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撰写文献综述步骤:1、搜索相关文献 在开始搜索文献之前,需要一个明确定义的主题。如果正在写论文或研究论文的文献综述部分,搜索与之相关的研究问题和问题。如果是以独立作业的形式写一篇文献综述,必须选择一个要点,并提出一个中心问题来指导的搜索。2、评价来源 可能无法完全阅读关于这个主题的所有文章,所以必须评估哪些文章与自己的问题最相关。确保使用的来源是可靠的,并确保阅读了自己所研究领域的任何里程碑式的研究和主要理论。可以找到一篇关于谷歌学术的文章,查看被引用了多少次,高引用数意味着这篇文章在该领域有影响力,当然应该被包括在自己的文献综述中。3、识别主题、辩论和差距 组织文献综述的论点和结构,需要理解所阅读的资料之间的联系和关系。根据阅读和笔记,帮助制定文献综述的结构,并展示自己的研究将如何对现有知识做出贡献。4、概述结构 有各种方法来组织文献综述的主体。在开始写作之前,应该对自己的策略有一个大致的了解。根据文献综述的长度,可以结合这些策略。5、写文献综述 文献综述应该有介绍、主体和结论,每篇文章中包含什么内容取决于文献综述的目标。当写完并修改完文献综述后,不要忘记在提交之前进行校对。

一、纸型、页面设置、版式和用字。毕业论文一律用国际标准A4型纸(297mmX210mm)打印。页面分图文区与白边区两部分,所有的文字、图形、其他符号只能出现在图文区内。白边区的尺寸(页边距)为:天头(上)25mm,地脚(下)20mm,订口(左)25mm,翻口(右)20mm。文字图形一律从左至右横写横排。文字一律通栏编辑。使用规范的简化汉字。除非必要,不使用繁体字。忌用异体字、复合字及其他不规范的汉字。二、论文封面封面由文头、论文标题、作者、学校、年级、学号、指导教师、答辩组成员、答辩日期、申请学位等项目组成。文头:封面顶部居中,占两行。上一行内容为“河南广播电视大学”用小三号宋体;下一行内容为“汉语言文学专业(本科)毕业论文”,3号宋体加粗。文头上下各空一行。论文标题:2号黑体加粗,文头下居中,上下各空两行。论文副题:小2号黑体加粗,紧挨正标题下居中,文字前加破折号。作者、学校(市级电大)、年级、学号、指导教师、答辩组成员、答辩日期、申请学位等项目名称用3号黑体,内容用3号楷体,在正副标题下适当居中左对齐依次排列。占行格式为:作者:XXX学校:XXX 年级:XXX 学号:XXX指导教师:XXX 职称:XXX答辩组成员:XXX(主持人) 职称:XXXXXX 职称:XXX……答辩日期:X年X月X日申请学位:学士(不申请可省略此项)由于论文副题可有可无,学位可申请可不申请,答辩组成员可以是3、5、7人,封面内容占行具有不确定性,为保持封面的整体美观,可对行距做适当调整。三、论文论文由论文目录(提纲)和题目、作者姓名、完成日期、摘要、关键词、正文、注释、参考文献、附录等项目组成。需要列目录的论文,目录要独占一页。“目录”二字用3号黑体,顶部居中;以下列出论文正文的一、二级标题及参考文献、附录等项及其对应页码。用小4号宋体。论文题目用3号黑体,顶部居中排列,上下各空一行;作者姓名:题目下方居中,用四号楷体。完成时间:作者姓名下方居中,字样为“X年X月”,用四号楷体。摘要:作者姓名下空一行,左起顶头,写明“摘要”字样加粗,点冒号,接排摘要内容。一般用五号字,字体用楷体。关键词:摘要下方,左起顶头,写明“关键词”字样加粗,点冒号,接排关键词。词间空一字。字型字体同摘要。正文:关键词下空一行开始。正文文字一般用5号宋体,每段起首空两格,回行顶格,单倍行距。正文文中标题:一级标题。标题序号为“一、”,4号黑体,独占行,末尾不加标点。如果居中,上下各空一行。二级标题,标题序号为“(一)”,与正文字体字号相同,独占行,末尾不加标点;三、四、五级序号分别为“1.”、“(1)”和“①”,与正文字体字号相同,一般不独占行,末尾加句号。如果独占行,则不使用标点。每级标题的下一级标题应各自连续编号。注释:注释采用脚注形式。加注符号以页为单位排序,标在须加注之处最后一个字的右上角后,用带圈或括弧的阿拉伯数字依次标示。同时在本页留出适当行数,用横线与正文分开,左起空两字后写出相应的注号,再写注文。每个注文各占一段,用小5号宋体。




