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在众姐妹中,我最喜欢乔的性格。乔性格活泼,大大咧咧,一副天不怕地不怕的样子,很善于与人交往。她最大的愿望就是当个男孩,因为那样她就可以脱下长礼服,跟随爸爸一起去参加战斗,平时也可以和男孩子们无拘无束地谈论溜冰技术。听听艾美与乔的对话:(乔正吹着口哨)“别这样,乔,只有男孩子才这样做。”“所以我才吹。”“我憎恨粗鲁,没有淑女风度的女孩!”“我讨厌虚假、矫揉造作的毛头妹!”从这些话语中,可以看出乔是一个敢做敢为的女孩,她不受礼节的束缚,讨厌处处装假正经。 当然,乔还有自己的另外一面,就是勇于追求自己的理想。在照顾马奇婶婶的同时,乔在她家的藏书室里读书,然后不断地投稿。后来乔又飞去纽约当柯克太太的孩子们的家庭教师,她觉得变换一下环境对写作更有好处,她乐于接受新的事物,不时会产生新的想法。乔的勤奋努力,终于使她成为一名作家。我欣赏乔的个性,她是一个自尊自立的人,具有现代女性独立的风范。

《小妇人》是 美国 女作家路易莎· 梅· 奥尔科特的代表作品 当初第一次看《小妇人》时,就喜欢上了这本书,喜欢上了乔这个鲜活的人物,乔的性格是我非常喜欢的,她善良、坚韧、正直、爱家、纯真,同时她也有很多性格缺点,叛逆,言谈不羁,脾气急躁。乔是一个假小子,她很不喜欢自己的女儿身,因为这样她就不能上战场,也不能得到自己想要的工作来帮助家里。所以她总是很难过自己不是男孩子,这不仅体现了乔的“爱家情深”,也表现了了乔其实是一个很可爱的女孩子,她也是一个普通的女孩子,有自己的烦恼,虽然在我们看来,这是一个很可笑的小烦恼,乔是一个善良的人,书中很多地方都表现了这点,四姐妹平时玩的游戏和对人生的态度是出自于班杨的《天路历程》,她们 的母亲试图通过一些简单的游戏教导她们对生活充满信心,并且自律,这体现了当时的美国家庭的“坚忍”的生活观念。而乔也把“善良、坚韧”作为自己的行为准则,以此来约束自己的不羁性格,丛书中看来,乔做的很好。比如在圣诞节时,虽然马齐家并不富裕,可她们仍然愿意分出自己的事物给穷人。在马齐先生参军在外时,乔能承担起家庭的生活重担,主动去陪伴马齐姑妈,减轻家里负担,并用自己微薄的薪水为妈妈买礼物,在妈妈需要钱去看望爸爸时卖了自己的头发换钱,这些都是乔坚忍的表现。

学术堂整理了十五个英美文学方面的毕业论文题目供大家进行参考:1、 透过《傲慢与偏见》看现代社会爱情观2、生与死的抗争--《厄舍古厦的倒塌》主题解读3、浅谈“欧·亨利式结尾”及其文学影响4、从宗教角度解读简爱的多重性格5、从女权主义角度剖析《小妇人》中的乔6、 “英雄”的陨落--悲剧美学角度分析《老人与海》7、 从《菊花》中看女主人公Elisa实现自我价值的障碍8、奉献与宽容---浅析《双城记》中的仁爱精神9、 《格列佛游记》中对理性的反思与批判10、浅析《警察和赞美诗》的戏剧化特色11、一场失败革命的反思---论《动物庄园》中所表现的象征意义12、论詹姆斯·乔伊斯《阿拉比》的精神顿悟13、从后印象主义角度解读《到灯塔去》中的双性同体观14、 从中西方道德观差异谈《伊利亚特》与《封神演义》人物品德15、 韦伯《猫》中的女性主义

