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英语和汉语属于不同的语系,二者的语法区别很大。英语学习中出现的许多错误,往往是由于汉语语法习惯在自学者的头脑中已经根深蒂固,对英语语法的学习产生了种种干扰。要排除这种干扰,最好的方法是经常对比英语与汉语语法的异同。现举数例:  人家问你:"haven'tyoureadthisbook?"(你没有读过这本书吗?)如果回答是否定的,依照汉语的习惯,回答通常是:"是的,我没有读过。"但说英语,你就得说:"no,ihaven't."  汉语说"一万",英语却说"十个千(tenthousand)";汉语说"两亿",英语则说:"二百个百万(twohundredmillion)"。两种语言关于数目的表达是大不相同的。  英语说:"sheistootiredtorunon."译成汉语却说:"她太累了,不能再跑了。"这中间要加上"不能"这个否定词。  我们只有掌握了这些区别,才有可能把语法学到手。可见在语法学习中,自觉地运用语法是很重要的。  (4)进行大量的语言实践。  英语语法学得好不好,主要不是看你读了多少语法书,记了多少条语法规则,而是要看你在实践中能否正确掌握所学的这些语法规则——能听懂,说得好,写得好,理解得好,译得准确。要达到这个地步,除了在必要的语法理论指导下进行大量的语言实践以外,是没有什么速成的办法的。  我们常听到学习的人抱怨说:"这个项目一讲就懂,一用就错。"这句话说明一般的语法理论知识并不难懂,但就是难用。要掌握好一个语法项目,就得靠多听、多说、多写、多读、多译,也就是做反复的、大量的、多样化的练习。  "学习英语有没有捷径?"我们认为是没有的。练习得越多,实践得越多,所学的内容就掌握得越牢。


As people rely on Internet so much, they pay much






21st century is the century of nowadays, technology is everywhere around the development of technology has a significant affact toward the several technologies that we usually use are the internet, computer, and these new technologies make our life much easier and   first, the development of computer changes our decades ago, people needed to do lots of complex calculation on hand because they did not have computer, and more obvious, they did not have the software for as the result of that, people spent hours on the equations that a computer can solve in just a since the development of computer, people are able to use some kind of software to compute lots of complex functions and mathematical computer becomes the most helpful equipment for the sciencists because they can use their time more   also, internet is another useful tool for us the development of internet brings a great impact toward the instead of going to library and fliping all the books to figure out some information, we can just simply use a mouse and click on the website to do the internet leads us to a place where we can find unlimited information and it makes our life much easier and   the last technology is nowadays, many people have a but it just appears on the market for about 10 it is very convenience to the users because we can talk to anyone we want with a phone as small as a also, we can communicate with others by making a phone call instead of sending it is very fast and useful way to   in conclusion, i believe the development of technology brings significant impact to our it is very helpful to us and i believe technology will keep improving in   i hope it helps!


给你推荐2篇:1:What is the accounting? For many years the popular saying, accounting is accounting, scores and Ancient China "accounting" arising out of the Western Zhou Dynasty, mainly referring to the activities of the income and expenditure records, inspection and In the Qing Dynasty scholar Jiao Xun "Mencius justice", a book on the "will" and "dollars" for the general explained: "it is sporadic in terms of the total cost-effective it will," it is necessary to carry out the accounting for the individual accounts, individual accounts should be integrated, comprehensive accounting 或者2:Accounting concept: Accounting is the currency as a major units of measurement, using a series of specialized method, the economic activities of enterprises continuous, systematic, comprehensive and integrated accounting and oversight and based on this analysis of economic activity, forecast and control to improve the economy the effectiveness of a management 还行吧??希望采纳

