Human life as a very special presence, with property and other rights and interests of the different nature: First of all, the uniqueness of life in its uniqueness, non-reversible, its means forever irreparable loss. 对于几乎所有的人而言,在任何情况下生命的主观价值几乎都是无限的大。 For almost all the people, in any case the subjective value the lives of almost all large unlimited. 就此而言,一个人的生命权是任何个人或社会机构都不可剥夺的。 In this regard, a person's right to life of any individual or community agencies can not be forfeited. 其次,生命的独特性表现在生命构成了一个人行驶所有其他权利的前提条件。 Secondly, the uniqueness of life in the lives of a person traveling to all other rights. 因此,生命权原则上讲不允许让位于另一种权利。 Therefore, in principle, the right to life does not allow the right to give way to another. 一个人的生命价值永远高于任何一种物质利益方面的价值。 The value of a person's life is always higher than any of the value of material interests. 再次,生命的独特性表现在生命价值间的不可比较、不可掂量上,这就决定了即便是为了挽救许多人的性命,也不允许故意剥夺某一无辜者的生命。 Third, the uniqueness of life in between the value of life can not be compared to not weigh on the decision even if it is to save the lives of many people, but also does not allow a deliberate deprivation of the lives of innocent people. 也就是说,个体生命之间完全是等价的。 In other words, between the individual life is equivalent. 而这又可以从质量和数量两个角度来解析。 This, in turn, from the perspective of the quality and quantity of the two to resolve. 从质量的层面来看,个体生命之间完全同质,在生命都是惟一性的、不可逆的、珍贵的这一点上,人与人之间是毫无差别的,故决不能讲富有的、智慧的、健壮的、英俊的人的生命要比穷苦的、凡俗的、体弱的、丑陋的人的生命高贵。 From the quality point of view, complete homogeneity between individual lives, in life is the only and not reversible, this precious, there is no difference between people, and they must not talk about the rich, wisdom, robust, and handsome than the poor person's life, and profane, and weak, ugly noble human life. 从数量层面来看,人的生命都是个体性的,没有所谓集体的生命。 Quantitative point of view, human life is individual in nature, not the so-called collective lives. 一个人如果牺牲了自己救出了50条人命,则此人的生命与这50条人命中的每一条相对应而言也都是等价的。 If a person sacrifices his own life 50 rescued, while the person's life and that of 50 people hitting the corresponding terms of each are equivalent. 由于无所谓集体的生命可言,故这里并不能出现50条人命相加价值大于这一条人命的价值的结论,他救出的是一条条同他等价的人命,而不是比他的价值大50倍的集体的人命。 As a result of collective life does not matter at all, it does not appear here, 50 the value of human life is greater than the sum of the value of one life in this conclusion, he rescued is a section of the equivalent of life with him rather than his value more than 50 times the mass of human life. 所以康德讲人命有价值而无价格。 Kant stresses of life so valuable without the price. 对于每个人来讲,其价值都是无限的大,生命在价值上无可比性。 For each people, its value is infinite, and the lives of non-comparability of the value. 在此决不能套用功利主义利益算计的方式来衡量人命价值的大小。 This must not be applied in the utilitarian way of calculating the interest to measure the size of the value of human life. 如果在这里沿用处理利益关系时的两害相权取其轻的原则,坚持为大多数人的利益而牺牲少数人利益的立场,就会出现很多为了个人生命权益而牺牲他人生命权益的不幸。 If adopted here to deal with the relationship between the interests of the two evils principle, adhere to the interests of the majority of the expense of the interests of the minority position, there will be a lot of lives for the sake of personal interests and the interests of the expense of the unfortunate people's lives.