
> 期刊发表知识库

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Do you have any magazine in your bag?Yes, there are some English and Chinese magazines


杂志的英文读音是magazine。元音字母i在单字里发/i/的音,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,舌前部抬得很高,但不接触上腭,不发生任何摩擦。这个音出现在字首、字中、字尾位置。police 警察machine 机器unique 独特的,唯一的prestige 威望ski 滑雪。




Do you have any magazine in your bag?Yes, there are some English and Chinese magazines

There are a lot of magazines in

Are there any magazines in your schoolbag?Yes There are some English and Chinese magazines


花了多少钱买某东西How much money to buy something望采纳!谢谢!

许多同学在做题时遇到“花费”问题时,往往很容易出错,不知道花费的是什么,主语是什么等等。今天老师就来给同学们讲解一下英语中四个“花费”的用法与区别。一、spend 表示 “花费”,主语为“人”,宾语(即花费的什么)为“时间/金钱”。主要句型为:1、sb spend some time/some money on sth 某人在某物上花费多少时间/金钱例如:l spent 120 yuan on this 我花费120元买这条裙子。He spends a lot of money on books every 他每年都花费许多钱买书。2、sb spend some time/some money ( in ) doing sth 某人花费时间/金钱做某事,( in )可以省略例如:Jack spends an hour ( in )doing his homework after school every 杰克每天放学后都花费1个小时的时间做作业。Lily spent 3 yuan ( in ) buying this storybook 莉莉花费了3元买这本故事书。二、cost 表示“花费”,主语为“物”,宾语( 即花费的什么 )为“金钱”主要句型为:sth cost sb some money 某物花费了某人多少钱例如:This skirt cost me 120 这条裙子花费了我120元。三、pay 表示“支付,付钱”,主语为“人”,宾语( 即支付的什么 )为“金钱”主要句型为:sb pay some money for sth 某人为某物支付多少钱例如:I paid 30 yuan for the 我支付了30yuan买这个玩具。Wang Li paid 500 yuan for the 王丽花500元买了这辆自行车。拓展 : pay for 替某人付钱例如:don't worry!I'll pay for 别担心, 我会给你付钱的。pay money back 还钱例如 :Can you lend me some money? l'll pay it back the day after 你能借给我一些钱吗?我后天还给你。四、take 表示“花费”,主语为形式主语“lt”或“物”主要句型为:lt takes sb some time to do sth 某人花费多长时间做某事例如:It took us three hours to go to B我们花费了3个小时的时间去北京。The trip took me a 这次旅行花费了我一周的时间。注 :1、当表示花费“金钱”时,spent、pay、和cost 的句子可以互换。例如:Lily spent 50 yuan onthe = The schoolbagcost Lily 50 = Lily paid 50 yuan for the 2、当表示花费“时间”时,spend 句型可以和take 句型互换。例如:Jack spends two hours ( in )doing his homework every = lt takes Jack two hours to do his homework every

He spended 20 yuan on this The magazine cost him 20 It cost him 20 yuan to buy this He bought the magazinefor 20 It took him 20 yuan to buy the He paid 20 yuan for this 我自己写了上面三句下面三句参考了网络上相似的一个问题

区别:1、spend 的主语只能是人,不能是事或物;2、cost 的主语是物或者某种活动,不能是人。3、take 的主语一般采用形式主语,即"it",或者是“it”具体指的某件事情,而绝对不能是人4、pay的主语是人也可以是物。扩展资料:1、spend表示花费时间,金钱(1)spend time /money on sth例句:I spent 5 days on reading this 我花了五天时间来读这本书。(2)spend time /money (in) doing sth例句:She spent 2 hours in learning this 她花了2个小时来学习这首歌。(3)spend money for sth例句:His money was spent for 他的钱用来买书了。2、cost可以表示花费,也可以表示某物值多少钱或某物的价值(1) cost +金钱数例句:This watch costs me 10,000 这块手表花费了我10000美元。(2)(doing) costs () +时间例句:Learning how to drive cost me a 学驾照花了我一年的时间。3、take表示花费(1)It takes +时间+to do 例句:It took me three days to learn how to 学游泳花了我3天时间。(2)doing takes +时间 (这个词组和cost的用法类似!!)例句:Learning how to swim took me three 学游泳花了我3天时间。4、此处是支付,付钱的意思(1)pay sb例句:My boss pays me every two 我的老板每两个礼拜就给我发工资。(2)pay for sth例句:I have to pay for these 我必须要付清这些账单。(3)pay () money for sth例句:I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each 我每个月要付20英磅的房租。(4) pay for sb例句:I have to pay for my husband's 我必须要替我丈夫付账单。


I spent thirty yuan on a magazine

spend some money on spend some money (in) dong sthsth costs sb some moneyIt takes/took sb some money to do sthsb pay some money for sth

I spent 30 yuan on a


how much is this magazine cost?

it costs him 20 yuan to buy this book He spend 20yuan buying this book It takes him 20yuan to buy this book This book costs him 20yuan

为您解答How much is the book?What's the price of this book?How much does this book cost?How much to pay for this book?

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