上:火星时代网 那有 很多3D牛人向他们求答
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网络游戏开发 游戏的动画设计与实现摘 要目前,电脑游戏热潮席卷全球,游戏软件的开发和维护正在成长为一个新兴的产业。RPG游戏(角色扮演类游戏)无疑是目前市场上最受欢迎的游戏类型之一,本课题就是为适应当前电脑游戏的发展而提出的。论文首先对RPG游戏进行概述,简单介绍了RPG游戏的发展现状和前景。然后对游戏常用的WIN32编程技术:Windows消息机制、图形设备接口、定时器进行介绍。然后介绍了整个RPG游戏的制作流程,包括游戏策划、游戏与玩家的互动及具体的2D动画设计。在游戏策划方面,通过游戏主题的确立、风格、剧本设计三个方面对其进行阐述。在游戏与玩家互动方面,主要介绍剧情的表现和环境界面两方面内容。2D动画设计是论文的重点,所以在2D的算法和动画制作技巧方面介绍的非常详尽。最后通过一个具体的RPG游戏系统的设计与实现来对本课题的关键技术进行阐述,通过实验表明上述动画设计技术在RPG游戏中有较好的效果。关键词: RPG游戏,游戏策划,2D动画设计,定时器 ABSTRACTAt present, the upsurge of the computer games have sweep across the world. Development and maintenance of the computer games’ software have growing as a new emerging industry. The RPG game (role acting class game) is the most popular one in the present market of computer game. The topic of this thesis was proposed to fit the request of current computer games’ developmentThis thesis first summarized the outline of the RPG game, introduce the current situation and prospect of RPG game’s development. Then discussed the common used WIN32 programming technology: The Windows message mechanism, the graphics device interface and the timer.Then, introduced the technological process of the RPG game which contains the game plan, connection of the game and player and 2D animation design. The game plan includes the establishment of the subject, style and drama of game. Then, the expression of drama and environment were introduced in the section of connection of the games and players. 2D animation design is the focus of this thesis, so the introduction of the algorithm of 2D and the technique of animation design is detailed and complete. Finally, expound the most important technique of this thesis through a concrete RPG game system design, through the experiment indicated above animation design technology has a better effect in the RPG game.Keywords: RPG game, game plan, 2D animation design,Timer 目 录第1章 RPG游戏概述 11.1 RPG游戏简介 11.2 RPG游戏发展现状 11.3 RPG游戏发展前景 21.4 后续章节介绍 2第2章 游戏编程技术介绍 32.1 系统开发工具介绍 32.1.1 Visual C++设计游戏的优势 32.1.2 Microsoft.NET概述 42.1.3 Visual C++.NET 42.2 WIN32编程技术介绍 52.2.1 Windows消息机制 52.2.2 图形设备接口 52.2.3 定时器 52.2.4 回调函数 62.3 总结 6第3章 RPG游戏设计技术 73.1 游戏策划 73.1.1 游戏主题的确立 73.1.2 游戏风格 73.1.3 剧本设计 73.2 游戏与玩家的互动 83.2.1 游戏剧情的表现 83.2.2 游戏的环境界面 93.3 动画设计技术 103.3.1 2D基本算法 103.3.2 动画的制作 203.4 总结 26第4章 《SCR》游戏系统的设计与实现 274.1 系统概述 274.1.1 故事梗概 274.1.2 游戏美工 274.1.3 系统行为 304.2 系统分析与设计 314.2.1 系统功能模块 314.2.2 游戏界面设计 314.3 游戏动画的实现 334.3.1 游戏初始化 334.3.2 人物移动、对话和打斗的实现 354.3.3 游戏退出设置 404.3.4 进度存取 414.4 总结 44结束语 45参考文献 46致 谢 47
摘要: 近年来网络游戏产业发展迅猛,游戏产品和服务供给的各个环节逐步完善,产业链初步成形。网络游戏产生的机理是源于对高级化交互式数字娱乐的社会需求。 以下就是由我为您提供的网络毕业论文开题报告。
需求拉动供给,并且为供给链各环节提供价值分享。网络游戏产业链各环节之间有着错综复杂的相互关联、相互依赖关系,上、下游之间存在扩张和整合的可能性。网络游戏产业模式的核心是运营模式,以及由此衍生发展收入模式、产品模式、技术进步模式、利益分配模式等。随着网络游戏的发展,一种新的信息业趋势也随之未来。本文首先介绍了网络游戏业的产业模式, 然后论述其代表的信息业网络运营商和内容提供商( ICP) 的紧密合作的新趋势, 最后对如何实现更好的合作提出建议。
游戏产业是文化产业中的重要领域。当前,网络游戏产业已经成为备受各方关注的新兴行业。据英国市调公司Juniper Research的'最新一份调查报告指出,预计2011年全球游戏市场的整体产值会到达350亿美金,而游戏产业也会成为全球最大的娱乐产业,重要性远远超过电影、音乐等产业。随着互联网在我国的普及,中国网民的快速增长,网络游戏在我国已经逐步兴起,并成为一个高利润、快速发展的产业领域。网络游戏这个新兴的游戏产业,作为网络历史上最成功的盈利模式之一,网络游戏已带动信息业的新趋势的形成,日益显示出巨大的市场潜力。分析中国网络游戏产业的现状,以及相关信息业的新趋势,对于促进中国网络游戏产业的健康发展具有重要的现实意义。回顾和总结近五年来我国网络游戏产业研究的现状,分析存在的问题和未来研究的趋势,有着十分重要的理论意义。
