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祝你好好学习 天天向上 想想爸爸妈妈给你付出的学费和心血 随便拿出面镜子鉴赏一下自己吧: 好吃懒做, 投机倒把, 不学无术, 不肖子孙

About Sonnet 18                                                      K081141141    刘艳KEY WORDS:  Beauty Transiency  SummerABSTRACT:  Sonnet 18 is one of the poems of Shakespeare’ssonnet, the age of Shakespeare is in the Elizabeth time of England, which is aworld of love poems, As a result, writing sonnet has become the modern Then Shakespeare’s sonnet is become the outstanding works in this Hissonnet is totally different from others which is known as affectation, emptyand weak, as we can say meaningless, this poem is 18th of hissonnets, which is dedicated to young nobleman, This long poem encompasses abrilliant satire on contemporary English society through the experiences of ayoung noble, with great literature TEXT: Not only because of the ingeniousstructure, rich vocabulary of it, but also because it is a reflection of humanismin Elizabeth age made it has a high literarystatus, and is enjoyed the reputation of I will appreciate and analyze sonnet 18 from 3        Firs, as the background of it and thelife of S William Shakespearewas born to John Shakespeare and mother Mary Arden some time in late April 1564in Stratford-upon-A There is no record of his birth, but his baptism wasrecorded by the church, thus his birthday is assumed to be the 23 of A Hisfather was a prominent and prosperous alderman in the town ofStratford-upon-Avon, and was later granted a coat of arms by the College ofH All that is known of Shakespeare's youth is that he presumablyattended the Stratford Grammar School, and did not proceed to Oxford orC He was said to be a teacher, Shakespeare entertained theking and the people for another ten years until June 19, 1613, when a canonfired from the roof of the theatre for a gala performance of Henry VIII setfire to the thatch roof and burned the theatre to the The audienceignored the smoke from the roof at first, being to absorbed in the play, untilthe flames caught the walls and the fabric of the Amazingly therewere no casualties, Sonnets make up of majority of Shakespeare’s poetry Shakespeare did not originate the sonnet The basic structure of thesonnet arose in medieval Italy, its most prominent exponent being the EarlyRenaissance poet P The appearance of English sonnets, however, occurredwhen Shakespeare was an adolescent (around 1580) Both Edmund Spenser andPhilip Sydney, among others, worked in this form a decade or so beforeShakespeare took it up in the early 1590s, possibly seeking to exploit theongoing popularity of the sonnet among literary patrons of the What wecall Shakespearian sonnets today have different forms with the Italian sonnetsin that the Shakespearean sonnets end with a rhymed couplet and follows therhyme scheme abab cdcd efef In 1609, “Shakespeare’s S Never beforeImprinted” was published, which collected 154 sonnets commonly thought to bewritten between 1593 and Concerning the content, these sonnets canroughly be categorized into three groups: sonnet 1—17 addressed a young man’slove of a lady; sonnet 18—126 describe the young man’s relationship withanother young male poet; sonnet 127—154 portrait a mysterious dark-haired Given this and the intimacy of the themes broached by Shakespeare in thesonnets, it is natural that scholars would entertain a search forautobiographical sources, and that this search would focus on three identityissues: (1) who is the young man to whom Sonnets 1-126 are addressed? (2) whois







Walter Whitman1819 - 1892Walter Whitman (Walt Whitman) in May 31, 1819 was born in the United States of a farmer in eastern Long Island His father later became a Four-year-old when Whitman (1823) to Brooklyn with his Where he received only five or six years of formal education will have to fend Whitman in Brooklyn as a typesetter, rural primary school teachers, such as the Office of His spare time, he walks to the street, also in Manhattan to watch theater performances of Shakespeare to enjoy the European classical During this period, he began to write some His first article was written by the age of 15, published in the New York "Mirror" In 1841, he was in Brooklyn and New York newspapers and magazines to write news During this period he met a number of leaders in the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party for the rally speech, very In 1846 he served as the "Brooklyn Eagle reported that" the editorial work, two years after leaving because of differences of opinion "" From 1849 to 1850, he turned to the Liberal party's land "free person" for In the meantime, his literary works have never Whitman recruited in 1848 to New Orleans In the journey to New Orleans, he will take a train, carriage, by boat to enjoy the prosperity of the Ohio River on both sides of the scene and scenery, after a number of large and small, developing After three months he has northward