哎哟 这个可有一点难度呢亲,需要的话 也可以给你呢。


中国古代四大爱情悲剧<<梁祝>>梁山伯与祝英台的爱情算得上是悲剧中的悲剧,也是一个美丽、凄婉、动人的爱情故事。 东晋时期,浙江上虞县祝家庄,玉水河边,有个祝员外之女英台,美丽聪颖,自幼随兄习诗文,慕班昭、蔡文姬的才学,恨家无良师,一心想往杭州访师求学。祝员外拒绝了女儿的请求,祝英台求学心切,伪装卖卜者,对祝员外说:按卦而断,还是让令爱出门的好。祝父见女儿乔扮男装,一无破绽,为了不忍使她失望,只得勉强应允。 英台女扮男装,远去杭州求学。途中,邂逅了赴杭求学的会稽(今绍兴)书生梁山伯,一见如故,相读甚欢,在草桥亭上撮土为香,义结金兰。 不一日,二人来到杭州城的万松书院,拜师入学。从此,同窗共读,形影不离。梁祝同学三年,情深似海。英台深爱山伯,但山伯却始终不知她是女子,只念兄弟之情,并没有特别的感受。 祝父思女,催归甚急,英台只得仓促回乡。梁祝分手,依依不舍。在十八里相送途中,英台不断借物抚意,暗示爱情。山伯忠厚纯朴,不解其故。英台无奈,谎称家中九妹,品貌与己酷似,愿替山伯作媒,可是梁山伯家贫,未能如期而至,待山伯去祝家求婚时,岂知祝父已将英台许配给家住贸阝城(今鄞县)的太守之子马又才。美满姻缘,已成沧影。二人楼台相会,泪眼相向,凄然而别。临别时,立下誓言:生不能同衾,死也要同***! 后梁山伯被朝廷沼为鄞县(今奉化县)令。然山伯忧郁成疾,不久身亡。遗命葬贸阝城九龙墟。英台闻山伯噩耗,誓以身殉。 英台被迫出嫁时,绕道去梁山伯墓前祭奠,在祝英台哀恸感应下,风雨雷电大作,坟墓爆裂,英台翩然跃入坟中,墓复合拢,风停雨霁,彩虹高悬,梁祝化为蝴蝶,在人间蹁跹飞舞。 在朝廷做宰相的上虞名人谢安听说这一奇事,就奏请皇帝,敕封为义妇冢 <<白蛇传>>家喻户晓<<白蛇传>>,著名民间传说。主要描述由白蛇所变的白娘子与青年许仙的恋爱婚姻悲剧。白娘子同其侍女小青清明节在杭州游西湖时遇雨。青年许仙以伞相借。后来白娘子以送伞为名,向许仙剖白爱情,定下姻缘,二人迁往镇江开设药店为生。金山寺法海和尚见了许仙,说他面有妖气,叫他在端午节让白娘子喝雄黄酒。白娘显形,吓死许仙。白娘与小青盗仙草救活许仙,但法海又将许仙至金山寺,使夫妻分离。白娘子前去索夫,水漫金山后,与许仙断桥相遇,和好团圆。法海再度前去破坏,将白娘子镇于雷峰塔下。<<红楼梦>>中国四大名著之一,《红楼梦》是以贾、史、王、薛四大家族为背景,故事情节由主次两条矛盾线索构成的。 一条是以贾宝玉、林黛玉的爱情为中心,贯穿全书的全线。它以贾、林争取爱情自由、婚姻自主和个性解放的思想同封建制度、封建礼教之间的矛盾为线索,以贾、林最后对封建制度和封建礼教的彻底背叛和爱情的悲剧结局而告终。 造成贾、林爱情悲剧的根本原因是:在封建制度与礼教的桎梏下,青年男女爱情、婚姻不能自主,而取决于封建家长的意愿。具体地说,贾、林的爱情、婚姻不取决于他们自己的意志,而由以贾母为代表的荣府当权派们决定,而贾母又以封建的阶级利益做点为基点,她对林黛玉的“疼”,仅仅是从“骨血”关系出发,并不喜爱她不符封建道德规范要求的“孤高自许”、“目下无尘”和“小性儿”;而对薛宝钗的“爱”,则是以她“端方”的封建品格为基点,尤其是适应封建道德要求的“行为豁达,随分从时”的性格。由此终于选中了薛宝钗而弃置了林黛玉。其结果是,同时酿成3个人的悲剧:林黛玉,为爱情熬尽最后一滴眼泪,含恨而死;贾宝玉,终于离弃“温柔富贵之乡”而遁入了空门;薛宝钗,虽成了荣府的“二奶奶”,却没有真正赢得爱情,陪伴她提终生的凄凉孤苦。她和林黛玉,只不过是同一条封建毒草藤上两颗属性不同的苦瓜而已。 这条主线揭示了封建制度、封建礼教的罪恶;也歌颂了青年男女对封建制度的礼教的叛逆精神。<<牛郎与织女>>传说牛郎是天上的牵牛星,与织女星互相爱慕,他们感到天上不自由,相约到人间去生活。不料被王母知晓,认为牵牛星犯了天规,要加重罪。金牛星上殿说情,王母怪他多事,罚他与牵牛星一同下凡去耕地种田。织女舍不得与牵牛星分开,要求一同下凡,但王母硬要拆散他们,就把织女锁在天宫云房里,不许她外出一步。牵牛星降到人间一个姓牛的家里,他长大成人后每天下地种田,非常勤劳,人家都叫他牛郎。他有一头老牛,很懂人意,原来他就是金牛星的化身。牛郎的哥哥牛兄是个木匠,为人忠厚,但牛嫂十分凶狠刻薄。牛兄想为牛郎娶亲成家,牛嫂不答应,反吵吵闹闹要与牛郎分家。牛郎不愿哥哥为难,同意各立门户,他不争田地和家产,只要了那头老牛。牛郎牵着老牛离开哥哥家,在山脚下搭了一间茅草房安居下来。在天宫云房里的织女,时刻都在思念着牵牛星。这一天,她趁王母到西方出巡的机会,在灵芝仙子等姐妹的帮助下,偷偷下凡来找牵牛星。织女和姐妹们离开天宫时,天空闪出了刺眼的彩云。牛郎大为惊奇,躺在他身旁的老牛忽然变成了一个会说话的人。牛郎更为惊奇,但又异常欢喜,因为与老牛有了深厚的感情,所以倒不见外,亲热地称他为牛大哥。老牛知道织女已经下凡,有意成全他们在人间做夫妻,便领了牛郎来到碧莲池。这时织女正同灵芝仙子等九姐妹在池中戏水。牛郎暗中偷看美丽的织女,并在老牛的鼓励下与织女见了面。织女一眼就认出牛郎是她日夜思念的牵牛星,对他倾吐了别离之情,可是牛郎已不知道他与织女有过的姻缘,但他深深地爱上了织女。老牛乃做了他们的媒人,织女从此留在人间,与牛郎做了恩爱夫妻,他们男耕女织,勤俭持家,生活过得十分愉快。第二年,织女一胎生了两个儿女,人人都羡慕他们的幸福。他们还教会了人们耕种和纺织的好方法,使田地提高了产量,姑娘们都成了巧手。又过了一年,到了尝新节。人们把新谷做的米粑、刚收获的西瓜评给劳动最好的牛郎和巧手能干的织女先尝。牛郎的哥哥看到人人敬爱弟弟和弟媳,脸上亦觉生光,看看身旁好吃懒做的妻子,只有摇头叹气。织女和牛郎凭着勤劳的双手,日子过得红红火火。但是,王母从西方出巡归来,发现织女已私逃凡间,盛怒之下,派了天将把织女捉回天宫。牛郎从田间回到家中不见了织女,老牛告诉他织女已被天将捉去,牛郎仰天高呼,满腔悲愤。老牛不忍他们妻离子散,遂触断头上的牛角,变成一只小船,让牛郎挑着儿女登上牛角船,腾云追去。牛郎不住地叫着织女的名字,织女听到叫声,知道牛郎在云海辨不出方向,便抛出手中的金梭,金梭拖出一根发光的银丝,引导牛郎进了南天门,他又冲开天将的阻挡,夫妻见了面,宁死也不肯分开。残忍的王母,拔下头上的金钗在天空一划,发出一声巨响,只见牛郎与织女的脚下,裂出一条波浪滚滚的天河,硬把牛郎和织女隔开了。王母以为牛郎与织女从此只能一在河东,一在河西,无法相见。可是,牛郎与织女的坚贞爱情,感动了喜鹊,一时飞来无数的喜鹊,用身上五彩的羽毛,化成一架跨越天河的彩桥。织女含着兴奋的热泪,奔上鹊桥,牛郎也挑着儿女到了桥上,一家子终于又团聚在一起了。