Topic:Look from tencent mobile game layout mobile game industry in ChinaThe problems and developing trendAbstract:In recent years, the mobile Internet in China's development is swift and violent, and mobile phone games in the mobile Internet industry because of its fast development, the characteristics of high investment, strong cashability becomes a focus in the mobile Internet.According to a 2013 report on the work of the Chinese game industry, mobile game business income of about $ten billion last year, rose more than 150%.Late last year, 286 million smartphone users in China, in the free and paid applications download charts, game share were 78.4% and 46.9%, respectively, are listed first.China, on the other hand, the hand travel blowout market have to thank tencent company in its mobile instant messaging software introduced a micro letter hand tour called "plane".As of August 9, 2013 micro letter 5.0 release, tencent micro letter is also began its commercialization process, the micro letter is the first step into the commercial mobile game market.It has been proved that the mobile gaming platform on the basis of the micro letter is 2013 mobile game industry one of the biggest dark horse.Tencent from the second half of last year began to descend on mobile game industry, and in launched the war, cool run every day, every day coasters, rhythm and master after the game, have achieved very good results.Tencent each launch a mobile phone game is bound to occupy the App Store download list first for a long time, often appear that the App Store for free top ten more than general game developed for tencent or agent.Tencent launched mobile gaming platform just half a year time peremptory has become a mobile game industry leader, with the help of micro letters and phone QQ platform, tencent mobile game seems to have duplicate their success in the PC games.But it can not help but make people think: why tencent mobile game is so popular?Push the trend of the power comes from where?How long will tencent in the mobile gaming industry leading?This article from the several aspects to discuss the layout of the mobile game strategy of tencent and the refraction of the problems existing in the mobile gaming industry in China and the trend of development.望采纳谢谢
提供一些旅游管理毕业论文的题目,供参考。1.我国贫困地区旅游业发展思考2.我国XX地区特色旅游发展的意义及建议3.我国旅游饭店发展战略思考4.旅游交通对旅游业发展的推动及完善措施分析5.我国新兴旅游形式的发展研究6.自助旅游发展研究7.提高我国旅游从业人员心理素质的途径分析8.提高我国导游服务质量的思考9.旅游景区发展与保护问题思考10.有关我国旅游消费问题的研究11.有关我国旅游价格问题的研究12.自助旅游发展与管理13.中国自助旅游的特点14.农家乐旅游发展研究15.旅游从业人员职业道德探讨16.论导游回扣的治理17.旅行社管理中导游工资机制改革研究18.旅行社管理中的难点与对策分析19.饭店企业员工流失现象剖析及对策研究(以某某饭店为例)20.提高现代饭店服务质量的探讨(以某某饭店为例)21.饭店如何实施个性化服务(以某某饭店为例)22.饭店人力资源管理与开发创新(以某某饭店为例)23.饭店节假日营销对策思考24.饭店如何进行商务旅客客源开发25.饭店迎宾审美研究26.导游职业道德缺失的防范与控制27.旅游服务人员的挫折与心理保健28.某某县旅游发展思路29.对提高员工忠诚感,提升酒店价值的探讨(以某某饭店为例)30.浅谈“细微服务意识的培养” (以某某饭店为例)31.论加强饭店客房特色经营(以某某饭店为例)32.论某某饭店的待客之道33.饭店菜单设计(以某某饭店为例)34.新的放假制度对我国旅游业的影响35.高职旅游专业毕业生更快适应酒店(旅行社)工作的研究36.旅行社旅游线路设计研究