A standard form contract (sometimes referred to as an adhesion contract or boilerplate contract) is a contract between two parties that does not allow for negotiation, take it or leave It is often a contract that is entered into between unequal bargaining partners, such as when an individual is given a contract by the salesperson of a multinational The customer in no position to negotiate the standard terms of such contracts and the company's representative often does not have the autonomy to do While adhesion contracts, in and of themselves, are not illegal per se, there exists a very real possibility for There is some debate on a theoretical level whether, and to what extent, courts should enforce standard form On one hand, they undeniably fulfill an important efficiency role in Standard form contracting reduces transaction costs substantially by precluding the need for buyers and sellers of goods and services to negotiate the many details of a sale contract each time the product is On the other hand, there is the potential for inefficient, and even unjust, terms to be accepted by those signing these Such terms might be seen as unjust if they allow the seller to avoid all liability or unilaterally modify terms or terminate the These terms often come in the form of, but are not limited to, forum selection clauses and mandatory arbitration clauses, which can limit or foreclose a party's access to the courts; and also liquidated damages clauses, which set a limit to the amount that can be recovered or require a party to pay a specific They might be inefficient if they place the risk of a negative outcome, such as defective manufacturing, on the buyer who is not in the best position to take There are a number of reasons why such terms might be acceptedStandard form contracts are rarely readLengthy boilerplate terms are often in fine print and written in complicated legal language which often seems The prospect of a buyer finding any useful information from reading such terms is correspondingly Even if such information is discovered, the consumer is in no position to bargain as the contract is presented on a “take it or leave it” Coupled with the often large amount of time needed to read the terms, the expected payoff from reading the contract is low and few people would be expected to read Sometimes a standard form contract may literally be dispensed from a vending machine to drivers sitting in line to enter a parking garage, which means that stopping to read the contract risks provoking road Access to the full terms may be difficult or impossible before acceptanceOften the document being signed is not the full contract; the purchaser is told that the rest of the terms are in another This reduces the likelihood of the terms being read and in some situations, such as software license agreements, can only be read after they have been notionally accepted by purchasing the good and opening the These contracts are typically not enforced, since common law dictates that all terms of a contract must be disclosed before the contract is Boilerplate terms are not salientThe most important terms to purchasers of a good are generally the price and the quality, which are generally understood before the contract of adhesion is Terms relating to events which have very small probabilities of occurring or which refer to particular statutes or legal rules do not seem important to the This further lowers the chance of such terms being read and also means they are likely to be ignored even if they are There may be social pressure to signStandard form contracts are signed at a point when the main details of the transaction have either been negotiated or Social pressure to conclude the bargain at that point may come from a number of The salesperson may imply that the purchaser is being unreasonable if they read or question the terms, saying that they are "just something the lawyers want us to do" or that they are wasting their time reading If the purchaser is at the front of a queue (for example at an airport car rental desk) there is additional pressure to sign Finally, if there has been negotiation over price or particular details, then concessions given by the salesperson may be seen as a gift which socially obliges the purchaser to respond by being co-operative and concluding the Standard form contracts may exploit unequal power relationsIf the good which is being sold using a contract of adhesion is one which is essential or very important for the purchaser to buy (such as a rental property or a needed medical item) then the purchaser might feel they have no choice but to accept the This problem may be mitigated if there are many suppliers of the good who can potentially offer different terms (see below)Some contend that in a competitive market, consumers have the ability to shop around for the supplier who offers them the most favorable terms and are consequently able to avoid However, in the case of credit card contracts, for example, the consumer while having the ability to shop around may still have access to only form contracts with like terms and no opportunity for Also, as noted, many people do not read or understand the terms so there might be very little incentive for a firm to offer favorable conditions as they would gain only a small amount of business from doing Even if this is the case, it is argued by some that only a small percentage of buyers need to actively read standard form contracts for it to be worthwhile for firms to offer better terms if that group is able to influence a larger number of people by affecting the firm’s Another factor which might mitigate the effects of competition on the content of contracts of adhesion is that, in practice, standard form contracts are usually drafted by lawyers instructed to construct them so as to minimize the firm’s liability, not necessarily to implement managers' competitive Sometimes the contracts are written by an industry body and distributed to firms in that industry, increasing homogeneity of the contracts and reducing consumer's ability to shop Common law statusAs a general rule, the common law treats standard form contracts as any other Signature or some other objective manifestation of intent to be legally bound will bind the signor to the contract whether or not they read or understood the The reality of standard form contracting, however, means that many common law jurisdictions have developed special rules with respect to In general, courts will interpret standard form contracts contra proferentem (literally 'against the proffering person') but specific treatment varies between Contracts of adhesionContract of adhesion on timekeeping ticket dispensed by vending machine at parking lot entranceThe concept of the contract of adhesion originated in French civil law, but for example, it did not enter American jurisprudence until the Harvard Law Review published an influential article by Edwin W Patterson in It was subsequently adopted by the majority of American courts, especially after the Supreme Court of California endorsed adhesion analysis in For a contract to be treated as a contract of adhesion, it must be presented on a standard form on a ‘take it or leave it’ basis, and give one party no ability to negotiate because of their unequal bargaining The special scrutiny given to contracts of adhesion can be performed in a number of ways:If the term was outside of the reasonable expectations of the person who did not write the contract, and if the parties were contracting on an unequal basis, then it will not be The reasonable expectation is assessed objectively, looking at the prominence of the term, the purpose of the term and the circumstances surrounding acceptance of the Section 211 of the American Law Institute's Restatement (Second) of Contracts, which has persuasive though non-binding force in courts, provides:Where the other party has reason to believe that the party manifesting such assent would not do so if he knew that the writing contained a particular term, the term is not part of the This is a subjective test focusing on the mind of the seller and has been adopted by only a few state The doctrine of unconscionability is a fact-specific doctrine arising from equitable Unconscionability in standard form contracts usually arises where there is an "absence of meaningful choice on the part of one party due to one-sided contract provisions, together with terms which are so oppressive that no reasonable person would make them and no fair and honest person would accept "

A Dynamic Approach to Accounts Receivable: a Study of Spanish SMEsPedro J García-Teruel, Pedro Martínez-SolanoArticle first published online: 10 OCT 2008DOI: 1111/1468-036Xx已发送至你邮箱,请及时采纳!!

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