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本人6年国内外个人/企业/图书翻译经验(笔译/口译),英语专八,认真负责,客户不用花时间审核,随时在线。也有个团队,能翻译其他语种,韩日德法等。 为人认真负责,讲诚信。感兴趣的,可以搜索“韭莲翻译工作室”

“Intermediate business of commercial banks and the development of intermediate business of commercial banks in China with a comprehensive international comparison ”“中间业务的商业银行中间业务的发展,我国商业银行的综合性国际比较"。


Information literacy Knowing how to find data from several sources, select relevant material, analyse and organise it into a form that can be used to make Computers have become the tools people use to access and manage Information technologists are people who analyse and design the What is a computer? Tradition definitions of computers include �6�1 A machine that accepts data and processes it into use �6�1 A computer is a binary, digital, electronic, stored program �6�1 While a computer is commonly a digital machine, analogue machine do An electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory unit, that can accept data (input), process data arithmetically and logically, produce results (output) from the processing and stores results for future Many computers receive and send data (communicate) across networks LAN and W A computer system consists of hardware and What is hardware? Hardware Hardware is physical devices or components that can be physically handled – you can thou Input Devices Input devices convert data that humans collect into coded electrical signals that a computer can The central processing unit The electronic processing takes place in the CPU The CPU consists of �6�1 A control unit that controls all of the computer’s functions and an �6�1 Arithmetic and logical unit (ALU) that performs any calculation Memory Memory holds all programs and What is RAM currently open? Data (notes) Word processor OS Output devices Output devices convert the computer’s electronic signals back into information Secondary storage devices These devices store programs and data The programs and data are not necessarily (or likely to be) in current E DVD CD Communication devices These devices enable a computer to connect to another List the six different type of hardware? Secondary storage(external), input, processor, output , memory, C Name eight pieces of hardware USB, keyboard, monitor, screen, RAM, ROM, VDU, M The system unit and peripheral devices The system unit is the computer Peripheral devices are any devices around the outside, or in other words, plugged into the (back of) the Peripheral devices include the key board, mouse, printer, joy stick and Peripheral devices are any devices around the outside, or in other words, plugged into the (back of) the Peripheral devices include the keyboard, mouse, printer, joy stick and What else does a computer have? Software Software is a computer program ,which is a detailed set of instructions that directs a computer to perform the tasks necessary to process data into These instructions are written in languages that computer can Software includes computer games, a word processing packing, an accounting package, amongst Definition of a computer system �6�1 A computer system is the configuration of hardware and software, functioning together, to process data into useful information, in order to achieve a purpose for a human What is data? �6�1 Data is raw facts, be they numbers, words, images and sounds, that can be input into a Mary a name is a piece of data What is information? �6�1 Information is processed data, that has meaning and is John is a list of names who scored an A grade on an exam John A Chai A Pam A Commodore $23 500 Magna $21 500 Falcon $19 800 The system unit contains the �6�1 Motherboard �6�1 CPU �6�1 Memory �6�1 Other electronics It is where the computer program instructions are executed and the data is manipulatedThe Processor CPU The CPU interprets and carries out basic instructions that operate the computer, the CPU contain the �6�1 Control unit and the �6�1 Arithmetic logic unit Control unit The control unit directs and coordinates the computer’s For every single instruction, the control unit repeats four basic operations, �6�1 Fetching �6�1 Decoding �6�1 Executing �6�1 Storing CPU speed The CPU’s speed may be measured in MIPS The number of millions of instructions per second Arithmetic/logic unit The ALU performs all calculations, which involve �6�1 Arithmetic operations 2+3 �6�1 Comparison operations age>=17 �6�1 Logical operations pass Processing instructions A CPU may begin executing a second machine cycle before completing the first-referred to as Current CPU’s can pipeline up to 4 Storage within the CPU Registers temporarily hold data and The computer’s clock A System clock is necessary to control the timing of all computer Each tick of the clock is referred to as a clock Clock speed is the speed at which a processor executes A hertz is one cycle per second and a megahertz is 1024 by1024 and a gigahertz is 1024 by 1024 Memory Memory is the temporary storage place for data and (program) Memory is measured in �6�1 Kilobytes 1024 bytes 2^10 �6�1 Megabytes 1024* 1024 bytes 2^20 �6�1 Gigabytes 1024*1024*1024 bytes 2^30 Representation of data Digital computers are built from many small electronic Each circuit, at any point of time can be turned OFF or ON Hence these devices are called two state Binary Digit 0and 1 Each off or on digital value is called a bit, short for binary A 1 bit computer would be able to distinguish between two values-characters, symbols or Hardly sufficient for the characters on the keyboard Bits Characters 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 6 64 7 128 8 256