旅游管理专业毕业论文 摘要:旅游治理毕业论文: 内容摘要:随着人们物质文化生活水平的不断提高旅游消费心态的日益成熟我国旅游业已经出现了由较低层次的观光旅游向更为高级的消费模式体验旅游逐步过渡的趋势。本文通过对体验旅游和我国导游现状的分析提出了适应体验旅游发展的导游发展方向。 关键词:体验旅游 导游 新型要求 随着人们物质文化生活水平的不断提高旅游消费心态的日益成熟在经历了多年“黄金周”的培育之后我国旅游业已经出现了由较低层次的“观光旅游”向更为高级的消费模式—以情景化、体验化为特征融高品味吃、住、行、游、购、娱活动为一体的“体验旅游”逐步过渡的趋势。美国两位闻名学者约瑟夫?派恩和詹姆斯?吉尔姆在《体验经济》中认为以后世界经济已经步入“体验经济”时代。所谓“体验”是以服务为舞台以商品为道具围绕消费者创造出值得消费者回忆的活动。“体验旅游”是在体验经济规模不断膨胀的大背景下产生的一种崭新旅游产品其最大的特征是注意旅游者的体验效能本质是“以人为本”终极目标是快乐感、亲切感、自我价值。因此“体验旅游”特殊强调游客自身的积极参与和自身体验使游客真正感受到旅游中的乐趣。 旅游从本质上讲就是人们离开常住地到异地去寻求某种体验的一种活动。“体验旅游”将“体验”的概念单独提炼出来意在突出“体验”的强烈性。从旅游业的发展表明近年来随着人们旅游观念的提高越来越多的人认为现代旅游更多的是一种旅游心情的分享一种生活方式的体验一种自我价值的实现。体验旅游已成为现代旅游最具开发潜力的部分它强调游客对旅游地文化的、生活的、历史的体验强调参与性与融入性。体验旅游将是体验经济时代旅游消费的必然需求。 体验旅游与观光旅游是在体验经济和服务经济两种不同的经济形态下的产物二者在产品形态、消费心理、旅游经营者和旅游者之间的关系等诸多方面都有着不同。体验旅游用个性化旅游产品代替原来的标准化旅游产品。面对同样的景区景点或娱乐设施不同的游客亦可能有完全不同的体验;即使为了同样的一种体验(犹如样的道教旅游的体验)不同的游客也会选择不同的实现方式、地点等。因此体验旅游时代旅游者将不再满意被动接受设计好的、标准化的旅游产品而是希望能亲自参与设计自己的旅游线路和旅游经销商共同完成其所需旅游产品的生产。个性化特征由此凸现。 从游客追求的价值目标看体验旅游不仅重视旅游结果更重视旅游过程。观光旅游阶段游客的旅游观念尚处于较低水平基本是“白天看庙晚上睡觉走到景点拍拍照”旅游体验不深重游率不高。体验旅游时期的旅游者不仅关注得到什么样的旅游产品而是更加重视在哪里、如何得到这一产品。 在体验旅游中旅游消费心理转向更高级的情感需要、自我实现的需要。马斯洛需要层次中提出“自我价值的实现”是人类的最高需要。注重以人为本的体验旅游将使人们的旅游消费心理从消极的逃避转向积极的追求自我价值的实现。 体验旅游更加强调与旅游者的沟通并以此触动其内在情感加强旅游体验。体验旅游的第二个终极目标是使游客产生亲切感而亲切感产生的首要条件就是与旅游者的沟通。只有导游与游客之间有了良好的互相沟通才能使游客全身心的放松充分融入到景物中情景交融从而加强旅游体验。 导游行业现在是一个颇有争议的行业由于诸多方面的原因现在导游的社会声誉不佳普遍印象是“素质不高”工作雷同。根据国家旅游局人教司对全国导游队伍人力资源状况的调查截止2002年8月底全国已有人取得导游人员资格证书但导游队伍内部结构不合理。从等级结构来看低等级(资格和初级)导游人员占导游队伍的绝大多数为96.3%;中、高、特级导游员人数尚不到4%。从学历结构来看我国导游人员的学历普遍偏低其中高中、中职、中专学历者占41.7%大专学历者占39.4%本科以上学历者占18.9%。外语类导游人员的学历比中文导游员稍高但大专及以下学历仍占52%。此种现状直接导致的后果是“导游就是导购”以及宰客、甩团、强行索要小费等不文明行为屡见不鲜。而千篇一律的导游辞、线路安排、游玩项目等等使得游客在旅游过后对导游工作的认同更无从谈起。 尽管如此不论导游自身或旅行社对体验旅游时代导游环节都未引起充分重视。导游作为连接旅游主体和旅游客体的中介因素是旅游目的地、旅行社、旅游者三者之间的桥梁和纽带。随着社会经济的发展体验旅游时代的到来导游的作用会越来越重要对高素质的新型导游的需求也会越来越大。 体验旅游对导游的详细要求 大学生论文写作指导论文的选题方法 毕业论文开题报告格式 毕业论文开题报告注意... 毕业论文格式 毕业论文注意事项(一)提升文化素养 从景区景点的层面看体验旅游是观光游更深层次的挖掘和更广层面的拓展;从游客的层面看日益成熟的游客消费心态以及日益提高的游客文化品味是“体验旅游”迅速发展的主要原因。在体验旅游阶段导游应该让游客体会到美在其中乐在其中轻松在其中感悟在其中。由此导游就必须针对景区景点所需要、所能够传递给游客的体验自己先停止的深入思索并揣摩不同游客的审美特点、心理习惯、消费观念乃至身体状况来“量身定做”旅游产品(包括景点选择、导游辞的选择、线路的选择、景点停留工夫的选择景区内互动项目参与程度的选择甚至导游自己组织开展的小活动的选择等等)。 “体验旅游”呼唤高素质的导游也只有高素质导游能够让游客深刻理解旅游景区的文化内涵使“体验”更深。 (二)自身素质专业化 传统观光旅游阶段旅游者还未挣脱“眼睛旅游”的方式;体验旅游阶段随着旅游者对个性化旅游产品的购买对高品质旅游体验的需求他们希望通过导游的穿针引线来深刻了解、感受旅游区的人文环境和历史脉络从而加深对景点的印象提高旅游体验层次。有学者提出“一流的导游应该是博士水平”。但是目前我国大多数的导游只能千篇一律的复述相同的导游词真正能深入了解旅游目的地风俗习惯、文化渊源的高素质导游极少。这些现象的出现直接导致了游客感慨不深更别说获得某种终身难忘的体验。其实不论从景区景点的角度还是从游客的角度都希望导游能够在深入了解、发掘景区特色的基础上将景区景点的优势贯穿旅游过程的始终并不断发挥到极致。因此培育专业化导游的时机已经成熟如专业的红色旅游导游专业的宗教旅游导游。知识的专业化会使导游对某一类旅游资源、某些旅游景点有更深层次的理解甚至有创新的见解这样就克服了传统导游什么景点都讲但都讲解不深不能给游客留下深刻旅游体验的缺点。因此可以设想在不久的将来熟知中国革命史的红色导游将大量出现在井冈山、延安;熟读道教、佛教经典的宗教导游将带领游客领略武当山、普陀山的道义、佛文化;而九寨沟、张家界是山水导游大显身手的地方。同时景区自身也应培养一批高素质的定点导游并把此纳入旅游景区规划中这样便可以在最快的工夫以最高水平的讲解来向旅行社、旅游者宣传本景区并以此扩大景区的知名度。 (三)重视差异化服务 这主要是从游客的社会角色来考虑。前面已经提到体验旅游时代游客要求个性化那么具有不同的社会角色的游客参与其中时即使针对同一旅游项目也应有不同的服务侧重点。比如同样的山水旅游对于一群老年朋友来说在游玩过程中就应该多留些工夫给他们悄悄的品味、欣赏;而对于一群青少年而言导游则应充分调动他们的感观和四肢与大自然“亲密接触”这样才让他们真正体会到放松的感觉。同样即使是同一个人重游同一个景点导游也要因其扮演的具体的社会角色而采用不同的讲解。 (四)具备强健的体魄 体验旅游阶段从“走马观花”到“下马看花”个性化旅游产品要求导游更多的亲身参与身体力行的引导游客融入景物中并和他们一起体验。导游只有在和游客一起经历的过程中才能激发游客的兴致并在思想上达到共鸣使两者之间产生信任感产生如同朋友之间的情谊最终实现体验旅游的第二个目的——亲切感。
