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Electronic Data Processing (EDP) ManagersCalifornia Occupational Guide Number 348Interest Area 111995 THE JOBIn every industry there is need for managers to plan and direct the activities of all organizational Industries that use computers employ ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING (EDP) MANAGERS to control the various activities related to the operation of the firm's mainframe computer or its client-server network, as well as all of the peripheral Major users of EDP systems are banks, public utilities, transportation and insurance companies, large manufacturing firms, and government and educational Computer equipment manufacturers and independent computer service firms also operate computer centers on a fee or contract While the EDP unit often operates as an independent center, serving all departments of the establishment under an executive officer, it is often attached to another department, such as In some firms, an EDP Manager may be responsible only for computer production: data entry, data control, equipment scheduling, and quality In such firms, another EDP Manager takes care of programming, program maintenance and systems analysis Frequently, however, the EDP Manager is in charge of all of these As head of computer production units, EDP Managers plan and direct the operation of the electronic data processing equipment, and select, train, supervise and evaluate the work of the computer operations In planning the work of the department, EDP Managers evaluate the relative importance of various projects and determine job They review the requirements of each project, assign machine time and personnel to complete it, and coordinate all projects to produce a continuous work flow and meet deadlines established by management of user Since idle machines are expensive to the organization, one of the prime responsibilities of the EDP Managers is the effective utilization of all data processing equipment through When their departments encompass programming and systems analysis, EDP Managers generally review and approve all systems charts and programs prior to their They may also spend much time with the analysts working out the requirements of a proposed job, defining the problem and developing the If the EDP Manager is not directly responsible for new programs, he/she is usually consulted about the data operations or other aspects of a new program, and may confer with programmers and analysts regarding program problems that arise during a machine WORKING CONDITIONSEDP Managers work in well-lighted and well-ventilated However, the temperature where the data processing equipment is located is kept lower than normal in order to counteract the heat generated by the machine EDP Managers are exposed to noises in the room from the low hum of the tape or disc drives to the high-speed sound of the Meeting deadlines, satisfying the demands of user departments, and solving personnel problems are potential causes of stress in this occupation; therefore, EDP Managers should have emotional stability and patience as well as organizational Effective job performance generally requires that EDP Managers be able to stand and move about with ease and have mobility of arms and Good vision is essential since this job demands considerable reading and other close EMPLOYMENT OUTLOOKThe following information is from the California Projections of Employment published by the Labor Market Information D It includes Engineering, Mathematical and Natural Sciences MEstimated number of workers in 1990 53,040Estimated number of workers in 2005 64,830Projected Growth 1990-2005 22%Estimated openings due to separations by 2005 14,230(These figures do not include self-employment nor openings due to )Even though more organizations are