中英文对照的不好找英文的去学校图书馆(网上)的期刊论文数据库找参考一下:《【分享】如何搜索英文文献》 %5Fxerox%5F/blog/item/html


Information literacy Knowing how to find data from several sources, select relevant material, analyse and organise it into a form that can be used to make Computers have become the tools people use to access and manage Information technologists are people who analyse and design the What is a computer? Tradition definitions of computers include �6�1 A machine that accepts data and processes it into use �6�1 A computer is a binary, digital, electronic, stored program �6�1 While a computer is commonly a digital machine, analogue machine do An electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory unit, that can accept data (input), process data arithmetically and logically, produce results (output) from the processing and stores results for future Many computers receive and send data (communicate) across networks LAN and W A computer system consists of hardware and What is hardware? Hardware Hardware is physical devices or components that can be physically handled – you can thou Input Devices Input devices convert data that humans collect into coded electrical signals that a computer can The central processing unit The electronic processing takes place in the CPU The CPU consists of �6�1 A control unit that controls all of the computer’s functions and an �6�1 Arithmetic and logical unit (ALU) that performs any calculation Memory Memory holds all programs and What is RAM currently open? Data (notes) Word processor OS Output devices Output devices convert the computer’s electronic signals back into information Secondary storage devices These devices store programs and data The programs and data are not necessarily (or likely to be) in current E DVD CD Communication devices These devices enable a computer to connect to another List the six different type of hardware? Secondary storage(external), input, processor, output , memory, C Name eight pieces of hardware USB, keyboard, monitor, screen, RAM, ROM, VDU, M The system unit and peripheral devices The system unit is the computer Peripheral devices are any devices around the outside, or in other words, plugged into the (back of) the Peripheral devices include the key board, mouse, printer, joy stick and Peripheral devices are any devices around the outside, or in other words, plugged into the (back of) the Peripheral devices include the keyboard, mouse, printer, joy stick and What else does a computer have? Software Software is a computer program ,which is a detailed set of instructions that directs a computer to perform the tasks necessary to process data into These instructions are written in languages that computer can Software includes computer games, a word processing packing, an accounting package, amongst Definition of a computer system �6�1 A computer system is the configuration of hardware and software, functioning together, to process data into useful information, in order to achieve a purpose for a human What is data? �6�1 Data is raw facts, be they numbers, words, images and sounds, that can be input into a Mary a name is a piece of data What is information? �6�1 Information is processed data, that has meaning and is John is a list of names who scored an A grade on an exam John A Chai A Pam A Commodore $23 500 Magna $21 500 Falcon $19 800 The system unit contains the �6�1 Motherboard �6�1 CPU �6�1 Memory �6�1 Other electronics It is where the computer program instructions are executed and the data is manipulatedThe Processor CPU The CPU interprets and carries out basic instructions that operate the computer, the CPU contain the �6�1 Control unit and the �6�1 Arithmetic logic unit Control unit The control unit directs and coordinates the computer’s For every single instruction, the control unit repeats four basic operations, �6�1 Fetching �6�1 Decoding �6�1 Executing �6�1 Storing CPU speed The CPU’s speed may be measured in MIPS The number of millions of instructions per second Arithmetic/logic unit The ALU performs all calculations, which involve �6�1 Arithmetic operations 2+3 �6�1 Comparison operations age>=17 �6�1 Logical operations pass Processing instructions A CPU may begin executing a second machine cycle before completing the first-referred to as Current CPU’s can pipeline up to 4 Storage within the CPU Registers temporarily hold data and The computer’s clock A System clock is necessary to control the timing of all computer Each tick of the clock is referred to as a clock Clock speed is the speed at which a processor executes A hertz is one cycle per second and a megahertz is 1024 by1024 and a gigahertz is 1024 by 1024 Memory Memory is the temporary storage place for data and (program) Memory is measured in �6�1 Kilobytes 1024 bytes 2^10 �6�1 Megabytes 1024* 1024 bytes 2^20 �6�1 Gigabytes 1024*1024*1024 bytes 2^30 Representation of data Digital computers are built from many small electronic Each circuit, at any point of time can be turned OFF or ON Hence these devices are called two state Binary Digit 0and 1 Each off or on digital value is called a bit, short for binary A 1 bit computer would be able to distinguish between two values-characters, symbols or Hardly sufficient for the characters on the keyboard Bits Characters 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 6 64 7 128 8 256