CONCLUSION The Committee believes that calls for separate private company GAAP should be framed within the legal and institutional environment of each If public and private companies are subject to the same financial reporting requirements, as in many IASB countries, then the need for separate private company GAAP might be justified within an appropriate cost-benefit In contrast, private companies in the US are not required to comply with public company GAAP Given this difference in the institutional environment, calls for private company GAAP in the US must consider the demand for and supply of financial reporting information in the current private company Survey research in the US indicates that private company users find public company GAAP financial statements to have significant decision usefulness, and to be cost-benefit In addition, evidence suggests that when the cost-benefit calculus is not favorable, market forces lead to deviations from GAAP While some assert that the needs of private company financial statement users differ from those of public company stakeholders, the Committee does not find clear evidence of differential user needs or a clear articulation of how differential needs would lead to a framework for GAAP that differs from the current public company financial reporting requirements in the US Overall, if there is demand for separate private company GAAP, then market forces, rather than standard setters, may be better at meeting the differential information needs of The Committee does not see a persuasive argument for standard setters to create a separate private company GAAP in the US结论 该委员会认为要求独立的私人公司一般公认会计原则应裱在法律和制度环境的。如果公共和私人公司有相同的财务报告的要求,在许多国家,并在此基础上,需要IASB进行为独立的私人公司公认会计准则的称义在适当的财政框架。相比之下,私营企业在美国也不需要符合上市公司一般公认会计原则。鉴于此,分别在制度环境呼吁私人公司一般公认会计原则在美国必须考虑需求和供给的财务报告信息在当前的私人公司的市场。 调查研究表明,在美国上市公司,用户找到私人公司财务报表有显著的公认会计准则决策有用性、利益有效。此外,有证据表明,在财政微积分并非有利,市场力量导致偏离公认会计准则的前提下。虽然有些断言的需要,民营企业财务报表使用者不同利益相关者的上市公司,委员会不会发现明显的证据表明微分用户需求或一个清晰的清晰度的需求导致了差,不同于一般公认会计原则框架当前上市公司财务报告的要求,在美国的整体,如果有需求,独立的私人公司公认会计准则的前提下,市场力量,而非标准者,可以更好地满足需求 variousprivatecompanystakeholders微分信息该委员会也不觉得有说服力的论据为准则制定者去创造一个独立的私人公司一般公认会计原则在美国



1、I think it is important for everyone to learn English  我认为学习英语对于每个人而言都很重要 。2、Firstly, if you can speak English, you can do business with foreigners and earn more  首先,如果你能说英语,你能与外国人做生意,挣很多钱 。3、Secondly, you can make more friends if you can speak E That will bring you more  其次,如果你能说英语你能交到很多朋友。那会带给你更多的乐趣 。4、Finally, if you learn English well, you can get a better job and a higher That means you can enjoy a better quality of  最后,如果学好了英语,你能获得一份很好的职业,获得高薪。那就意味着你能享受高质量的生活。学习英语的重要性1、英语是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言这一,也是世界上最广泛使用的语言。据1986年的统计, 世界上以英语为母语的人近4亿,差不多每十个人中就有一个人讲英语。英国、美国、加拿大、澳 大利亚、新西兰等国家的人都讲英语。2、英语的使用范围非常广泛。世界上70%以上的邮件是用英文写或用英文写地址的。全世界的广播 节目中,有60%是用英语进行的。国际上的资料绝大部分是用英语发表的。绝大部分的国际会议是以英语为第一通用语言,它也是联合国的正式工作语言之一。3、在国际政治、军事、经济、科技、文化、贸易、交通运输等领域,英语是一个重要的交际工具。 随着我国对外开放的不断扩大化,科学技术的不断进步,国际地位的不断提高,迫切需要造就一大批 精通外语的专门人才,以加速我国“四化”进程,使我国在国际事务中发挥更大更积极的作用。因此, 学好英语对实现上述目标具有重要大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。

English is one of the most common languages that are speaking in the According to the research, there is nearly one person in every ten people can speak E We need to learn English because as our country's economy's developes, there are more and more oppotunities for us to visit other If we want to communicate with foreigners who don't know how to speak Chinese, we need to speak E It's important for us to learn English because we want to learn other people's technologies and cultures, therefore we can improve our

English is one of the most common languages that are speaking in the According to the research, there is nearly one person in every ten people can speak E We need to learn English because as our country's economy's developes, there are more and more oppotunities for us to visit other If we want to communicate with foreigners who don't know how to speak Chinese, we need to speak E It's important for us to learn English because we want to learn other people's technologies and cultures, therefore we can improve our


