
> 期刊发表知识库

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对于很多朋友来说,在发表医学论文的过程中,其实最重要的是了解发表医学论文的价格。医学工作者在评定职称或希望获得更多学术贡献时,需要发表论文。是的,那么很多人对医学期刊文章的发表价格不是特别清楚。现在给大家简单的介绍一下,让更多的投稿人都能意识到这一点,避免在发表论文的过程中产生不必要的成本。  在医学论文发表过程中,主要任务是审稿、排版、校对,最后完成发表,并邮寄到家。对于这些工序,只要需要到成本的地方一般都会收费的,成本大概在多少元左右,这个还需要咨询期刊的负责人。当然,我这里讲的只是普通期刊的收费标准,如果选择代理发表,还需要支付一部分代理费,因此在经营过程中根据不同需求,支付标准也不同。许多人在发表医学论文时都会寻找专业机构进行发表。这样可以让你更快地通过审核,避免走弯路,缩短审核周期。部分SCI期刊也提供纸质版的SCI论文,以便于作者收藏和分享给自己的作品。如果您需要购买纸质版的SCI论文,则需要支付纸质论文印刷费用,一般约20美元左右一本。  此外,如果您的SCI论文被选取被封面论文,则有可能需要制作一张精美的封面图。如果您找第三方公司来制作封面图的话则需要支付图件制作费,一般为3000到5000元一个图。


发表高质量的SCI论文是每个科研者的梦想,从高的层面上来讲,这代表着这个作者的学术水平;从现实的层面上来讲,好的SCi文章能够帮助学者迅速得到职称上的晋升,从而极大的改善待遇。所以追逐SCI文章已经成为单位发展的趋势,按照东北人讲话:必须的。越提早下手准备SCI,越能够为你的事业带来帮助和飞跃。很多医生在自己的文章被接收以后,会面临版面费的问题,版面费的数额从200美元到3000美元不等,这就给不少作者带来了很大的困惑和误解:1. 很多作者认为,交版面费的杂志不是好杂志,主要是钱的,交钱就发;2. 不理解为什么有的杂志不用交版面费,有的却要交,即使是两个影响因子基本一致的杂志: 比如美国肾病杂志和欧洲肾病杂志,两个影响因子都为5分左右,美国肾病杂志要收取约1200美元的版面费。这是为什么呢?一般来讲,除了个别的杂志,有收取高昂的版面费,钱的嫌疑外,绝大多数的收费期刊还是有不错的学术口碑的。很多杂志收取版面费,是为了让这您的这篇文章转为“open access”,即可供全世界所有的科研人员免费下载,很多不收取版面费的杂志也会提供”open access”的option,如果作者原意交纳不菲的美元后,您的文章也可以变成免费下载的,等同于非强制性的缴纳版面费。我们在查阅文献的时候经常会遇到有些文章可以免费下载下来,而有些就必须支付20-50美元不等的费用才可以下载,或者通过大学的数据库来下载,要知道这些大学每年花费数百万来购买这些数据库,像Elsevier, springer等数据库,都是非常昂贵的,你投稿这些数据库下面的杂志,是不收取版面费的,但是别人如果想看看你的研究成果,对不起,请付钱,现在这些杂志也都隶属于出版公司,公司是必须要盈利的,所以,他们通过出卖你的论文来赢得高额利润,虽然免了版面费,但是他们挣得更多。与之相反,我们也会在pubmed上下载到很多免费的好文章,而这些文章,之所以我们普通的研究人员也能够看到的原因,最主要的就是发表这篇论文的作者已经缴纳了版面费。杂志社在收到作者的版面费后,将作者的研究成果公开,这是一件很了不起的事情,相比于微薄的版面费,杂志放弃了赚取高额下载费的机会,也算是一种高尚的表现,这为许多无法负担高额购买数据库的贫穷的发展中国家的科研工作者提供了一个非常好的机会,来了解世界上发达国家科研的发展情况。杂志社也得生存,不可能出现那种什么都免费的杂志,编辑的工资也得发啊。其实交不交版面费不代表这个杂志的水平,JBC不错吧还是很多生命科学研究者的梦想杂志,也需要100美元一版,而且彩图费300美元另算。

具体如下。解放军护理杂志(不收版面费审稿费) (官网投稿) 简介 《解放军护理杂志》(月刊)创刊于1984年,是海军军医大学主办的全国性护理专业学术期刊,中国科技论文统计源期刊,中国科技核心期刊,卫生部人事司专业技术资格评审认定期刊。就版面费而言,综合医学类期刊平均起来比护理类还要贵很多。护理类统计源中解放军护理不要审稿费及版面费,现代临床护理的版面费也才两千元左右,其它的护理类统计源。


大多数的SCI期刊是不收版面费的,但是论文发表之后,别人下载是要收费的!目前也有很期刊采取OPEN ACCESS的方式,这种方式下载文章不需要费用,可以提高论文的引用率,但是需要收取不菲的版面费!不过,期刊还是很仁慈的,可以申请减免版面费的:Dear D or P XXXX (family name of the Editor or Editor-in-Chief who issued the decisionletter), Re: Ms# XXXX (number of the manuscript if any) – XXXX (title of the article) I am very pleased that our paper has been accepted for publication in XXX (name of the journal) We notice that there is a charge for the publication of the manuscript (or for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged) The publication fees (or costs for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged) appear too expensive for me at the Although this project was supported by a grant from ****, but the total amount of the grant was RMBXXXX (about $XXXX) With this amount, we could just mange to conduct and complete our experiments, and thus we do not have enough funding to pay for the publication fees (or for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged) Therefore, I am writing you to explore the possibility that the publication fees (or for printing thecolor figures, or whatever you are charged) could be reduced or even However, if youhave a difficulty to offer us such a concession, we will make our every effort to meet the requirements for the publication including payment of the publication fees (or for printing the colorfigures, or whatever you are charged) since the publication of this paper in your journal is very important for Thank very much for your consideration, and look forward to hearing from you With kind regards, Yours sincerely, XXXX (name of the corresponding author) XXX (title of the corresponding author)Corresponding author







大多数的SCI期刊是不收版面费的,但是论文发表之后,别人下载是要收费的!目前也有很期刊采取OPEN ACCESS的方式,这种方式下载文章不需要费用,可以提高论文的引用率,但是需要收取不菲的版面费!不过,期刊还是很仁慈的,可以申请减免版面费的:Dear D or P XXXX (family name of the Editor or Editor-in-Chief who issued the decisionletter), Re: Ms# XXXX (number of the manuscript if any) – XXXX (title of the article) I am very pleased that our paper has been accepted for publication in XXX (name of the journal) We notice that there is a charge for the publication of the manuscript (or for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged) The publication fees (or costs for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged) appear too expensive for me at the Although this project was supported by a grant from ****, but the total amount of the grant was RMBXXXX (about $XXXX) With this amount, we could just mange to conduct and complete our experiments, and thus we do not have enough funding to pay for the publication fees (or for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged) Therefore, I am writing you to explore the possibility that the publication fees (or for printing thecolor figures, or whatever you are charged) could be reduced or even However, if youhave a difficulty to offer us such a concession, we will make our every effort to meet the requirements for the publication including payment of the publication fees (or for printing the colorfigures, or whatever you are charged) since the publication of this paper in your journal is very important for Thank very much for your consideration, and look forward to hearing from you With kind regards, Yours sincerely, XXXX (name of the corresponding author) XXX (title of the corresponding author)Corresponding author