在1972年, IBM推出了灵活的软磁盘作为一个中型载货节目到电脑主机由于磁盘这么灵活的,他们被戏称为软盘。他们是物美价廉,规模小,易于处理,存储,并通过发送邮件。大多数的计算机都至少有一个软盘驱动器。软盘,又称为软盘,有两种规格: 5 25英寸。为MS - DOS的基于计算机, 5英寸磁盘,可在720千字节(双-密度) , 1 44兆字节(高-密度),以及 88兆字节(扩展-密度)的能力。该25英寸磁盘有一个密度的48铁轨每英寸,而高密度磁盘有一个密度的96铁轨每英寸。几乎所有的5英寸软盘的密度135tracks每英寸。最早型号的软盘被单一片面的。加上另一个读/写头在磁盘驱动导致使用双面软盘,并增加一倍的容量磁盘。今天,所有软盘是双面的如果你研究了5英寸的软盘上,你会看到一个金属套涵盖读/写插槽。当你插入磁盘到磁盘到磁盘驱动器,金属套幻灯片回来,揭露读/写插槽。读/写头的软盘驱动器,可以清楚自己的定位超过特定的轨道。由于金属套筒和僵化的塑料外壳, 5英寸软盘是那么容易受到损害比25英寸软盘。 利用档案或程式,是在软碟上,你必须先插入磁盘到软盘驱动器软盘驱动器通常被称为甲驱动器和乙驱动器。看看哪个驱动器是甲或者乙有译不正之处见谅!