本文结合叙述学、女性主义阐述英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的《简·爱》,从作家身份,女主人公话语的角度切入,在文本细读的基础上试图证明这部作品的叙述既具有一定的叛逆性,又体现出对维多利亚时代的某些思想观念的认同,在叛逆中体现平衡,平衡中又透露出叛逆,即作品本身存在两面性。本文从四个方面论述《简·爱》叙述的两面性。首先是作品采用第一人称叙述,这在历史语境中具有一定的叛逆性,而作者采用匿名的方式把自己隐藏在柯勒·贝尔这样的中性符号背后,避免直面读者的评判,而且“叙述自我”冷静客观的分析性的语言也有助于隐藏作者的女性身份。其次,对书信体小说的反叛与回归。在当时的历史条件下,女性作家如果想获得作品公开发表的权力,不得不向社会权威和既定的传统妥协。当时女性写作的主导的书信体文本,用私下向一位受述者讲述个人故事的方式最大限度地减弱了“言论自由”动摇男权社会的能量,《简·爱》没有采用这种文体,但文本中“读者”这个称呼又与书信体小说中的称呼非常相似。勃朗特用这种方式实现了对既定的社会权威的妥协与平衡。第三,对家庭女教师类型的叙述的超越与平衡。勃朗特之前的家庭女教师故事的叙述者用回顾性的视角拉开了与小说中人物的距离,叙述者对主人公采用道德训诫的口吻;而《简·爱》的叙述者与主人公在道德观念上没有分歧。人物的言辞在某些场合下较为激进,但是从小说的整体来看,人物也有沉默和渐趋平静的叙述,这两点体现出对维多利亚时代的某些思想观念的认同。最后,严肃小说与通俗小说之间获得平衡。作为一个入世不深但思想丰富的女性,勃朗特有个人需要表达的思考和本能的欲望;但时代的局限和个人在时代的影响下无法选择的思想状况和经济状况,都迫使她自觉或不自觉地体现出与一定历史环境的协调与平衡。目 录前言 ···········································1第一章 第一人称叙述的反叛与平衡·······················3第二章 对书信体小说的超越与回归·····················6第三章 家庭女教师故事类型的超越与皈依·················11一、“我必须说话”——对女家庭女教师角色的反叛··············13二、“我兴致勃勃勃地听他谈”——沉默的简·爱体现家庭教师的本分····························································22第四章 严肃小说与通俗小说的平衡······················27前 言从1847年出炉后,《简·爱》就不断地成为文学批评界的宠儿。一百五十多年来,读者也一直特别喜欢这部作品,高居畅销书排行榜的前列;1893年成立了勃朗特学会,每年都有新的研究成果问世;在勃朗特姐妹的家乡成立的纪念馆,每年参观的人络绎不绝。多年来的事实无疑证明《简·爱》是一部值得持续关注的作品。正如福兰克·科莫德(Frank Kermode)指出的,“事实上,仅存的珍贵得足以称得上是经典的作品,正如它们的幸存所表明的,是那些复杂、模糊得足以允许我们进行多种阐释的作品。” 多年来《简·爱》的研究史也从多层面多角度揭示了作品的“复杂与模糊。”历代批评家对《简·爱》的批评意味着不同的批评视野,采用不同的解读方式,如传记式,心理分析式,女性主义精神分析,社会学式,后殖民主义分析式以及神话原型批评式等。每一种批评方式都有其解读方式和解读空间,但同时也存在一定的局限。文学批评经历了语言学转向后,更注重从文本出发,挖掘作品的意义。本文试图从文本出发,结合女性主义、叙述学来重新透视作品的意义。《简·爱》的发表在当时的英国文学界掀起波澜,许多夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte)同时代的人不欢迎《简·爱》,害怕其对固有的社会和文化体系有破坏作用。紧接着《简·爱》第一版的发行,《镜报》上出现一篇言辞颇为尖刻的文章,称《简·爱》“践踏了受到我们祖先尊奉并一直使国人引以为荣的传统习俗”。这篇文章得出结论说:“《简·爱》的思想很坏——观点很荒谬。信仰在黑暗之中被中伤——《简·爱》企图消灭我们的社会差异……”2紧跟着许多人站出来对《简·爱》严辞批判。在一篇言辞更为激进的文章里,玛格丽特·奥丽芬特把《简·爱》中的女主人公称作一个“新的罗马女战神”,她带来了“最令时代惊慌的革命”3。言下之意,作品颇具叛逆性。它的叛逆性多被女性主义研究者阐发出来:20世纪六七十年代的女性主义者们将《简·爱》读作女性反抗父权制压迫的胜利,颂扬简·爱的自觉的“反抗的女性主义”,桑德拉·吉而伯特及苏珊·古芭《阁楼上的疯女人》,认为疯女人伯莎就是女主人公简·爱心灵中的阴暗面,就是她一直想抑制的另一个凶悍的秘密的“自我”。不管对它是攻击还是肯定,《简·爱》的反传统性是人所共识的。在有关评论妇女写作的文章中,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫认为夏洛蒂·勃朗特代表了典型的19世纪中期愤怒、“受挫”的早期女性主义。她本该平静地写却有太多的愤怒4。愤怒在中国看来只是一个人性格上的缺陷,似乎无可厚非。而且愤怒也要看原因,岳飞“怒发冲冠”闻一多“拍案而起”却是正义之怒,而且获得人们的赞赏和尊敬。然而基督教对这一点是很不宽容的,《圣经》里有专门的训诫“不可发怒”;但丁的《神曲》中,地狱的第五层关押的是“动辄发怒”的人;从基督教教徒的眼光来看,发怒是人的恶欲念的发作,应该节制。所以勃朗特的“愤怒”也是为基督教教义所不容,也被某些批评家“批评”。然而,女性主义者们的研究在叙事学家们看来,过于追求意识形态和政治意义的理论范畴,忽略了文本的意义;而在女性主义者看来,形式研究多是就形式论形式,企图从形式中抽象出来某种文学语言的普遍规律,忽略了意识形态。然而,无论是叙事学还是女性主义,都并非某种本质的或孤立的属性,都只能揭示问题的某一方面,当今再没有哪一种文化思潮或文学批评方法可以长久地占据绝对的中心。“一元”解体,“多元”并存,只有多层面多角度才可能揭示问题的某一个侧面。而任何文化思潮和批评方法都由社会权力关系产生,并处于社会权力之中。本文试图将女性主义和叙述学结合起来,探索社会身份地位与文本形式之间的交叉作用,把叙事过程作为意识形态的表达来阅读。本文认为,《简·爱》不仅仅如女性主义者们所阐述的那样,即作品的主题以及人物形象和主人公言词的具有叛逆性,也表现在叙述方式上超越传统。同时作家又受时代环境灌注于其中的思想观念的影响,表现出对其所处时代的某些思想观念的皈依。夏洛蒂·勃朗特的写作为其带来了莫大的声誉和良好的经济收益,而这些成就的获得不仅仅在于她或者作品的“叛逆性”,也在于她能够在超越时代局限的同时又能很好的与其所处的历史语境进行协调;她在树立自己在文学市场上的权威地位的同时也要向既定的社会权威妥协。本文试从四个方面探询《简·爱》叙述的叛逆与平衡:第一人称叙述,书信体小说,家庭女教师故事以及严肃小说与通俗小说的平衡。第一章 第一人称叙述的反叛与平衡《简·爱》用第一人称叙述,从开篇,简·爱在一个寒冷的冬日午后看到的比维克的《英国禽鸟史》的迷人景象,到结尾处芬丁庄园的繁荣茂盛的景象,我们都是用简·爱的眼睛看,用简·爱的感觉去感受,追随她生活的世界。5这样读者可以及时准确地了解人物的行为、心理。例如在罗切斯特离开桑菲尔德后,简·爱怅然若失,当菲尔费克斯太太收到了一封“主人写来”的信时,“我继续喝着咖啡(我们是在吃早饭);咖啡很烫,我把脸上突然升起的一阵火一般的发热归因于它的发烫。为什么我的手会发烫,为什么我不自觉的把半杯咖啡泼在我的盘子里,我都不想去考虑。6”可读者却比任何时候都知道她此时此刻的心境。第一人称叙述在今天看来也许不足为奇,因为小说兴起之初很多小说都是第一人称叙述,如赛缪尔·理查生(Samuel Richardson)的《帕美拉》(Pamela)、《克拉丽莎》(Clarissa),卢梭的《新爱洛伊丝》(Julie ou La Nouvelle Heloise)等等。但这一点落在女性作家的女性叙述者身上,则是另外一回事。在接下来的论述中本文将试图证明这一点。18世纪末19世纪初,公共图书馆、广告业、出版业兴起,作家的身份和名声随之突出,出版商也借作者的声誉获得丰厚利润。这些都可以使作家成为权威人物。作者名称会印在小说的封面上,随着小说的流传作家的名字也在读者中广为人知,这样原本深居闺阁的女性在社会上也变得有名有姓了。这样成名的作家因其在读者中的巨大影响力可以毫不费力地借作品的传播继续扩大其声誉,使其每部作品都能拥有众多读者。夏洛蒂的《教师》生前没有发表,死后在她丈夫的争取下发表了,但此时出版商完全可以凭借夏洛蒂·勃朗特的名声使本来“平淡无奇”的作品获得丰厚的利润。在当时的社会条件下,第一人称叙事即使是虚构的,但因其在形式上与自传难以区分,当时的读者还有把小说当作叙事主人公“真实”生平故事的习惯,这都使得作家不大情愿看见自己的名字出现在小说的封面上。在18世纪到19世纪,女性小说家较少使用第一人称叙事。《简·爱》中女主人公正如弗雷德里克·哈里森写道的那样:“这个相貌平平、身体弱小的家庭女教师凌驾于全书之上,小说的每一页中都有她的身影。书中的每件事和每个人都并非我们在现实生活中所能看到和所能知道的,但他们却是这个几乎从未出过远门的乡村姑娘锐利眼光中的成像。”然而,哈里森也认为如果这部小说以“非个性的叙事形式写成,”“那就可能会失败。”而如果把作品看成是简·爱的自传,或者是夏洛蒂·勃朗特的自传,那它就是“完美的艺术。”7另外,为数众多的女性作家在男性作家一统天下的局面下,女性叙述难免与男性叙述冲突,即使都是女性叙述者,也面临着男性作家的女性叙述者和女性作家的女性叙述者哪一个是合法的问题。“对于她们来说,讲故事还可以,但让叙述者通过叙事把自己作为权威站在前台则是另外一回事。长期以来,社会上已经习惯作者的声音由男性发出。”8而《简·爱》是一部自传性色彩很强烈的小说,叙述者把女主人公推到前台,在女性几乎没有参与社会话语权力的维多利亚时代是需要一番勇气的;而且小说中人物的某些言辞在当时的历史语境下确实是颇为激进的。9那么,在这种情况下,勃朗特是怎样与既存的社会权威之间妥协的呢?她用匿名发表小说,用柯勒·贝尔这个名字开始的写作生涯也是她通向专职作家的一个阶段,也是维多利亚文学市场上男性至上主义所需要的一个自我隐蔽的策略,勃朗特和她的女主角简·爱把“她们自己抽象为符号”(如首字母缩写“J.E.”和匿名),把真实身份隐藏在符号的背后,避开把一个具体的名字与一个女性作家联系在一起,不必遭遇性别歧视。不仅仅如作者本人所强调的,怕读者尤其是批评家因为面对一本女人写的小说而给予不公正的评价,她用一个中性的名字遮蔽了自己,没有社会伦理道德评价的压力,这样也可以更真实地表达自己的本意。事实证明,她的担心不是没有理由没有必要,当众多读者和批评家认可作品后再看到作家本人,事情就不同了。按照凯瑟淋·罗杰斯的说法:在文学市场中“与男性作家激烈较量的女作家”容易遭到攻击,“就好像她靠当妓女来维持着自己的生活似的。”这样,女作家也就容易在她所激烈争夺的文学市场中失去自己的地位。10不仅与男性作家公开较量的女作家被认为是违背了正当的女性气质,即使那些被文学精英阶层认可的女作家也不敢公开承认自己在写作,夏洛蒂·勃朗特的《简·爱》发表后,她的闺中密友曾问她是否是《简·爱》的作者,她断然否定了;《简·爱》在伦敦引起轰动,并获得肯定之后她才把作品放到她父亲的面前,承认她是本书的作者。从著名的湖畔派诗人罗伯特·骚塞给她的回信中可以看出当时对女性写作的态度:“如今每年都有许多卷诗集出版,却未能引起公众的注意;其中任何一卷如果出现在半个世纪以前,都会为它的作者赢得美名。因此,一个人若想在这方面扬名显迹,他就必须准备失望……我感到自己有责任告诫每一位向我寻求鼓励和忠告的年轻人,最好不要选择这样一条充满风险的道路。”11这封对妇女带有严重偏见的信当然严重地挫伤了她的写作热情,但她成名后对盖斯凯尔芙人追忆这段往事时坦言:“骚塞先生的信是和善的,可佩的;虽然有点儿苛刻,可于我有益。”12奥斯丁的写作也是在地下状态进行的,与她朝夕相处的侄子甚至不知道她在写作,认为那简直是不可能的,因为她没有合适的时间和地点,所以弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫认为女性应该有一间“自己的屋子”来从事写作。“……在第一人称回顾性叙述中(无论‘我’是主人公还是旁观者),通常有两种眼光在交替作用:一为叙述者‘我’追忆往事的眼光,另一为被追忆的‘我’正在经历事件时的眼光。这两种眼光可体现出‘我’在不同时期对事件的不同看法或对事件的不同认识程度,它们之间的对比常常是成熟与幼稚、了解事情的真相与被蒙在鼓里之间的对比。”前者称为“叙述自我”,后者称为“经验自我。”13从《简·爱》中我们可以明显地看出这两种叙述声音。如简·爱在反抗里德蛮横无理的行为时,简·爱完全是八九岁小孩子的口吻,属“经验自我”;但她向劳埃德先生讲述自己被关进红屋子的经历时,也用了长大成人后的分析性的口吻:“我总是抱着娃娃上床,人总得爱样什么,既然没有更值得爱的东西,我只好设法疼爱一个小叫化子似的褪色木偶,从中获得一些乐趣。现在想来可想不明白,当初我是怀着多么可笑的真情来溺爱这个小玩意儿,甚至还有点儿相信它有生命、有知觉。(20)” 这里的叙述自我相当于“叙述者”,叙述者是由词语的节奏、措辞和语气创造的一个人。他(她)在时间和空间中无所不在,并且在那段包容一切的时间中他了解应该知道的每一件事情。叙述者是包罗万象的意识,它围绕着所有人物的心灵,从内心里了解他们,而且叙述者根据人物之间的相互关系和他们所体现的人类本性的广泛事实来看待他们。在这部小说中二者之间虽然开始的时候是分离的,但并非两条永不相交的平行线。我们看到,在小说的后半部分,两个“自我”合而为一,用叙述自我的眼光进行叙述。“简·爱这个人物的声音在小说的叙述中是逐步发展的,然而‘成人叙述’声音的简·爱——事实上是同一个声音,现在已经充分发展成熟——从开头到结尾是始终如一的。”14这里“成人叙述”相当于叙述自我,她的言语成熟老练,言辞平静却很有力度,更容易被读者接受。例如叙述者分析主人公在盖茨海德不受欢迎的原因时说:“而如今,隔了——我不愿说少年——我却看得明明白白了。我在盖茨海德,是个和大伙合不来的人;我根那儿的谁也不相象;我跟里德太太,或者根她的孩子们,或者根她宠爱的下人们,都没有一点一致的地方。……我是个异种人……我是个没用的人……。(16)”此类例子还有很多,不一一列举。吴尔夫认为,男性的话语是冷静,客观,独立的,15而这里的叙述自我的言辞就颇为符合这一点,不论作者是否有意这样做,但叙述自我冷静、客观、分析性的语言很容易隐藏作者的真实身份,在叙述风格上靠近男性语言的特点,她的叙述也就可以与当时的社会环境相调和。不论是从女性主义的角度来看,还是从叙述方式来看,《简·爱》的某些带有叛逆性的叙述,都面临遭到抨击的危险,从而失去在文学领域中的地位。但无法否认这部作品即使在作品发表的历史时期,也获得了很大的成功,尽管有批评、否定的声音,但也有很多批评家赞赏她的作品,如乔·亨·刘易斯认为《简·爱》的作者“具备我们要求一个小说家具备的一切:对人物性格的洞察,以及刻画人物的才能;诗情画意;激情;生活知识。故事不单有一种奇特的、自然展开的、始终不渝的趣味,”……“它具有一切伟大文体的首要特点:它是某个人的——某一个个人的成文的语言”,“我们对它无可指摘。”16那么,这部作品还有那些方面在反叛的同时又能用适当的方式赢得批评家们的赞同呢?

