
> 期刊投稿知识库

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1. 中小民营企业融资困境成因及对策 2. 刍议企业固定资产折旧的税收筹划 3. 关于我国中小企业融资难的原因和对策的问题探讨 4. 财务失败和财务预警问题的探讨 5. 从盈余管理角度谈识别企业真实利润 6. 企业财务危机预警模型研究 7. 如何避免国有企业实施MBO时国有资产流失的问题研究 8. 探讨企业财务评价体系——基于杜邦分析法的研究与改 9. 中国上市公司股利政策稳定性与信号传递研究 10. 中小型高新技术企业融资分析 11. 对我国国有企业MBO财务问题的思考 12. 企业自创商誉确认的可行性分析 13. 如何利用现金流量信息进行财务分析 14. 新会计准则对上市公司财务影响分析 15. 中国上市公司融资行为分析 16. 中小型企业价值评估流程和方法研究 17. 关于企业业绩评价体系的探讨 18. 浅论企业可持续经营的四因素模型的构建 19. 论我国上市公司盈余管理的动因与治理 20. 中国国有企业MBO定价问题研究 21. 中小企业融资问题探讨 22. 作业成本法在我国企业的应用研究 23.事业单位财务管理若干问题及对策 24.浅谈中小企业财务管理中存在的问题及对策 25.家族企业财务管理及监督机制 26.上市公司财务报表分析 27.事业单位财务管理存在的问题及对策 28.浅谈房地产开发中的成本控制 29.民营企业财务管理中存在的问题及对策 30.加强投资管理是提高企业效益的重要前提 31.浅谈建行现金备付率--关于建行平阳支行现金备付率的实践报告 32.时间性差异的账务处理及其探讨 33.企业债务资本成本的计算方法及比较 34.借款费用处理的新旧对比以及对企业经营杠杆的影响





2、总标题是文章总体内容的体现。常见的写法分为揭示课题的实质式:“经济中心论”; 提问式:“商品经济等同于资本主义经济吗?”。

3、交代内容范围式:“战后西方贸易自由化剖析”;判断句式:科技进步与农业经济。形象化语句式:“科技史上的曙光” 等标题。






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我也是会计专业的,你可以写纳税方面的,这是老师比较重视的话题 题目:依法纳税的认识 目录:1、企业所得税概述 2、计税依据概述 3、计算应纳税额根据的标准 4、税率概述 5、记税方法 (1)查账征收方式下应纳税额的计算 (2)核定征收方式下应纳税额的计算 6、税收筹划概述 7、合理避税的方法 8、税收筹划最经典的表述 内容摘要:1994年,我国实施了分税制改革。新的《企业所得税暂行条例》规定,企业的所得税税率为33%。这个税率对我国大中型企业和效益好的企业是比较合适的,但对规模较小的企业来说,税收负担水平与原实际税负相比有所上升。为了照顾小型企业的实际困难,也参照世界上一些国家对小企业采用较低税率征税的优惠照顾办法,税法规定,对年应税所得额在3万元以下(含3万元)的企业,按18%的税率征收企业所得税;对年应税所得额超过3万元至10万元(含10万元)的企业,按27%的税率征税, 另外,对设在西部地区国家鼓励类产业的内资企业,在2001年至2010年期间,减按15%的税率征收企业所得税,正确理解税收筹划,做到合理避税。 内容:企业所得税是对各类内资企业和组织的生产、经营所得和其他所得征收的一种税。现行的企业所得税是1993年12月13日由国务院发布《中华人民共和国企业所得税暂行条例》,从1994年1月1日起实行的。 企业所得税的征税对象为来源于中国境内的从事物质生产、交通运输、商品流通、劳务服务和其他营利事业取得的所得,以及取得的股息、利息、租金、转让资产收益、特许权使用费和营业外收益等所得。企业所得税的纳税人为中国境内实行独立经济核算的各类内资企业或组织。具体包括国有、集体、私营、股份制、联营企业和其他组织。 企业所得税的计税依据为应纳税所得额,即纳税人每一纳税年度内的收入总额减除准予扣除的成本、费用、税金和损失等项目后的余额。 计算应纳税额根据的标准,即根据什么来计算纳税人应缴纳的税额。计税依据与征税对象虽然同样是反映征税的客体,但两者要解决的问题不相同。征税对象解决对什么征税的问题,计税依据则是确定了征税对象之后,解决如何计量的向题。有些税种的征税对象和计税依据是一致的,如各种所得税,征税对象和计税依据都是应税所得额。但是有些税种则不一致,如消费税,征税对象是应税消费品,计税依据则是消费品的销售收入。再如,农业税的征税对象是农业总收入,计税依据是税务机关核定的常年应税产量。计税依据分为从价计征和从量计征两种类型,从价计征的税收,以征税对象的自然数量与单位价格的乘积作为计税依据;从量计征的税收,以征税对象的自然实物量作为计税依据,该项实物量以税法规定的计量标准(重量、体积、面积等)计算。 下列项目在计算应纳税所得额时,不得扣除: 1.资本性支出。 2.无形资产受让、开发支出。 3.违法经营的罚款和被没收财物的损失。 4.各项税收滞纳金、罚款和罚金。 5.自然灾害或意外事故损失有赔偿的部分。 6.各类捐赠超过扣除标准的部分。 7.各种非广告性质的赞助支出。 8.与取得收入无关的其他各项支出。 税率:企业所得税实行33%的比例税率。同时,对小型企业实行二档优惠税率。即:全年应纳税所得额3万元以下的,税率18%; 3万元至10万元的,税率为27%; 10万元以上的,税率为33%. 计税方法:企业所得税有查账征收和核定征收两种征收方式。 1、查账征收方式下应纳税额的计算: (1)季度预缴税额的计算 依照税法规定,企业分月(季)预缴所得税时,应当按季度的实际利润计算应纳税额预缴; 按季度实际利润额计算应纳税额预缴有困难的,可以按上一年度应纳税所得额的1/4 计算应纳税额预缴或者经主管国税机关认可的其他方法(如按年度计划利润额)计算应纳税额预缴。计算公式为: 季度预缴企业所得税税额=月(季)应纳税所得额×适用税率或者 季度预缴企业所得税税额=上一年度应纳税所得额×1/12(或1/4)× 适用税率 (2)年度所得税额的计算 年度应缴纳的企业所得税和地方所得税都应当在分月(季)度预缴的基础上,于年度终了后进行清算,多退少补。其税额的计算公式为: 全年应纳企业所得税额=全年应纳税所得额×适用税率 汇算清缴应补(退)企业所得税税额=全年应纳企业所得税额-月(季)已预缴企业所得税税额 (3)应纳税所得额的计算: 税法规定,应纳税所得额的基本计算公式为: 应纳税所得额=收入总额-准予扣除项目金额 在所得税的实际征管工作及企业的纳税申报中,应纳税所得额的计算,一般是以企业的会计利润总额为基础,通过纳税调整来确定的,即: 应纳税所得额=利润总额+纳税调整增加额-纳税调整减少额-以前年度亏损-免税所得 2、核定征收方式下应纳税额的计算: (1)定额征收方式下应纳税额的计算: 税务机关按照一定的标准、程序和方法,直接核定纳税人年度应纳企业所得税额,由纳税人按规定进行申报缴纳。 (2)核定应税所得率征收方式下应纳税额的计算: 应纳所得税额=应纳税所得额×适用税率 应纳税所得额=收入总额×应税所得率 或……=成本费用支出额÷(1-应税所得率)×应税所得率 税收筹划是纳税人充分利用现行税收法律、法规和制度等政策的不完善、不健全,通过对投资决策、经营管理和会计核算方法的合理安排,达到合法享受税收优惠,避免因对税收政策的不解或误解而产生的税收陷阱,降低公司税负,减少税收支出,增加自身利益,实现公司价值最大化的一种税收筹划行为。即税收筹划是指在税收法律规定的范围内,当纳税人存在着多种纳税方案可供选择时,选择最低的税收负担来处理财务、经营和交易事项。税收筹划是一种有别于偷税、漏税、逃税等非法手段的一种合法的理财行为。 所谓的税收筹划也就是合理避税,既然是合理避税,我想最重要的问题就是不能违反税法,这里的不违反不单指国家颁布的税法,还包括各项税法解释,税务总局的问题答复等等; 避税一定要建立在对税法熟知的基础上,合理避税是要把会计准则和税法相结合,在税法允许的范围内达到不多交纳税款. 怎么把企业所交税合理的降下来,有如下方法可供参考: 1—合理加大成本,降低所得税,可以预提的费用应该进行预提。 2—对设备采取快速折旧法来降低当期所得。 3—采用“分灶吃饭”的方法,把业务分散,原来一个公司名下做的业务分成2-3个公司做,这样既可以增加成本摊消,又可以降低企业所得:比如你现在公司做一年30万利,需要交9万9的所得税,如果分成3个公司做,一年利每个公司就是10万的利,那么所得税3个公司一共是8万1,而其实因为成本渠道的增加,3个公司年利也不会做到30万了,很多成本已经重复摊消和预提了,其节约下来的税就不仅仅是近2万的税了。 4—采用“高税区往低税区”走的方式:各个特区和开发区在税率方面国家都有优惠政策,把公司总部就转设到这些地方,比如深圳的企业所得税才15%。公司的工厂和分公司的一切业务总核算就算到公司总部去,也就享受到了国家的优惠政策了。把企业结算做到:高所得税向低所得税地方走;搞了税赋率的地区向没有搞税赋率的地区走。 5—采用“把工厂和公司注册到香港”的办法,香港是个自由港,是个低税区,一般企业的所得税不超过8%,其他税也特别低和少。 6—借用“高新技术”的名义,享受国家的税务优惠政策:有2免3减,还有3免8减的。把其他业务和产品套进这个里面来做—搭“顺风车”。 7—借用“外资”的名义对企业进行改制,各个地区对外资企业都有税务优惠政策。 8—使用下岗工人和残疾人,也可以享受到国家的税务优惠政策。 9—和学校的校办工厂联合,校办工厂在税务方面国家是有特别优惠政策的。 这些做法是在企业具体运转中可以采用的安全的、合理的、可靠的企业避税方法。 税收筹划最经典的表述,来自于英国上议院议员汤姆林爵士在1935年针对“税务局长诉温斯特大公”一案所作的声明:“任何一个人都有权安排自己的事业,依据法律这样做可以少缴税。为了保证从这些安排中得到利益,不能强迫他多缴税。”之后,这一观点得到了法律界的认同。 综观国外诸多对税收筹划的观点,都指出税收筹划是纳税人所进行的减轻税收负担的节税行为。尽管表述众多形式各异,但基本意义却是一致的,即税收筹划是企业经营者通过合法的的策划和安排,以达到少缴税或实现税后利润最大化的目的。