Information literacy Knowing how to find data from several sources, select relevant material, analyse and organise it into a form that can be used to make Computers have become the tools people use to access and manage Information technologists are people who analyse and design the What is a computer? Tradition definitions of computers include • A machine that accepts data and processes it into use • A computer is a binary, digital, electronic, stored program • While a computer is commonly a digital machine, analogue machine do An electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory unit, that can accept data (input), process data arithmetically and logically, produce results (output) from the processing and stores results for future Many computers receive and send data (communicate) across networks LAN and W A computer system consists of hardware and What is hardware? Hardware Hardware is physical devices or components that can be physically handled – you can thou Input Devices Input devices convert data that humans collect into coded electrical signals that a computer can The central processing unit The electronic processing takes place in the CPU The CPU consists of • A control unit that controls all of the computer’s functions and an • Arithmetic and logical unit (ALU) that performs any calculation Memory Memory holds all programs and What is RAM currently open? Data (notes) Word processor OS Output devices Output devices convert the computer’s electronic signals back into information Secondary storage devices These devices store programs and data The programs and data are not necessarily (or likely to be) in current E DVD CD Communication devices These devices enable a computer to connect to another List the six different type of hardware? Secondary storage(external), input, processor, output , memory, C Name eight pieces of hardware USB, keyboard, monitor, screen, RAM, ROM, VDU, M The system unit and peripheral devices The system unit is the computer Peripheral devices are any devices around the outside, or in other words, plugged into the (back of) the Peripheral devices include the key board, mouse, printer, joy stick and Peripheral devices are any devices around the outside, or in other words, plugged into the (back of) the Peripheral devices include the keyboard, mouse, printer, joy stick and What else does a computer have? Software Software is a computer program ,which is a detailed set of instructions that directs a computer to perform the tasks necessary to process data into These instructions are written in languages that computer can Software includes computer games, a word processing packing, an accounting package, amongst Definition of a computer system • A computer system is the configuration of hardware and software, functioning together, to process data into useful information, in order to achieve a purpose for a human What is data? • Data is raw facts, be they numbers, words, images and sounds, that can be input into a Mary a name is a piece of data What is information? • Information is processed data, that has meaning and is John is a list of names who scored an A grade on an exam John A Chai A Pam A Commodore $23 500 Magna $21 500 Falcon $19 800 The system unit contains the • Motherboard • CPU • Memory • Other electronics It is where the computer program instructions are executed and the data is manipulatedThe Processor CPU The CPU interprets and carries out basic instructions that operate the computer, the CPU contain the • Control unit and the • Arithmetic logic unit Control unit The control unit directs and coordinates the computer’s For every single instruction, the control unit repeats four basic operations, • Fetching • Decoding • Executing • Storing CPU speed The CPU’s speed may be measured in MIPS The number of millions of instructions per second Arithmetic/logic unit The ALU performs all calculations, which involve • Arithmetic operations 2+3 • Comparison operations age>=17 • Logical operations pass Processing instructions A CPU may begin executing a second machine cycle before completing the first-referred to as Current CPU’s can pipeline up to 4 Storage within the CPU Registers temporarily hold data and The computer’s clock A System clock is necessary to control the timing of all computer Each tick of the clock is referred to as a clock Clock speed is the speed at which a processor executes A hertz is one cycle per second and a megahertz is 1024 by1024 and a gigahertz is 1024 by 1024 Memory Memory is the temporary storage place for data and (program) Memory is measured in • Kilobytes 1024 bytes 2^10 • Megabytes 1024* 1024 bytes 2^20 • Gigabytes 1024*1024*1024 bytes 2^30 Representation of data Digital computers are built from many small electronic Each circuit, at any point of time can be turned OFF or ON Hence these devices are called two state Binary Digit 0and 1 Each off or on digital value is called a bit, short for binary A 1 bit computer would be able to distinguish between two values-characters, symbols or Hardly sufficient for the characters on the keyboard Bits Characters 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 6 64 7 128 8 256



在对比的是ZTRS荧光反应的金属离子 在水溶液中,在100%乙腈锌,镉结果 蓝移与波长变化排放量最大 由481至430和432纳米,分别为(支持信息, 图四,五),但是,除了对Zn2 +和Cd2 + 以ZTRS 100%二甲基亚砜事业红移与排放 波长变化最大,从472到512和532纳米, 分别为(支持信息,图中六,中七)。那个 图1。影响pH值对荧光ZTRS在乙腈/水(50:50,第V / 5)。激发波长:360纳米。 [ZTRS])10微米。 (1)pH值 4月7号至12月8号。插页:位于483,作为pH值函数的纳米荧光强度;(二)pH值4月7日至1月8日。插页:作为一种荧光比例pH值的变化。 图2。 (1)荧光光谱10微米ZTRS在水溶液中的各种金属离子(CH3CN/5 M乙磺酸(pH值4))50:50)的存在。 激发波长为360。 (二)荧光光谱中的不同浓度锌+的ZTRS。该插图显示了评价工作的阴谋 具备条件的10名其他媒离子的蓝移结果μMaddition排放总浓度荧光 无论乙腈和DMSO(支持信息,数字 奥迪S8,S9的)。然而,小蓝的最大吸收转移 在乙腈,二甲基亚砜,并经水溶液ZTRS 此外对Zn2 +和Cd2 +(支持信息,数字 S10的- 15节)表明,红移排放不会造成 从酰胺信息NH组质子,因为 对NH组质子偶联1,8 -萘 会导致在吸收光谱红移。 18小时,第25A这些 光谱数据表明,ZTRS结合锌,镉在 不同异构形式,这取决于溶剂和金属 离子(计划3); ZTRS物都锌,镉的 酰胺异构体,在乙腈和亚胺酸酸异构体的 二甲基亚砜为主。但是,其他媒离子结合到 氨基乙腈两种异构体和DMSO。 进一步的证据表明,酰胺和亚胺酸酸异构 (计划3)结合模式是由1H NMR滴定 与锌ZTRS实验+和Cd2 +在CD3CN(支持 信息,数字S16,S17)和二甲基亚砜氘(支持 信息,数字S18,S19),二维ZTRS NOESY谱 /锌(1:1复杂CD3CN)(图3,支持信息, 数字S20的,S21)和二甲基亚砜氘(图3,S22 - 23), 和红外光谱ZTRS/Zn2 +(1:1复杂乙腈) (支持的信息,图S24)和二甲基亚砜(支持 信息,图25条)。作为参考,结合性能 与锌的ZTF +还审议通过核磁共振手段 和红外光谱。