acquiring computers or enlarging their existing facilities, refinements in equipment and production methods which increase the output of the machines, may actually lessen, rather than increase the need for The trend of large firms to consolidate their activities into regional service centers will also limit the growth of this However, because of industry expansion, there will continue to be a need for EDP Managers, especially those who stay abreast of technological Most of the openings that will occur will be filled from within the WAGES, HOURS, AND FRINGE BENEFITSEDP Managers' salaries tend to vary widely in line with such factors as the nature and size of the employing establishment, the level of the position and the degree of responsibility Salaries also vary depending upon the type of installation, , utilizing a single computer manufacturer's line or using various computers manufactured by different Beginning salaries start at approximately $2,500 to $4,000 per Those with experience may earn from $3,700 to $6,500 or more per Highly experienced individuals may earn up to $8,500 or more per Managers working for the State of California start at about $4,000 per month, and may promote to manager IV, which has a maximum salary of $6,404 per Those who have the higher salaries are generally responsible for directing programming and systems analysis as well as EDP The work week is nominally 40 hours; however, most data processing managers find it necessary to work overtime to handle peak workloads and to compensate for unavoidable delays in the regular Fringe benefits usually include paid vacation a year, paid holidays, sick leave and health Some organizations provide a retirement and profit-sharing ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS AND TRAININGMost employers require EDP Managers to have a bachelor's degree in business administration, engineering, or computer Three to five years experience in data processing is usually required of EDP M Demonstrated supervisory ability, along with the required experience and training is highly Managers should be familiar with program languages such as COBOL or FORTRAN In most establishments, a broad knowledge of the firm's activities, gained through experience in accounting production, inventory control, or other specialized activities is considered an asset when combined with EDP ADVANCEMENTBecause of the evolving nature of EDP programming and equipment, it is important that the EDP Manager engage in continuing self- Several lines of advancement may be open to the EDP Manager depending on the organizational structure of his Where systems and procedures functions are separate from machine operations, management of this overall planning unit may constitute a If the EDP unit is a part of the accounting department, the manager may advance to chief accountant or controller provided he has the necessary accounting Elsewhere, the EDP Manager may be in line for promotion to other managerial or administrative posts since directing data processing activities provides the opportunity to become familiar with most of the firm's Furthermore, as the job of the EDP Manager grows in complexity and scope, these constitute an upgrading in itself with no reassignment of


Accounting for R&D in the National Accounts Dennis Fixler Bureau of Economic Analysis 24 February 2009 Paper presented at ASSA meetings in San Francisco, January 2009 %20for%20RD_02_pdf Accounting information as political currency* Karthik Ramanna Harvard Business School du and Sugata Roychowdhury MIT Sloan School of Management du This draft: March 31, 2008 Abstract: We test whether accounting can be used as political Our setting is the US congressional election of 2004, where outsourcing of US jobs was a campaign We find that the largest corporate donors to principal candidates in closely watched congressional races manage earnings downwards in the two quarters immediately preceding the 2004 We find no evidence of such downwards earnings management among corporate donors to candidates in all other congressional Election outcomes for candidates are also systematically associated with the extent of donors' downwards earnings management in closely watched races, but not all other The findings are consistent with firms managing accounting information in circumstances where this is likely to benefit allied -pdf 哈佛商学院2008年3月31日