论文的题目是一篇论文的灵魂,好的题目可以吸引人们的眼球。下面是我带来的关于美国文学方向论文选题的内容,欢迎阅读参考! 美国文学方向论文选题(一) 1. 从《在路上》看五六十年代美国社会价值观 2. 评希思克利夫被扭曲的心路历程 3. 试论马克·吐温短篇小说的幽默特色 4. 惠特曼的死亡哲学 5. 论《呼啸山庄》--原始古朴与文明理性的交错色彩 6. 论《了不起的盖茨比》中“二元主角”手法的运用 7. 透过小说《威廉·威尔逊》和《黑猫》看艾伦·坡的善恶观 8. 从《飘》看内战对美国文学的影响 9. 论《美国丽人》一片中人物的两面性 10. 论海明威小说中的死亡主题 11. 浅析艾丽丝·沃克的《紫颜色》 12. 女性作家的共性 13. 《倾城之恋》与《飘》的女权意识比较研究 14. 《失乐园》 与《圣经》中撒旦形象的对比 15. 《老人与海》与《鲁宾逊漂流记》的比较研究 16. 哥特式风格在《弗兰克斯坦》中的体现 17. 浅议反讽手法在《蝇王》中的运用 18. 分析麦尔维尔《白鲸》中的象征主义 19. 艾略特早期诗歌中的人物形象分析 20. 《丧钟为谁而鸣》中的女性形象分析 美国文学方向论文选题(二) 1. 从《简爱 》看早期女权主义的理想和追求 2. 十九世 纪英国小说家笔下的真、善、美 3. 英国十 八世纪浪漫主义诗人的自然观 4. Romanticism in Mark Twin's works 5. 批评方法之我见 段燕 6. 浅谈泰戈尔的生命 段燕 7. 浅谈《红字》中珠儿形象的作用 8. 论《 红字》中的道德主题 9. 论海丝特·白兰的性 格发展 10. 《红字》中象征手法的运用 11. 论霍桑《红字》中“A”的象征意义 12. 象征意向在《了不起的盖茨比》中的运用 13. 论《了不起的盖茨比》的艺术特点 14. 伍尔夫创作中的女权主义立场 15. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的女权思想 16. 伍尔夫女 性视角中的女性形象分析 17. 流派研究 18. 世纪美国浪漫主义与英国浪漫主义 19. 超现实主义 20. 魔幻现实主义 21. Jane as a narrator and as a character 22. Character Analysis of Nancy, the “criminal” in Oliver Twist 23. Virginia Woolf and Modern Feminine Independence 24. An Analysis of Charles Dickens' Great Expectation 美国文学方向论文选题(三) 1、 透过《傲慢与偏见》看现代社会爱情观 2、生与死的抗争--《厄舍古厦的倒塌》主题解读 3、浅谈“欧·亨利式结尾”及其文学影响 4、从宗教角度解读简爱的多重性格 5、从女权主义角度剖析《小妇人》中的乔 6、 “英雄”的陨落--悲剧美学角度分析《老人与海》 7、 从《菊花》中看女主人公Elisa实现自我价值的障碍 8、奉献与宽容---浅析《双城记》中的仁爱精神 9、 《格列佛游记》中对理性的反思与批判 10、浅析《警察和赞美诗》的戏剧化特色 11、一场失败革命的反思---论《动物庄园》中所表现的象征意义 12、论詹姆斯·乔伊斯《阿拉比》的精神顿悟 13、从后印象主义角度解读《到灯塔去》中的双性同体观 14、 从中西方道德观差异谈《伊利亚特》与《封神演义》人物品德 15、 韦伯《猫》中的女性主义 16、 浅析《儿子与情人》中的心理冲突 17、浅析中西方喜剧文化---以《武林外传》和《老友记》为例 18、从女性主义看《傲慢与偏见》中的女性形象 19、《瓦尔登湖》中自然主义的现实意义 20、 从男性角色解读《简爱》中的女性反抗意识 猜你喜欢: 1. 英美文学方向毕业论文 2. 文化方向论文题目 3. 英美文学方向论文 4. 美国文化学术论文格式 5. 美国文化学术论文格式要求