3 Service QFD – the Starting Point for Internet Banking Services Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is one of the processes incorporated into the Total Quality Management (TQM) concept. QFD is not only a methodological and statistical tool designed for one use but an overall concept that provides a means of translating customer requirements for each stage of product development and production [1]. It is a coherent technique that analyses, prioritises, translates spoken and unspoken customer requirements and involves everyone in an organization. QFD is a comprehensive technique of knowledge processing that integrates all organizational know-how and even reveals internal company knowledge hidden and badly communicated through the organizational structure. QFD fundamentally supports decision making throughout an organizational structure. Once implemented QFD improves team cooperation and promotes teamwork particularly between research, development, and marketing/sales teams. By exploring the culture where teams must cooperate, by understanding the tasks and publishing responsibilities, QFD improves levels of trust and a pure and honest working environment in an organization. The name Quality Function Deployment expresses its true purpose, which is satisfying customers (Quality) by translating their needs into a design and ensuring that all organizational units (Function) work together to systematically break down their activities into finer and finer detail that can be quantified and controlled (Deployment) [8]. QFD dates from 1966 (Yoki Akao) and its penetration into service industries started in the early 1980s in Japanese companies. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a systematic matrix-based visual approach for designing quality products and services. The best-known matrix is the first in the QFD hierarchy, referred to as the House of Quality (HoQ). During the whole process, different size matrices are being constructed (planning matrix/HoQ, concept selection matrix, subsystem/assembly deployment matrix, process planning matrix). Organizational goals & Customer segments Voice of Customer analysis(Planning, definition, prioritisation)Demanded qualities & Quality attributesQuality attributes & FunctionsFunctions & New conceptFigure 1: The QFD Deployments applied to Internet Banking Services 7 7 From the system implementation point of view the following deployments (Figure 1) have be addressed and precisely analysed particularly in a service organization: Organizational Deployment: To map the QFD steps to the different organizational functions; who is responsible for what activities and when during the service planning and development process; highly recommended that organizational deployment be done before QFD is applied to a specific service; Customer Deployment: The deployment of organizational goals into core competencies, into customer attributes, into target customer segments. This helps “tailor” the services to the needs of those customers who