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论文范文是指论文写作参考方面的范文,主要涉及到论文写作规范、论文格式要求、论文内容要求、不同的学校要求不同,但基本都是细微的差别,总体基本都相似。由于论文范文本身的内容和性质不同,研究领域、对象、方法、表现方式不同,因此,论文范文就有不同的分类方法。论文范文分为专题型、论辩型、综述型和综合型四大类。论文范文是指论文写作参考方面的范文,主要涉及到论文写作规范、论文格式要求、论文内容要求、不同的学校要求不同,但基本都是细微的差别,总体基本都相似。 为了探讨和掌握论文的写作规律和特点,需要对论文范文进行分类。由于论文范文本身的内容和性质不同,研究领域、对象、方法、表现方式不同,因此,论文范文就有不同的分类方法。按内容性质和研究方法的不同可以把论文范文分为理论性论文范文、实验性论文范文、描述性论文范文和设计性论文范文。按议论的性质不同:可以把论文范文分为立论文范文和、驳论文范文。立论性的论文范文是指从正面阐述论证自己的观点和主张。一篇论文侧重于以立论为主,就属于立论性论文范文。立论文要求论点鲜明,论据充分,论证严密,以理和事实服人。驳论性论文范文是指通过反驳别人的论点来树立自己的论点和主张。如果论文范文侧重于以驳论为主,批驳某些错误的观点、见解、理论,就属于驳论性论文范文。驳论文范文除按立论文对论点、论据、论证的要求以外,还要求针锋相对,据理力争。按研究问题的大小不同可以把论文范文分、为宏观论文范文和微观论文范文。凡属国家全局性、带有普遍性并对局部工作有一定指导意义的论文范文,称为宏观论文范文。它研究的面比较宽广,具有较大范围的影响。反之,研究局部性、具体问题的论文范文,是微观论文范文。它对具体工作有指导意义,影响的面窄一些。另外还有一种综合型的分类方法,即把论文范文分为专题型、论辩型、综述型和综合型四大类:1.专题型论文范文。这是分析前人研究成果的基础上,以直接论述的形式发表见解,从正面提出某学科中某一学术问题的一种论文范文。专题应用型论文范文是一种运用所学的理论基础和专业技能知识,独立地探讨或解决本学科某一问题的论文范文,其基本标准应该是:通过论文范文,可以大致反映作者能否运用所学得的基础知识来分析和解决本学科内某一基本问题的学术水平和能力。当然,它的选题一般也不宜过大,内容不太复杂,要求有一定的创见性,能够较好地分析和解决学科领域中不太复杂的问题。2.论辩型论文范文。这是针对他人在某学科中某一学术问题的见解,凭借充分的论据,着重揭露其不足或错误之处,通过论辩形式来发表见解的一种论文范文。3.综述型论文范文。这是在归纳、总结前人或今人对某学科中某一学术问题已有研究成果的基础上,加以介绍或评论,从而发表自己见解的一种论文范文。4.综合型论文范文。这是一种将综述型和论辩型两种形式有机结合起来写成的一种论文范文。




政治小论文范文写政治小论文是中学思想政治课《课程标准》对学生的一项基本要求,是素质教育的要求,是贯彻新课改精神的需要,符合理论联系实际的原则,有助于培养学生创造性思维和各方面的能力。下文是政治小论文范文,仅供参考。      政治小论文范文篇一:政治小论文《我看环保》(例文)我看环保环境问题不仅是个生活质量问题,更是一个直接影响人尖生存与发展的大问题。(提出论点)我们不得不承认,环境保护已迫在眉睫。环保虽如此重要,国家也颁布了一系列保护环境的法律和法规,可是在社会上仍有一些人,为了个人的利益去破坏环境,有的救灾屡禁不止。这就要求我们采取措施进一步提高人们的环保意识,依法规范人们的行为。(分析论点)为此,我特提出如下建议:(解决论点)   首先,应在学生中普及环保教育,开设环保科目,并规定为必修课。规定每个学生必须对环保作出贡献。如规定每个学生一年必须种一棵树等,从而让每个学生都明白:对于环保,自己也有一份责任,自己也应该出一份力。其次,国家有关部门应不定期对各个单位进行突击检查,对那些违反有关环保方面的法律和法规的单位实施重罚,并对其进行思想教育。这样才能从污染源上加以控制、治理。再次,对在环保方面作出突出贡献的单位、个人,应在物质和精神上给予奖励。这样能更有效地调动人们的积极性,这对于全民参加环保会有一定的促进作用。最后,国家应拨款建一些环保设施,如建一些污水处理站,保证流入江海湖泊的水的质量;采取"垃圾分类回收"措施,并在行动之前加以宣传,以得到群众的积极响应。环保问题的确应该引起我们每个人的重视。每个人都应该思考,自己应该为环保做点什么。愿人人都为环保出一份力,让美好的环境永远伴随着我们!(联系实际,表明观点)评价:本文侧重解决环境问题,特点是将分析问题结合到解决问题的过程中。