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Automatically translated text: The definition of lease financing Finance leases (Financial Leasing) also known as the Equipment Leasing (Equipment Leasing), or modern leasing (Modern Leasing), and is essentially transfer ownership of the assets of all or most of the risks and rewards of the lease. The ultimate ownership of assets to be transferred, or may not transfer. It refers to the specific content of the lessee to the lessor under the lease object and the specific requirements of the supplier selection, vendor financing to purchase rental property, and the use of leased to a lessee, the lessee to the lessor to pay instalments rent, the lease term lease ownership of objects belonging to the lessor of all, the tenant has the right to use the leased items. Term expired, and finished the lessee to pay rent under the lease contract financing to fulfil obligations in full, leasing objects that vesting ownership of all the lessee. Despite the finance lease transactions, the lessors have the identity of the purchase of equipment, but the substantive content of the purchase of equipment suppliers such as the choice of the specific requirements of the equipment, the conditions of the purchase contract negotiations by the lessee enjoy and exercise, lessee leasing object is essentially the purchaser. , Is a finance lease extension of loans and trade and technology updates in the new integrated financial industry. Because of its extension of loans and combination of features, there is a problem in leasing companies can recycling, treatment of leasing, and so the financing for the enterprise credit and secured the main requirement, it is very suitable for SME financing. In addition, the leasing of sheet financing, not reflected in the financial statements of the enterprise liability, does not affect the credit status of enterprises. This multi-channel financing needs of SMEs in terms of it is very beneficial. Leasing and financing lease of a traditional nature of the difference is: traditional lease to the tenant leasing the use of objects of the time rent, and finance lease financing costs to the tenant occupying the time of rental. The market economy develops to a certain stage and the adaptation of a strong financing, in the 1950s in the United States have a new type of trading, as it adapted to the requirements of modern economic development, in the 60 to 70 the rapid development in the world, and today has become a business update equipment one of the main means of financing, known as the "sunrise industry." China in the early 1980s after the introduction of this operational modalities for over 10 years has been the rapid development, compared with developed countries, the advantages of leasing is far from being played out, the market potential is huge. [Edit] the main characteristics of the leasing The main characteristics of the leasing is: the ownership of objects as leasing is the lessor in order to control the risk of the tenant rent reimbursement taken a form of ownership, at the end of the contract could eventually be transferred to the lessee, the lease purchase items from lease people choose, maintenance from the tenant responsible for the lessor to provide financial services only. Rent calculation principles are: to lease the lessor objects based on the purchase price, occupied by the lessee to the lessor of funds based on time, according to a mutually agreed rental rates. It is essentially dependent on the traditional leasing financial transactions, is a special kind of financial instruments. [Edit] the