along the Mississippi River, through the Great Lakes region, Chicago, from west to east across the eastern part of New York State Whitman to make the trip to the United States of America understand the vast and fertile plain hard-working people of this land and the rich and colorful life, the future of his influential creative From 1850 to 1855 Whitman took to poetry is the key to career During this period, he engaged in various occupations, and even his father was a carpenter back in order to maintain the life of the old His spare time, he lectures, study notes, to understand the social, hungry to learn the text, history, philosophy and natural science knowledge and so Whitman is not only widely during this period to participate in social practice is his outlook on life, philosophy and the formation of a period of maturity, but also for the fame of his "Leaves of Grass" (Leaves of Grass) version 1 of the preparatory Whitman's life and by the formation of the universe is all the rage in Europe the impact of He believe in the power of people, I believe that the heroic history of the world is not G Whitman are determined to make their own God-like power and authority as the 'people' of the heroic image of the symbol and the Whitman believes that people between the flesh and soul of a causal He wrote, "when the health of people throughout the body can not be upgraded to a high degree of knowledge - from the outside in Zengguang Shenghui, pure, rich fruit, full of " ① In such circumstances, "all sad disappointment will vanish into thin "② In his view" hidden strong physique in a great, fantastic mental strength, it can drive out evil, so that the soul free to "③ in Whitman These are the core values of the poem more than a description of varying After several years of preparation, on behalf of career turning point in Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" was published in Collection of poems, including "Song of myself" (Song of Myself), such as 12 Poems, published by his own This little volume of poetry, the impact is extremely limited, in the literature has not given rise to the response he In the New England region, the only writer in the Emerson of "Leaves of Grass," made a positive In his letter to Whitman said, "I think it is unprecedented with an unusual ability and insight and wisdom to " ④ In addition, Emerson also lived in New England literary Concord home recommended this Whitman the purpose of arousing public attention to him, decided to put pen to paper to write book He wrote a total of three book reviews, published in "Brooklyn Times," and so three different At the same time, he gave him the letter Emerson made Emerson has not, but Emerson and Whitman did not interrupt Literary response and the indifference of the difficulties in publishing do not have the impact of Whitman's plan to create emotional and The second year of his poetry in an increase of 20 poetry, together with the total of the past 32, out of "Leaves of Grass" in version 1860 3rd edition available此诗concentration of income in the "descendants of Adam" (Children of Adam) and "Lo Tik" (Calamus) 2 In 1867 the first 4 and Clause 5 of the 1871 edition of the income of the period according to his side in the civil war in Washington state organs take care of the sick and wounded while serving experience and wrote "The Drum Set rafter" (Drum-Taps) It is worth noting that in 1871 he published a lengthy article, "Democratic Vision" (Democratic Vistas) This article is as important as N 1 edition of "Leaves of Grass" in the preamble, which is reflected in a number of Whitman the democratic system of the United States than in the past even more profound and practical 5th edition in 1872 when the second printing of the revenue was recognized as the head of Whitman's last poem "the road towards India" (Passage to India) Poem extolling the great human achievements of science, from philosophy to space and time; past, present and future closely linked, and fully reflects the world view and the Concept of Time and Space WWhitman in 1873 due to heart disease坎默to move to New Jersey Dayton, where they spent the rest of his Whitman growing weakness of the body, increasingly embarrassing economic situation, the reputation of the press have been cases of attacks carried out still do not stop writing, for the re-publication of "Leaves of Grass" to make the effort From 1876 to the end of his life journey in 1892, the first version of 6,7,8,9 come out one after Finally, the 9th edition of the Collected Works has become common now, collects a total of 383 "Leaves of Grass," the United States to create a new style of Although the collection has not been the author of life, but after the United States and the world poetry poetry can not be underestimated are the effects of epoch-Guo from China works 54 we can see that during the generation of Whitman's admiration, praise and Guo