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[1] 徐云红《强化应收账款管理降低财务风险》2011年04期[2] 潘爱香《财务报表分析》 2011年9月[3] 王仲兵《会计制度设计》 2011年5月[4] 罗勇《企业内部控制规范解读及案例精析析》「J」2010年6月[5] 范锋春《企业会计工作中应收账款的内部管理》2010年12月[6] 陈颖.强化应收账款的日常管理[R].内江科技.2009年02期

根据企业运营情况制定有效的信用政策。 做好客户的信用调查和信用评估。 选择有利的结算方式。出口应尽量使用信用证结算方式,除非确实需要并经相关程序批准,不得使用D/A、D/P、T/T及O/A等结算方式。 建立应收帐款责任人制度与相应的奖惩制度。 进行逐笔登记,跟踪催收,建立帐龄分析制度。 加强坏帐管理,确认坏帐损失,按规定计提坏帐准备。 是企业因销售产品、材料、提供劳务等业务而应向购货方、接收劳务的单位或个人收取的款项;也就是你提供了商品或劳务该收却还没有收到的款项。形成应收帐款的直接原因是赊销。虽然大多数企业希望现销而不愿赊销,但是面对竞争,为了稳定自己的销售渠道、扩大产品销路、减少存货、增加收入,不得不面向客户提供信用业务。商品与劳务的赊销、赊购,已成为当代经济的基本特征。应收帐款的形成增加了企业风险。特别是现在,用户拖欠企业帐款者越来越多,帐款回收的难度也越来越大。因此,企业必须加强应收帐款的管理,正确衡量信用成本和信用风险,合理确定信用政策,及时收回帐款。 什么是呆账? 呆帐 指: 三年以上既不增加也不减少的无法收回的往来账,并且不能确定将来是否能收回的往来账,应该确定为呆帐。它作为一项资产反映在各年的资产负债表上,而且也不需计提坏账准备。 什么是坏帐 坏帐 是企业无法收回的应收帐款。企业发生坏帐,造成坏帐损失是一种很正常的现象。按照我国有关规定,坏帐损失通常是指因债务人破产或死亡,以其破产财产或其遗产清偿后,仍然不能收回的应收帐款,或者因债务人逾期未履行偿债义务超过三年仍然不能收回的应收帐款。 坏帐损失是企业经营而发生的管理费用,而坏帐损失的确认可以在坏帐发生的当期列为该会计期间的费用;也可以在赊销业务发生时依照一定的方法先行估计坏帐,列为赊销业务发生当期的费用,这就是在会计期末结帐时,按照有关规定,估计可能发生的坏帐和应收帐款的净变现价值,把坏帐损失列为这一期的费用。因此,根据坏帐损失的确认时间,会计处理上有直接销记法和备抵坏帐法两种。 (1)直接销记法。就是在发生坏帐时的当期确认坏帐损失,并注销客户的应收帐款。例如,1995年7月12日赊销给长征商店的4500元商品帐款,经三年来多次催收无效,于1998年10月8日确认已全部无法收回,于是注销该客户帐款,列作当期的坏帐损失,编制会计分录如下: 1998.10.8 借:管理费用——坏帐损失 4500 贷:应收帐款——长征商店 4500 直接销记法在处理上较为简便,非到应收帐款实在无法收回时不确认坏帐损失。它的主要缺点在于忽视了坏帐损失与赊销业务在时间上的联系;本例在1995年确认并反映在当年利润表上的商品销售收入的坏帐却在1998年确认并反映在1998年的利润表上,显然不符合收入与费用的配比原则。这就造成了在1995年的利润表上夸大了应收帐款可变现净值。 (2)备抵坏帐法。在应收帐款较多、赊销比重较大的企业,可以在发生赊销业务的当期就估计坏帐损失。一方面,把根据赊销总体情况估计的坏帐损失列作当期的费用;另一方面,设置“坏帐准备”科目,冲减应收帐款余额,使资产负债表上反映的是经过坏帐估计程序的应收帐款估计可变现净值。用备抵坏帐法时,在赊销业务发生的这一会计期,按估计金额借记“管理费用——坏帐损失”科目,贷记“坏帐准备”科目,坏帐损失结转计入当年利润表,坏帐准备在资产负债表上作为应收帐款的扣减数,扣减后余额为应收帐款净额,也即应收帐款的估计可变现净值。 或 【坏帐是企业无法收回的应收帐款。企业发生坏帐,造成坏帐损失是一种很正常的现象。按照我国有关规定,企业应收账款符合下列条件之一的,应确认为坏账:①因债务人死亡,以其遗产清偿后仍然无法收回;②因债务人破产,以其破产财产清偿后仍然无法收回;③债务人较长时期内(如超过3年)未履行偿债义务,并有足够的证据表明无法收回或收回的可能性极小。 企业应当定期或者至少于每年年度终了,对应收款项进行全面检查,预计各项应收款项可能发生的坏账,对于没有把握能够收回的应收款项,应当计提坏账准备。 企业只能采用备抵法核算坏账损失。 计提坏账准备的方法有余额百分比法、账龄分析法销、售百分比法等,具体彩何种方法可由企业自行确定。企业应当列出目录,具体注明计提坏账准备的范围、提取方法、账龄的划分和提取比例,按照管理权限,经股东大会或董事会,或经理(厂长)会议或类似机构批准,并且按照法律、行政法规的规定报有关各方备案,并备置于公司所在地,以供投资者查阅。坏账准备提取方法一经确定,不得随意变更。如需变更,仍然应按上述程序,经批准后报送有关各方备案,并在会计报表附注中予以说明。 企业在确定坏账准备的计提比例时,应当根据企业以往的经验、债务单位的实际财务状况和现金流量的情况,以及其他相关信息合理地估计。除有确凿证据表明该项应收款项不能收回,或收回的可能性不大外(如债务单位撤销、破产、资不抵债、现金流量严重不足、发生严重的自然灾害等导致停产而在短时间内无法偿付债务等,以及应收款项逾期3年以上),下列各种情况一般不能全额计提坏账准备: (1)当年发生的应收款项; (2)计划对应收款项进行重组; (3)与关联方发生的应收款项; (4)其他已逾期,但无确凿证据证明不能收回的应收款项。 企业持有的未到期应收票据,如有确凿证据证明不能够收回或收回的可能性不大时,应将其账面余额转入应收账款,并计提相应的坏账准备。 企业的预付账款如有确凿证据表明其不符合预付账款性质,或者因供货单位破产、撤销等原因已无望再收到所购货物的,应将原计入预付账款的金额转入其他应收款,并计提相应的坏账准备。 企业对于不能收回的应收款项应当查明原因,追究责任。对有确凿证据表明确实无法收回的应收款项,如债务单位已撤销、破产、资不抵债、现金流量严重不足等,根据企业的管理权限,经股东大会或董事会,或经理(厂长)办公会或类似机构批准作为坏账损失,冲销提取的坏账准备。 】 呆账和坏账的区别 是什么? 三年以上既不增加也不减少的无法收回的往来账,并且不能确定将来是否能收回的往来账,应该确定为呆帐;已经确定不能收回的往来账,应该确定为坏账。 呆帐,专用于我国金融企业; 坏账,必须根据《企业会计制度》的规定判断


Appendix  ESTABLISH CREDIT SYSTEM IN  ENTERPRISES TO STRENGTHEN THE  MANAGEMENT OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE1  Hong Mei  Abstract: The main point about account receivable management is enterprises is that makes a reasonable credit policy is a enterprise according to real running state of the enterprise and reputation state of a customer。It is an important component as well as guiding principle and policy which should be made reasonably in the enterprise to achieve the goal about management of accounts At present, an overall amount of accounts receivable increased progressively each year and never cut down on overdue accounts in our This has become one of chronic and stubborn problems in business activities ,In the Problems and causes about accounts receivable in a enterprise is analyzed in our country suggest that the firm want to change this kind of current state, it may start with the two aspects from establishment of accounts receivable ,mechanism on guard