type of lease financing 1. Simple financing lease Financing lease is a simple, by the lessee choose to purchase the rental property, the lessor on the lease project through risk assessment after the rental lease to the lessee the use of objects. Throughout the lease period the lessee does not enjoy the right to use the title, and is responsible for repair and maintenance of leasing objects. The lessor's lease is good or bad thing without any liability, equipment depreciation in the tenant side. 2. Leveraged lease financing Leveraged leasing practices similar to syndicated loans, is a specialized leasing to large-scale projects with the tax benefits of lease financing, mainly led by a leasing company as a trunk, and for the lease of a very large project financing. First set up a leasing company from the operation of the main institutions - a project-based fund management company set up projects to provide more than 20% of the total amount of funds, and the remaining part was the main source of funds banks and social absorb idle idle funds, the use of 100 percent enjoy low tax benefits "in the eight Bo" leverage for the leasing project large amount of funds. The remaining financing and leasing practices are basically the same, but because of the complexity of the contract covers a wide range and even greater. As can enjoy tax benefits, operating norms, comprehensive benefits, and recovery of rent safe, low-cost, and are generally used for aircraft, ships, communications equipment and large complete sets of equipment lease financing. 3. Commissioned by the Financial Leasing Is a way to have the funds or equipment entrusted to non-bank financial institutions in the financing lease, the lessor is also the first client, the second is the trustee of the lessor at the same time. The lessor to accept the client's money or lease of the subject matter, according to the client's written by the client designated for the lessee of the leasing business. In the subject of the lease term lease of the property of the client, the lessor only charges, not to take risks. Such leasing commissioned a major characteristic is not to lease the right to operate the enterprise, "by the right" business. E-commerce is on the lease by lease rental as a business platform. The second is the lessor or lessee commissioned by the lease purchase of a third person, the lessor under the contract to pay the purchase price, also known as commissioned by the lease purchase financing. 4. Project finance leasing Lessee to project their own property and to ensure efficiency, and the lessor signed a finance lease contract, the lessor to the lessee of the property and other projects without recourse to the proceeds, we can only rent charged to the project's cash flow and profitability to determine. The seller (that is leasing goods manufacturers) through their holding leasing companies to promote their products in this way, and expand market share. Communications equipment, medical equipment, transportation equipment, or even the right to operate highway can be used this way. Others, including the return of leasing, also known as sale and leaseback financing leasing; financing to leasing, also known as the financing to leasing. [Edit] the risk of lease financing Finance leases from the risk of many uncertain factors, is multifaceted and interrelated, in the full understanding of the operational activities of the characteristics of various risks can be comprehensive, scientific analysis of risks to formulate corresponding measures. The risk of financing leasing main categories as follows: (1) product market risks. In the market environment, regardless of the financing lease, loan or investment, as long as the funds used to purchase equipment or to carry out technological transformation, first of all, should consider leasing equipment products market risks, which need to know to sell the products, market share rate and occupancy, product trends in the development