一般来说,审稿人会避免写那些对作者不友善或不顾及感受的审稿意见。但是如果真的收到这样的评审意见,请记住最重要的是,不愉快的评论并不意味着就否定了您的科研能力,不要因此灰心丧气。同行评议的主要目的是帮助作者提高稿件的质量,您从审稿人或编辑那里收到的评论通常来自该领域的专家。因此与其感到愤怒或沮丧,不如开始根据审稿人提出的建议对稿件进行修改。如果编辑根据审稿人的意见拒绝了您的稿件,您可以上诉反对。期刊编辑在收到您的请求后,可能会再次审阅您的稿件,他们会可能会指定另一组审稿人重新评估手稿。在某些情况下,尽管审稿意见看起来不那么专业,但审稿人没有明确表示拒稿。在这种情况下,您可以在逐条解决每个评论后重新提交手稿。如果您不同意审稿人的意见,请礼貌地提出来,坚持实事求是,理性应对。对负面评论的适当回应如下:审稿人建议缺失或不清楚的数据您可以这么回应:The statements that were slightly ambiguous have been clarified in the You may find the revised text on page/line XYZ (文本中已经澄清了一些不太明确的陈述。您可以在第XYZ页/第XYZ行找到修订后的文本。)审稿人建议改进语言和语法您可以这么回应:We apologise for the errors and have made the suggested (我们对错误表示歉意,并已做出相应的修改。)有时候期刊会直接拒稿。在这种情况下,建议根据审稿人的意见修改稿件,并将其提交到新的期刊。
在回复审稿人意见的时候,诚恳的态度非常关键,最好可以附上一个新的cover letter。当你不同意审稿人的意见时,你可以说“Thank you for your We understand your concern about XXX However, because YYY To make this clearer we have changed ZZZ on page/line XX”首先站在审稿人的角度上去肯定审稿人的意见,然后客观的指出文章的原意,并且做出具体解释。从另一个角度来看,既然审稿人都理解错了,其他的读者更有可能,说明文章的表达还是需要改进的。建议对相关的句子重写,尽量表述得更加清晰。在这里我们也分享一些常见的回复审稿人模板供题主参考:当你同意审稿人意见时,可以这样写:Thank you for your We agree with your suggestion to XXX, because YYY We have made changes to ZZZ on page/line XX as you 回复重点要包括以下几项:Thank the reviewerSay that you agree and explain whyDescribe the changes you madeIndicate where you made the changes当你不同意或对审稿人意见持怀疑态度时,可以这样写:Thank you for your We understand your concern about XXX However, because YYY To make this clearer we have changed ZZZ on page/line XX另外还有一些常见的回复审稿人意见的表达形式,如:你心里想的: You just didn't understand what we wrote!实际写:Some statements that we made were slightly ambiguous; we have clarified the text你心里想的:That experiment would take forever!实际写:The suggested experiment is very interesting; however, we feel that it is beyond the scope of our study你心里想的:You didn’t even read what we wrote!实际写:We did not intend to indicate ‘XYZ’ and have therefore altered the text to specify ‘PQR’你心里想的:You are being too picky about grammar and formatting实际写:We apologize for the errors and have made the suggested changes
如果能补充的话,尽量补,除非因为样本的原因或是毕业在即!说明本次研究的主要目的:如主要是测血清水平的而不是测蛋白水平或基因水平的,证实本实验足以得出相应结论。(但谦虚是必要的,先感谢一下reviewer的意见,然后We understand that **(要补的实验)may better reveal the However, in the present study, we mainly focused , and we think that ***(你已经做的实验) may not be optimal, but should be sufficient to draw a conclusion that 以前文献已经做过,直接引用。并且说明本次实验是从另一个层面来证实他们的结论。 自己曾经遇到的一个问题以及自己的回答,供大家参考:Question: Of the patients who had ** how many had biopsies? If they did and were**+ how many revealed characteristics of ** associated vasculitis? Did any biopsies in patients who were not ** + reveal characteristics of ** associated vasculitis?Re: This is one limitation of this study, in consideration of injury of biopsies and our central aim is to study the relationship between serum ** and **, so we have not performed renal We understand that renal biopsies can better reveal the correlation between ** and **, it will be considered in our further