wrote, "When I close to Whitman's" Leaves of Grass, "when the campaign is launched by the year 54, the pent-up individuals, the pent-up nationalism, found in the crater this time, but also to find the way the fire-breathing, I was almost a "① Guo famous work in the" goddess "can be found in our Whitman-like passion, cry and reveal Pantheism thinking; able to find a tribute to the self, of Acura Whitman Xiongqi unrestrained style and free verse as well as by our country follow the example of many modern Whitman's poetry singing era, nation and people; praised the freedom, equality, fraternity, full of strong revolutionary spirit, the spirit is full of Whitman's art that is very clear that he was opposed to the pursuit of form; about language implicitly or phonological tidy perfection, advocated a simple, sincere, frank,胸臆speak all The structure of his free verse poetry section is not fixed length, syntax is also very He often put the verb and preposition in the first Sometimes, in his poem to the same line for more than the beginning of a word; sometimes repeat the same line for more than a In his poetry there is often a row of enumerate cataloging, and to do with writing His vocabulary is very extensive, both the United States the people of all walks of life working vocabulary, and others have never used Italian, French and Indian language The rhythm of poetry and the word line syntax and prose are very close, there is no pattern of stress and rhyme, but obedience and emotional tone of the speech development of the natural ups and Whitman rich hot feelings, and his prose poem of the rich and varied line of rhythm, we sometimes can feel the melody of Italian opera, and sometimes to hear the voice of religious preaching and downs, and sometimes can be aware of the great surging海波涛rhythm and In Whitman's works, in 1855, "Leaves of Grass," it is very important to the This is the content of a deep, broad and rich flavor of the times of the P Countries involved in a new preamble in the new period of democratic politics and religion, philosophy, world view, cosmology and scientific attitude, sets out Whitman's poetry is not a reflection of the feelings of the individual but rather the narrow country singing, singing people; stated Whitman creative techniques and style features; explained Whitman's pantheistic ideas and Whitman on the past, present and future, the concept of continuous time and the sea and the shore there is no clear dividing line between the concept of space; and clearly explained the benefits Terman duties as a poet, it is曼特曼mentioned in the preamble, the poet is "the voice of freedom of the " ① poet's attitude was "encouraged by the slaves, intimidated by " ② In short, this Whitman's preamble sets out the main point of view, contribute to an understanding of his poems, as the article length is longer, more difficult text, not as in-depth analysis of In addition, Whitman's prose "democratic vision" is also important, it summed up the author's literary and political ideas, in writing skills than the "preamble" is more In Whitman's poems have been recognized as the most important thing is "their "此诗a total of 52 paragraphs, 1336 lines, reflects Whitman in the "Preamble" and the views expressed in "Leaves of Grass," the central idea of the "Leaves of Grass" in the "rafter drum set," Whitman recorded automatically to participate in the civil war nursing the wounded during the working hours of what he saw and There is a solemn brutal war, but also the heroic fortitude of the soldiers to read moving, There are five poems dedicated to the European revolutionary movement of the Whitman poem warm tribute to the revolutionary spirit of the European peoples to express the cause of freedom and democracy to win a Below on "Leaves of Grass" in a number of Whitman's poems, respectively, and introduced "Song of myself" is a masterpiece Whitman, reflected the "Leaves of Grass," a book the main "Song of myself" is an 'I' of the songs, but it is a 'we' the songs, songs of human life, democracy, freedom songs, but also the earth, the universe and all of the spiritual world is a better Song of P "Song of myself" to sing the praises of their own to start in depth step by step, level by level to start the praise of men and women are working class, life and death, soul and body, democracy and freedom, the nation and the people and the United States land plants, the universe of all full of vitality, creative "Song of myself" in the 'own' their own nor their He can at times across the stage of human life, he But his great small, inconspicuous, but the grass leaf, grass leaf but it is a symbol of life and 寓意深刻poem is the description on the grass and think in the end towards the The first paragraph of the poem is only a The first line is only a preamble in the Introduction, it is pointed out that the 'own' the theme, but the touch of a switch then opened its