of the market, the consumption structure and the mentality of the consumers and consumption capacity. If these factors are not fully understand, the survey are not careful, and may increase the market risk. (2) financial risks. For the leasing of a financial nature, financial risks throughout the entire business activities. The lessor, the biggest risk is that the lessee is also rent capacity, it has a direct impact on the operation of leasing companies and survival, therefore, the risk of also rent from the project began, it should be cause for concern. Currency also have risks, especially international payments, methods of payment, payment date, time, the remittance channels and means of payment options improperly, will increase the risk. (3) Trade risk. For the leasing of a trade properties, the risks of trade negotiations to orders from the acceptance testing there is a risk. The merchandise trade in the modern development of a relatively complete, the community is also supporting the establishment of corresponding institutions and preventive measures, such as a letter of credit, transport insurance, commodity inspection, commercial arbitration and the risk of credit counseling have taken precautions and remedial measures, but because people's awareness and understanding of the risks of different degrees, and some means of a commercial nature, coupled with the inexperience of the management of enterprises and other factors, all of these instruments have not been used, making trade risk still exists. (4) technical risks. One of the benefits of lease financing before other enterprises is the introduction of advanced technology and equipment. In the actual course of the operation, or advanced technology, advanced technology is mature, mature technology for the legal rights and interests of others, is an important risk a technical reasons. Serious, due to technical problems so that equipment in a state of paralysis. Other risks include the economic environment, force majeure, and so on. [Edit] the accounting treatment of lease financing [Edit], the tenant on the accounting treatment of lease financing 1, the start of the lease accounting treatment At the start of the lease, the tenant will usually be the start of the lease rental assets in the original book value of the minimum lease payments and the present value of the lower of the two leased assets as recorded value of the minimum lease payments as a long-term payables recorded value, and the difference between the two records is not recognised financing costs. However, if the assets of the leasing assets of the enterprise small proportion of the total, the tenant may be the start of the lease in the minimum lease payment records of assets and long-term rent payments. This time, the "proportional" not usually refers to fixed assets financed by leasing the lessee total assets total less than 30% (including 30%). Under such circumstances, rent for the financing of long-term assets and the determination of the amount due, the tenant may, at its option, which can be used minimum lease payments, and can also be used leasing assets in the original book value of the minimum lease payments and the present value of the two in the lower. Then what "leasing the original book value of assets" refers to the start of the lease rental, as reflected in the accounts, the book value of the leased asset. Lessee in the calculation of the minimum lease payments at the current value, if the lessor that the interest rate implicit in the lease, the lessor should be used as the interest rate implicit in the discount rate, otherwise, shall be stipulated in the lease contract interest rate as the discount rate . If the lessor's interest rate implicit in the lease and rental rates stipulated in the contract are not available, it should be used over the same period interest rates on bank loans as the discount rate. Which is implicit in the lease rates, in the inception of the lease, the