在文学史上,有许多的经典名著将要永垂不朽,但能够像《简爱》这样深深地进入人们的灵魂,它以一种不可抗拒的美感吸引了成千上万的读者,影响着人们的精神世界,甚至对某些人来讲,影响了他们一生的作品并不很多。 《简爱》是一部带有自转色彩的长篇小说,它阐释了这样一个主题:人的价值=尊严+爱。 《简爱》的作者夏洛蒂.勃朗特和《呼啸山庄》的作者艾米莉是姐妹。虽然两人生活在同一社会,家庭环境中,性格却大不相同,夏洛蒂.勃朗特显得更加的温柔,更加的清纯,更加的喜欢追求一些美好的东西,尽管她家境贫穷,从小失去了母爱,父爱也很少,再加上她身材矮小,容貌不美,但也许就是这样一种灵魂深处的很深的自卑,反映在她的性格上就是一种非常敏感的自尊,以自尊作为她内心深处的自卑的补偿。她描写的简。爱也是一个不美的,矮小的女人,但是她有着极其强烈的自尊心。她坚定不移地去追求一种光明的,圣洁的,美好的生活。 简.爱生存在一个父母双亡,寄人篱下的环境,从小就承受着与同龄人不一样的待遇,姨妈的嫌弃,表姐的蔑视,表哥的侮辱和毒打......这是对一个孩子的尊严的无情践踏,但也许正是因为这一切,换回了简.爱无限的信心和坚强不屈的精神,一种可战胜的内在人格力量. 在罗切斯特的面前,她从不因为自己是一个地位低贱的家庭教师而感到自卑,反而认为他们是平等的.不应该因为她是仆人,而不能受到别人的尊重.也正因为她的正直,高尚,纯洁,心灵没有受到世俗社会的污染,使得罗切斯特为之震撼,并把她看做了一个可以和自己在精神上平等交谈的人,并且慢慢地深深爱上了她。他的真心,让她感动,她接受了他.而当他们结婚的那一天,简.爱知道了罗切斯特已有妻子时,她觉得自己必须要离开,她这样讲,“我要遵从上帝颁发世人认可的法律,我要坚守住我在清醒时而不是像现在这样疯狂时所接受的原则”,“我要牢牢守住这个立场”。这是简爱告诉罗切斯特她必须离开的理由,但是从内心讲,更深一层的东西是简爱意识到自己受到了欺,她的自尊心受到了戏弄,因为她深爱着罗切斯特,试问哪个女人能够承受得住被自己最信任,最亲密的人所欺呢?简爱承受住了,而且还做出了一个非常理性的决定.在这样一种非常强大的爱情力量包围之下,在美好,富裕的生活诱惑之下,她依然要坚持自己作为个人的尊严,这是简爱最具有精神魅力的地方。 小说设计了一个很光明的结尾--虽然罗切斯特的庄园毁了,他自己也成了一个残废,但我们看到,正是这样一个条件,使简爱不再在尊严与爱之间矛盾,而同时获得满足--她在和罗切斯特结婚的时候是有尊严的,同时也是有爱的。 小说告诉我们,人的最美好的生活是人的尊严加爱,小说的结局给女主人公安排的就是这样一种生活。虽然我觉得这样的结局过于完美,甚至这种圆满本身标志着浮浅,但是我依然尊重作者对这种美好生活的理想--就是尊严加爱,毕竟在当今社会,要将人的价值=尊严+爱这道公式付之实现常常离不开金钱的帮助。人们都疯狂地似乎为了金钱和地位而淹没爱情。在穷与富之间选择富,在爱与不爱之间选择不爱。很少有人会像简这样为爱情为人格抛弃所有,而且义无反顾。《简爱》所展现给我们的正是一种化繁为简,是一种返朴归真,是一种追求全心付出的感觉,是一种不计得失的简化的感情,它犹如一杯冰水,净化每一个读者的心灵,同时引起读者,特别是女性读者的共鸣。