相反的,ZTRS荧光反应金属离子 在水溶液中,Zn2 100% CH3CN +和Cd2 +结果 blue-shifted排放量最大的波长变化 从481到430、分别为432纳米构成资讯, S4数据,利用S5);然而,加上Zn2 +和Cd2 + ZTRS 100% DMSO对red-shifted排放造成的 最大的波长变化,从472 512 532海里。 支持信息、数据分别S6、S7)。这个 图1。对影响ZTRS荧光在乙腈/水,v / v(50:50)。激发波长:360海里。[ZTRS 10μM])。(一)pH 7-8。插图:从荧光强度作为函数在483纳米的pH值;(2)pH 7-8。插图:从比率荧光成函数变化。 图2。(一)。10μM荧光光谱ZTRS面对不同的金属离子在溶液中(CH3CN / 5米HEPES(pH 740)50:50)。 激励在360海里。(b)。ZTRS荧光光谱,在不同浓度的Zn2 +。插图显示工作的阴谋 在荧光共10μMaddition浓度的结果在blue-shift HTM离子的温室气体的排放 在CH3CN(支持信息和DMSO数字 8、学生9)。然而,一个小blue-shift最多的吸收 在CH3CN的ZTRS DMSO溶液,, Zn2之外,Cd2 + +的信息,数据(支持 S10-S15)表明,red-shifted发射不结果 从离子氨基NH集团,因为这个 离子的尼克-海德菲尔德组1、8-naphthalimide分子 将导致可吸收光谱。18h 25a,这些吗 近红外光谱数据表明ZTRS联结Zn2 +和Cd2 + tautomeric形式,根据不同的溶剂和金属 (三);离子配合方案ZTRS两Zn2 +和Cd2 + 在CH3CN tautomer酰胺酸tautomer,imidic DMSO为主。然而,其他HTM离子结合了 在CH3CN tautomer酰胺及DMSO溶液。 进一步的证据,imidic酰胺酸tautomeric 结合模式(3)提供方案经核磁共振氢谱进行了探讨 ZTRS实验与Zn2 +和Cd2 +在CD3CN(支持 S16竞赛信息、数据、DMSO-d6(支持) 信息,数据S18,睡着的ZTRS)、二维NOESY / Zn2 +(1:1)在CD3CN复杂数据,支持信息(三, S21一言不发,数据),DMSO-d6(数据),S22-23 3, 和红外光谱的ZTRS / Zn2 +(1:1)在CH3CN复杂 S24(支持信息,人物)和DMSO(支持 信息、图索)。作为一个参考,绑定的性质 与Zn2的ZTF +也利用核磁共振检查 和红外光谱。



人工智能对学习知识的帮助(140 words)My view of artificial intelligence helping With the progress and development of technology, the way of human learning knowledge has gradually evolved from evolution, experience, and inheritance to dissemination and storage with the help of computers and the I Thanks to the appearance of computers, the way for human beings to acquire knowledge has become more efficient and The original motivation was to make computer systems capable of human learning in order to achieve artificial The machine finds gaps in existing knowledge, and then, following the example of the human brain and simulating evolution, it systematically reduces uncertainty, identifies similarities between old and new knowledge, and completes  In the near future, most of the knowledge will be extracted and stored by Powerful computer algorithms will gradually acquire human-like abilities, including vision, speech, and sense of

Future trends in computer science is one of the artificial intelligence,It is the research and artificial simulation of human thought and eventually be able to make a human like to think the same For human services and to help people solve After all, people thought it was unique, there are feelings, there are a variety of character, this will be very difficult to achieve in the In fact, to do the same as the human thinking machine, the only one of the artificial intelligence, is by no means


