人装杂志社报社 没固定翻译 Shanghai Daily 。 Newyork times , Washington Postpress是出版社

Do you want to work for the R&TI(杂志社)?

Ever imagine yourself working in a press?



看杂志和去看电影Read magazines and go to the movies望采纳,谢谢

Read magazines[原文]看杂志

Read the magazine Read 阅读read the book读书

read the magazine 读书、看报、看杂志都用 read


attend/join in/take part in English Corner...在这里都是可以用的~~~

English Corner,English Salon,EnglishWorld

the English Corner

english corner 正解!



Your schooldays should be some of the best and happiest days of your life.学校生活应该是你生命中最有意义,最快乐的时光。 How can you get the most from them, and make sure you do not waste this wonderful opportunity(机会)to learn?你该怎样好好利用它,确保不会浪费这个大好的学习机会呢? Be positive(积极)about school! 对待学校要用积极的态度!Don’t say things are difficult or boring . Be interested in school-life and your school subjects.不要觉得事情难或是无聊。要对学校的事情保持兴趣。 Join lots of activities. 多参加些活动。Be quick to put your hand up.积极表态! Go round the school with a big smile.微笑面对学校的一切。 Keep fit.保持健康 If you do not eat a good breakfast, you will be thinking about food in class. 早上不吃东西的话,上课的时候就会一直想。If you go to bed late and do not have enough sleep, you will be sleepy in class. 晚上在床上不睡觉,到班上就要打瞌睡了。Play some sports to keep your body strong.参加些运动,来让自己健壮吧。 Do today’s work today. Do not say you will do things tomorrow. 今天的事今天做,不要指望明天会完成。when you get behind the class, it is very difficult to get back in front.落后之后是很难追上来的。 You cannot finish a race if you rest all the time.整场休息的人,是无法完成比赛的。 Don’t be too disappointed if things sometimes go badly . 事情发展不如意时,也不要气馁。Everyone fails some tests, loses some matches and has bad days. 人人都会有不如意的时候。Friends are not always perfect, and they sometimes say and do unpleasant things.朋友们也不是完人,他们也有出错,不如意的时候 Don’t let small problems seem very big and important.不要太看重小问题了 Talk about problems-sometimes they are only the result of misunderstanding. 想想问题吧,有的时候会成为误解的Don’t be too embarrassed(窘迫)to ask for help. You are young. No one thinks you can do everything !年轻人,学着寻求帮助吧,不要不好意思,我们都不是无所不能的。 Plan your time. Don’t waste life lying in bed on Saturday morning. 计划好时间,星期六的早上不要把时间浪费在躺床上Go and play a sport, learn the piano, work on a project, read a book, practice English, or help someone with problems. 去参加一项运动,学学钢琴,展开一项计划,看本数,锻炼英语,或是帮帮别人There are always a lot of things to do.总是有很多事情可以做的Follow our advice, and have a happy school-life!采取这些建议,过一个愉快的学校生活吧。

你的学生时代应该是一些最好的、快乐的生活。你怎么能得到最大的,确保你不要浪费了这个大好机会去学习呢? 学校积极态度!不要说事物是困难的或无趣的人。你有兴趣学校生活和学校课程。参加许多活动。快去请举手。绕学校用一个灿烂的微笑。 保持健康。如果你不吃早餐吃得好,你会考虑食品在上课。如果你睡得很晚,没有足够的睡眠,你会困在上课。播放一些体育运动来保持你的身体强壮。 今天该做的事情。不要说你将做的事了,当你在这门课,这是件很困难的事情,返回到前面。你不能完成的比赛,如果你休息。 别太失望的事情。每个人在某种程度上会失去一些测试,不能比赛,也有坏的日子。朋友不是总是完美的,他们有时会说出或做出不愉快的事情。不要让小小的问题似乎很重要。 他们只谈论问题有时的误解。不要羞于请求帮助。你还年轻。没有人会认为你可以做任何事! 计划你的时间。不要把生命浪费躺在床上星期六早上。去参加体育运动、学习钢琴,一个项目工作,读一本书,练习英语,或者帮助别人所遇到的问题。总是有很多事情要做。 跟我们的建议,并有一个快乐的学校生活!

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: Chang'e and the Cruel Emperor Many years after she was already the moon goddess, Chang'e looked down upon Earth and saw that a terribly cruel emperor sat on the throne. To help the people, she allowed herself to be reborn into the mortal world. The other members of her mortal family were either killed or enslaved by the emperor, but Chang'e managed to escape to the countryside. Meanwhile, the emperor was aging and obsessed with discovering the elixir of life. He had people all over the land brought to him and demanded of them how to find the elixir of life; nobody knew, of course, but the emperor would not accept ignorance for an answer and executed all those who could not answer. In the countryside, Chang'e met the goddess of passion, Guan Yin, who proceeded to give Chang'e a *** all elixir. Chang'e brought the elixir to the emperor. The suspicious emperor worried that it was poison and demanded that Chang'e taste the elixir first. She did, showing no ill effects, so then the emperor took the elixir and promptly died. Then, Chang'e also left the mortal world; the effects of the elixir had only been delayed for her. However, instead of dying, she ascended to the moon to retake her place as a goddess.解析: 嫦娥奔月、残忍皇帝已经是多年的女神>、嫦娥奔月、藐视地看到一个极其残忍的皇帝坐在宝座. 为群众,她自己可以再生的人间. 她的家庭其他成员丧生或遭受致命的皇帝,农村嫦娥奔月逃脱. 同时,皇帝发现老药的痴迷和生活. 他带人到各地,并要求他是如何发现生命灵药. 没有人知道,当然不会接受,但皇帝不作答,不知道那些执行. 在农村,与佛慈悲嫦娥奔月关贤,他准备让小嫦娥奔月灵药. 嫦娥奔月把药给皇帝. 担心皇帝怀疑是中毒,要求先嫦娥奔月味灵药. 突然,毫无不良影响,因此,把皇帝吃迅速死亡. 那么,还有嫦娥奔月尘世. 影响的只是拖延她吃. 但不是死,她登上月球收回其作为佛