这部小说[2]以家庭生活为描写对象,以家庭成员的感情纠葛为线索,描写了马奇一家的天伦之爱。马奇家的四姐妹中,无论是为了爱情甘于贫困的梅格,还是通过自己奋斗成为作家的乔,以及坦然面对死亡的贝思和以扶弱为己任的艾美,虽然她们的理想和命运都不尽相同,但是她们都具有自强自立的共同特点。描写了她们对家庭的眷恋;对爱的忠诚以及对亲情的渴望。 小妇人所有时代的少女成长过程中所要面对与经历的,都可以在这本书中找到:初恋的甜蜜和烦恼,感情与理智的差异,理想和现实的距离,贫穷与富有的矛盾。《小妇人》故事情节简单真实,却感人至深,问世一百多年以来,多次被搬上银幕,并被译成各种文字,成为世界文学宝库中的经典名作。书中描写的种种情感体验和生活经历,都曾经、正在并将要发生在每一个少女走向成熟的过程之中;书中提倡善良、忠诚、无私、慷慨、尊严、宽容、坚韧、勇敢、亦是人类永远尊崇和追求的美德和信仰。所有这些,赋予这本书超越时代和国度的生命力,这也正是她成为不朽的经典的魅力和原因所在。

文学太宽泛了,你必须一点点的把你的论文论述的观点缩小,不然你写什么都不知道。1. 去图书馆找所有与 汤姆叔叔的小屋 相关的所有英文资料,甚至是原文读本序言之类,也有你可以借鉴的句子。2. 去电子阅览室,搜索所有与 汤姆叔叔的小屋 相关的论文评论,找到你觉得有用的拷下来。3. 到网上搜索下相关词条,如wiki百科的英文相关词条4. 最好浏览一遍原文,看不懂的话中英文对照本也行。~ 实例,首先是开头,小说介绍性文字:Uncle Tom’s Cabin, appeared in book form in 1852, is one of the most unusual books of American literature. Edmund Wilson wrote in an important reassessment in 1962 that Stowe’s work is comparable to that of Dickens and Zola (as readers in her own day recognized); and the novel has often been read in Europe, both in the original and in numerous translations, as the masterpiece of social realism George Sand, George Eliot, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Hugo, and Heine found it to be (Wilson, 1962:3-58). (可以写个一两段)然后,就你找到的文献,归类一下,分别说说他们讲了什么论点(顺便记下人名,书名,年份,页数)最后,说说你将在自己论文里阐述的观点,The paper will mainly focus on 。。。



哎哟 这个可有一点难度呢亲,需要的话 也可以给你呢。

学术堂整理了十五个英美文学方面的毕业论文题目供大家进行参考:1、 透过《傲慢与偏见》看现代社会爱情观2、生与死的抗争--《厄舍古厦的倒塌》主题解读3、浅谈“欧·亨利式结尾”及其文学影响4、从宗教角度解读简爱的多重性格5、从女权主义角度剖析《小妇人》中的乔6、 “英雄”的陨落--悲剧美学角度分析《老人与海》7、 从《菊花》中看女主人公Elisa实现自我价值的障碍8、奉献与宽容---浅析《双城记》中的仁爱精神9、 《格列佛游记》中对理性的反思与批判10、浅析《警察和赞美诗》的戏剧化特色11、一场失败革命的反思---论《动物庄园》中所表现的象征意义12、论詹姆斯·乔伊斯《阿拉比》的精神顿悟13、从后印象主义角度解读《到灯塔去》中的双性同体观14、 从中西方道德观差异谈《伊利亚特》与《封神演义》人物品德15、 韦伯《猫》中的女性主义




Little woman is an autobiography novel properties with the family, the author is American Alcott.This book was written in four different character marches through their own kind of girl, hardworking and found myself happy story.

Novels have dropped the ups and downs of the rock, no fascinating plot of suspense, but the author use simple language describes marge"s family love. Their kindness, love and affection loyalty to deeply touched me. The author describes the details of life is very ordinary, but everywhere to love, reveal the longing for a better life.Marge"s girl although home, but they are poor in anything positive and optimistic attitude. They stressed the novel character and dignity, also show their self constraint, and become more independent of the four girls are common characteristics. They are constantly to find their own shortcomings and to correct.

It is also worth everybody study.I liked Meg, like her willingness to love, not for money poverty seduced by the character, like her fair maiden wind. I like Joe, like her, like her dream to strive for the firm determination.

I like beth, like her quiet, do anything without complaining, like she always for others good moral character. I also like Amy, like her b, the poor as Keats responsibility of poverty. They are not the same fate with the ideal, but they found a better ending.In their opinion, home is their land and sacred shelter. They will listen carefully to the mother"s teachings, will use his hands, intelligent nimble invented the brain to another creative mind and beautification of the game. Four sisters growth course is a rich taste of education. The author used neither luxuriant also not boring language shows us a great affection, human friendship and love.

In my opinion, it seems that the four sisters, forever and their love and love their lives together is the happiest thing.From them, I learned to b, learn to understand content but cannot satisfy, I learned to hope for the future, and never to chasing the dream of optimism, I also learned mustdouble treasures have died, don"t wait until they know lost.

We should be careful that everyone has the advantages of not wear blinders only see the faults of others.Meg, Joe, beth, Amy, they four b, optimistic spirit will be stored in my heart. They smile will remain in my mind, reminding me: be b, have a pure heart.

During the American Civil War, Mr. Madge went to the battlefield as chaplain, four daughters and her mother at home and lived a poor but strong and optimistic life. Although they were poor, they were willing to help Hummel, a neighbor who was more in need of help. Women have vanity, they want to get beautiful clothes, eat delicious food, live like a princess. Although full of fantasy, but in real life, they have been relying on their own efforts to solve all kinds of hardships in life. Meg was the eldest daughter of beauty, full of longing for love; the two daughter of Joe independent, determined to become a writer; three daughter Bess is a traditional girl, gentle and lovely little daughter Amy loves painting. The story follows the years when the four women grew up as young women, describing their uninhibited love experiences and their respective pursuit of different ideals and destination.

This is a book that looks very prosaic at the first glance. But when you go deep into it, you will be surprised to find that this book seems to be full of the shadow of yourself or some familiar people. To face and experience all the girls growing up in the age of the girl, can be found in this book: the first love and worry, differences between emotion and reason, the ideal and the reality, the contradiction between the rich and poor. The little woman has no plot of falling rocks and no suspense, but the author tells the familys love by simple words. Watching and watching, I can not help but cry for them, inspired by their experience, and even pray for their misfortune. Of course I was their humor laugh, they admire the courage to face difficulties...... Unconsciously, I felt like I was one of them, watching and thinking about the plot of my mind.

I like Meg, I like her love for poverty, not for money temptation character, like her lady style. I like Joe, I like her freedom, I love her unswerving determination to dream. I love Beth, love her quiet, do anything without complaining, she always love for others good character. I also like Amys belief that she is strong and regards poverty alleviation as the responsibility of poverty. Their ideals and fates are different, but they all find their best home.

In their view, the home is their growing place, but also a sacred refuge. They listened carefully to their mothers teachings, and used their smart hands and brains to invent another creative and beautiful mind game. The growth process of the four sisters seems to be an interesting educational poem. The author uses neither gorgeous nor boring language to show us the great family, friendship and love of human beings. It seems to me that in the eyes of the four sisters, it is the happiest thing in the world to live forever with the people they love and those who love them.

From them, I learned to be strong, learned to know contentment, but can not meet, I learned to be full of hope for the future, and strive to pursue the dream of optimism. I also learned to double treasure what I have, dont wait for death to lose, only to know their commendable. We should find out the advantages of everyone, not with colored eyes, but see the shortcomings of others.

Before I read this book, I had watched a cartoon movie made by Japan. So I have a strong interest on it. It all begins in the dead of winter; The Christmas Season. The coldest one of all, were the war has made fuel for heating very scarce. While her husband is off at war, Marmee is left alone to raise their four daughters: Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy. On Christmas Eve, Marmee has just arrived home from passing out food to the less fortunate with a letter from her husband, the girls father.

