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But after entering Beijing Agricultural College, the main contents I studied turned to arts from science, which troubled me a However I'm going to take things as they are and adjust myself to No matter where I go, it's always good to keep

Dear Gary, nice to see do you know when i find your address i am very happy!first i want to introduce my name is zhangwen ,last time you saw i come from hunan huaihuamayang, that is a beautiful there is difenghuang near 剩下的就不会了!

But after transfering to Bejing Agriculture College, it happened vexing me that my curricula turned from science to liberal Though, as the saying goes, you need to take things as they come, I will take a hard study wherever I

Dear GaryHow are you? it's so nice t know I am so excited to find your And now, please allow me to introduce My name is Chang Wen, and we meet last I'm from Mayang, Huaihua in Hu Nan There is famous South Great wall ,outstanding writter---Shen Congwen,and the pretty scenes also pretty girls for race of M I am in Miao race as Most people in my hometown are farmers, they farm for their life The government has issed my beneficial policies for So many people moved to work outside the village and they leave their children and elder people at But it seems that they are not earning to much money in the outside world, because they know less skills, have to make their life by labour and do some unskilles The payment for that is very And this make it harder to afford their children's study at We have rare chance to go to But at present, there is drastic competition in the society,if one can not master a foreign language,especially English, it will be difficult to have better As the globlizations going on, it can be said that English will lead to a better it is much more important that there are also many people who do not know English in CSo I came to you that day, and I want to learn English from But you see, I have no too much money, it is a little impossible for me to pay you 100yuan per I do not want to give up the chance to learn English, So could you teach me free of charge?for example, we can do it on I know that it's not eaque for you, but in order to improve my poor English, I give you this letter and trouble you Please give me a I will appreciate very very By the way, if you want learn Chinese or want to pay a visit to Feng Huang, I think I can provide some 我看他够呛能答应,还是自学吧







1、用同义词代替,比如:损坏=破坏;渠道=途径;原理=基本思路;不可见=隐藏;优点尤其突出=优势尽显无疑  2、改变句子的主动被动语态,比如:数字水印为多媒体数据文件在认证、防伪、防篡改、保障数据安全和完整性等方面提供了有效的技术手段。=在多媒体制品的认证、防伪、防修改和传送安全以及完整性保障方面,可以采用数字水印的检测作为有力的检测手段。  3、可以将文字转换为表格、表格基本是查重不了的,文字变成图形、表格变成图形,一目了然,绝对不会检查出是重复剽窃了。  (以上方法学术堂亲测有效)







你好,首先,打开手机,在应用市场上搜索可以翻译文档的软件,然后将翻译软件先下载到手机上,然后打开软件。软件分为三个功能,①文档翻译 ②图片翻译 ③短句翻译这三个功能。点击“文档翻译”,然后点击上传需要翻译的文档(需要提前将需要翻译的文档保存到手机上),软件会自动导出全部的文档。文档上传成功之后,调整一下需要翻译语言的参数,如果是英译汉,将需要发那一的语言调整为——简体中文。点击“立即翻译”这个按钮,然后开始翻译文档里面的内容,等待翻译结果即可。