这个写的方面有很多,,来我有写好的 亲


生活中的科学发现生活中,科学是无处不在的,有时它很有可能就从你的指间滑过了,能不能抓住它就要看你能不能发现它了。生活中有很多事值得我们关注,我们要善于发现生活中的点点滴滴。往往一件小事,它就能引起众多人的探索与思考有些甚至成为千古之谜。所以说:科学就在我们身边。记得有一次我整理房间,翻出了小学时的作业本。这些本子乱七八糟地堆在我的书桌上,我偶然发现这些本子上铅笔、钢笔、圆珠笔的字迹,蓝蓝黑黑的粗细不同,清晰程度也不同,这是为什么呢? 我一下子心血来潮,做了一个小实验。我首先向大人们了解一下纸的构造。原来纸的主要成分是微细的纤维。我还了解了三种笔的笔芯和笔墨的成分:铅笔的笔芯由石墨与黏土搅拌烧制而成;钢笔的笔墨是一种染料;圆珠笔的笔墨是由油和某种特殊颜料调配得来的。接着我找来三种纸:一种十分光滑、一种非常粗糙、一种是我们普通作业本的纸。我用钢笔、铅笔、圆珠笔分别在三张纸上画了一条直线,结果发现:光滑的纸上画铅笔的直线比较模糊,其它两条都非常清晰。我用手一抹,钢笔的字迹几乎消失,而圆珠笔基本维持原样。粗糙的纸上,三条直线区别很大;铅笔直线像排列整齐的一排蚂蚁,断断续续:钢笔直线像一条毛毛虫,周围有毛边;而圆珠笔直线则连续圆润,光滑而没有毛边,普通作业本纸上的三条直线区别不大。通过我的研究,后来我又去请教老师。最后我发现,原来,用铅笔写字时,铅笔附在纸的表面上,粗糙的纸凹凸不平,铅粉只附在凸出的地方,而凹面就没有留下痕迹,因此字迹断断续续。光滑的纸,铅粉不容易吸附,所以只留下一条模糊的痕迹。钢笔和圆珠笔的笔墨能渗入纸的纤维,而圆珠笔的笔墨中含有油,吸附力较强,留下的痕迹也比较圆润。但是由于这些油时间长了会渗透,影响字迹的清晰和书面的整洁。 瞧!这就是生活中的科学。科学是发现出来的。要知道,好多科学家就是从平凡的小事中发现科学,再深入思考而得出结论的。比如说牛顿,他就是从苹果成熟落在地上这一件极其平凡的小事中,而发现了“万有引力”这么一个伟大的成果。还有“爱迪生孵小鸡”的故事。这些都能说明科学在我们生活中,我们要善于发现它。 处处留心皆学问。就像前面说的纸张、笔墨等这些文具对我们来说,是再普通不过的了,也因其普通而被人忽视。但是,只要我们善于发现它,研究它,我们就能从中得出可贵的结果。愿我们都从平凡小事的细致观察中做起。朋友们,让我们善于发现生活中的科学吧!相信你一定会有所收获。


Should Students Wear the school Uniform ?Uniform is a standard set of clothes which is worn by a group of But it seems that more and more people say that it may not be a must for students wearing their school People debate on this issue for many There are certain reasons why a student should wear uniform to go to School uniform is identification for It is a respect to the And also, wearing uniform can show the tidiness and discipline of the school, decrease discrimination among Further more, it can save the students’ time on choosing what to wear to It is a place for study, not a place for Students should concentrate on their study but not their On the contrary, there are voices from the students saying that there will be more freedom wearing casual They also say that uniforms are expensive and ugly, and even some of them say that they feel shameful when they wearing those ugly clothes walking on the Is that really so bad to wear uniform to Let’s have a deeper look at those reasons Firstly, a uniform represents the A person wearing a set of uniform represents that he/she is a Uniform is the symbol of Just as a doctor wearing his white jacket, when he puts on his jacket, it means that he is a It is the same as the police, lawyers and so Most of the jobs and careers required employees to wear certain kind of An office manager wears a business A sailor wears a set of sailor A lawyer wears a wig and a dark A garbadgeman wears is special Careers which you can think of need to wear uniform to show their Students should also wear a school uniform to indicate their identity, and also show the respect to their A person wears his/her uniform well to show the respect to his/her Therefore, a school uniform is necessary for Secondly, wearing a school uniform can show the unity and tidiness of the Many people say that there are too many rules in It is not easy to follow all the rules and standards of the This will increase the burdens of the I strongly disagree with this point of A school is a place to learn knowledge, discipline and self- The whole school learn the same things, wear the same set of uniform, there are no differences between This “burden” is shared by the whole The whole school is the same and the uniform is just like a “promise” of the Once you wear the uniform and enter the school, all students will be No matter you are rich or poor, pretty or ugly, tall or short; the requirement is the same, to learn what you should A school is a place for students to learn, to Students should concentrate on their studies but not what they Lastly, school uniform can keep out some unnecessary disturbance on students’ For example, if the students need not to wear their school uniform, those who are richer will wear the most expensive brand names while those who are not so wealthy will wear some casual clothes to Then, school will become a fashion Students will compare their clothes and Those richer students may tease on those who wear some usual Sometimes, even they will gather together to form group, laugh at others or discuss their Even though those rich students do not laugh at other Those not wealthy students will feel inferior or self-abased on This causes much harmless to those students’ studies and self- To put this aside, we assume that students will not tease at There is still a very unhealthy phenomenon we need to look Students tend to spend more time on choosing the clothes for A survey says that an American high-school student starts his usual day at about 7 The first thing comes up to him is to choose what should he wears to school for the America is a good example of not wearing uniform to school; however, it is found out that students spend more time on choosing clothes rather than having a leisure Is that really wise to not wear school uniform to There are voices from students and parents saying that the cost of the uniform is very high and not But wearing different clothes to school is also a chance for students to buy more Uniform may need only a few sets of them for the whole Wearing casual clothes will need not only a few sets, maybe a dozen of It is because nobody is willing to wear similar clothes all the day other than The cost will be higher than buying a few sets of These few sets will turn into the most precious memories in their As a conclusion, wearing uniform is always better choice for students rather than wearing casual Uniform can represents the identification of students, the respect to the school and also the respect of being a And also, uniform can show the unity of students of the This can teach the students to learn discipline and self- To endure something they do not accept can steel And also, uniform can lower some unnecessary Students will not compare themselves on the brands or styles of their casual Every student is fair in the school no matter how they are different in They can also save more time for study rather than wasting time to choose what they should wear for A lower cost of clothing can save the money for the parents for better With the above strong evidence, I strongly agree that students should wear uniform to