can best help achieve organization goals. Voice of Customer Deployment (VOC): VOC tables are used to record raw customer data, use characteristics for defining quality requirements, and so separate the different types of service attributes. In order to satisfy customers, it is important to understand how meeting their requirements affects satisfaction and other specific aspects such as customer involvement, customer preference, customer responsiveness, methodological items of processing and prioritising client requirements. Quality Deployment: Customer-demanded quality and priorities into measurable service quality attributes. Function Deployment: Used to identify functional areas of the organization, which are critical for performing tasks that must achieve the quality attribute targets. New Concept Deployment: Used in conjunction with Quality Improvement Stories (a structured problem- solving approach), to select a new process that will best satisfy customers’ needs. Task Deployment: Breaks down critical jobs into tasks and steps. Reliability Deployment: Identifies and prevents failures of critical customer requirements. 4 Case study The QFD application was carried out in cooperation with the Electronic Banking and Development department of a Slovak bank in the period November 2002 - May 2003. The bank has been operating in the Slovak financial market since 1993 and is well recognized as a corporate and retail bank possessing an advanced technology platform, though not promoting the quality of online services to a sufficient level. The preparation process included a series of bank visits where the bank’s internal documents were provided. The deployment of the ‘Voice of the Customer’ and Quality Deployment (Marked in the Figure 1) were carried out in the following sub-steps. 4.1 ‘Voice of the Customer’ Deployment The first step of our case study was to identify the quality criteria the bank’s customers were expecting from the Internet banking services. The data was collected in the form of an unstructured customer survey, which included suggestions and ideas about the Internet banking services. They were analysed in several steps: § Iterative completion of a list of all the suggestions § Suggestions’ clustering according to their affinities (23 clusters, frequencies) § Definition of demanded quality criteria § Clusters allocated among the demanded qualities - each cluster could have shared more than one of the formulated service criteria allowing allocating frequencies for each of the service criteria 8 8§ Prioritisation of service quality criteria Refining the voice of the customer is often a demanding task and requires a systematic way ofcommon part of day-to-day management may be a difficult re-engineering task. QFD can be perceived as constraining and often requires additional resources especially at the starting level. By applying QFD we demonstrated the potential this technique has in defining customer expectations and the translation of these expectations into the design specifications, thus ensuring the customer’s satisfaction.
