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翻译如下:Abstract: This article from the third-party logistics concept and development approach, analysis of China's third-party logistics enterprise problems. To the characteristics of third-party logistics enterprise premised on building its customer relationship management, the necessity and importance. And for our country the status of third-party logistics enterprises how to proceed with the implementation of customer relationship management made a few words: third-party logistics; customer relationship management; competitiveness

在2010版的word内就有这个功能。(选中要翻译的文字,点击鼠标右键弹出任务栏中就有“翻译”选项,点击“翻译”,选择英文翻译,再把光标置于要插入文本点点击插入就ok啦。另外还可以下载翻译小工具,直接进行翻译就搞定了。我帮你翻:The relationship between accounting regulation and tax law issues is a complex issue, market-oriented economic development in the course of the difference between the two will gradually have an adverse impact on economic development, how to better deal with the differences between the two has become China's economy reform process of the outstanding issues.。Differences in accounting standards and tax laws, and in the accounting and property tax measures taken by the different accounting and tax law, "the authenticity of the principle of" different, accounting "sound principle" and tax "payments to determine" the difference in accounting "importance of the principles "and tax" legal principle "and the accounting and tax 。differences on the" substance over form "understanding and implementation differen。Differences between accounting and tax accounting exist mainly due to the legislative goals and purposes of various tax, corporate accounting must adhere to the "accrual" basis, the enterprise must consider the International Accounting Standards, and economic globalization. Tax laws should be based on the provisions of this tax adjustmentces.


English summary:Chlorine inferior copper whether organic synthesis employ wider catalyst of the industry, can produce many kinds of organic chemical products under its catalysis, in the metallurgical industry, etch in numerous trades such as the craft, electroplating industry, medical chemical industry and pesticide project (bactericide), battery industry, rubber industry, the application of the chlorine inferior copper also relatively deepens and reality. The subject proceeds from chemical property of the chlorine inferior copper, research influences a great deal of factors of the chlorine solubility of inferior copper, find some can make chlorine inferior copper twine mixture, oxidant that solubility increase, hold mixture and association of oxidant in place with a : Chlorine inferior copper; Solubility; Buffer solutions; Hold mixture in place with a net; Oxidant


交际能力Ability of communication /communicative ability 语言能力capability of language/linguistic competence /language competence 理解能力ability of comprehension 文化差异 cultral diversity 差异diversity/difference信息传播 information spreadin/ dissemination of information

As countries increasing competitive, whether multinationals into China, or Chinese enterprises become multinational company towards the world, need has a highly execution enterprise management team support to achieve long-term, strong competitiveness and development in the future. Although multinational companies in the world, develop continuously localization process from management localization, the r&d and production of localization, employees localization and other aspects of the unremitting efforts, but practical results still cruel proof multinational companies face middle managers the problem of insufficient execution. Multinational companies in the enterprise personnel management, management decision-making management faces execution insufficient dilemma, cause these dilemmas of the main reasons is enterprise middle managers caused due to insufficient execution problems, to the multinational corporation execution brings a lot of challenges. Based on multinational companies and middle managers to perform as the particularity of focus research, this paper tries to find suitable for multinational companies use to enhancing the middle level managers executive measures. Finally, the article summarized, hope these research to improve enterprise middle managers of transnational execution produce reference.

Summary:In the management of modern hotel, humanized management has already become the management idea of the mainstream progressively. Manage in humanization of modern hotels, on one hand want the customer to be satisfied, put emphasis on regarding customer as the centre; On the other hand, should place the staff satisfiedly on the important position, emphasize hotels should based on staff. Propose " the staff are first, the second of customer "'s management idea, that is to say that there are not satisfactory staff, there are no satisfactory guests. This text proposes managing the idea of humanization to introduce to to in the staff's management, reach, realize staff to be satisfied, improve hotel service quality, make customer satisfied, hotel purpose of faster development.

我认同他的答案:交际能力Ability of communication /communicative ability 语言能力capability of language/linguistic competence /language competence 理解能力ability of comprehension 文化差异 cultral diversity 差异diversity/difference信息传播 information spreadin/ dissemination of information







With the rapid development of the Internet, more and more of the network to infiltrate into the life of the people. With suitable and is closely related to people's lives, things have gradually begun to achieve network, a very important part of the network is the currency, virtual currency. The birth of virtual currency, to facilitate the lives of people at the same time, there are also some shortcomings. This paper on the overview of virtual currency, the virtual currency on the origin, development and characteristics of such areas have done on. Then leads from the virtual currency with the financial network of relations and the development of virtual currency on the financial impact of the network carried out a detailed note to the existing problems. Finally, on the solutions to these problems some of the recommendations, and the virtual currency in prospect.

Abstract With the rapid development of the Internet, more and more of the network to infiltrate into the life of the people. With suitable and is closely related to people's lives, things have gradually begun to achieve network, a very important part of the network is the currency, virtual currency. The birth of virtual currency, to facilitate the lives of people at the same time, there are also some shortcomings. This paper on the overview of virtual currency, the virtual currency on the origin, development and characteristics of such areas have done on. Then leads from the virtual currency with the financial network of relations and the development of virtual currency on the financial impact of the network carried out a detailed note to the existing problems. Finally, on the solutions to these problems some of the recommendations, and the virtual currency in prospect. Key words: virtual currency; financial networks; development impact




中文摘要一般无主语,一般的语言范式如介绍….、分析….、得出….,一个动词代表一个事件,选用他this paper为摘要的载体是,翻译方便,容易翻译成英文的焦点句,焦点在动词上,this paper 统领这个事件。

而用被动语态范式时,就变成了被介绍…、被分析…、被得出…,这样的缺点是,句子零散,多套主谓关系,而用this paper做主语时,只有一套主谓关系,科技英语的语用特点是,主语少,这样的表达客观、简洁、一目了然,动作的发出者最少得付出,得到最大的结果。

确定this paper 为主语后,选用一个动词能够体现所要表答的焦点,将介绍、分析和得出等动词转变成相应的动作名词,由所选定的动词统领这些抽象动作名词,实现一套主谓关系。

当以paper为主语时,谓语动词可以选用:deal with,be concerned with,highlight, investigate, stress, feature等,具体使用哪个动词取决于摘要所要表达的内容。


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中文摘要一般无主语,一般的语言范式如介绍….、分析….、得出….,一个动词代表一个事件,选用他this paper为摘要的载体是,翻译方便,容易翻译成英文的焦点句,焦点在动词上,this paper 统领这个事件。

而用被动语态范式时,就变成了被介绍…、被分析…、被得出…,这样的缺点是,句子零散,多套主谓关系,而用this paper做主语时,只有一套主谓关系,科技英语的语用特点是,主语少,这样的表达客观、简洁、一目了然,动作的发出者最少得付出,得到最大的结果。

确定this paper 为主语后,选用一个动词能够体现所要表答的焦点,将介绍、分析和得出等动词转变成相应的动作名词,由所选定的动词统领这些抽象动作名词,实现一套主谓关系。

当以paper为主语时,谓语动词可以选用:deal with,be concerned with,highlight, investigate, stress, feature等,具体使用哪个动词取决于摘要所要表达的内容。







[复数:abstracts;第三人称单数:abstracts;现在分词:abstracting;过去式:abstracted;过去分词:abstracted;比较级:more abstract;最高级:most abstract]


abstract algebra[数]抽象代数;近世代数;[数]抽象代数学;代数结构










