In the era of economic globalization, many products in the market, the bear shock defeat after defeat that directly exit product market competition, the reason is various, but the enterprise products without express specific interests and the reason for that is worth buying on product positioning problem also nots allow to ignore. If a product, technology advantage, face many RuLangShiHu opponent, lack of accurate positioning, its core interests can convey to the target customers, and it's very difficult to market chain, thus stimulating effect on the market is understandably passive beaten. Therefore, the product positioning itself is a defect, powerful and precise localization, the market value is strategy from the Angle of marketing, through analyzing the product properties, the degree of difficulty and commodities transaction value can be connected to the reasonable product positioning is the important factor to business opportunities. Product positioning and marketing strategies are in order to maximize the use of enterprise internal and external resource to satisfy the needs of customers, and increase enterprise profit, expand market share, it is indispensable to the enterprise, the enterprise marketing personnel as must be highly valued. In recent years, China WangLaoJi as a miracle, beverage sales by appear constantly. The main reason in the enterprise marketing strategy of successful implementation, especially the product positioning of success. WangLaoJi marketing methods and experience are worth summarizing and learning. This paper summarized as follows: the successful product positioning win the marketing strategies, reasonable can effectively promotes the WangLaoJi product positioning marketing strategy