网络游戏开发 游戏的动画设计与实现摘 要目前,电脑游戏热潮席卷全球,游戏软件的开发和维护正在成长为一个新兴的产业。RPG游戏(角色扮演类游戏)无疑是目前市场上最受欢迎的游戏类型之一,本课题就是为适应当前电脑游戏的发展而提出的。论文首先对RPG游戏进行概述,简单介绍了RPG游戏的发展现状和前景。然后对游戏常用的WIN32编程技术:Windows消息机制、图形设备接口、定时器进行介绍。然后介绍了整个RPG游戏的制作流程,包括游戏策划、游戏与玩家的互动及具体的2D动画设计。在游戏策划方面,通过游戏主题的确立、风格、剧本设计三个方面对其进行阐述。在游戏与玩家互动方面,主要介绍剧情的表现和环境界面两方面内容。2D动画设计是论文的重点,所以在2D的算法和动画制作技巧方面介绍的非常详尽。最后通过一个具体的RPG游戏系统的设计与实现来对本课题的关键技术进行阐述,通过实验表明上述动画设计技术在RPG游戏中有较好的效果。关键词: RPG游戏,游戏策划,2D动画设计,定时器 ABSTRACTAt present, the upsurge of the computer games have sweep across the world. Development and maintenance of the computer games’ software have growing as a new emerging industry. The RPG game (role acting class game) is the most popular one in the present market of computer game. The topic of this thesis was proposed to fit the request of current computer games’ developmentThis thesis first summarized the outline of the RPG game, introduce the current situation and prospect of RPG game’s development. Then discussed the common used WIN32 programming technology: The Windows message mechanism, the graphics device interface and the timer.Then, introduced the technological process of the RPG game which contains the game plan, connection of the game and player and 2D animation design. The game plan includes the establishment of the subject, style and drama of game. Then, the expression of drama and environment were introduced in the section of connection of the games and players. 2D animation design is the focus of this thesis, so the introduction of the algorithm of 2D and the technique of animation design is detailed and complete. Finally, expound the most important technique of this thesis through a concrete RPG game system design, through the experiment indicated above animation design technology has a better effect in the RPG game.Keywords: RPG game, game plan, 2D animation design,Timer 目 录第1章 RPG游戏概述 11.1 RPG游戏简介 11.2 RPG游戏发展现状 11.3 RPG游戏发展前景 21.4 后续章节介绍 2第2章 游戏编程技术介绍 32.1 系统开发工具介绍 32.1.1 Visual C++设计游戏的优势 32.1.2 Microsoft.NET概述 42.1.3 Visual C++.NET 42.2 WIN32编程技术介绍 52.2.1 Windows消息机制 52.2.2 图形设备接口 52.2.3 定时器 52.2.4 回调函数 62.3 总结 6第3章 RPG游戏设计技术 73.1 游戏策划 73.1.1 游戏主题的确立 73.1.2 游戏风格 73.1.3 剧本设计 73.2 游戏与玩家的互动 83.2.1 游戏剧情的表现 83.2.2 游戏的环境界面 93.3 动画设计技术 103.3.1 2D基本算法 103.3.2 动画的制作 203.4 总结 26第4章 《SCR》游戏系统的设计与实现 274.1 系统概述 274.1.1 故事梗概 274.1.2 游戏美工 274.1.3 系统行为 304.2 系统分析与设计 314.2.1 系统功能模块 314.2.2 游戏界面设计 314.3 游戏动画的实现 334.3.1 游戏初始化 334.3.2 人物移动、对话和打斗的实现 354.3.3 游戏退出设置 404.3.4 进度存取 414.4 总结 44结束语 45参考文献 46致 谢 47
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