minimum lease payments and the present value of the unsecured portion of the residual value of the current value of assets and equivalent to the original book value of the discount rate. 2, the initial direct costs of the accounting treatment Initial direct costs refer to the lease negotiations and the signing of the lease agreement occurred in the course of the lease can be directly attributable to the cost of the project. Lessee in the initial direct costs usually have stamp duty, commission, attorney fees, travel expenses, such as the costs of negotiations. Lessee in the initial direct costs should be recognised as an expense in the current period. Accounts for its handling: debit "management fees" and other subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects. 3, no finance charge assessed In the finance lease, the lessee to the lessor to pay the rent, include the repayment of principal and interest in two parts. Lessee to pay rent, on the one hand to reduce long-term payables, on the other hand, while not confirmed by the leasing costs for a certain method to confirm the current financing costs, the first rent (that is, initially matching each rental payment) Under the circumstances, the lease term is the first phase of rent paid no interest, should only reduce the long-term payments, not to confirm the current financing costs. Not sharing in the finance costs, the lessee should be used to calculate certain way. According to the guidelines, the lessee can be used in real interest rates, the straight-line method can also be used and the number of years of combined law. In using the effective interest method, in accordance with the inception of the lease is a lease assets and liabilities are recorded based on the value of different financing costs assessment rate options are also different. No finance charge assessed specific divided into the following types: (1), leasing assets and liabilities to a minimum lease payments accounted for the present value of value to the investor and the interest rate implicit in the lease for the discount rate. Under such circumstances, investors should be the interest rate implicit in the lease for the assessment rate. (2), leasing assets and liabilities to a minimum lease payments for the present value of recorded value, and to lease contract provides for the interest rate as the discount rate. In such circumstances, should be stipulated in the lease contract as the rate of assessment rates. (3), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset accounted for the value of the lessee does not exist residual value guarantees and preferential purchase right to choose. In such circumstances, should be re-calculation of the cost-sharing rate financing. Financing cost-sharing rate refers to the inception of the lease, the minimum lease payments equal to the present value of lease assets in the original book value of the discount rate. In the lessee or related to the leased asset residual value of the third-party security situation, and the similar, the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reduced to zero. (4), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset accounted for the value of the lessee does not exist guaranteed residual value, but there is preferential option to purchase. In such circumstances, should be re-calculation of the cost-sharing rate financing. At the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reduced to zero. (5), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset value accounted for, and the existence of the lessee guaranteed residual value. Under such circumstances, the cost-sharing should be re-financing rate. Related to the lessee or third parties on the residual value of leased assets as security has been provided or not at the end of the lease renewal and to pay a penalty of circumstances, the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reduced to the guaranteed residual value, or to be paid by the breach. Lessee shall pay each of the rent shall be the amount of rent paid, debit "long-term payables - to finance leases," subjects, credited to "bank" subjects, if payment of rent, which includes compliance costs, At the same time debit should be "manufacturing costs", "management fees" and other subjects. At the same time should be recognized in accordance with the current amount of the finance charge, debit "financial costs" subjects, credited the "no finance charge" subjects. 