A Brief Analysis of english teaching in senior high schoolAbstract: Classroom teaching is the main way for students to learn E But in senior high school, a lots of probelms still exsit in the English teaching especially in the teaching of reading and In this paper, the importance and methods of reading and writing will be further Key words: reading writing techniques Introduction: Classes should be learner-centered, with meaningful, functional activities, often, classes begin by finding out what the students don’t These classes operate on the assumption that there is a great deal of information that students lack and that the teacher and textbooks will impact that information to the Teachers who hold this assumption view students as plants waiting passively to be fed and But I think the students should be regarded as explorers, active learners who bring a great deal to the learning process and at the same time, draw from their environment as they develop new The basic principle will be used in the teaching of reading and How to teach reading I Why teach readingThere are many reasons why getting students to read English texts is an important part of the teacher’s In the first place, many of them want to be able to read texts in English either for their careers, for study purposes or simply for Anything we can do to make reading easier for them must be a good Reading texts provide good models for English writing, provide opportunities to study language vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the way to construct sentences, paragraphs and Lastly, good reading texts can introduce interesting topics, stimulate discussion, excite imaginative responses and be the springboard for well-rounded, fascinating The last but not the least, students must read widely because only a fraction of knowledge about the world can come from other experiences in their short II What kind of reading should students do? When the teachers give reading class to students, they should notice a balance----a balance to be struck between real English on the one hand and the students’ capabilities and interests on the There is some authentic written material which beginner students can understand to some degree: menus, timetables, signs and basic instructions, for example, and, where appropriate, teachers can use But for longer prose, teachers can offer their students texts, which, while being like English, are nevertheless written or adapted especially for their Anyway, the materials to be read should be interesting and Teachers should become better acquainted with books written specially for teenagers and dealing with their III What are the principles behind the teaching of reading? i) Permit Students To Read No one has learned to swim by practicing the skills of backstrokes, flutter kicks or treading water while staying on the edge of the swimming Yet, in the teaching of reading teachers often do just Rather than let the students into “the water”, teachers keep them in skills books learning rules about letters, syllables or definitions of words rather than letting them into the book itself, permitting them to be immersed in the language which comes from the authors as the readers try to reconstruct the written ii) Encourage students to respond to the content of a reading text, not just to the languageOf course, it is important to study reading texts for the way they use language, how many paragraphs they contain and how many times they use relative But the meaning, the message of the text, is much more Teachers should help students understand that the main reason to read is for They have to have their own purpose to read and reading must make sense, they have to find ways of doing something about They should be encouraged either to reread or to continue reading to gain But they must realize that the meaning is not in the teacher, but in the interaction between the reader and Students should be encouraged to ask themselves repeatedly, “Does this make sense to me?” Students should be encouraged to reject and to be intolerant of reading materials that do not make iii) Encourage students to guess or predict Readers’ guesses or predictions are based on the cumulative information and syntactic structure they have been learning as they have been Therefore, their guesses are more often than not appropriate to the Students have to realize that risk taking in reading is appropriate; that using context to decide what words mean is a proficient reading strategy and that they have the language sense to make appropriate guesses which can fit both the grammatical and semantic sense of what they are iv) Match the task to the topic Once a decision has been taken about what kind of reading text the students are going to read, teachers need to choose good reading tasks—the right kind of questions and useful puzzles, Asking boring and inappropriate questions can undermine the most interesting text; the most commonplace passage can be made really exciting with imaginative and challenging Working in groups, the English teacher and students take turns asking each other questions following the The teacher may ask, “ What is the significance of the character’s age?” These questions require inferences based on details from the reading