and handle of overdue As fallowing of exact measures: Establish a perfect credit management system, Enhance internal monitor and control against accounts receivable, Strengthen daily management on accounts receivable and integrate accounts   Key words: account receivable, credit policy, debt reorganization, internal control  TARGET FOR ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE MANAGEMENT  The target is that a firm should make a sensible and scientific credit policy about accounts receivable and weigh marketing gains and due costs from the credit policy, The firm can not put into effect and pursue this kind of credit policy until the marketing arnings go beyond the costs added ,meanwhile the management has included the prediction and judgment on market and investigation on security of accounts receivable, If it seems that the market promises better ,higher security of accounts receivable, the firm can introduce more flexible collection policies and expand the credit business to make more Conversely ,the firm should adopt strict policies or adjust the credit line to different customers so as to achieve better economic results   ANALYSIS ON THE STATUS QUO AND CAUSE OF ACCOUNTS  RECEIVABLE IN OUR COUNTRY  1 The status quo of accounts receivable in our country  At present, many products are the buyers Supply exceed demand has already become the normality in all trades and professions Many firms introduce the way of credit business to develop markets and create more favorable competition The current survey showed that about 80% firms have used the method of credit business in our country, the figure is about the same as developed countries, but results are widely divergent   The section concerned survey should that accounts receivable constitute over 50 per cent of flow cashes in our country’s firms, the proportion is higher above 20 percent than the developed   Firms especially, the state-owned firms, have fallen into arrears with their payment for goods mutually This is a very very serious According to analysis of a professional institute statistics, in general ,overdue accounts in a firm should be cower 10 percent of told accounts receivable in developed market economy, but the proportion has been higher up to over to   The success of recovery will be affected directly with aging of accounts receivable and the amount of the overdue days be good credit   Accounts receivable cannot be controlled effectively, bad market environment and customers credit seem on the surface to lead the current state Therefore ,it is the direct and foundational reason that an internal management has the greatest flaw ,the credit problems are very real problems having solved and prominent contradiction in the economic life so ,the firms development has been limited seriously with lack of credit management, we must strengthen credit management to face the challenges and opportunities after entrance of WTO  2 The cause of accounts receivable in our country  The market economy necessarily produce accounts receivable ,this is normal phenomenon, its nature is credit The way and relationship of credit is principal form in social economic It is difficult to recover accounts receivable, why? here is how:   Lack of risk In cut-throat competition, at the beginning of entry market ,sone firms want to get into the market, under the circumstances (without a thoroughgoing investigation of a payers credit, without right evaluation risk of accounts receivable),they conclude a short-term ,given credit-sale line contract (or agreement)with customers to attract more customers and expand their market   After that, the firm have to pay such enormous amounts of VAT(because the credit receipt is business receipt)that there is danger of exhausted    Without vigorous