The all gather together around the fire to read the letter. Afterwards, the girls are teary eyed. Marmee kisses them and they are off to bed. Jo is longing to become a writer. So, every night she stays up late writing the script for soap operas. As morning comes she is the last one awake.

The table is set, and food prepared for their Christmas feast. As dusk falls, the girls are all up in the attic acting out Jos play, which she reads from the local (fake) newspaper. As they are performing, their rich, next-door neighbors grandson watches from the window. The 2 oldest girls: Jo and Meg, get ready to attend the Christmas Ball. While Jo is curling Megs hair, there is a strange smell to the air.

Amy screams, Megs hair is being singed. They continue digging through the old clothes bin for a pair of white gloves. One of the prominent themes in Little Women is the coming of age or maturation of the girls. During the course of the novel we see them grow in many ways -- physically, intellectually, and especially emotionally.

One question which readers must ask themselves is whether the views the characters have on the coming of age process are shared by Alcott. If they arent, what are Alcotts views and how do they differ from those of the women in her story?

It is interesting to examine the last half of Chapter 20, "Confidential." Jo addresses the maturation issue as she speaks with Marmee of the situation between Meg and Mr. Brooke.

The possible love between these two represents one of the very important aspects in coming of age for a teenage girl. Jo treats this natural process as if it were some sort of disease, however. Jo cannot understand why Meg would want to stop behaving "like a sensible creature" (p.202), and refers to love as "such nonsense." This book tell me how to deal with the family affairs. We should know the love between the members.

Little woman" is an autobiography novel properties with the family, the author is American Alcott.

This book was written in four different character marches through their own kind of girl, hardworking and found myself happy story. Novels have dropped the ups and downs of the rock, no fascinating plot of suspense, but the author use si-mp-le language describes marges family love. Their kindness, love and affection loyalty to deeply touched me. The author describes the details of life is very ordinary, but everywhere to love, reveal the longing for a better life.

Marges girl although home, but they are poor in anything positive and optimistic attitude. They stressed the novel character and dignity, also show their self constraint, and become more independent of the four girls are common characteristics. They are constantly to find their own shortcomings and to correct. It is also worth everybody study.

I liked Meg, like her willingneto love, not for money poverty seduced by the character, like her fair maiden wind. I like Joe, like her, like her dream to strive for the firm determination. I like beth, like her quiet, do anything without complaining, like she always for others good moral character. I also like Amy, like her strong, the poor as Keats responsibility of poverty. They are not the same fate with the ideal, but they found a better ending.

In their opinion, home is their land and sacred shelter. They will listen carefully to the mothers teachings, will use his hands, intelligent nimble invented the brain to another creative mind and beautification of the game. Four sisters growth course is a rich taste of education. The author used neither luxuriant also not boring language shows us a great affection, human friendship and love. In my opinion, it seems that the four sisters, forever and their love and love their lives together is the happiest thing.

From them, I learned to strong, learn to understand content but cannot satisfy, I learned to hope for the future, and never to chasing the dream of optimism, I also learned mustdouble treasures have died, dont wait until they know lost. We should be careful that everyone has the advantages of not wear blinders only see the faults of others.

Meg, Joe, beth, Amy, they four strong, optimistic spirit will be stored in my heart. They smile will remain in my mind, reminding me: be strong, have a pure heart.

Little Women is a novel published in 1868 and written by American author Louisa May Alcott. The story concerns the lives and loves of four sisters growing up during the American Civil War. It was based on Alcotts own experiences as a child in Concord, Massachusetts with her three sisters, Anna, May, and Elizabeth. Little Women is the story of The Marches, a family used to hard toil and suffering. Although Father March is away with the union armies, the sisters Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth keep in high spirits with their mother, affectionately named Marmee. Their friendly gift of a Christmas holiday breakfast to a neighbouring family is an act of generosity rewarded with wealthy Mr. Laurences gift of a surprise Christmas feast. However, despite their efforts to be good, the girls show faults: the pretty Meg becomes discontented with the children she teaches; boyish Jo loses her temper regularly; while the golden-haired schoolgirl Amy is inclined towards affectation. However, Beth, who keeps the house is always kind and gentle.

After certain happy times winning over the Laurences, dark times arrive as Marmee finds out about her husbands illness. Worse is to come as Beth contracts scarlet fever in her Samaritan efforts for a sick neighbour and becomes more or lean invalid. The novel tells of their progreinto young womanhood with the additional strains of romance, Beths terminal illness, the pressures of marriage and the outside world. This is the story of their growing maturity and wisdom and the search for the contentedneof family life. It was written in 1867 and is a fictionalised biography of Alcott and her sisters. It has become a much loved classic tale and, while some of its issues seem outdated, many of the trials of the sisters are all too relevant today as evidenced by its continued following.

Before I read this book, I had watched a cartoon movie made by Japan. So I have a strong interest on it.

It all begins in the dead of winter; The Christmas Season. The coldest one of all, were the war has made fuel for heating very scarce. While her husband is off at war, Marmee is left alone to raise their four daughters: Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy.

On Christmas Eve, Marmee has just arrived home from passing out food to the less fortunate with a letter from her husband, the girls father. The all gather together around the fire to read the letter. Afterwards, the girls are teary eyed. Marmee kisses them and they are off to bed.

Jo is longing to become a writer. So, every night she stays up late writing the script for soap operas. As morning comes she is the last one awake. The table is set, and food prepared for their Christmas feast.

As dusk falls, the girls are all up in the attic acting out Jos play, which she reads from the local (fake) newspaper. As they are performing, their rich, next-door neighbors grandson watches from the window.

The 2 oldest girls: Jo and Meg, get ready to attend the Christmas Ball. While Jo is curling Megs hair, there is a strange smell to the air. Amy screams, Megs hair is being singed. They continue digging through the old clothes bin for a pair of white gloves.

One of the prominent themes in Little Women is the coming of age or maturation of the girls. During the course of the novel we see them grow in many ways -- physically, intellectually, and especially emotionally. One question which readers must ask themselves is whether the views the characters have on the coming of age process are shared by Alcott. If they arent, what are Alcotts views and how do they differ from those of the women in her story?

It is interesting to examine the last half of Chapter 20, "Confidential." Jo addresses the maturation issue as she speaks with Marmee of the situation between Meg and Mr. Brooke. The possible love between these two represents one of the very important aspects in coming of age for a teenage girl. Jo treats this natural process as if it were some sort of disease, however. Jo cannot understand why Meg would want to stop behaving "like a sensible creature" (p.202), and refers to love as "such nonsense."

《Little Women》tells the story of a march. Four sisters at home: the pursuit of noble, but who will take care of the eldest sister Meg,full of restlessness is concerned about the families of Joe Erjie, elegant but selfish Pode Amys selfless spirit and the need to have Beths family. Their mother, Marge is the kind of wife, father, Mr. Ma Qi army soldiers. Such a boy and their neighbor Laurie, Laurie,MrLawrences grandfather, aunt Marchi, as well as friends that have occurred around the home such as the diary as a simple story, but a thought-provoking show of affection, friendship, love. The book is a display of pieces of warm sweet picture of family life, sing the praises of eternal love, touched the hearts of countless readers.Ups and downs, warm and sweet life and destiny, pure emotion, deeply attracted me. A strong, content, full of hope for the future of my four from the heroines learned. The United States and Georgia, Joe, Beth, Amy them a strong, optimistic spirit of storage I heart.

From their body, I learned how strong and learned how to be contented, but I can not satisfy the need to learn to always be full of hope for the future and try to chase the dream of optimism. I also learned to cherish the double-owned, and so on do not know who died lost their commendable. We found that everyone should be careful not to bring the advantages of the colored eye can only see other peoples shortcomings .