在回复审稿人意见的时候,诚恳的态度非常关键,最好可以附上一个新的cover letter。当你不同意审稿人的意见时,你可以说“Thank you for your We understand your concern about XXX However, because YYY To make this clearer we have changed ZZZ on page/line XX”首先站在审稿人的角度上去肯定审稿人的意见,然后客观的指出文章的原意,并且做出具体解释。从另一个角度来看,既然审稿人都理解错了,其他的读者更有可能,说明文章的表达还是需要改进的。建议对相关的句子重写,尽量表述得更加清晰。在这里我们也分享一些常见的回复审稿人模板供题主参考:当你同意审稿人意见时,可以这样写:Thank you for your We agree with your suggestion to XXX, because YYY We have made changes to ZZZ on page/line XX as you 回复重点要包括以下几项:Thank the reviewerSay that you agree and explain whyDescribe the changes you madeIndicate where you made the changes当你不同意或对审稿人意见持怀疑态度时,可以这样写:Thank you for your We understand your concern about XXX However, because YYY To make this clearer we have changed ZZZ on page/line XX另外还有一些常见的回复审稿人意见的表达形式,如:你心里想的: You just didn't understand what we wrote!实际写:Some statements that we made were slightly ambiguous; we have clarified the text你心里想的:That experiment would take forever!实际写:The suggested experiment is very interesting; however, we feel that it is beyond the scope of our study你心里想的:You didn’t even read what we wrote!实际写:We did not intend to indicate ‘XYZ’ and have therefore altered the text to specify ‘PQR’你心里想的:You are being too picky about grammar and formatting实际写:We apologize for the errors and have made the suggested changes
no trace of Most mysterious," finish
如果能补充的话,尽量补,除非因为样本的原因或是毕业在即!说明本次研究的主要目的:如主要是测血清水平的而不是测蛋白水平或基因水平的,证实本实验足以得出相应结论。(但谦虚是必要的,先感谢一下reviewer的意见,然后We understand that **(要补的实验)may better reveal the However, in the present study, we mainly focused , and we think that ***(你已经做的实验) may not be optimal, but should be sufficient to draw a conclusion that 以前文献已经做过,直接引用。并且说明本次实验是从另一个层面来证实他们的结论。 自己曾经遇到的一个问题以及自己的回答,供大家参考:Question: Of the patients who had ** how many had biopsies? If they did and were**+ how many revealed characteristics of ** associated vasculitis? Did any biopsies in patients who were not ** + reveal characteristics of ** associated vasculitis?Re: This is one limitation of this study, in consideration of injury of biopsies and our central aim is to study the relationship between serum ** and **, so we have not performed renal We understand that renal biopsies can better reveal the correlation between ** and **, it will be considered in our further
在回复审稿人意见的时候,诚恳的态度非常关键,最好可以附上一个新的cover letter。当你不同意审稿人的意见时,你可以说“Thank you for your We understand your concern about XXX However, because YYY To make this clearer we have changed ZZZ on page/line XX”首先站在审稿人的角度上去肯定审稿人的意见,然后客观的指出文章的原意,并且做出具体解释。从另一个角度来看,既然审稿人都理解错了,其他的读者更有可能,说明文章的表达还是需要改进的。建议对相关的句子重写,尽量表述得更加清晰。在这里我们也分享一些常见的回复审稿人模板供题主参考:当你同意审稿人意见时,可以这样写:Thank you for your We agree with your suggestion to XXX, because YYY We have made changes to ZZZ on page/line XX as you 回复重点要包括以下几项:Thank the reviewerSay that you agree and explain whyDescribe the changes you madeIndicate where you made the changes当你不同意或对审稿人意见持怀疑态度时,可以这样写:Thank you for your We understand your concern about XXX However, because YYY To make this clearer we have changed ZZZ on page/line XX另外还有一些常见的回复审稿人意见的表达形式,如:你心里想的: You just didn't understand what we wrote!实际写:Some statements that we made were slightly ambiguous; we have clarified the text你心里想的:That experiment would take forever!实际写:The suggested experiment is very interesting; however, we feel that it is beyond the scope of our study你心里想的:You didn’t even read what we wrote!实际写:We did not intend to indicate ‘XYZ’ and have therefore altered the text to specify ‘PQR’你心里想的:You are being too picky about grammar and formatting实际写:We apologize for the errors and have made the suggested changes