internal A majority of firms put to use the link total payroll with economic performance in order to bring into play the initiation of the staff at present ,yet have ignored the probability of the bad debts   Since accounts receivable have not been thought into the check system a business department just pays attention to business task ,but does not mind recovering on accounts receivable, results in accounts eceivable increasing constantly, Some of the firms have not asked for the department concerned and the staff to press for payment of accounts receivable vigorously with effective countermeasures, caused the shortage of the flow cash ,in fact, there is the phenomenon of ‘false surplus and real loss’ Sedimentation of enormous amounts of accounts receivable make the firm bear serious financial    Weak of law As we know, at present default costs are relative lower Many of the firms have this kind of mental attitude you owed mine, I owed Few people couldn’t safeguard their own lawful rights and interests with law, and then vicious circle    COUNTERMEASURES ON MANAGEMENT OF ACCOUNTS  RECEIVABLE IN OUR COUNTRY  1 Establish a perfect system of credit management  Credit policy is a vital component of credit management system, in duding credit standards, credit conditions, collection   Credit standard refers to when a firm agrees to credit-granting for customers, customers must have the lowest ability to pay, in general, it expresses with anticipatory percentage of damage on bad debts, when a firm will decide on credit standards, you have to consider mainly three factors a ,to realize your customers, knowing that your opponent and yourself ,The firm can introduce generous or strict credit standards according to different situation so as so take advantage, b, to consider the firm’s ability to bear default risk, c, to know about the customer’s credit status, on the basis of this to give him credit preference or   Credit condition is an exact condition that a firm asks for a customer’s payment, mainly including credit period, discount period and cash   Collection policy refers to a firm adopt the collection tactics when the credit condition was run counter to If the firm adopted positive collection policy, you might reduce the cost of accounts recitative and the damage of bad debts ,that add to the collection costs ,sensible credit policy is decided ,the firm must consider credit standard, credit condition and collection policy to improve percentage of accounts   2 Establishment of guarding system of accounts receivable  It is necessary to establish guarding system ,in the purpose of providing against possible ①you’d better set up a professional credit management institute to manage credit sale; ②set up a dymatic management system of a customer’s resource; ③set up control system of accounts   3 Integrate accounts receivable  In order to recover overdue accounts effectively ,a firm should adopt sensible and practical ①set up special collecting group; ②regroup the debts; ③creditor’s rights on   4 strengthen everyday management of accounts receivable   strengthen everyday management of accounts receivable  ①take basic notes well; ②check customer’s credit line; ③realize customers’debts beyond credit period; ④analyse turnover rate of accounts receivable and average collection period; ⑤inspect the status to refuse payment; ⑥make the aging   2 Strengthen post management of accounts   ①use sensible collection program; ②make advantage of a reasonable debt-recovery   3 Accounts receivable assessment method and management system  ①enhance the departments of managing and monitoring; ②improve methods of internal assessment; ③internal audit; ④set up system of internal control The firm should establish a set of controlling system on accounts