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Accounting for R&D in the National Accounts Dennis Fixler Bureau of Economic Analysis 24 February 2009 Paper presented at ASSA meetings in San Francisco, January 2009 %20for%20RD_02_pdf Accounting information as political currency* Karthik Ramanna Harvard Business School du and Sugata Roychowdhury MIT Sloan School of Management du This draft: March 31, 2008 Abstract: We test whether accounting can be used as political Our setting is the US congressional election of 2004, where outsourcing of US jobs was a campaign We find that the largest corporate donors to principal candidates in closely watched congressional races manage earnings downwards in the two quarters immediately preceding the 2004 We find no evidence of such downwards earnings management among corporate donors to candidates in all other congressional Election outcomes for candidates are also systematically associated with the extent of donors' downwards earnings management in closely watched races, but not all other The findings are consistent with firms managing accounting information in circumstances where this is likely to benefit allied -pdf 哈佛商学院2008年3月31日



会计学毕业论文参考文献一:  [1]胡敏基于阿米巴经营理念的财务成本管控分析[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(20):119-  [2]谢建厂大数据视角下财务会计向管理会计转型的策略分析[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(20):120-  [3]贾晓佳新政府会计制度对高校财务工作的影响探析[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(20):122-  [4]贾红艳,杨书想营改增后增值税税率调整对建筑业税负影响及应对措施探讨[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(20):124-  [5]张玉莹我国注册会计师审计责任问题探讨[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(20):147-  [6]赵霖昊会计事务所行政处罚机制对审计质量影响综述[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(21):178-  [7]薛晨冉,王帆海信电器股份有限公司收益质量研究[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(19):7-  [8]谭欣制造业企业竞争战略与成本粘性研究--基于市场化程度的调节作用[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(19):53-  [9]姚华建论人工智能时代财务会计向管理会计的转型[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(19):95-  [10]李晓珊大数据时代高校财务管理探析[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(19):104-  [11]熊巧战略差异、成本粘性与企业研发投入探讨[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(19):115-  [12]黄淑珍商业银行内部控制失效研究--以浦发银行为例[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(19):120-  [13]王清君论新《政府会计制度》对公立医院财务管理的影响[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(19):183-  [14]刘志辉我国建筑企业融资方式探析[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(21):11-  [15]崔学贤,岳洋研发投入对企业财务绩效的影响研究--以长春长生科技有限责任公司为例[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(21):107-  [16]邓欣"放管服"背景下高校科研预算管理改革探析[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(21):119-  [17]陈永霞奶牛生产性生物资产的会计计量探究[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(21):138-  [18]张倩从长春长生生物疫苗案看企业会计诚信问题[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(21):159-  [19]闫文婧,颜苏莉股利政策及其影响因素分析--以西昌电力为例[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(21):161-  [20]曹诗萌注册会计师法律责任问题研究[J]现代商贸工业,2019,40(21):172-  [21]沈炎方 我国乡镇政府内部控制问题与改进研究[D]浙江工商大学,  [22]董浩 不同动因下杠杆收购模式及目标企业绩效[D]浙江工商大学,  [23]唐剑波高校预算支出标准体系构建研究[J]智库时代,2019(25):27+  [24]范卫东论大数据时代财务会计如何向管理会计转型[J]智库时代,2019(25):51+  [25]王丽制造业全面预算管理存在的问题及对策探讨[J]中国集体经济,2019(18):44-  [26]周琼完善事业单位预算编制及管理的相关研究[J]中国集体经济,2019(18):46-  [27]王晓杰行政事业单位内部控制存在的问题与对策探讨[J]中国集体经济,2019(18):52-  [28]张永秀县级基层单位会计成本管理中的激励问题探讨[J]中国集体经济,2019(18):57-  [29]龙媛浅析黄金珠宝加工行业成本管理及控制策略[J]中国集体经济,2019(18):58-  [30]吴杨公路工程企业内部控制问题研究[J]中国集体经济,2019(18):60-  [31]杨洁钢铁企业盈利能力分析--以安阳钢铁股份有限公司为例[J]中国集体经济,2019(18):79-  [32]姜玉华"营改增"后建筑施工单位纳税筹划分析[J]中国集体经济,2019(18):100-  [33]施心怡股权激励对公司绩效影响研究--以哈药股份为例[J]中国集体经济,2019(18):118-  [34]韦望梅行政事业单位会计核算存在的问题及对策[J]中国集体经济,2019(18):141-  [35]刘霞事业单位会计集中核算模式研究[J]中国集体经济,2019(18):146-  [36]韩雪雁关于加强行政事业单位固定资产管理的思考[J]中国集体经济,2019(18):149-  [37]袁小根高速公路施工企业成本费用内部会计控制措施[J]中国集体经济,2019(18):151-  [38]张艳红关于深圳邮政企业资金管理存在的问题及对策浅析[J]中国集体经济,2019(18):152-  [39]杜晨光浅析制药企业资金管理存在的问题及对策[J]中国集体经济,2019(18):154-  [40]徐玉德,俞盛新,徐菲菲国有企业管理会计应用变迁及展望[J]会计之友,2019(12):12-  会计学毕业论文参考文献二:  [41]冷继波,杨舒惠"互联网+"背景下业财融合管理会计框架研究[J]会计之友,2019(12):19-  [42]唐建纲二元结构理念下政府税务会计的嵌入与应用[J]会计之友,2019(12):46-  [43]黄云梅,唐敏,尹佳佳基于模糊层次分析的工业企业经济效益评价[J]重庆工商大学学报(自然科学版),2019,36(03):29-  [44]黄延霞基于主成分分析的电商企业物流成本核算[J/OL]商业经济研究,2019(11):95-97[2019-06-19]  [45]苏宝金,雷光美,赵琦玮,张巍,胡嘉宸,蒋雨政管理会计在企业经营决策中的应用研究[J]科技经济市场,2019(04):34-  [46]马航航管理会计在企业管理中的应用[J]科技经济市场,2019(04):36-  [47]李优电子商务类上市公司财务状况统计分析[J]科技经济市场,2019(04):46-  [48]唐建纲二元结构理念下政府税务会计的嵌入与应用[J/OL]会计之友,2019(12):46-51[2019-06-19]  [49]赵政,张敏公平关切下总承包项目收益分配策略分析[J/OL]会计之友,2019(12):94-99[2019-06-19]  [50]杨士英,王薛新销售模式下的收入确认问题研究[J/OL]会计之友,2019(12):139-143[2019-06-19]  [51]刘红梅制造业小微企业财务问题研究[J]中国市场,2019(16):71-  [52]王刚浅谈火力发电企业环保成本的控制措施[J]中国市场,2019(16):95-  [53]王培加强企业会计诚信建设的问题研究[J]中国市场,2019(16):98-  [54]张淑君公立中学执行政府会计制度的思考[J]中国市场,2019(16):163-  [55]王元元论制造业企业工程项目的预算控制[J]中国市场,2019(17):91-  [56]谭金卉关于行政事业单位部门决算管理的思考[J]中国市场,2019(17):110-  [57]欧阳剑宇电力工程监理预算与成本控制管理[J]中国市场,2019(17):118+  [58]袁彬论医疗行业系统财务精细化管理实现途径[J]中国市场,2019(17):119-  [59]邵芳增值税改革下建筑施工企业纳税筹划探析[J]中国市场,2019(17):138-  [60]范文红提高医院餐饮成本核算的路径探究[J]中国市场,2019(17):142-  [61]王卓事业单位内控财务体系考评的问题探析[J]中国市场,2019(17):144-  [62]王艺斐,王亚璐绩效评价视角下村级财务代理记账问题探析[J]中国市场,2019(17):147-148+  [63]李俊霞事业单位报账会计的财务管理工作核心研究[J]中国市场,2019(17):149-  [64]刘斌新财务会计制度对医院会计核算的影响[J]中国市场,2019(17):155+  [65]方东移动互联网金融支付模式下电商企业财务风险的探讨[J]中国市场,2019(17):185-  [66]唐黎大数据背景下政府部门财务风险控制研究[J]中国市场,2019(17):191-  [67]生华,范若楠,安嘉琪,唐浩越论营改增对建筑业会计核算的影响[J]智库时代,2019(24):33-  [68]孟杰会计制度改革对政府预算审计的影响分析[J]中国市场,2019(18):53+  [69]胡倩倩环境会计研究综述[J]合作经济与科技,2019(12):160-  [70]孙月我国环境会计未来发展及推进措施[J]合作经济与科技,2019(12):162-  [71]畅蓓高校财务报销难成因及对策[J]合作经济与科技,2019(12):190-  [72]彭亚文建筑企业PPP项目财务管理探讨[J]中国市场,2019(18):41-  [73]万会萍中小金融企业财务管理存在的问题及对策[J]中国市场,2019(18):45-  [74]林佳樱汽车租赁公司全面预算管理研究[J]中国市场,2019(18):58-  [75]李保祥浅谈制造业企业资金管理[J]中国市场,2019(18):60-  [76]陈慧新能源企业全面预算管理研究[J]中国市场,2019(18):64-  [77]姜雅利酒店业成本管控问题及对策[J]中国市场,2019(18):66-  [78]赵玉棠中小学预算管理问题研究[J]中国市场,2019(18):108-  [79]金英男浅谈事业单位会计核算存在的问题与对策[J]中国市场,2019(18):145-  [80]王晓婷行政事业单位财务内控制度存在的问题及对策[J]中国市场,2019(18):151-  (学术堂提供更多论文知识)


Accounting for R&D in the National Accounts Dennis Fixler Bureau of Economic Analysis 24 February 2009 Paper presented at ASSA meetings in San Francisco, January 2009 %20for%20RD_02_pdf Accounting information as political currency* Karthik Ramanna Harvard Business School du and Sugata Roychowdhury MIT Sloan School of Management du This draft: March 31, 2008 Abstract: We test whether accounting can be used as political Our setting is the US congressional election of 2004, where outsourcing of US jobs was a campaign We find that the largest corporate donors to principal candidates in closely watched congressional races manage earnings downwards in the two quarters immediately preceding the 2004 We find no evidence of such downwards earnings management among corporate donors to candidates in all other congressional Election outcomes for candidates are also systematically associated with the extent of donors' downwards earnings management in closely watched races, but not all other The findings are consistent with firms managing accounting information in circumstances where this is likely to benefit allied -pdf 哈佛商学院2008年3月31日