Keep in mind that happiness is fundamental, has to be happy, even if the life of the poor than the rich do not happy the stronger and more! Very often, when we have been dreaming of the things themselves, often forget their own original work and the pay is the most valuable and most admired. If we have forgotten, it will often lose themselves and choose to corrupt, if we are able to firmly keep in mind, we will be able to keep their own efforts to show that the rich and well-being. This is a life of wealth, career, emotional, such as the pursuit of truth, and not just in terms of a family. We would like to be able to bear this in mind, a rich and well-being.

《 Little Women 》is full of humanity the United States,, everyone is to the depths of the soul. The book looked at the growth of people, we can try to deal with the right side of the family, friendship, love, feel the emotions of people of the same age, feel the United States and human nature, the book is also the matter have taken place around us. On, in fact, very complicated, friendship, family, the respect of young and old. This book will tell us how the heart with a harvest of experience, feelings and deal with them and tried to march as one, for these, more an independent firm. Life on the road is bumpy, but as long as we have a firm belief that continued efforts will surely be a success!

Family Love Family love --Book review:“Little Women” Would you feel disappointed if you were in a poor family?Would you just complain that what you had was much less than others?Or would you cry over your shabby house? Maybe your answer is yes.But the Marches,the characters in Little Women by American writer Louisa M.Alcott,tell me more and show me the great love of their family. There is no doubt that the Marches are poor.The daughters can’t afford fashionable clothes as the richer girls and they can’t even have a big meal on Christmas.However,on hearing that a woman with her family is in greater poverty,they offer their food without any hesitation.I think it’s because they are always grateful for what they have that they are always willing to give rather than to receive.So selfless and warm-hearted are they that they have von people’s respect and can stay happy in spite of poverty. I am quite concerned when reading the part that Jo and Amy have words with each other.To make matters worse,the quarrel caused an accident in which Amy nearly loses her life.Will they keep enraged for a long time?To my surprise,Jo,who is always proud soon confesses her fault and apologizes to Amy.The sisters kiss and make up happily.I am deeply touched and their movements teach me how important forgiveness is.I am sure never would the family members hurt one another.They are just like birds and devote all their love to warm their common nest. I am impressed how strong the family are when they hear the news that Father is seriously ill in the front.Mrs March calms down and hurries to the hospital at once although her face is as pale as a sheet, and the girls carry their burdens well after Mother leaves although they are just in their teens.The whole family’s courage has entirely inspired me.One thing’s for sure:they will support the home persistently no matter what difficulties they face. When it comes to Beth’s death,I am as good as crying in tears.It comes as a surprise to me that the family make their peace with that.They neither moan nor cry in despair although they actually suffer great sorrow.I know though little Beth passes away in Marmee’s arms,the lovely girl will live in the family’s hearts forever.Only with deep love for Beth can the family bear her death so calmly.I am convinced that their love has surpassed death and will go well throughout eternity. I am lost in thoughts after finishing reading the book.The Marches are enviable.They are lacking in necessities of life but rich in spirit.Besides,they make me realize the saying “East or west,home is best”.There is always a strong sense of home and peace filling their cozy room.Whatever hard things they meet,they will keep a positive outlook and finally overcome them.They have successfully defeated poverty,illnesses and so on with loving hearts.Probably that’s why the book Little Women has moved a number of readers and has become one of the greatest works of American literature. I have learned much from the book.It tells me how to get on well with my family.Similar to the Marches,there are three girls and loving parents in my family.It’s true that none of us is perfect.Sometimes I get angry with my sisters or parents over a little thing,and sometimes Mum and Dad criticize us for doing something terrible.However,I find it so easy to live a happy life with them as long as I learn to be selfless,tolerant and optimistic as the Marches are.Surely I with my family will fight against many difficulties in life.Anyway,we strongly hold the belief that with love,we will never give up hope.Even if we lose everything,we know we still have one another and then we are able to go through life bravely. Cold or hot,dusk or dawn,the most important place at the bottom of our hearts is our family.As the book says,nothing in the world is cozier than sitting by the flickering lights of the fireplace in our home. 家庭的爱 书评:——“小妇人” 你觉得如果你是在disappointed可怜的家庭吗?你只是说你有多complain是小于其他人吗?你或你哭过的破旧的房子吗? 也许你的答案是是的.但市场的特点,在由美国《小妇人作者奥尔科特路易莎·告诉我,告诉我更多和他们的家庭的伟大的爱. 毫无疑问,市场有一个女儿是可怜的.能不能负担得起一个时装的女孩和他们的富裕,甚至有一个大的CAN’T在线圣诞餐,但是在线听力与她的家庭的女人,一个是在更大的贫困,他们没有提供任何食品hesitation他们.我认为这是因为他们永远感激他们,他们所拥有的,而不是总是愿意给接收系统和热心肠的í.他们是,他们有一个CAN(People’s尊重和快乐尽管在贫困中. 我很关心的是当阅读的部分的话,乔和艾米有一个彼此,让问题更糟,在这一事故引起的争吵,她几乎失去了艾米将继续他们的生活.enraged是长时间?我惊喜,乔,谁是她总是很骄傲的忏悔和对故障的apologizes艾米姐妹亲吻和化妆.我是幸福的.在我接触过的知识和他们的运动是一个重要的forgiveness教.我相信不会伤害另一个家庭的成员.他们就像鸟和投入他们的所有的爱他们共暖巢. 我的家庭是如何强impressed当他们听到这一新闻:父亲马奇太太不在前线.hurries calms下来到医院一次,虽然她的脸是苍白的女孩的板,和他们的母亲进行事件的处理叶片后,虽然他们是好的只是在他们的整个家庭的青少年.蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)的启发,我完全的勇气.一件事是确定的:他们将在家persistently支持他们所面对的困难问题. 当它来贝丝的死亡,我哭泣的泪水中好令人惊讶的.它给我吃的,让他们的家庭和他们不这样的.虽然他们的绝望呻吟哭泣,其实也在遭受大的悲伤.我知道,妈妈,但贝丝的传球在小武器的,可爱的女孩Will Live in the Family’s与深爱的心永远是什么.只有她的死亡是可以calmly熊家族乐队.我是说他们的爱情有convinced surpassed死亡与永恒,在永恒之井. 我是迷失在思想的图书阅读后完成.这是enviable游行.他们缺乏生活日用品中最丰富的精神.此外,他们会说“我在东或西,家庭是最好的永远是“有意识的.there和平舒适的家庭和他们的任何硬填充他们的房间.会上,他们将继续他们的前景正和最后胜利,他们已经成功地战败的贫困,疾病和可能与操作系统在线爱的心.这就是为什么《小妇人》有一些移动阅读器和一个最伟大的作品已经成为美国文学. 我有一个从书中得到的多.它告诉我如何上好与我的家族.类似的游行,有三个女孩和父母的爱在我的family.it’s true,我们不是完美的.有时我得到了我的姐妹或者父母的愤怒上的小东西,有时妈妈和爸爸批评美国在做 可怕的东西.然而,我发现它是很容易的生活快乐的生活与他们的学习是龙一的胸怀和乐观í,游行是我和我的家族,一定会打击很多生活中的困难.无论如何,我们的信念,保持强烈的爱,我们永远不会放弃希望即使我们失去一切,我们知道,我们仍然有另一个,然后我们能够bravely去通过生活.冷或热,黄昏或黎明的地方,最重要的是在我们的心上,我们的家族.《书说,没有什么比坐在舒适的世界是由flickering fireplace灯在我们的家庭. 双语对照