4, the leased asset depreciation Provision Tenants should finance the lessee Provision for depreciation of fixed assets, should address two main issues: (1), depreciation policy Provision for asset depreciation, lease, the tenant should be its own assets Provision line depreciation method. If the lessee or third parties relating to the leased asset security has been provided, should be credited for the amount of depreciation on fixed assets, and the inception of the lease accounting residual value after deducting the value of the balance. If the lessee or third parties relating to the leased asset residual value of the security has been provided, the total amount of depreciation should be credited for the start of the lease value of fixed assets recorded. (2), the depreciation period Identify the leased asset depreciation period, should be in accordance with the lease contract. If reasonable certainty that the lessee at the end of the lessee will obtain ownership of the leased asset, the lessee can be identified with all of the assets of the remaining useful life, and should therefore be the start of the lease to lease the remaining useful life of assets as depreciation period; If you can not reasonably determine whether the lease to the lessee at the end of the lease ownership of the assets to be made to the lease period and the remaining useful life of the leased asset in the shorter of the two as the depreciation period. 5, the accounting treatment of compliance costs Many types of compliance costs, rent for the financing of fixed assets improved expenditure, technical advice and service charges, fees should be increased staff training credited to the extension of sharing costs, debit "long-term prepaid expenses," and "accrued expenses" , "manufacturing costs", "management fees" and other subjects, the fixed assets regular maintenance, insurance, etc. can be directly charged to expense in the current period, debit "manufacturing costs," and "operating expenses" and other subjects, credited to "bank deposits, "wait until the subjects. 6, or the accounting treatment of rent Since the rent or the amount of uncertainty, unable to adopt a rational approach to its system for sharing, in the actual event, debit "manufacturing costs," and "operating expenses" and other subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects. 7, at the end of the lease accounting treatment At the end of lease, the tenant on the lease is usually the disposition of the assets of three circumstances: (1), the return of the leased asset. Debit "long-term payables - to finance leases," and "accumulated depreciation" subjects, credited "fixed assets - fixed assets financed by leasing all" subjects. (2), renewable lease concession assets. If the lessee to exercise the right to choose renewable concession, the lease shall be deemed to have been made the presence of the corresponding accounting treatment. If no expiry of renewal, to the lessor under the lease contract to pay a penalty, debit "operating expenses" subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects. (3), stay purchase the leased asset. In the lessee enjoy preferential purchase right to choose, purchase price paid, debit "long-term payables - to finance lease," credited "bank" and other subjects at the same time, will be fixed assets from "all fixed assets financed by leasing" Details Details of the other subjects into subjects.字数太多,翻译另答~~~~~~



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