own息息相通with the ordinary people, and the universe, the earth, Leaves of Grass into one of the noble spiritual world the curtain to show the flesh and the soul of the mutual attachment of the realm of mysticism, sing the praises of the infinite power of Poetry is filled with a warm spirit of revolutionary romanticism, contains tremendous power, flashing a sense of pride in the Paragraph 6 and the answer on the symbolic meaning of Leaves of Grass, the symbol of poetry boils down to the last two lines of: "everything is moving to promote the development of collapse does not matter out, / the death of people do not like to imagine it, not Well, "15,16 developed the first two poets with the theme of ordinary people息息相通, cited the growth period of the United States of America from all sides, men, women and children engaged in various occupations, they described the extraordinary hard work and by the joy of creation , boiling scenes of N 20-21, respectively, from different angles above the self- Paragraph 20 in order to sing the praises of a strong belief in a solid body and the spirit of eternal life after death and the resulting sense of In paragraph 21 of the previous paragraph repeated the belief, the state my body is the soul of the poet, himself into the sun and stars and the embrace of mountains, rivers, and put all the love and love dedicated to the earth, Xian to the universe, the Acura to a new Whitman is not one hundred percent of the mystics, poets sing the praises of reality with plenty of ink, sing the praises of Paragraph 23 of poetry is a science and scientists dedicated to the Whitman believed that the rich own divine Son of Manhattan, for the oppressed, the enslaved people in place unlimited In paragraph 24 of his glorified body at the same time, to passionate style, boundless affection for the oppressed people's freedom, democracy and liberation cry for generations of suffering and despair in the people In paragraph 31 of the height of a new Acura again and his Leaves of Grass; In paragraph 33, the poet is repeated and developed in paragraph 24 of the performance of the pursuit of freedom and democracy, and to write on this basis in the Civil War , in the smoke of the trenches to fight for democracy and freedom of people moving a bloody battle This section of the poetry written on the repeated use of the first paragraph of 15,16 practices enumerate, but here is no longer a duplicate of the different people involved in the upbringing of his career but the United States of A He cited a piece of land from east to west, from south to north, from the desert to the highlands, from the mountains to see the animals can Hirakawa, This is a picture in real life, but also a colorful, full of magical dream world of Flashing between the lines of the nation, and the country, a tribute to the people, a gift of nature and the universe All this made him and the people of this land can not be separated even more in a Paragraph 52 is a Poet seems to enter his life roaming the mysterious journey of the last paragraph, where transpiration quietly disappeared, subduction, and entered the world of Where he would like to wake up Leaves of Grass as renewable and wait for people to discover and For him, even if the advent of death, life would not Whitman's Song of Praise is another "before all the way over the Brooklyn Ferry" (Crossing Brooklyn Ferry) It was commendable that the mid-19th century New York and the busy scenes of the American people look forward to the 你看,行不???






最佳答案Frances Hodgson Burnett的the secret garden?The opening chapter in the The Secret Garden finds Mary Lennox an ugly and disagreeable She has a little thin face and a little thin body,thin light hair and a sour Her hair is yellow,and her face is yellow because she has been born in India and has always been ill in one way or Her father holds a position in India under the English Government and is busy and her mother is a great beauty who cares only to go to After her parents die in an epidemic of cholera,this lonely girl is sent to live with her uncle,Archibald Craven,at Misselthwaite Manor,on the edge of the Yorkshire moor in EThere,with the help of the robin,a magical bird,Mary discovers a secret garden which has been shut up for ten Ten years ago,Craven’s wife,Lilias,died from a severe fall from the tree right in this From then on,this garden is locked Under the care of Mary and Dickon,a Yorkshire boy who lives on the moor,the dead garden is turned into a flourishing garden full of vigor and The process of tending the garden also restores Mary to her In addition,the discovery of the garden parallels Mary’s discovery of her cousin,Colin,who is tyrannical and In the garden,Colin strives to gain his health and At the end of the book,MCraven returns to the garden and MCraven, Mary and Colin are reunited happily in the beautiful

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